FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A word from SakuraBubbles- Hi! Howdy, howdy. For the few fans that read this, I will continue, and I will always finish by bowing and then running away! ::looks proud:: And plus, it gives me something to do. OMG! I just saw a picture of Yue! (Finally!) He's not a lion like Keroberos! It's just Yukito with no glasses, blue eyes, really long white hair, and with wings! Gomen (Sorry) for the confusion. Anyway, stay alive, it's chapter five!

The Kyn Cards

~~Dinner with Syaoran and Kyn and the Trap Card~~

"I can't believe you fainted in Family Education class," said Tomoyo, laughing a bit. Sakura, Tomoyo, Syaoran, Quatre, and Naoko were walking home together. Because of the location of the Junior High School, Syaoran, Sakura, and Tomoyo can walk home together, which is good. They can talk about the Kyn Cards. Today, though, Naoko wanted to walk with Sakura because she was worried about her friend. She too couldn't believe Sakura fainted. "Yeah, what was that all about?" Naoko asked. "I was just worried because both Kyn and Moon hate me, and I don't want anything to do with them," Sakura replies. "Why? It's not like they're going to kill you or anything," Naoko asked. Sakura laughed a somewhat worried laugh and then whispered, "Let's hope." "Well, this is my turn off, don't faint. Bye Sakura! Bye Quatre!" Naoko yells, running off. Tomoyo nudges Quatre in the stomach and says, "Sounds like Naoko likes you, better watch out! She didn't even say bye to me, so there's no question to it!" Quatre laughs and Sakura looks to Syaoran. "If Tomoyo said that to Syaoran, he'd blush," she kids. Syaoran blushes and says, "I would not! …Don't even tell me I'm blushing right now." "Actually, you are," replies Tomoyo, and Sakura laughs. All of a sudden, Sakura's new key glows. "Huh? Oh, there must be a Kyn Card nearby," Sakura says, pulling it out. The group looks around ready for an attack. But it was not attack they got. A black barrier surrounds them and slowly shrinks. "We're going to get squished if it keeps shrinking!" yells Tomoyo. "Yeah, we're completely surrounded!" replies Sakura. Syaoran and Quatre push on the wall to try to slow it down but it's no use. "This is the Trap Card, Sakura. Seal it!" Quatre explains. Sakura nods. "Release!" She raises her wand and yells, "Return to your power confined! Trap Card!" She thrusts her wand down but nothing happens. "Eh? What's up?" she asks. Tomoyo crouches down. "It's going to squish us! Hurry!" "I know! I don't understand though!" Sakura replies. "Use the Sword to cut it!" Quatre shouts. "Sword!" Sakura hits the card and her wand changes into the sword. She cuts the black barrier and it disappears, leaving only a wing that looks like the Shield Card wing, but black. "Return to your power confined! Trap Card!" This time, the card appears and it is sealed. It flies to Syaoran. "My first Kyn Card," he sighs.

"See ya, Tomoyo!" "Bye guys!" After Tomoyo walks down the other street, Sakura and Syaoran continue walking. Quatre had been dropped off ten minutes earlier. {I wonder why Syaoran was so jealous when Quatre kissed me?} Sakura wondered. "Syaoran…" Syaoran turns to her and they stop walking and just look at each other for a moment. Finally, Sakura speaks up. "How did you know Quatre kissed me?" Syaoran looks to the ground. "I saw. I know it was because of the Trick Card." "So why did you get so mad?" "I just don't like Quatre, that's all." "Why?" "I have a bad felling about him." "Why?" "I don't know." "Why? No, I'm just kidding." "Oh, I forgot to tell you. Meilin's coming early, she'll be here on Wednesday." "What? How did she get earlier plane tickets?" "I have no idea, but she was all excited about it." "Well, she could be useful, and she won't be hanging all over you because you're not engaged anymore, right?" "Right, but she will be hanging onto me still. She'll make sure I'm safe and it will be the same, but now, I won't have to worry about her." "Well, you'll worry about her, but not worried about having to be stuck with her for the rest of your life." Syaoran smiles and nods. Sakura walks into her house along with Syaoran. "Good, Touya won't be home until after dinner," said Sakura reading the dry erase board with all of the schedules on it. "And my dad won't be home for dinner either. Guess I'm making it. Let's see, what should I make? Maybe…" Sakura's voice trails off as she walks into the kitchen. "Don't forget, you have to have Kyn over for dinner too. It's a three person project," calls Syaoran. "Right, why couldn't I just be paired up with you?" replies Sakura from the kitchen. Syaoran blushes and Kero flies down. "Hey Sakura! We're out of pudding; I ate it all and-Ahhh! WHAT IS THAT BRAT DOING HERE?" Kero yells as he sees Syaoran in the living room. Syaoran glares at him and Sakura pokes her head out of the kitchen. "Guys, quiet, I'm on the phone," she says. "With who?" asks Kero. "Hi, is Kyn there?" "WHAT? You're friends with the enemy?" yells Kero. "No, listen, I'll explain," Syaoran says. "Oh, hi Kyn. This is Sakura. Yeah, that was a very nice card you sent us. You have to come over for dinner because of the project. Yeah, come over at 5:00. No sooner, no later. Well, you can be a little late, but you have to come. It's not a family without the third person. Ha, ha. Bye," Sakura said. She hung up the phone and went into the living room. "Moon better not make her bring a dangerous card." "Yeah, we don't need that," Syaoran sighs. "Hey, I just realized something! My video game is still on! I'll be back down for dinner!" Kero yells. He flies upstairs leaving Sakura and Syaoran alone in the somewhat dark living room. Sakura goes over and turns a light on. "It's unusual for this room to be dark. It's like the Dark Card is back. Ooh, and it's a little cold, too," Sakura shivers. Syaoran nods and looks up at Sakura. "Do you want me to light a fire?" "Sure." Syaoran takes out a flame charm and throws it at the logs in the fireplace. They burst up. Sakura laughs and sits next to the fireplace. Also meaning she's sitting right next to Syaoran. Syaoran blushes because she's so close to him. Sakura turns to him, her eyes a lovely shade as she looks at him. She leans forward and they are very close, but Syaoran doesn't back up. They lean closer to each other, but suddenly jerk back at the sound of Kero yelling something at the video game. Sakura and Syaoran both blush and avoid eye contact. {Damn!} they both think.

Kero quickly flies down the stairs cursing. "Stupid Ganondorf…" he murmurs as he enters the kitchen for some Jell-O. Sakura gets up and goes upstairs to change into her other clothes. She runs down in a light blue shirt long sleeved shirt and blue jeans. "I'm going to change too," says the still blushing Syaoran. Sakura nods and walks into the kitchen. "Kero! That's enough Jell-O!" "But I'm depressed! Ganondorf beat me hard! Link sucks sometimes! If I was him, it would be a lot easier to beat him!" As Syaoran changes, he thinks about Sakura. {What would have happened if that stuffed animal hadn't interrupted us? Who knows how much Sakura likes me, she could want to tongue or something! I don't think I'm ready for that, not even with her! Well, I don't know…} He sighs and looks around Sakura's room. There are some pictures of her and Tomoyo on a bench, one of her cheerleading, one of her, Tomoyo, Naoko, Rika, and Chiharu in a pageant of some sort (they were in fancy dresses), one with her and Yukito, another with her, Yukito, and Tomoyo, and one with just her and Syaoran posing for Tomoyo's camera. He had his arm around her shoulders and her in the same pose. She was smiling and winking and he was smiling too. She used her free arm to hold her cheerleading baton, for it was right after a cheerleading competition, which her team had won. Syaoran used his free arm to hold up the trophy. Sakura wanted him to be in the picture, and Tomoyo took it. He had remembered that day; he was surprised he didn't blush for the picture. He really has to get over that habit of his. He thought he saw Kero flying in the background of the picture so he picked it up. {Nope, just a bird. I didn't think it was that stuffed toy} He put the picture back down and something fell out of the back of the frame. {Great, I broke the frame} But no, it was a note. "Huh?" he gasped. He took the note in his hand. It was folded but it looked like it had been unfolded a billion times. All over it said, "Tomoyo, if you find this just put it back. Don't give it to Syaoran!" He turned it over and it said on the other side, "To Syaoran." "It's for me," he said. He looked behind him to make sure the door wasn't open. He knew this wasn't like him, looking through other people's stuff. Especially Sakura's stuff. But his curiosity got the better of him this time. He was about to open it but there was a voice at the door. "Syaoran, are you okay in there?" It was Sakura. "I'm fine, I'll be right out," he replied. He quickly stuffed the note back into its hiding place. He gathered up his school clothes and opened the door.

Syaoran came downstairs to find Kyn sitting on the couch. She looked up at him and said, "Hey there. I got bored at my place. Moon's trying to think of a good meal to cook. She's into killing Sakura but her grades are important too." He glared at her and then walked into the kitchen. Kero had eaten eleven packages of Jell-O and was on his twelfth. "Kero, I've told you six times already. To beat Ganondorf you have to have Link use his sword to reflect Ganondorf's lightning attacks. It's like playing tennis. And when the lightning hits him, hit him with a Light Arrow, use your hover boots to get over to him and slash him with your sword. Then jump back and repeat. Geez," explained Sakura. She then noticed Syaoran in the kitchen. She had her hair behind a bandana so no hair would fall into the food, like she wore when the Sweet Card appeared. "Hey, Kyn just arrived, but you knew that, huh?" she said. Syaoran nodded and reached for Kero. "Hey, what's the idea?!" yelled Kero. "Save some Jell-O for dessert," Syaoran replied. "I already tried that, Li-kun. He won't listen," said Sakura angrily. Syaoran let Kero go and walked back into the living room. Kyn was reading a magazine. "Oooo, I like that hairstyle. That one's nice too-Oh! Hey Syaoran!" she exclaimed, putting the magazine down. "Dinner will be ready in five!" called Sakura from the kitchen. "Hai," replied Syaoran and Kyn. (Yes) "Sakura, I know how to beat Ganondorf, it's just I need to know what to do when he throws a big charge of lightning at you," Kero says. "Ugh, either use a Spin Slash to hit it back at him or when he's charging up, hit him with a Light Arrow! Stop asking me and just go beat him!" explains Sakura. Sakura walks out of the kitchen and starts to set the table. Syaoran and Kyn walk over and sit. "Kero, would you mind getting the drinks for everyone?" "Fine, what does everyone want?" "Coke with no ice." "Same here." "All right, Sakura, what do you want?" "I'll have the same as them." "All right, one Coke no ice coming up." "One?" "Yeah, one for Sakura. She's the only one I like here." "Stuffed animal…"

After drinks and dinner is passed out, the group begins the meal. "What are we supposed to do, take notes on how we eat?" asks Syaoran. "No, we just say what we learned from the 'family' experience tomorrow in school," answers Sakura. "This is the first time in a while I've been able to eat with someone other than Moon," says Kyn. "We haven't heard much of you, Kyn, what is your family like?" asks Sakura. Kyn looks up at her, has a bite of her meal, a sip of her Coke, and says, "My family is the strongest family in the Shadow Li Clan. We always used to train; we had to uphold our title. Quatre's family was in a close second, but we are always stronger. Hey, little cream puff, pass the salt." Kero glares at her and says, "I'll show you a cream puff." He throws the salt at her and she catches it. "Thanks," Kyn says. "What was Quatre like?" asks Sakura. Syaoran looks at her then back at his food. "As a little kid, he was so CUTE!" Kyn exclaims, her eyes in the form of stars. "Yes, he was the cutest little guy there! He was so short, and in his little outfit he looked very kawaii!" (Cute) Kyn puts her hands to her face. "He still is a cutie, isn't he, Sakura?" Kyn opens her devilish eyes and looks to Sakura. "Um…um…ummmmm," mumbles Sakura, blushing. "Oh, that's right, you like Syaoran," says Kyn, evilly. Syaoran blushes and Sakura "accidentally" spills her soda. She jumps up in her chair and exclaims, "Oops! I spilled, I'll be back!" She runs into the kitchen. Kyn laughs devilishly. Syaoran looks to Kero. "At least I can stand you a bit," says Kero, looking mad at Kyn.

After dinner is finished and cleaned up, Kyn leaves. Sakura falls onto the couch sighing. "Oh boy, I thought dinner would last forever." "Yeah, well I better leave, your brother is coming back soon. He'll kill me if he sees me, so bye," says Syaoran, picking up his backpack. "Yep, see you in school tomorrow. Bye!" Sakura exclaims. Syaoran closes the door behind him and starts walking. He keeps thinking about the note. {Oh Syaoran, just forget about it} Syaoran nods silently. Someone appears behind him as he is about to go into his house. It is Moon. "Have fun with my sister? Did she even bring a card with her?" she asks. Syaoran shakes his head. "Hmmm, that's weird, I told her to. She's been acting weird since last night. All well, I'll kill Sakura myself," replies Moon. Syaoran lunges a fist at her but she disappears before he can hit her. "Damn it," he curses.

~~End of Chapter Five~~

::to the Thong Song:: That was long, long, long, long, long! ::stops singing:: What about the kiss? Almost! Why am I so evil as to not let them finish! ::shrugs:: All well. Oh, I don't own any Zelda characters, I just felt like putting them in there. I've beaten OOT four times! Hee, hee. That strategy of killing Ganondorf is right, I should know. Anyway, Chapter Six is on the way, I just have to be sad because in that chapter, Meilin comes back. But, a new relationship brews between her and someone else. You can probably guess who it is. Touya! No, just kidding. Well, bye bye! -SakuraBubbles ::bows and runs away::

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