FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A word from SakuraBubbles- Hey minna-san! I'm sooooo sorry I didn't get this up sooner but I had a BIG project to work on! I hate eighth grade! >:-( Anyway, some of you wanted some S+Q...Why? S+S is more correct, but I will be nice and put some in. BTW, Meilin and Syaoran aren't engaged anymore, but she still is overprotective as if they were. Don't forget too, Sakura and Syaoran must work on their project with Kyn! What will she do? Find out! Hee, I'm hyper again... o.o'

The Kyn Cards

~~Moon's Doll and the Defense Card~~

"I can't believe Meilin's coming back tomorrow," says Tomoyo. Her and Sakura were chatting over the phone. "Yeah, Syaoran isn't too happy, but with the Kyn Cards so strong, it would be wise to have as much help as possible," replies Sakura. "Sakura! Dinner!" called her father. "Okay! I'll be right down!" replied Sakura. "I have to go, see you in school." "Yep, bye!" says Tomoyo. Sakura hung up and ran down for dinner.

When Sakura went to sleep that night, she had her premonition dream again. "The kiss of the Sun and the love of the Moon will stop the disaster along with the fierce gusts of the white wind." {The dream again} Sakura thinks in her dream. {Wait, it's different!} Syaoran is still holding her in his arms, but he is holding the Sun card. Sakura is holding the Windy and the Moon. After Sakura faints or whatever in Syaoran's arms, the Windy and Moon fly to one figure. {Where's Kyn? All I see is Moon!} Syaoran looks up at Moon and yells out something, but of course, Sakura's alarm chooses that moment to buzz. Sakura swats her alarm and gets in the shower and so on. She gets her blades on and skates to school. On her way there, she meets up with Tomoyo, Syaoran, Quatre, and Meilin. "Hi Meilin! I haven't seen you since Christmas!" exclaims Sakura. "Yeah, that's right. So, anyway, Syaoran, which card did you just capture?" replies Meilin. "We captured the Trap Card. It was real easy, although we almost got squished," Syaoran answered. Suddenly, Sakura's key glows and points in back of Meilin. "Meilin! Move!" orders Syaoran. "Huh?" is all Meilin does. Something jumps out of the bushes and attacks Meilin. Meilin punches it, but it doesn't seem to be hurt at all. Meilin punches it and kicks it, but the thing blocks every punch and kick. "It's got quick reflexes," admires Tomoyo. "It's the Defense Card, use the Trap Card to trap it!" orders Quatre. Syaoran calls upon the Trap Card, but the Defense Card jumps onto Sakura, and then hops off. "Damn," Quatre curses. "All well. Hey! We're going to be late for school!" exclaims Sakura. "Hey, they didn't get it," says Kyn, from the school. "Yeah, but the Defense didn't get Sakura, and it's doing what it pleases," Moon replies. Meanwhile, the Defense is playing with little kids.

After school, Sakura, Kyn, and Syaoran walk to Kyn's house. Moon now has Meilin in her group instead of Miko, because Miko had to switch classes anyway, and Meilin needed a group. But Sakura doesn't care about Miko, almost no one does. She's worried about Chiharu and Meilin. {What if Moon hurts them?} Sakura thinks. Kyn opens the door to her house with her key and let's everyone in. "I'll make dinner right away, I don't want you guys here long, Moon will get pissed," she says walking into the kitchen. Sakura dumps her backpack on the floor next to Syaoran's and walks into the living room. It is very basic, two couches, a chair, TV, and a table in the middle. Sakura walks over to the table and picks up a picture. It looks like a very young Moon and Kyn playing baseball. Moon is in a very cute baseball uniform and Kyn is in the same. Moon is smiling and it is a very nice smile, not the one she usually gives Sakura. "Moon playing baseball? I never would have imagined!" exclaims Sakura. She hears Kyn laugh in the kitchen. "Yeah, that was before she found the Clow Cards of course," Kyn replies. Sakura puts the picture and something new catches her interest: a doll that looks like Moon. She picks up the doll and sees a flash of memories. "Kyn! Pass me the ball!" It is Moon playing a little game with Kyn. "Okay Moon! Just as long as you pass it back!" Kyn passes Moon the ball, and Moon throws it back. Kyn doesn't catch it, but Moon tells her its okay. Another memory starts and this one is Moon dancing at a school play. It's a fast paced dance and the audience is clapping in tune to the music. When Moon is done, she gets a standing ovation. Another memory is Moon and Quatre kissing on a hill. Other memories include Moon telling jokes, and acting in a play, with Kyn by her side in both memories. Then Sakura sees the face of the doll again. She backs up and sits on the chair. "Ow! Sakura!" But chairs usually don't speak. Sakura jumped up and realized she was sitting on Syaoran. "Sorry!" she exclaims. Syaoran tells her its okay, and she walks into the kitchen. Kyn is measuring something and then looks up at Sakura. "Yeah?" she asks. "Oh, I was just wondering what this doll is. When I picked it up, I saw a bunch of scenes," answers Sakura. "Oh, that doll," Kyn says. She puts a serious and sad look on her face. "After Moon found the Clow Cards and learned how to control them, she figured that she would be too soft if she stayed the same way; so caring and loving. So she sealed all of her happy and loving memories into the doll, along with any feelings besides hatred. All she has is hatred in her now." Sakura looks to the ground and is about to say something when Kyn says, "Dinner will be ready in five, so can you set the table please?"

"So that's what that doll was," says Syaoran. Sakura nods and puts the silverware on the table. "Dinner is ready!" yells Kyn. Sakura and Syaoran get their drinks and sit down. "Kyn, why does Moon hate me?" asks Sakura, after dumping some noodles on her plate. Kyn looks at her and eats some noodles, then looks at Sakura again. "One reason is you are the Card Mistress, another is you are blocking her from Syaoran," Kyn starts. She eats some noodles and says. "Yep, Moon is in love with Syaoran, and is jealous that Sakura is so close to him." Sakura and Syaoran blush, and Kyn looks to Sakura again. "The last reason is you have love in your heart," Kyn finishes. "What? Why would she be jealous of that?" Sakura asks. "Moon sometimes goes through a little period of time when she doesn't know who she is. That's what happens when you seal your memories inside a doll. She sometimes remembers the kiss her and Quatre shared so long ago and wonders where it came from. She doesn't know what love is anymore, so she's jealous." "Oh, wow." Sakura eats her noodles without another word.

"Bye, Kyn!" Sakura shouts as she and Syaoran leave. Moon walks up to them with an evil glare. Sakura looks at her and says, "I am sorry for you." Sakura and Syaoran walk off leaving Moon a little confused. She then remembers and runs into the house. "Kyn! Did Sakura find my doll?!" she screams. "Syaoran!" yells a voice from the other side of Syaoran. "Meilin, there you are," replies Syaoran as Meilin runs up to him and Sakura. "Hey, Kinomoto-san, what's up with you? You look sad," asks Meilin. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing. Hey, my key!" Sakura replies. Her key is glowing again. "I wonder if the Defense Card is back," Syaoran says. The Defense Card jumps out of the bushes and attacks Sakura. "Hoeeeeeeeeeeee!" she screams, hitting the Defense over and over with her backpack. "Sakura, get with it! Use the Fight Card!" yells Syaoran. "Release!" she yells. "Fight Card! Give me your strength and power! Fight!" Sakura hits the card with her wand. The next thing she hits is the Defense Card. It blocks, but she kicks and punches numerous times. The Defense blocks everything she does. "Wait, what card did Quatre say to use?" asks Meilin. "The Trap Card!" exclaims Sakura. Syaoran calls upon the Trap and traps the Defense in it. "Returns to your power confined! Defense!" The card is sealed and it goes to Sakura, and the Trap Card returns to Syaoran. Sakura puts her wand away and they all continue walking. Meanwhile back at Kyn and Moon's house, Moon is holding her doll. "Sakura…" Moon whispers as a tear trickles down her tanned face. She then falls into a peaceful sleep.

~~End of Chapter Six~~

Howdy, howdy, howdy! How was the long awaited Chapter 6? It was kind of sucky, huh? Well, I already have plans for the Chapters up to Chap. 11! I'm really ahead of myself! But, if it gets them up faster, than it's all good.! Ja! -SakuraBubbles ::bows and runs away::

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