FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A word from SakuraBubbles-Konnichi wa! Already time for Chapter 7, I can't believe it! There's a little tiny bit of S+S in this chapter, but it's very tiny, almost microscopic. Anyway, I am proud to announce that in total I came up with 48 additional Clow Cards! So in total, there are ::sits there and thinks for an hour and finally gets the answer:: 100 cards in total! Wow! ::jumps up and down:: But enough math, on with the story!

The Kyn Cards

~~The Sleepover, The Sight Card, and the Ghost~~

Sakura awoke on Friday morning a little scared. She had a dream, and in this dream, she was being chased by a ghost. The ghost picked her up and threw her down hard, but luckily, Syaoran caught her. They stood and looked at each other and were about to kiss but Syaoran turned into a ghost and chased her. Although it was weird and she knew Syaoran would never hurt her, it still scared her. She got showered as she told Kero her dream. "So, ghosts. I wonder if there is a Ghost Kyn Card," Kero says. "There better not be!" yells Sakura. "There better not be what?" asked Touya, who had been passing the bathroom door as she yelled it. "Nothing!" she replied loudly. Later, she ate breakfast and then got her school stuff together and her blades on. She skated down the road and caught up with Syaoran, Tomoyo, Meilin, and Quatre. Sakura blades slowly and her friends walk next to her. Suddenly, a ghost appears behind Sakura. "Hey guys, I had a weird dream. It had a ghost in it, and it was chasing me. It caught me and threw me to the ground, but Syaoran caught me. But then he turned into a ghost and then I woke up," Sakura said. {I couldn't tell anyone that Syaoran and I were going to kiss in the dream! Not even Tomoyo!} Sakura thinks. "I turned in to a ghost?" asked Syaoran, turning to Sakura. He saw the ghost behind her. "S…Sakura! Behind you!" Quatre pointed, also noticing the ghost. The ghost disappeared just as Sakura turned around. "What?" she asked. "I thought I saw a gh--," Quatre started, but Syaoran covered his mouth and pulled him closer. "Sakura is afraid of ghosts. Any word of them and she'll go crazy!" Syaoran explained. "Oh," Quatre replied. They got to school in no time after that, and yet Sakura could swear she felt someone's eyes on her the whole time. Someone's eyes were on her. And they belonged to Moon. The ghost that had been behind Sakura was next to her, as was Kyn. "What happened? Why did it leave?" Kyn asks. "Because I don't want anyone to see it yet. I want to wait for when the opportunity is just right," explains Moon. Kyn shrugs. "We better get to school, otherwise Mr. Omega will have our heads."

After a long and boring school day, Sakura, Syaoran, and Kyn walk to Syaoran's apartment. {I can't believe it, I'm sleeping at Syaoran's house! I haven't been here since…oh, I don't know! But I've never slept here!} thinks Sakura. "Where are we sleeping?" asks Kyn, dumping her sleeping bag and backpack in the hallway. All of sudden, a big, yellow fluffy monster jumps into the room. It has enormous eyes and it is staring at Sakura. "What the?!" Sakura exclaims. The puff jumps up and down and then jumps to Sakura. "The Sight Card? What is it doing here?" asks Kyn. "Release!" Sakura yells. Her key becomes the staff and she then yells, "Return to your power confined! Sight!" She thrusts down her wand and the card is sealed and it goes to Sakura. "That was easy," says Syaoran. Sakura nods and then the phone rings. Syaoran picks it up. "Mushi-Ah! Hey, what the heck is your problem, you stuffed toy? Trying to deafen me? What do you mean 'If I only could?' Oh, you want to talk to Sakura? Here she is," Syaoran answers, then hands the phone to Sakura. "Kero, right?" "Yes, a very pissed Kero." "Why?" "You're sleeping at the kid's house!" "Kero, it's for Family Ed class! Don't blame me!" "Fine, just don't let him-," Kero begins to yell, but Sakura hangs up the phone. "He'll get over it," she says, handing the phone to Syaoran.

Sakura and Kyn start to watch movies as Syaoran prepares dinner. Kero did call back, but Sakura cooled him off. Meilin called too, wondering how Syaoran was doing, and making sure Sakura didn't sleep too close to him. Syaoran and Sakura both got as mad as Kero was and hung up on her. Of course they both blushed and Kyn laughed. After the movie was done, Sakura and Kyn started to help Syaoran make dinner. Also after dinner, the Ghost Card reappears, but it's invisible. The group eats and actually has a nice conversation, like what movie they'll watch next, whether or not to play Truth or Dare, and when to actually get to sleep. And they also tell some funny stuff. "And then, Tomoyo--," continued Sakura from a story, but she was interrupted by a loud crash. "What was that?" asked Syaoran, getting up. He walks into the living room, and sees a vase on the floor broken. "Hey! That was my mom's!" Syaoran yells. Kyn walks in and goes over to the window. "Moon, you just broke something of Syaoran's, I don't think you wanted the Ghost to do that," she whispers. A bottle near Kyn breaks suddenly and Syaoran whips around. "Kyn! Did you break that?" he asks. "No, why would you think it was me?" Kyn asks, a little hurt. "Yeah right, you're the only one over there," replies Syaoran. Kyn doesn't like not being trusted so she starts to cry. Sakura runs in. "Syaoran! Why did you make her cry?" she yells, smacking him. "Ow! She shouldn't have broke it!" Syaoran replies, rubbing his shoulder where Sakura smacked him. "I didn't break anything!" cries Kyn. Syaoran looks at her. Sakura suddenly is picked up into the air. "Syaoran!" she yells out. Kyn looks up at Sakura. "Sakura!" yells Syaoran. "Oh, it must be a card," Kyn says. "Syaoran! Help! Kyn! Please!" yells Sakura. "It's a Kyn Card, Sakura. Kyn, which card?" asks Syaoran. "I'm not telling," says Kyn, glaring at him. "Why not?" "Because you suck." "I suck?" "You're mean!" "I'm not mean!" "Syaoran!" yells Sakura. The thing that grabbed her is lifting her higher. "Tell me," commands Syaoran. "Say you're sorry." "I'm sorry." "Mean it!" "I'm sorry, Kyn, I won't accuse you of doing anything wrong ever again." "Will you be my friend?" "Only if you vow to never hurt Sakura." "I had no intention of hurting Sakura. That's Moon's department. Anyway, I want to be more like Sakura. I gave her the new key, and told her that Keroberos and Yue were going to lose their power against the Kyn Cards soon. Sakura is so nice, I want to be like her. And the card that broke you vase, this bottle, and is hurting Sakura is the Ghost Card!" Syaoran takes out his sword and uses his lightning attack. The still invisible Ghost Card drops Sakura and Syaoran catches her. "It's like in my dream!" cries Sakura. She is looking at Syaoran with fear in her eyes. "Sakura, I won't turn into a ghost, and you know I wouldn't hurt you," says Syaoran. He looks deep in her eyes, and she looks deep in his. The attack from the Ghost Card was a big surprise for them and Syaoran jumped back with Sakura still in his arms. "Sakura, use the Sight Card to see the Ghost Card," he says, putting her down gently. "Right. Release! Sight Card! Allow me to see the unseen! Sight!" Sakura's staff appears and she hits the Sight Card, giving her the power. She looks up at the Ghost and screams. "Sakura?" Syaoran asks. "It's too scary, I can't!" yells Sakura, covering her eyes. "C'mon Sakura! You're the Card Mistress!" "But it's too scary! I never thought I'd ever see a ghost ever, Syaoran!" "Sakura…" Syaoran gets in back of her and grips her arms in his hands. "Huh?" asks Sakura, opening her eyes to see him. Syaoran doesn't do anything but raise her arms, also raising her wand. "I've done the hard part, now seal it," says Syaoran. "Return to your power confined! Ghost Card!" yells Sakura. Syaoran forces her arms down and the card is sealed. The card rests in Sakura's hands and she puts it in her pocket. "I don't really care for that card too much," she says. "Um, Syaoran? Could you let me go?" Syaoran blushes, lets her go, and jumps back five feet. (Not literally, for all you evil people who get technical)

Kyn falls asleep during the second video they watch, and Sakura is very close to sleeping. {It's not that he helped me lift up my arms; I just feel so safe and warm around him} Sakura thinks. She rests her head on Syaoran's chest, and falls asleep. Syaoran at first wants to move her, but then decides not to move her, and he too falls asleep. Meanwhile, Meilin, Moon, and Chiharu wrecked their dinner and fall asleep pissed at each other.

~~End of Chapter Seven~~

::is still jumping up and down:: Hey minna-san! ::is getting lightheaded so stops:: Whoa. Anyway, how'd you like it? I told you the S+S was kind of little. I don't have much else to say, so bye! -SakuraBubbles ::bows and runs away::

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