FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A word from the author- Konnichi wa! Chapter Eight! Not too long of a wait! Hee, rhyme. Yet again, my friends, I am hyper. I'm basically always hyper. ::smiles wide:: Anyway, I'm glad I'm already this far into the fic, even though I have sssssoooooooo many cards to write about. Anyway, S+S today! ::dances:: On with the fic!

The Kyn Cards

~~The Carnival~~

"Yeah! It's going to be awesome!" exclaims Sakura. "Oh yes, most definitely!" shouts Tomoyo. "I like carnival rides," Quatre adds. "Meilin isn't good with rides," says Syaoran. "I am too! I love rides!" protests Meilin. "It'll be fun! You can join a talent show too!" exclaims Kyn. "A PIE EATING CONTEST!!!!!" yells Kero, his eyes stars. "You can't join, silly," says Sakura. Kero hovers with his mouth open and then starts to cry. The group was looking at a poster ad for the Saturday night carnival. "I bet they will have snacks, and games, rides! All the fun stuffs! I am sooo there!" says Tomoyo. "It will be great to put some mischief into it," says a voice from above. The group looks up and they see Moon sitting on a roof of a house. She jumps down and lands in front of Sakura. "You know, Moon, you shouldn't be on people's roofs," Kyn scolds. "Quiet, you took my doll," says Moon, glaring at Kyn. "Give it!" "No, you said I could have it!" "I don't remember that." "Yeah, because it was a nice thing you did, and you sealed your nice stuff and happiness into here, don't you even remember that?" "I do, but I want you to forget about it." "Never!" "Oh, just keep the damn thing." "Okay." Moon jumps back up onto the roof, and then jumps out of sight. "I don't like her," Meilin stammers. "Sakura does," says Syaoran. "What? No, it's not that, I just feel bad for her. Kyn, is there any way you can give her kindness and stuff back?" explains Sakura. "Only Moon can," says Kyn, sadly. Sakura looks down, but Kero says, "Sakura, you shouldn't feel bad for the person who is trying to kill you." Sakura shakes her head and says, "But I can't help it." Tomoyo gasps and everyone looks at her. "I just got a great idea! I'll enter Sakura, Kyn, Meilin, and myself into the talent show! We can wear dresses that I make! I'll start them now!" she exclaims, then runs off. Everyone falls to the ground with a big sweat drop on their heads.

"Next," commands the person behind the counter. Meilin steps up. "Yes, I'd like to enter Li Quatre and Li Syaoran into the talent show, please," she says. "And what will they be doing?" asks the woman. "They will have a sword fight. Thank you!" Meilin answers. "Next," says the woman. Meilin skips out of the tent and back to Sakura, Syaoran, Kyn, and Quatre. "I can't believe you're making us do this," says Syaoran. "Oh don't whine!" Meilin exclaims. "Sakura, shouldn't we sign up?" asks Kyn. "No, Tomoyo already did. She's working on the costumes now. Hey! Rika! Chiharu! Naoko!" Sakura replies. She sees her friends and waves. "Hey Sakura! Are you in the talent show?" asks Rika. "Yes, with Meilin, Kyn, and Tomoyo. Are you guys?" "Yeah, we're all going to sing. We are kind of dumb! We should have asked you and Tomoyo! Sorry!" "It's alright." "Well, see ya!" "Bye!" Rika, Naoko, and Chiharu walk off. Sakura grabs Syaoran's arms. "Hey, let's go on some rides!" she exclaims, also grabbing Quatre.

"Thank you, next," the woman behind the counter groans. "I am Li Moon, and I want to enter the talent show," Moon says, stepping up to the counter. "Don't we all. And what will you be doing?" asks the lady. "I will be showing off absolute talent," replies Moon, grinning evilly. The woman rolls her eyes and writes Moon's name down. Moon notices the rolling eyes and sends a spark of electricity to the woman. "O!" squeals the woman. Moon runs out and when she is out of the tent, she reaches into her bag and pulls out three Kyn Cards. The Fun, the Balance, and the Clown. Moon laughs to herself and then says, "This shall prove to be most interesting."

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" yells Sakura and Syaoran as they plummet down in the roller coaster. Sakura holds onto Syaoran as they go upside-down. Of course, Syaoran blushes. After they get off, Sakura jumps up and down. "Let's do that ride again!" she exclaims. "Are you crazy? You were freaked out by that ride!" says Syaoran. "Yeah, but it was just the first time jitters! I loved that ride!" exclaims Sakura. {It was also because I got to hold onto Syaoran} she thinks, looking to him. {What? Who thought that? Me? But, I…Do I?} Sakura looks down and Syaoran sees Meilin, Kyn, and Quatre coming off of the same ride. "Whoa…" is all Meilin says. She wobbles over with swirls in her eyes to Syaoran and puts her head on his shoulder. "I'm dizzy," she groans. "What are you mumbling about? That was the best ride! What did you think of it, Quatre? Quatre?" asks Kyn. Quatre wasn't paying attention; he was looking off to a stand. "Quatre?" "Huh? Oh, sorry, what?" Quatre turns to Kyn and Kyn realizes why he was distracted. So does Sakura and Syaoran. "A Kyn Card, right?" asks Meilin looking up with the swirls in her eyes finally gone. Moon comes out behind the stand Quatre was looking at and stares at Sakura, making her jumps behind Quatre. Moon laughs and then disappears. Quatre turns to Sakura and tells her that Moon's gone. Sakura sighs, "Phew," and then sees Tomoyo. "Tomoyo!" Sakura calls to her. Tomoyo runs over with two paper bags. "Oh good, you're all here. Sakura, Meilin, and Kyn, follow me!" In a flash they are all running with Tomoyo in the lead, leaving Syaoran and Quatre standing there, confused. Quatre looks to Syaoran. "Um, want to go on some rides?"

"Ladies and gentleman, the talent show will be starting in ten minutes, so all participants please get ready. Thank you." Tomoyo looks up to the loudspeaker. "Well, that's our call, let's get into costume." Sakura is dressed in a white leotard with ruffled short sleeves, blue see-through sparkly pants like a harlequin, with little white wings in the back. Her hair was in the usual style. Kyn's costume is a light blue dress down to her ankles with a big dark blue bow in the back. A white bandanna was covering her hair, and she had gloves that went a little past her elbows. "Do I have to wear this?" asked Kyn, feeling silly in her outfit. Meilin is in a light green dress with her hair in two braids. The dress is sparkly and she has a dark green bow in her hair. There is also a dark green cotton jacket with cuffs of fuzz. Tomoyo is in a pink dress down to her knees with ruffles everywhere. Her hair is in long pigtails and her eyes are stars. "I'm soooo happy!" she exclaims. The talent show goes on and Tomoyo, Meilin, Kyn, and Sakura comes out. A lot of people like the outfits but Moon is laughing at her sister. They walk off the stage and Moon sends the Clown Card out. The Clown card juggles, makes funny sounds, and acts. The audience is roaring with laughter. Sakura senses the Kyn Card so she releases her wand. The Clown Card bows, releasing a bunny and making some people laugh, and then walks off stage. "Return to your power confined! Clown Card!" yells Sakura. The card is sealed and then Moon sends out the Balance Card. The first thing it does is balance on a tiny pin. Then it stands on its small nose, and balances a scared Sakura on its pinkie. It walks off after loads of laughter and applause, still with Sakura on its hand. It puts her down and Sakura seals it. "I wish I didn't have to seal these! These cards are fun!" exclaims Sakura. Moon sends out the Fun Card and it begins to have a silly dance with Syaoran. "Ah!" yelps Syaoran. The audience is roaring with laughter again and then the Fun walks off with Syaoran. It scoops up Sakura and walks over to the Ferris Wheel and rides on it with a laughing Sakura and a blushing Syaoran. It then rides on the Roller Coaster with the two and then Sakura, though laughing the whole time, seals it.

After the last act: Naoko, Chiharu, and Rika singing, the dance starts. At the first dance, Yukito comes and asks Sakura to dance, Meilin and Syaoran dance, Tomoyo and Takashi dance, and Kyn and Quatre dance. Moon watches her sister with envy and then jumps off into the night. At the next slow dance, Tomoyo and Sakura pretend to dance but then Sakura asks Syaoran to dance. He blushes, but Sakura pulls him onto the dance floor. At first he is awkward, but then he holds Sakura as if they were in love. (Which they are! I'll shut up now) The music seems to disappear from Sakura as she dances with Syaoran, as if their magic made the rest of the world fly away. But she does realize that the song ends because Syaoran slowly lets her go. They just stand there, blushing and not daring to look at each other. Tomoyo steps up to Sakura and gives her some cotton candy. "Here, I forgot to give you this," she says. "Oh, thank you. Syaoran?" Sakura takes the cotton candy. Syaoran looks at her and she smiles. "Want some?" Sakura asks. "Sure thanks," Syaoran answers. "Mine is better, have some," says a voice behind Tomoyo. Tomoyo turns around to see Moon with cotton candy. She has it tilt toward Syaoran. "Uh, okay," replies Syaoran. Sakura and Tomoyo walk back to the benches and a slow song begins. (Lotsa slow songs, huh?) Moon grabs Syaoran's hand and asks to dance. Syaoran tries to refuse, but she holds him. Sakura is pissed so she eyes Quatre. "Hey Quatre!" yells Sakura. "Wanna dance?" Quatre looks at her and says, "Sure!" They dance and Tomoyo shakes her head. "Geez, Sakura, you're really popular tonight."

After a bunch of fast pace fun songs, Tomoyo leaves. Then Meilin, Yukito, Naoko, Chiharu, and Rika. Moon blows Syaoran and Quatre a kiss, and Kyn winks at Quatre, then they jump off. "Hey, Syaoran, Quatre! Looks like they both have their eyes on you!" exclaims Sakura. Quatre laughs but Syaoran shakes his head. "Great, the enemy likes us," he mumbles, but Sakura says, "Kyn isn't our enemy!" Quatre and Syaoran look at her. "What? Hey, Syaoran, she helped us seal the Sight and Ghost Cards!" Sakura pleads. "Yeah, all she did was tell us the names of the cards," Syaoran replies. "Well, she's my friend, so I don't care," answers Sakura. "Well, the carnival is just about done, so why don't we walk you home, Sakura?" asks Quatre. "Sure, I could use some company," answers Sakura. "Just don't come up to the door, otherwise my brother will kill you."

~~The End (finally) of Chapter Eight~~

So minna-san, how was it? Kinda long, I know, but awesome S+S!!! ::eyes sparkle:: I'm so glad! Well, ::eyes no more sparkle:: I'm sorry to say, but in the next chapter, there will be S+Q. I am a traitor! And I keep going back and forth between the two. I'm evil. -SakuraBubbles ::bows and runs away::

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