FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A word from SakuraBubbles- Konnichi wa, minna-san! S+Q today! ::cries softly in a corner:: I know, I'm evil, but some people want it, so I'll give it! Anyway, on with the fic!

The Kyn Cards

~~The Steel and Rock Cards~~

"Sakura! Use the Shield to protect that building! Quick!" yells Quatre, running behind the Steel Card's massive steel body. The Card Captors were against the Steel Card, a very powerful card as strong as steel. The Steel Card was about to destroy an office building but Sakura whipped out the Shield. "Shield! Protect that building!" yells Sakura. A barrier surrounded the building and the Steel tried to break it, but couldn't. "Kinomoto! Behind you!" yells Meilin. The Steel Card was about to smack Sakura over the head. "Hoeee!" she screamed expecting the worst. But Keroberos swooped down and picked her up. "Thanks Kero!" Sakura says, hugging the lion. "No problem. The Steel Card picked a hell of a night to attack, huh Sakura? We're all gonna catch colds!" replies Keroberos. It was raining very hard, but the Steel Card still attacked the Card Captors. Syaoran couldn't use his lightning attack because then everyone would get hurt because of the rain. "Ground Card! Release!" yells Quatre. He hit the card with his sword and the Ground creature appeared. "Lower the ground under the Steel Card so it can't jumps as high!" commands Quatre. The Ground went to work and the Steel Card was stuck in a huge hole. "Seal it!" yells Syaoran. "Return to your power confined! Steel Card!" shouts Sakura. She thrusts down her wand and the card is sealed. It flies past Tomoyo, who was recording the whole thing, then Meilin and up to Quatre. "Great job, Card Mistress!" exclaims Yue. Sakura puts her hand on the back of her head and smiles. "Yay! I got every little thing on tape! Do you like your costume, Sakura?" asks Tomoyo, running up to her. "Yeah, but it's not really warm," complains Sakura. Her costume was a hat much like the hat she wore for the Dash Card so long ago. But it was blue and silver, matching her wand. The dress was much like the Time Card outfit, but in dark blue. It didn't have the wings but instead a white bow. The stockings were up to her knees and were white. "You're really into bows this year, huh Tomoyo?" asks Sakura. She then sneezes. "Oh, excuse me." "Sakura, are you all right?" asks Syaoran, jumping down and landing next to her. "I'm fine. Fly!" Her wand grows its wings and Tomoyo gets on and Sakura flies off with Kero tagging behind them. Then Syaoran sneezes. "Syaoran? Are you all right?" asks Meilin. "I'm fine!"

"Achoooo! I don't care! I can go to school! It's just a high fever and a sneeze! Ahh, achoooo!" "If you wanted to go to school, you shouldn't have been out in the rain with that Li-kun brat." "Touya!" "No, Sakura, I think you should stay home today." "But dad…" "No buts. You are sick, so you will stay home. You're acting strange though, you usually rejoice if you're too sick to go to school." "Not anymore because she wants to see Li-kun." "TOUYA! OUT!" Sakura's father laughs but then he and Touya walk out of Sakura's room, shutting the door behind them. So Kero popped out of doll form and flew onto her bed. "So what? You're not going to school. Big whoop. You should have used the Rain Card to stop the rain," he says. "Shut up Kero. Achoooo! Ugh, I feel awful. Maybe me staying home is for the best. Hey, Kero, you are dirty from the rain, go wash your face," suggests Sakura. She then yawns and gets under her covers and falls asleep. "Hope you feel better, Sakura," says Kero, as he is about to fly out to the bathroom. He has to drop into doll form because Sakura's father opens the door. "Oh, good. She's asleep. Huh? Oh, her stuffed animal is on the floor. Wow, it's really dirty. I'll throw it in the wash," he says, picking Kero up. {Uh-oh, maybe he'll get distracted!} Kero thinks, sweating. Sakura's father plops him into the washer with some other clothes and then turns the washer on. After he hears Sakura's father walk out of the room, Kero realizes he's in BIG trouble. "NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Tomoyo sees Kyn, Meilin, Quatre, and a sick looking Syaoran off in the distance ahead of her. "Syaoran! You should walk right back home and get into bed! You're being ridiculous!" yells Meilin. "Yeah, she's right for once!" Kyn adds. "I'm fine, it's just a cold," replies Syaoran. After he sneezes, he sees Tomoyo walking alone. "Hey, Tomoyo! Where's Sakura?" "She's staying home today," answers Tomoyo, walking up to them. "What happened?" asks Kyn, worried. "Oh, she has a cold from last night's rain," explains Tomoyo. "Oh good, I thought the Steel Card had hurt her bad or something," Kyn sighs. "See? Kinomoto is staying home! You should too!" Meilin yells at Syaoran. Syaoran gives her a look and then they all start toward the school. In school, Naoko and Chiharu wonder where Sakura is. "She's sick from last night's rain," answers Quatre. "Oh, so is Rika and Takashi. All well," replies Naoko, looking into Quatre's eyes. Quatre smiles at her and then sits down. Meilin sits in her seat next to him, which is the same seat as where she sat in Elementary School. Moon walks in with a smile on her face. "Uh-oh, a smile like that means trouble," groans Kyn. "I'll be back." Kyn walks up to Moon. "Moon, you're not thinking of sending out a card while Sakura is sick, right?" she asks, looking straight into her golden eyes. "I don't understand how you can be friends with the enemy," replies Moon. "Because she's nice, maybe you'd make some friends if you got your kindness back from that damn doll!" stammers Kyn. Moon glares straight through Kyn's clear blue eyes. "Look what the Card Mistress has done to you," Moon replies, her eyes narrow. "She didn't do anything, I just haven't sealed my life into a doll so I am nice and kind," says Kyn. Moon stands up, making Syaoran stare. {What's she got in mind for Sakura? Whatever it is, I'll be ready for it!} he thinks. He sneezes, and then thinks. {Unless this damn cold doesn't go away} "Moon, please don't send out any cards until she's better," says Kyn. Moon sighs and then says, "Fine, although I'm going to send out an extra hard card when she's 100%." Kyn gives her a look but then Omega Sensei walks in. She gets in her seat behind her sister happily. {Good, Sakura will be safe, for now}

"The kiss of the Sun and the love of the Moon will stop the disaster, along with the fierce gusts of the white Wind." {This dream! I haven't had it in a while. Wait! It's different again!} Sakura in the dream is standing on a hill next to Keroberos and Yue. Syaoran is sword fighting with Moon. Moon swishes her sword knocking Syaoran's sword out of his hand and back behind Sakura. Moon then slashes his arm. {Syaoran!} She then holds out her hands and sends an energy blast at Syaoran, knocking him back into Sakura. Sakura has tears in her eyes and Keroberos and Yue run to Moon so Sakura can use a card to heal Syaoran. {Ooo! I can't wait to get that card! It heals!} Moon blasts Keroberos and Yue knocking them back and making them both faint and Yue turns back to Yukito. {Kero! Yue!} Syaoran gets up and grabs his sword, but unfortunately Moon takes the opportunity to attack Sakura. Sakura is knocked backed into Syaoran, making his sword drop again. Moon attacks again and Sakura is very weak. She manages to take out the Windy and Moon Cards. Syaoran nods and takes out the Sun Card. {Wait! Those three cards! That's what it means! It's talking about the Windy, Moon, and Sun Cards! But what does it mean by 'the kiss of the Sun and the love of the Moon?' All well} Moon attacks Sakura with yet another energy blast and Sakura falls limp in Syaoran's arms. The Windy and the Moon Cards fly to Moon, who says, "Finally!" Then she laughs evilly. {Wait, what does she mean by 'Finally?' Am I…Am I dead?} Syaoran looks up to Moon and yells out something. "SAKURA! TURN OFF THE WASHER!" {That's what Syaoran wanted to say?} "SAKURAAAA! HELP!" Sakura wakes up and swats at her alarm clock. {Oops, first reaction} she thinks as she jumps out of bed. "SAKURA!" yells the person again. "Kero? Where are you?" she asks, running out her room. "In the WASHER!" yells Kero. "Hoeeee!" yelps Sakura, running toward the laundry room. She opens the washer and sees Kero soaked, pissed, and almost drowned. She scoops him out and shuts the washer door. Sakura laughs. "Hey! It's not funny! I thought I was going to die!" yells Kero, grabbing a fluffy towel. "Well at least you are clean and you smell nice," replies Sakura.

Moon stands on the rooftop of the school and takes out her sword the same way she did back with the Ground Card. "Yeah right. As if I'm going to wait. Attack Sakura when she's alone! Rock Card! Do my bidding!" yells Moon. She hits the card and it appears in front of her. "Hide until the time is right," commands Moon. The Rock Card nods and jumps in the direction of the park. "Good, this will be so easy, especially if she's not with Keroberos and all of them," Moon smiles. Meanwhile, Sakura has just finished telling Kero what she thinks the riddle in her dream means. "Yeah, it makes sense now that you think about it," says Kero, blow-drying his fur. "Yes, I'm sure of it," replies Sakura. She sneezes and then walks downstairs and into the kitchen. There is a note from her father and she reads it out loud, "Dear Sakura: If you are wondering where you're stuffed animal is, he's in the washer. If you feel better, can you pick up a loaf of bread? It's all right if you don't feel better; Touya can take care of it. Love you, your daddy." Without another thought, Sakura thrusts on her coat and walks outside.

"See you Meilin, Syaoran, Tomoyo!" calls Quatre. Everyone waves and he walks off to his house. He suddenly stops as he feels a familiar aura. "A Kyn Card! I sense it, but it's too far away. I'll get it after I'm in costume," he says. Back at the Kinomoto residence, Touya and Yukito walk in. "It looks as though it's going to rain again tonight," he says to Yukito. "Yeah, hey there's a note here," says Yukito, pointing to the note that Sakura had read ten minutes earlier. Touya reads it and then says, "She better not have gone with her fever!" He runs upstairs and Yukito reads the note. Touya thrusts open Sakura's door and finds the room empty besides what looks like a sweating stuffed animal with wings. "Damn it!" yells Touya running down the stairs. "C'mon, she's gone." Yukito gasps and his eyes turn blue for a quick second as he thinks about the Card Mistress. Luckily, Touya grabs his coat on and doesn't see it. The two run out and Touya jumps on his bike. "I'll get a head start," he calls to Yukito. As soon as Touya is out of sight, Yukito transforms into Yue and flies up and looks out on the town. Meanwhile, Sakura walked out of the grocery store as it began to get dark out. "Ugh…I feel awful, I need to sit down," Sakura moans. She walks over to the now empty Penguin Park and sits. The Rock Card senses her and awakens again. Quatre senses that the card has been revitalized and grabs his sword and runs off to the park. Sakura's key begins to glow. "What? A Clow Card now? Oh, why do I have to battle one alone while I'm so sick," she groans. The Rock Card jumps out at her and grabs her. It then throws her back at the bench. Sakura cries out as she hits the bench hard. "Re…ugh…Release!" she weakly yells. Her wand appears and she calls upon the Shield to protect her. The barrier surrounds her but it is weak because Sakura's magic power is so low.

Back at the grocery store, Touya asks the clerk, "So you say she was here but left already?" "Yes, she went in the direction of the park," replies the clerk, pointing in the direction of Penguin Park. "Thanks," says Touya running out. At the park, Quatre arrives and sees the Rock Card holding her up by the neck. "Sakura!" he yells. The Rock sees its new challenger and throws Sakura down. Quatre runs over and catches her. He jumps back and puts Sakura down. The Rock Card creates a boulder and hurls it at Quatre, and Quatre dodges. The Rock throws another rock (funny sounding again) and this one knocks back Quatre, also knocking the wind out of him. "Q…Quatre!" yells Sakura, attempting to get up. The Rock (No, not the wrestler. "Can you smell what the Rock Card is cooking?" Ah, ha, ha) doesn't hesitate and throws a rock at Sakura. She cries out as she is knocked back into Quatre. "Oof! Sakura!" shouts Quatre. "C'mon Sakura, attack it!" "I can't use any cards, my power is low because I'm still sick," explains Sakura. Quatre gasps and lets her down. "Steel Card! Give me your strength!" he yells. He hits the card and then faces Rock. The Rock throws a boulder at him but Quatre, with the Steel's power, punches the boulder and it shatters. The Rock is taken back at this but throws another boulder anyway. Quatre catches it and throws it back at the Rock. The Rock is hit and it falls to the ground. Quatre runs and picks up Sakura. "Okay, I've done the work, now seal it," he says. "I'll try. Re…Return to your power confined…Ro…Rock Card!" Sakura weakly yells. The Rock is sucked into the card and after the sealing is complete, the card goes to Quatre. Also, Sakura collapses in Quatre's arms. "Sakura!"

As Quatre lays Sakura on a bench, it starts to rain. Quatre curses and holds her to try to keep her warm. Touya parks his bike and runs to Quatre and Sakura. He gives a glare at Quatre, and Quatre quickly lets go of Sakura. "I saw her collapse and I put her on the bench. When it started to rain--," Quatre begins to explain but Touya puts up his hand. "Why didn't you bring her somewhere else?" he asks. Quatre looks down at Sakura, back to Touya, then runs off. "Is he that Syaoran brat in disguise?" Touya asks his sister, although knowing he wouldn't get an answer. He picks Sakura up and covers her with his coat. Yukito runs up to them. "I'll walk your bike along with you guys," he says, taking the bike. Quatre watches them in the distance but then feels a finger tap his shoulder. He whips around to see Kyn. "What is it?" he asks. Kyn looks heart broken. "Did Moon send out a card?" she asks. Quatre nods and Kyn makes a fist and then blasts a tree in anger. "Damn it!" she yells, but then disappears. She reappears inside Moon's room. She glares at Moon, and Moon knows that she's in trouble. "Don't talk to me for a while," says Kyn. Moon looks to her and Kyn walks out of the room.

~~The End of Chapter Nine~~

::cries:: That took FOREVER!!!!!! It's SOOOOOOO long too! But anyway, how was it? Major S+?? in the next chapter, but I'm evil and I'm not going to tell you who it is! Muhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! ::sweat drop:: Yes, you guessed it, I'm hyper again. -SakuraBubbles ::bows and runs away::

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