FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


By CrystalLavender a.k.a. Gracefulsunset (Amy)

Chapter 3


Disclaimer: yadayadayada..... CLAMP..........Not mine...... why do they even bother?......I wish........filthy stinkin' rich........ya-huh..........whatevers..... (that's so my phrase! No one steal it!)

Author's Notes: Here it is! My beautiful fanfic Chapter 3. Like this background? Well don't sue me! I stole it from another site. Don't remember where tho. Oh well. I steal stuff like this all the time. Just because I steal doesn't mean you can steal from me. If you want this fanfic e-mail me. You better e-mail me ANYWAYS for C and C....... at gracefulsunset@yahoo.com ...yadayadayada..... on with the show!If you see weird symbols for {Mandarin Words}, it's probably because your computer doesn't read Chinese. Mandarin words means I wrote in Chinese.


"speaking" {Mandarin words}

::actions:: [speaking in Mandarin]

(Author's Note/Comments) |Time Stamp / Place they're in |

~~~~~~ =Change of scene Thoughts


They walked. And walked. And walked. For some reason Sakura managed to keep her mouth shut. But Syaoran started complaining about how hungry he was and stuff of that sorts. It seemed like Sakura has finally found his weakness. He loves eating (of course not as much as Yukito) but can't cook (what a problem).

Even though this puts Sakura in the advantage, she ends up doing all the cooking (What kind of a princess is THAT? If you didn't get this, read Chapter 2).

They fought. She complained and He complained (they're so like me). In a little while, it was obvious Syaoran was winning. Sakura got mad and pushed him into the mud (grosssss!). Syaoran stood up and said,

"It wasn't that bad."

Poor Sakura. She thought what would freak HER out would freak the guy out too.

Their enemy, watching this, sweatdropped. What kind of enemies are THEY? Aren't they supposed to be all powerful and stuff?!?!

Syaoran and Sakura, who were arguing all over again, slowly noticed that fact too. And just when they did, Clow Reed in heaven, sweatdropped too. I still don't believe she's my daughter and he's my descendent. Who did my children marry anyways?!?!

"SHUTTUP!" Syaoran said.

"You first!"

They went their separate ways. In 2 minutes Syaoran regretted it because SHE had the food. He turned around but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he heard someone scream. It was Sakura. He saw electric sparks flying up in the forest into the sky. The Thunder. He noted. He ran in that direction but she wasn't there. Their enemy was standing there. Holding Sakura's Thunder, Firey, and Water Cards. He FINALLY panicked.

"So, you two PUNY kids are supposed to be the guardians of the cards? No wait, you're nothing. She's Cards Mistress, right?" the evil one said.

Put me down huh? I'm a hundred times better than Sakura is. But he had to admit she was the mistress of the Cards, not him.

The evil woman laughed chillingly, as if reading his mind.

"Useless boy," she mused, "I would have had no use for you, except for the fact that YOU are her weakness."

What? "I am?"

Sakura, who the villainess shrunk and kept in a bottle, thought "He is?"

Both blushed. Zarina, who was seeing this, laughed with a trill again.

"Aw........ what a cute couple!" she mused.

"We're not a couple!" He insisted.

He's not cute. Sakura thought.

Somehow, telepathically, Syaoran heard that and he fumed.


::sweatdrop:: "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!" Zarina yelled.

"Of course you're not cute!" Sakura said. And they started arguing all over again. Ignoring Zarina.

"You are hopeless," Zarina said, wiping off a bit of sweat from her forehead, "If I don't let Sakura go, I'll never have a moment of peace."

"You have my permission to go," Zarina sighed, unshrinking her, "But I keep the cards I got from you."

"You can't do that!" Syaoran protested.

"Who says?" Zarina laughed evilly, then disappeared.


::sigh::! I finally finished! Special thanks to my friend Sherry who is sitting next to me in front of the computer now.

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