FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks


By CrystalLavender a.k.a. Gracefulsunset (Amy)

Chapter 4


Disclaimer: yadayadayada..... CLAMP..........Not mine...... why do they even bother?......I wish........filthy stinkin' rich........ya-huh..........whatevers..... (that's so my phrase! No one steal it!) Zarina belongs to me. If you want to use her e-mail me first. "When You Believe" belongs to Dreamworks and can be found in the Prince of Egypt soundtrack. 

Author's Notes: Here it is! My beautiful fanfic Chapter 4. Just because I steal doesn't mean you can steal from me. If you want this fanfic e-mail me. You better e-mail me ANYWAYS for C and C....... at gracefulsunset@yahoo.com ...yadayadayada..... on with the show!If you see weird symbols for {Mandarin Words}, it's probably because your computer doesn't read Chinese. Mandarin words means I wrote in Chinese.


"speaking"                            {Mandarin words}

::actions::                          [speaking in Mandarin]

(Author's Note/Comments)    |Time Stamp / Place they're in |

~~~~~~ =Change of scene     Thoughts


    "Well," Syaoran tried to comfort Sakura, "Zarina can't use the cards, remember?"

    "Gee that helps a lot," Sakura said sarcastically and bitterly. 

    "Well SO-RRY, I was never good at comforting!"

    That set Sakura to crying over her cards all over again....

    "::Sigh:: Alright! I'm sorry Sakura," Syaoran said, exasperated.

    "It's alright..." Sakura sniffed, "It wasn't your fault."

    Syaoran sighed with relief.

    There was a long silence while they continued walking.

    "I'm sorry for fighting with you, Syaoran," Sakura broke the silence by apologizing, "It was my fault that we lost the cards anyways."

    "It's alright," Syaoran replied gently, "It wasn't your fault, I had a part in fighting with you, too, remember?"

    Sakura sighed, not knowing what to say. He was too nice.


    After many days of walking and fighting off weird creatures and monsters, the saw a great castle. They figured it was the castle where Meiling was. They walked in. They both hoped they would be able to get Meiling out, in spite of all the wrongs she's done to Sakura, they were friends now after all. Sakura said a silent prayer before they walked in....

   Many nights we prayed,

    with no proof anyone could hear,

    In our hearts a hopeful song,

    We barely understood......

    "It's so dark inside....." Sakura thought, "With so many bottles with different swirling things in them."

   Now we are not afraid,

   Although we know there's much to fear...

    "It's no problem," Syaoran muttered to himself, "We're Cardcaptors after all, a piece of cake."

   We were moving mountains

long before we knew we could....

    They walked with no sense of direction. 

   There can be miracles........

When you believe....

   Though hope is frail, 

It's hard to kill......

    Suddenly, Syaoran wasn't there anymore.

In this time of fear,

When prayer so often proves in vain.

Hope is like the summer birds.....

Too swiftly flown away...

    "AHHHHHHHHHH......" she heard a scream.

    To swiftly flown away, Sakura whispered...

    "Syaoran? Meiling?" Sakura yelled, frightened, "Are you there?" 

   Yet now I'm standing here.....

    She heard an evil laughter as Zarina showed up suddenly. 

    "Of course they are, little girl," Sakura heard her say.

    Syaoran and Meiling showed up, in a cage. 

    "Let them go!" Sakura ordered. 

    "Only if you take their place," Zarina's laugh brought a shiver to Sakura's heart.

    "Alright-----" Sakura said after long consideration, but was cut off...

    "Don't," Syaoran yelled, "It's not worth it!"

    "----You let them out first."

    "How do I know you won't keep your word?"

    "I give you my word!" Sakura insisted.

    "Alright," Zarina sighed, her plan was all for Sakura, the others have no use for her. If Sakura didn't let, all her work would be wasted. She had to let the two go first.

    Syaoran ran to Sakura, angry.

    "Why?" he questioned, he was about to cry. 

    Sakura was silent. She handed the rest of her cards to Syaoran. A tear trickled down on her face. She pulled out Syaoran's sword and stabbed herself. Zarina screamed and faded off. She was destroyed. By love. By Sakura's love for Syaoran. 

    "Tell everyone," Sakura whispered.

    Syaoran didn't know what to say. He kissed her. As their kiss ended, her life did as well. Right when she died, they were back in penguin park. Sakura still dead on the floor. Syaoran stared at her dead body. 

You will when you believe......


::sniff sniff::. I wrote this and I'm still crying. I tried to make it otherwise so that she wouldn't die. But I couldn't help it! It was just soooooo good as the ideas formed in my head. ::crying now::. This is so sad! Well, I got to go work on the epilogue now. Talk to you there.

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