FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A Night to Remember

Lai: Done! My first S+S Fanfic!

Syaoran: o_o; what?

Lai: I'm done!

Syaoran: What's S+S?

Lai: ... *sweatdrop*

Syaoran: Sakura and me?! O.O; LAI! HOW COULD YOU! WAAAAHHH!!!

Lai: Nani? *sweatdrop*

Syaoran: *sob sob* I thought you and I were supposed to be together

Lai: *innocent smile* well...I thought that was only in the Guardian Series!

Syaoran: *glare*

Sakura: *comes in and starts reading fanfic* Yeah, go Lai! Finally, me 'n Syaoran-kun! *glomps on

Lai+Syaoran: O_O *sweatdrop*

Lai: Right. On with the story!

**Author's note: This takes place when the CCs are 13**


The wind blew through the young girl's hair as she stood on the edge of the street, waiting to

"Oi, Sakura-chan!" a boy's voice called. The girl started, her light-brown hair blowing in the wind.
Her emerald eyes looked around in surprise. A boy ran up to her, panting.

"Oh, Syaoran-kun. Konichiwa." she said, rather tonelessly. The chestnut-haired, amber-eyed boy
glared at her.

"I called you a while ago, but you kept walking on!" he said. Sakura shrugged.

"Gomen ne, I didn't hear you..." she said quietly.

"What's wrong?" he asked, a bit concerned, "You've been quiet all day. I heard that you dropped
your baton twice during cheerleading practice. "


"Sakura-chan, I've known you for 3 years. What's wrong? Tomoyo-chan asked me to talk to you.
Even Kero-chan made me come over here to talk to you, though I don't know why...Tomoyo-chan
should be talking to you."

"Yukito-niisan's leaving."


"He's leaving for college with Touya...I'll miss him."

Syaoran looked at his friend, seeing tears building up in her eyes. He softened. Though he
couldn't explain it, Sakura stirred up strange feelings within him. Those emerald eyes filled him
with joy and happiness whenever he looked into them. And those tears could move him more than
a cheesy soap opera.

"Come on, Sakura-chan." he said gently, placing an arm around her shoulders. She nodded
miserably. As they walked to Syaoran's apartment, Syaoran thought.

'Why am I doing this? I've never felt this way about anyone before...except maybe Yukito, but that
was just our powers attracted to each other. But Sakura-chan...she's so nice. And sweet...she's so
innocent. Maybe that's why...' Syaoran thought.

Sakura looked at Syaoran's face, and saw he was thinking hard, his arm still around her
shoulders. She blushed a tiny bit. For some reason she couldn't explain, being around Syaoran
made her heart pound faster. The warmth of his arm comforted her through her grief, and yet she
somehow knew she was more unhappy about losing Yukito as a friend than liking him. Syaoran
felt her shiver slightly and took off his sweater, making her put it on.

"Put it on. I don't want you catching a cold." he told her. Sakura smiled weakly.

"Arigato, Syaoran-kun."

Syaoran blushed. She had been calling him Syaoran-kun lately, ever since that elevator incident,
and he had been calling her Sakura-chan. Every time she called his name, he felt warmth build
inside him. They reached his apartment. Syaoran removed his arm from around Sakura to unlock
the door. He blushed slightly and let her inside.

"Gomen ne, it's sort of messy..."

Sakura looked around. 'Sort of' messy was an understatement. Clothes lay about in piles, and
food canisters lined the kitchen walls. Syaoran blushed.

"I've been busy lately...after all I am going back to Hong Kong..."


Syaoran looked at Sakura in surprise. She was staring at him.

"You...you're going back to Hong Kong?" she whispered.

"In two months." Syaoran saw a strange look in her eyes, a look he couldn't understand. Was it
sadness? Syaoran busied himself with stirring up a pot of veggie soup, so he couldn't see the hurt
look in her eyes. He hadn't meant to tell her, not yet. It was too early...he felt a deep sadness and
regret at leaving for Hong Kong, but he had to. He would miss all his friends, Tomoyo-chan,
Yamazaki *sp?*, Chiharu, Rika...all the other boys in the class...Naoko...but most of all, he would
miss Sakura. They had been friends for a whole 3 years, capturing Clow Cards. Eriole had come
and gone. They had been through so much together, he couldn't believe it. And he didn't
understand why Meiling had gone back to Hong Kong two years back. Something about taking
care of Sakura...


Syaoran was in the airport, standing with Meiling. She seemed ready to cry.

"Daijobu, Meiling-chan?"

"I'm alright.."she had whispered. Meiling looked up and glanced at Sakura, who was standing
nearby with Tomoyo. "Syaoran, take care of Sakura. She loves someone very deeply."

"Hai..." Syaoran was confused. Why was Meiling telling him this? "But when he realizes she likes
him, I won't be able to take care of her anymore."

Meiling glared at him.

"Mou, Syaoran-kun! You can be so dense sometimes! But you'll see..." she said with a small
smile. Then she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him. surprised, he hugged her back.

"Ja ne, Syaoran-kun..." she whispered, before boarding her plane.

"Ja ne, Meiling-chan!"

~*End of Flashback*~

Syaoran looked up.

"Hoe!" he stumbled backwards over a pile of junk, sitting down on a pizza box. Sakura looked at
him in concern and giggled.

"Mou, Sakura-chan. Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Gomen nasai, Syaoran-kun."

She helped up him.

"I was just thanking you for helping me. "

"It's alright. I understand how much you love him."


Sakura looked outside his window.

"Iie! It's raining! Hard!"

Syaoran looked outside. Thunder boomed.

"Hai, I guess you'll have to spend the night...storm warning." he said quietly. For unexplicable
reasons, Sakura blushed. Syaoran looked at her quizzically.

"Wait a few moments..."he told her. Sakura sweatdropped, watching him zoom around his
apartment like a miniature tornado. Within minutes, all the trash was in the can, all the clothes
were folded up and put away, and all the furniture was cleaned. And the floor was vacuumed.

"Nice..." Sakura stammered. Syaoran, breathing a bit heavily, grinned at her.

"Sakura-chan, I have an old shirt you can wear." he told her, handing it over. "You can change in
my room. I'll call Kero to tell him you're staying the night."

"Arigato, Syaoran."


Sakura closed the door of Syaoran's room. Unlike the rest of his apartment, it was neat and clean.
She looked at Syaoran's shirt. It was green, his favorite color, and had the word "Aishiteru" on it.
She blushed.

"I'm sure Syaoran didin't mean to give it to me.." she murmured to herself. She undressed and put
on the shirt, breathing in its clean fragrance.

"It smells like Syaoran..." Sakura whispered, a tinge of pink on her cheeks, "So sweet..."

Sakura folded up her clothes carefully. She looked around and decided to eavesdrop on
Syaoran's phone conversation.


"Moshi-moshi, Kinomoto residence."

Syaoran sweatdropped.

'Oh, no.' he groaned mentally, 'It's Touya. How am I suppose to explain that Sakura's staying for
the night?

"MOSHI-MOSHI, TOUYA SPEAKING!" Touya repeated impatiently.


"Dare da?"

"...it's Syaoran..."

"Oh, it's the brat. Where's the kaijuu? What did you do to my little sister this time, brat!?"

"She's alright..."

Syaoran sweatdropped. This was going to be harder than he thought. He cleared his throat.

"Um...Sakura was over at my house cause we needed to talk...and because of the storm...she'll
be staying at my apartment tonight."


Syaoran winced. That last thing he needed was having his eardrum blasted out by a angry Touya.

"Listen, it's just for one night, and I'll walk her home tomorrow morning. Don't worry, she's ok."

And before Touya could protest anymore, Syaoran hung up.

Sakura emerged from his room, grinning.

"I gather Touya-niisan didn't take the news too well... he treats me like I'm five years old still."

Syaoran smiled one of his rare smiles.

"Well, I know you're not five. Don't worry."

Then he noticed the word on her shirt and blushed.

"Gomen ne!" he exclaimed, "I forgot that the shirt had that on it...Meiling gave it to me..."

Sakura laughed.

"That explains it." she smiled. Syaoran relaxed, her laughter reaching deep within his soul and
erasing all his worries and doubts. Suddenly he froze. Sakura looked at him oddly.

"What's wrong, Syaoran-kun?"

"I Just remembered...I only have one bed..." he stammered.

They both blushed.

"No sofa?"

"It's collapsed...I accidentally cut it in half while practicing with my sword..."

Sakura sweatdropped, looking at the clean-cut sofa.


"Um..I guess we can both sleep in my bed...unless you want me to sleep on the floor. I don't

"No, it's going to be cold tonight...I guess...we can both sleep in the same bed. I mean, we're just

"Yeah, just friends...."

Syaoran walked into the bathroom and changed into his pajamas, which simply consisted of boxer

Sakura blushed when he came out, looking at his muscular chest. Syaoran had an odd tinge of
pink on his cheeks. She stumbled into his room. They stood side by side, staring at the bed.

"Um...you first." Syaoran stammered. Sakura nodded mutely and climbed in. Syaoran got in after
her. They both lay far from each other, staring at the ceiling, both blushing furiously in the

"Um, Syaoran-kun..."


"About Yukito-niisan."

For some reason, at Yukito's name, Syaoran had a momentary flare of ...what? Jealousy?


"I...I'm going to miss him..."


"But I think it's just because he's such a great friend."


"Well, I've been thinking. I...think I like someone else..." Syaoran thought of what Meiling had told

"Um..if you don't mind me asking, who?"

Sakura bit her lip. This was hard. She wasn't even sure. Tentatively, she glanced at Syaoran. His
bare arms were lying on the bedcover, the upper part of his muscular chest showing. Sakura took
in his serious expression, his messy hair, his always-glaring eyes. She took a deep breath.

"IthinkIloveyouSyaoran-kun." she said all at once and held her breath.



Sakura rolled over on her side, looking at Syaoran. He was staring at her.

"Y...you love...me?" he stammered. Now that he was unsure, Sakura was more sure. She smiled

"Hai...I think I have for a long time...it's just I haven't realized it."

Syaoran rolled over on his side, so they were facing each other. They realized they were in the
same bed and blushed.

"S-syaoran-kun...I can understand if you're mad..." Sakura said in a small voice.

"Nani! Mad? How can I be..." Syaoran stammered. He thought in the silence that followed. He
thought of Sakura's smile, her laughter, her bright lively eyes...her sweet temperment. He took a
deep breath.

"Um...Sakura-chan...I think I love you..too..."

Sakura looked at him with bright eyes.

"You...you do?"

"Hai." he said firmly, looking into her eyes. They unconsciously moved a bit closer to each other.
Syaoran blushed slightly, knowing what he wanted to do next. He coughed a bit uncomfortably.

"Um...Sakura-chan...close your eyes..."


"Just...just close your eyes."

Sakura did, and the next second, felt his breath upon her face. Her heart was beating a million
times a second. The moment she had been anticipating, perhaps ever since she had met
Syaoran, came. His lips touched hers. A thrill ran through Sakura's body as they kissed, a
delicate, soft kiss that had the promise of love. Syaoran relaxed, somehow relieved that he had
finally admitted to himself, and Sakura, that he loved her. He took her warm body into his arms,
holding her close to him. They finally broke the kiss. Sakura rested her head against his warm
chest, a delicate blush on her cheeks. Held tightly in his warm embrace, Sakura fell asleep.
Syaoran breathed in the sweet smell of Sakura's hair and smiled. This is what he had been feeling
for three years. He rested his head on Sakura's and soon he, too fell asleep.




Alternative Ending #1

"Oi, Sakura-chan!"

The beautiful young woman turned around with a bright smile, laughter dancing on her cherry-red
lips. Her emerald eyes sparkled with happiness as another young woman ran up to her. It was
Tomoyo-chan. Sakura smiled.

"Konichiwa, Tomoyo-chan."

"Konichiwa, Sakura-chan!" the sweet young woman smiled. Sakura smiled back.

"Let's go home, after all, it is the last day of high school! This is our last chance to walk back
home together." Tomoyo said. Sakura's eyes clouded over slightly as she looked at an empty
hook. Tomoyo saw where she was looking, and with a worried frown, pulled Sakura away.

"Come on, Sakura." she said softly. Sakura nodded numbly. They walked along a street lined with
cherry blossums. They reached an intersection. Sakura froze, her blood running cold in her veins.
This was where...yes she was sure...there were still dark stains on the newly paved sidewalk.
Tomoyo was watching her in alarm. Sakura was pale. Tomoyo looked at the pavement and saw
the stains.

'Oh no...why did I have to go this way?' Tomoyo thought, 'this...this is where...'




Sakura smiled. They were sophomores in high school, and Syaoran had grown to be a handsome
young man, and Sakura a beautiful young woman. Syaoran waved at her from across the

"Matte, i'm coming!" she called. She started to cross the street when suddenly a car came
careening around the corner.

"SAKURA-CHAN! ABUNAI!" Syaoran screamed. He dashed towards the petrified Sakura ...


Lights. So many lights. So many wires...plugs...electronic gadgets. Syaoran don't leave me...not
here all alone... Sakura looked at Syaoran's pale face. Wires and plugs and tubes came out of his
once strong body. Tears poured down her cheeks. It was all her fault. All her fault that Syaoran
had been hit by the car...And now he was dying.

Syaoran's eyes fluttered open. Sakura leaned forward, grasping his hand tightly.

"S-sakura chan?"

"Syaoran-kun, don't worry I'm here..."




"Syaoran-kun? SYAORAN-KUN!?"

The heart monitor showed a steady line.


~*End of Flashback*~

Tomoyo looked sadly at the dark stains. They had tried to cover his blood with new cement, but to
no avail. The blood had already soaked into the cracks. Sakura was pale. She suddenly burst into
tears, burying her face in her hands. She ran blindly across the street. Horns honked, cars
swerved to avoid her.

"Sakura-chan, come back!" Tomoyo screamed. A truck honked its horn, headed straight for
Sakura. Sakura stopped and stood in its path.

"SYAORAN-KUN, I'M COMING!" she sobbed...


The girl stood before the coffin, her head bowed.

"It's all my fault.." she thought, "Now the two I love the most are gone."

She turned and walked slowly away from the grave. A wind blew, moving a few flowers aside from
the name on the tombstone:

Tomoyo Daidoji


Alternative Ending#2


"Hai, Syaoran-kun?"

"Uh...can I talk to you...in private?"


The handsome young man and the beautiful young woman stepped away from their group of
friends. Syaoran cleared his throat.



"Well you know we're almost out of college..."


"And well...I was thinking."

They were at the lake shore, shielded from view by the trees. Sakura was stunned when Syaoran
got down on one knee, nervously, drawing a small box from his pocket.

"Uh...Sakura Kinomoto, will you marry me?"

"Oh, Syaoran-kun..." Sakura said breathlessly, looking at the ring. It was beautiful, gold with a
cherry-blossum shaped diamond and ruby pattern.

"HAI! YES! I will!" she cried, throwing her arms around his neck. He grinned.



The radiant bride and the blushing groom came down the aisle, rice being showered upon them.
They got in the limosine. The bride smiled at her bridesmaid.

"I'll come to your wedding in two months, right?" she whispered.

"Yes, Tomoyo-chan." Sakura smiled, "When Syaoran-kun gets back from Hong Kong."

Tomoyo smiled happily.

"Who could've known I'd marry Eriol one day?" Tomoyo smiled. Sakura grinned.

"Have a good honeymoon!" she called. Tomoyo threw the bouquet. A wind caught the flowers and
blew them...right into Sakura's arms. She blushed furiously.

"Good bye! Have a good honey moon!" she called after the departing car. Tomoyo waved to her.
Sakura paused, going back inside.

"I wonder what it was Tomoyo chan said she'd tell me when I was older..." she wondered.


Lai: BWA Ha HA HA HA!!! A sad ending and a happy ending!

Sakura: What! Syaoran-kun and Tomoyo-chan die?! What kind of monster are you?!

Lai: But...but...in the other ending everyone's happy!! You get married to Syaoran!

Sakura: No I don't! Tomoyo-chan gets married to Eriol, of all people...

Lai: Too bad...I think it's sweet.

Syaoran:;.; Don't you like me Lai?? You make me die!!!

Lai: *sweatdrop* I'm sorry...I thought it was more dramatic.

Syaoran: *sniffle*

Lai: o.O Anyways...

Did you like it? Please send any comments or complaints to: CCaptorluvr@hotmail.com Thanks!

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