FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

This is my first attempt on a fanfic. If it's really bad, don't kill me.
Please tell me if it's good or bad and some comments or suggestions on how to make it better. Oh yeah! I am in the USA so I'm using US names.

Name meanings:




Chapter 1: "The Destruction"

Written by Clow Angel




She was totally bored. She was walking down the street. She had
nothing to do. Sakura had asked Madison, Rita, Chelsea, and Nikki if
they wanted to go to the mall, but they all said they were too busy or just
too tired to do anything. Now, the only thing left to do was walk around.



Suddenly, Sakura's key started to glow. She jumped into some nearby bushes
and released her key.

"Key that hides forces of darkness! I command you under contract! Show
truth's image to me. Release!" With this the key slowly turns into a baton
which she holds on to tightly. She ran towards the park where the penguin
slide was. By the time she got there, it was too late. Almost everything
was destroyed. She watched in horror as the slide crumbled and broke into
billions of pieces.



Something was coming behind Sakura. She didn't see it, but a boy
wearing a green robe did. He had brown eyes and chestnut colored hair.
There was a sword he held in his right hand. He saw what was going to
happen. If he didn't do something fast, Sakura would get hurt really badly
and wouldn't be able to stand that. He jumped out of the tree he was in
and shouted



Sakura was totally surprised.
"Li?", she asked in amazement.


"I'll help you out on this one as usual", Li said, quite proud of himself or saving Sakura's life.


Li and Sakura fiercely attacked the card together. Li was using his sword while Sakura was using her staff, the sword, fight, and watery card. They also tried their best to protect one another. They battled the card for quite a long time. Finally, the card seemed to have weakened. Li noticing this, called out to Sakura,
"Capture it! It's weakened!"


Sakura obediently captured it.
"Clow card return to your true form, confined!"
The card landed in front of her. She slowly bent down and picked up the card. It read THE DESTRUCTION.


Sakura turned to Li to thank him, but noticed his left arm was bleeding. She realized the card must have injured him during the battle.
"Are you okay", she asked him with a concerned look on her face.


Li thought , she looks so worried about me and finally replied, "Yeah, I'm okay".


"Let me help you bandage it ", said Sakura. She wrapped the wound up with a piece of cloth which she had ripped off her own shirt.

As Sakura bandaged his wound, Li began blushing furiously. He looked straight into her eyes.
" They look so carefree and loving ", he thought. Finally, he came back into his senses and said,
" I'm fine now. I aught to leave now." He turned and walked away thinking about Sakura.


Sakura sighed as she watched him leave.
"I love you ", she thought. She smiled to herself at that thought and turned around to leave.



More to come . . . .



So, how was it? Did you like it? More will come. There are more chapters coming.


-Clow Angel

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