FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author's Note: This is my very first Sakura and Syaoran fic ever. It also has hints of Tomoyo and Eriol romance, and Rika and Terada romance. For the most part, though, it's Sakura and Syaoran romance...NOT Touya/ Yukito. Perhaps I could have written something about their relationship, but I chose not to. However, if I get enough requests like I already have from many of my friends who are also great fans of Card Captor Sakura, maybe I will throw in something about it in a revision of this fic. There is, though, merely a hint of love between the two that I mentioned a couple times, but other than that, there is nothing intimate. I like to satisfy all believers of all the romances in Card Captor Sakura, and wanted everyone to enjoy this fic.

"Only for You" is tragic, funny, romantic, and is in a fair amount of detail. All the characters are in ninth grade, and therefore are around the age of fifteen. Syaoran Li has not admitted his feelings for Sakura Kinomoto. Yet. *smiles* No, all the Clow cards have not been captured; at least ONE of them is wreaking chaos and destruction...

Like I said before, this is my first fic, so don't hate me! I worked really, really hard on it, and therefore hope you enjoy, "Only for You".

*Feedback is appreciated at pikachu336@excite.com. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Card Captor Sakura, Cardcaptors, or any of the characters in the series. I never plan to, nor ever will. This is merely a story written by a great fan of the anime, and has not ever been seen by the CLAMP company. Do not sue me, for this is only a story written for my own and other's enjoyment. Thank you.


Card Captor Sakura:
Only for You

A series fanfic written by Pikachu 336; Typed January/ February 2001

"Happy, Hopeful Thoughts"
Chapter One:



'Thank God it's Friday at last. "Oh...Sakura; would you like to come over to my apartment this weekend and we can...."

A major blush emitted itself from the depths of Syaoran Li's usually pallid profile. "And we can...be...alone...for a while...."

"Oh, Syaoran...that would be..." she leaned forward onto his lap, her lips mere centimeters from his, a deep, luscious pink, "be wonderful...."

Her last words to him were drowned out entirely by the weight of her fragile body lowering itself onto his. Li leaned back into his chair; he couldn't believe Sakura was hovering over him, eying him with a passionate, glazed look in her beautiful emerald eyes. She snaked her delicate arms around him, and locked her lips onto his.

"Syaoran," she whispered into his mouth.

"Mmmm, Sakura," he whispered back.


"Sakura...." He held her close, and gave into the kiss, passionately entwining his fingers in her hair--'


"Mmmm, Sakura," he said into the silence of the classroom, answering blatantly to his name, cutting the quiet air in the classroom like a sharp knife. His head was propped in his hands, a definite dazed look that gave his daydream-like state away plastered across his features.

"Syaoran Li, thank you, greatly, for joining us back here, on Earth, in Tomoeda, LAST SEAT, FIFTH ROW IN THE ADVANCED MATHEMATICS CLASSROOM!" boomed the teacher, obviously paranoid.

"W-WHAT?!" Syaoran stammered, his face redder than a rotten tomato. 'Oh, GOD!' he thought in vain. 'Why? WHY?!' he asked himself over and over again.

A girl with silky, chestnut hair done up with the sweetest bobby haircut swung her torso around to look into the face of a boy with a deep crimson blush and tousled chocolate-colored locks. "Li-kun?" she asked, in a mildly concerned, timid voice.

"W-what?!" he stammered, still very red, and, if possible, he turned even redder when he realized who was talking to him.


It was "Her", his goddess, his idol...his life lay in the cheerful girl with beautiful eyes and shiny hair...Sakura Kinomoto: that girl that sat in front of him in math class.

Li sighed. Math class; it was, by far, his favorite subject...because of Sakura.

There was so much more to her than her beautiful eyes, gorgeous smile, and jovial, carefree attitude, though: she was a chosen Cardcaptor. He admired her for her courageousness, power, and strong will. She really was strong: not physically, but strong at heart, soul, body, and mind. She was strong for herself, and for others. Her heart was big, and she never seemed to have a care in the world. She was always cheerful and happy. Everywhere she went it was like a powerful aura surrounded her, and no one could help but to be drawn to her like a magnet. No one could deny that magical, mystical aura that lingered around her body.

Not even strong, proud Syaoran Li: ESPECIALLY not him, for, of all people, he was attracted to her the most. Not a magical bond, like his deadened feelings for Yukito, but a feeling of....

Mentally, he slapped himself. Slapped himself for not being able to place the feeling. The feeling he only had, and could only have, for Sakura.

He wished no one else were in the room at the moment. Laughter from his fellow peers rang in his ears. All eyes were on him, and he felt the penetrating gazes of every student in the room boring through him. 'Why," he thought, 'did Sensi catch me spaced-out...again?!'

It was too much, especially since no one was backing him up in his moment of torture. No one except....

"Li?" Sakura asked again, more than a hint of worry in her voice this time. Her voice was as sweet as the scent of the origin of her name, "cherry blossom", and was like the call of a nightingale in the dark of night amidst the jeering taunting of the rowdy crowd of ninth graders. It was a relief to hear something he...loved.

Li swallowed. She...SAKURA KINOMOTO...was worried about him. HIM! He couldn't believe it, but he hated to see her scared or worried, so he looked her straight in the eyes, ('Beautiful eyes,' he thought) and stammered, "I t-think I-I'll b-b-be okay."

"Good, because Sensi was just letting us pick partners for our big math project that will determine more than half our grade this semester, and-" she informed him, only to be cut off in mid sentence by their strict, but very handsome teacher, (and Rika's fiancŽ) Sensi Terada.

Although he taught fourth grade mathematics for the longest time, with his engagement with Rika he had found that he missed her far too much not to teach math to her peers, as well as his beautiful, mature, but very young future wife. Terada now was the teacher for the eighth hour ninth grade class, and he made sure the students were learning for the full fifty-seven minutes of class until the bell rang at the end of the day. Therefore, he greatly objected daydreaming sequences interrupting his teaching the other students.

Syaoran Li was no exception.

"Thank you, Miss Kinomoto, for informing Mr. Li about our semester project," he made sure to emphasize the last two words, although in an aggravated tone, and continued; his baby blue gaze piercing Li's, "...but I can take it from here."

Sensi Terada averted his gaze to focus on the young Sakura, his tone icy. He looked at her for a moment, than glanced around the room, and silence fell amongst the class as though a blanket had been draped over the sound, deadening it to naught but a whisper.

"Goman, Sensi," Sakura muttered to him, standing up and stooping into a low bow. Unfortunately, though, her short skirt of the Tomoeda High School school uniform flared up behind her in her display of gratitude--right in front of the near-fainting Syaoran Li's face. He could've sworn he had never been redder in his life, but he decided not to say anything to the already embarrassed girl who had captured his heart.

Tomoyo Daidouji, best friend and sidekick to Sakura, however, noticed this, and began giggling uncontrollably. Her cheery attitude distracted Sensi in a moment, and he caught her eye at once.

"That will be...quite enough, Miss Daidouji." She immediately closed her mouth with a snap.

Once again, he turned his attention back to the class. "Now, you'll excuse me for pointing this out, but WE HAVE WASTED EXACTLY EIGHT MINUTES AND FORTY SECONDS IN COUNTING, AND-"

He saw Rika in the front row; right in front of him, smiling sweetly, her hands neatly folded in her lap. He sighed. Rika could always trigger "that feeling" inside him, and he could not deny it, no matter how hard he tried. Something inside him told him that now wasn't a good time to try, either.

He continued, reluctantly, but in a less-angered tone, a fake smile imprinted on his stern profile, "And we were just waiting for Li to make his choice for a partner for this crucially important project."

"Um...who do I have to choose from?" Li asked, afraid of the teacher's answer that was to be thrown at him any second.

Terada began reading off of his list; the pairs of partners glancing at him so Li could see which students yet needed a partner.

"Tomoyo-Chan and Eriol-kun are one team, Chiharu-Chan and Yamazaki-Kun, another, Rika-Chan and Naoko-Chan make team three..."

Sensi Terada blushed when he snared Rika's gaze as he called out her team...but not as much as Li had when he was caught day-dreaming about...Sakura. Terada continued to rattle off names for the boy. Li was dazed; Sensei's words seemed to wash right over the top of his head as he listened for someone decent to be with for such a crucial project.

Before Terada could finish, however, the still-riled-up Yamazaki-kun raised his hand straight in the air, but stood up of his own free will before being called on, and stated, "Sir! Sir, Terada-Sensi! Li-kun already told us who he wanted to be partners with, remember?"

All eyes turned on the boy, curious looks on everyone's faces. "Remember?" he asked again, this time a little more urgently.

Tomoyo was first to realize his observation. She squealed, excitedly, stood up, and then said, shrilly, "Ohhh, you're right!"

Turning to Li, she asked, tauntingly, with her hands placed gingerly on her hips, "You do remember, don't you? The FIRST thing you said after you heard Terada-Sensi call your name? In fact, it was a NAME that you SAID...remember?"

Now all eyes were on Li--for more than the first time that day. Smiles were forming on the faces of those who knew, now, too. Slowly, he felt the color rising in his cheeks...again. He, Syaoran Li, was going to be partners with....

"Sakura Kinomoto, it seems that you are the partner of choice for this dashing young man, Syaoran Li!" Yamazaki cheered as though he were making an announcement on a worldwide airing television program.

And, indeed, Li felt like the whole world could see him blush. He couldn't believe how much trouble his dazed spell had caused him! 'Oh, man!' he thought, desperately. 'WHY?!'

Now the whole classes' laughter was true. He could hear the boys' cheering and whistling echoing at least a thousand times louder in his ears, and the girl's giggling, shrill and sharp, resounding in his eardrums. Even Terada-Sensi stole a glance at Rika, and, together, they began chuckling in unison.

One girl, though, in the whole class, was not laughing, not taunting him like the others. A girl with chestnut hair hoisted herself out of her seat and walked around to Li's desk behind her. Jovially, she propped her elbows on his desk, and stood there, a searching look in her eyes, but they still looked like polished emeralds, glistening with the light of the spring afternoon sun reflecting in them.

"So," Sakura breathed, shyly, whilst their classmates were still creating a ruckus about their obvious attraction to each other. Her lips had curled themselves into a stunningly sweet smile, making her look more than ever like an innocent angel from Heaven, but she also had an expression in her wondrous eyes of gentleness and pleasure. She was obviously quite pleased with his decision of choosing her as his partner in this assignment, though, at the moment, Li couldn't sense that.

"Um," he started, even more shyly than the beautiful girl above him. "Sakura, I-"

"And...CUT!" shouted a very excited Tomoyo, really quite pleased with her new footage. "Oh, and, Li, those blushes really added to the moment!" she squealed, delightedly.

Yamazaki just could not suppress his next comment, still speaking as though he were a famous talk show host, "Oh, and I simply MUST comment on the sexy pose made by the ever-so-popular Sakura Kinomoto! Note the obvious passion in her gaze as she-"

"Ogles at her lover-" Chiharu continued, stars in her eyes, claimed by a dreamy state, but was cut off by yet another voice joining in the commentary.

"Ogles at her lover at his desk! Sakura-Chan, propped on elbows, raises head; Li-kun blushes! Is this the moment of truth?! Could it be?! Li, blushes and...FALLS OUT OF CHAIR IN A DEAD FAINT! SAKURA-CHAN SCORES!"

"BIG time!" Rika chimed in, happily, still giggling.

The fashion show physique was dropped when Eriol cheered the pair on, this time, though, in a sports commentator's voice, reciting the play-by-play action between his close friends. This new "style" earned an approving laugh from Terada-Sensi. He did, after all, keep his post as the physical education teacher, as well as teaching advanced mathematics to the group.

Sakura was still blushing at all the attention. She cast a pleading look at Tomoyo...only to find herself staring at her own reflection in the huge filming lens of the seemingly always-present mini cam belonging to her best friend. "TOMOYO!" Sakura squealed.

"Sorry, Sakura," Tomoyo apologized, "but...you are just so cute!"

"No...DON"T! I mean, don't take that the wrong way, but...can't you help me with Li-kun? I mean, REALLY! He's fainted, Tomoyo!" the girl begged.

"And stop taping this romantic scene?!" Tomoyo whined. Tomoyo scanned the class with her camera again, making sure to zoom in on Yamazaki, who was doing an imitation of Li and Sakura kissing with Chiharu, and Eriol, who was talking with a pencil held to his mouth like a microphone, standing on his desk, still commentating the play-by-play of the scene ("Li-kun, still passed out, but Sakura's on a roll...!").

To Sakura, though, "romantic" was a little overestimated; at least considering that the whole class was creating a ruckus about Li's decision at being a partner with her. She was really quite enjoying all the attention, but she was scared for Li's safety. After all, she didn't want him to get trampled by their friends!

Yamazaki shouted over the hubbub of the class, "Hey, Kinomoto! You should try mouth-to-mouth on him if you can't get him to the Hospital Wing!"

"Oh," Sakura groaned. "Li-kun, Li-kun...please wake up! Please?" she begged in a whisper to his face. Of course, Tomoyo was on the spot with a close up.

"Huh? S-Sakura?!"

"He woke up, all right!" Eriol cheered.

Tomoyo sighed. "Wait 'till I post this on my web site!" she breathed, triumphantly, zooming in once more on the blushing profile of Syaoran Li.

"Oh, MAN!" he groaned. Sakura blushed.

Still attempting to suppress his obvious pleasure at the humor of the scene of his students' before him, Sensi Terada called out to his class, "All right, class; settle down, settle down." Rika smiled at her future husband. 'Sakura-Chan and Li-kun should be able to be happy, too,' she thought, sadly. 'Like Terada-Sensi and...me....'

Li clambered back up onto his seat with some support from Sakura, although the thought, let alone the reality, of Sakura touching him right now made him feel as though he were about to pass out again. Sakura, Li noted, was still blushing, but he was willing to bet all his belongings that she wasn't blushing as madly as him.

Eriol climbed down back into his seat, and glanced at Tomoyo. They, too, had to suppress a new spasm of laughter.

"Now that we all have, um, collected our partners," he paused here, and some students giggled at his word choice, for it ever so accurately described Sakura and Li's bout, "I can assign the groups their projects." He stole a glance at the huge wall clock, and sighed. "As we only have a few minutes before school's out for the holiday, line up next to your partners in the aisle and I will walk down the line assigning your projects."

There was a great clamor as the students found their partners amidst one another and began to form a double line. Tomoyo was behind Sakura, and whispered in her ear, "He still thinks we're in the fourth grade, doesn't he."

"Yeah," she muttered back. "Listen, Tomoyo-Chan: meet me outside he door of this classroom when class is over." She looked at Li standing nervously next to her. "I would tell you know but...." Her voice trailed off.

"It's okay. I will. I don't have to meet with Eriol-kun until four," she replied to her friend.

"WHAT?! Meet with Eriol-kun?!"

"I'll tell you latter," Tomoyo smiled. 'And I can't wait to hear what you have to tell me, Sakura-Chan,' she thought.

"All right; Li-kun? Your, um, team next, please?" Li and Sakura shared a groan, as both could tell that Terada-Sensi obviously still thought the whole ordeal was humorous. Nevertheless, he held out the box for them to pick a topic for the report from. Behind her, Sakura failed to hear the urgent plea of Tomoyo for Eriol to hand her her video camera, "on the double!"

To Tomoyo's great pleasure, Li and Sakura reached in the box--at the exact same time. Their hands collided; Sakura could feel the sweat on Li's palm brush upon hers...both blushed.

"For Heaven's sake, kids-" a loud huff issued from Rika's throat causing Terada to falter, "I mean, students," he glanced at Rika for approval, "JUST PICK A DAMN PIECE OF PAPER!"

"Dear!" Rika shouted into the silent classroom. "That's quite enough! I know you're as frustrated with them as we are because they're not a couple yet, but that doesn't mean that-"

"Sorry, sweetheart," the newly embarrassed teacher murmured.

"Oh, don't be sorry, Terada-Sensi," Tomoyo reassured him, happily. "I got it all on tape!" Terada blushed, and so did Rika. Everyone else face-faltered.

"Li-kun," Yamazaki informed him from the side, penetrating the moment, "everyone knows that a true gentleman lets a lady go first. Why, in ancient Rome, they even had couples go and-" he broke off, whispering the rest into Li's reddening ear.

"REALLY?!' Li asked, totally shocked.

"Would I ever lie to you?" he asked, innocently.

"C'mon, buddy," Chiharu scolded him, pulling him by the collar of the school uniform into the corner where Rika was standing, waiting for them to tell her what project THEY had been assigned to.

"Hey! I paid good money for this uniform! Eighty dollars, in fact. Of course, my job as a neurosurgeon covered most of the expenses. Did you know that a neurosurgeon makes over eighty zillion dollars for each neuron cell they remove-"

Yamazaki's story definitely lightened the tension in the air, and, Li, gathering enough courage to talk to Sakura, removed his hand from the box and said, muttering, "You pick."

"Thank you, Li-kun!" Sakura exclaimed. "That was really nice of you." Li blushed, greatly admiring how happy he had made her by allowing her to pick their project from the many that scattered the floor of the box Sensi held out for them now.

She opened the piece of paper and held it in the middle of the line so Li could see, too.

"Oh, NO!" came a strangled scream from behind Sakura. Thinking that something really terrible had happened, Sakura spun around very fast on her heal, just a little too fast, dropping the paper before the pair had gotten a chance to read it.

She toppled over, loosing her balance...only to find herself in the firm grasp of a pair of very masculine arms...moreover, Syaoran Li's arms. She also noted that her head was very low.... She blushed when she realized exactly how low she was, and that she had been caught with her head between his legs. He blushed, too, upon seeing that her skirt had once again flared up... permanently, in this position. Eriol, next to Tomoyo, covered his face with his arms, and turned away, wailing, "I'm too YOUNG! I'm too YOUNG!" Li was, and not for the first time that day, beat red. He couldn't NOT look unless he dropped her.

"Sakura-Chan!" Tomoyo scolded her friend for showing herself, but she helped her friend up out of Li's strong hold all the same.

"What was wrong, Tomoyo-Chan? I thought something really terrible happened!" Sakura gasped, blushing and immediately pulling her skirt down again as soon as she stood up.

"But it did, Sakura! I...I RAN OUT OF TAPE!" she wailed.

"That's it?" Sakura asked, dumbfounded.

"Sakura-Chan! How could you say such a thing: 'That's it?'?! This is terrible!" Tomoyo sobbed, tears streaking her face. "I couldn't even tape the expression on Li-Kun's face when he saw your underwear!"

Li blushed. Eriol wailed, "Is it over?"

Li playfully slapped Eriol on the back, smiling, and whispered in his ear, "What did you see?!"

"Why you dirty little-" Eriol started, a smirk growing on his face as he eyed Li unbelievably. Li just stood there, hand behind his head, a sheepish look on his boyish face. Eriol smiled, knowingly, at his good friend.

"Congratulations!" Terada-Sensi exclaimed, interrupting the moment between the two pairs of friends, and holding the paper tightly between his fingers. "You two got the 'Special Card'!" Rika sighed from a distance. Her fiancŽ was so original.

"'Special card'?" chorused the blushing students.

"Of course! With this card, you two can pick any object of study to do your report on!"

He was obviously ecstatic with this news, however Sakura and Li both emitted sighs upon hearing this.

"Great," Li mumbled under his breath. "More work than ever." He hung his head, gloomily as he joined Sakura in walking to the back of the line, looking at the folded paper, the "Special Card", he now held in his sweaty left palm. Sakura leaned over his shoulder, gently resting her chin along his neck bone to read the card. 'Oh, my God,' Li thought, amazed at the position she put him in.

"Well, are you going to show it to me or not?" she asked sweetly, almost teasingly. She smiled one of her undeniably cute smiles; her warm, sweet smelling breath tickled his neck. Sakura trailed one delicate finger along his back. He shivered at her touch.

He nervously unfolded the mangled paper, and then held up the card in one shaking hand. They read it together:

Congratulations. You have chosen the "Special Card".
This assignment is an incredibly important part of your semester grade.
Please do your best work possible. The assignment is as follows:
-choose any topic for your report
-include explanations for mathematics strategies
-must include diagram

"Cheer up, Li-kun!" Sakura enthusiastically squealed. "At least we'll be doing it together!" She blanched at these last words, knowing how they must sound in Li's ears. "Oops," she sighed, letting go of him, as though he had just burned her.

There was an uneasy silence in the air before Li broke it with words he obviously thought were comforting, "It...it's okay, Sakura."

He blushed at saying her name, and even more so when he remembered what she had just told him. Now he was sure what this crazy feeling bubbling and boiling inside his heart was: love. Only for Sakura.

Li turned around, so his back was no longer turned on the girl. She looked absolutely terrified at her own words, and Li wanted to take her in his arms and tell her everything would be all right...that he loved her. "Thank you, Li-kun," she whispered to him, suddenly.

"For what?" he asked, puzzled.

"For not being mad at me."

He shuddered. She thought he was mad at her? Again, he mentally slapped himself. How could he ever let her think such a thing?!

"You're...you are welcome," he blushed back.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Sakura had been so absorbed with the wonderful young man standing in front of her, that she had been totally oblivious to the time...and, obviously, everyone else in the class, who was now leaving the classroom, chatting happily about their plans for the weekend, low test scores, and homework. Everyone was in fairly high spirits as they filed out the large metal double-doors of the building and onto busses, frantically searching for their rides, or taking their bikes for a spin.

Tomoyo and Eriol appeared behind Sakura, detaching themselves from the crowd. Li, seeing the suspicious smirk of an expression on Eriol's face, high tailed it back to his desk, where he began throwing books into his school bag. However, he still had a very preoccupied look on his face, and Eriol was at his side before Li could put another book in his bag.

"What's up, Li-kun? The most popular boy in school, star player on the soccer team, and future husband to the most popular girl in school shouldn't have anything to worry about!"

Li looked up and gave him a look that clearly said "it's-none-of-your-business-so-stay-out".

"Hey, I'm only trying to help you, Li, so don't get so high-strung!" The other boy was still unquestionably bothered by Eriol's words. "Hey, I bet this will make you feel a little better: it's a long weekend, right? Four days off of school, right?"

Li's scowl vanished, to be replaced by a quizzical look.

Eriol leaned to Li's ear and whispered, "You know, Tomoyo invited me to go to Paris with her and her mother for a big convention for her mother's company."

"So?" Li asked, paranoid.

"Well, that means Tomoyo and I will be out of the way! You'll be in he clear to-"

"If you're thinking about me telling Sakura that I'm madly, passionately, unconditionally, longingly in crazy love for her," Li hissed back into a now smiling Eriol's ear, "that all I want to do is be with her for all eternity, you-"

"NOW you've got the idea, lover boy!" Eriol smiled at his friend.

Li's hard physique faded at once down to a deep, cherry pink blush.


"Oh, Sakura!" squealed Tomoyo, "I can't wait until Mother takes us to Paris! That's why I wanted to talk to you. Our flight leaves in only a few hours."

"You're going to Paris? Over the four-day weekend?" Tomoyo nodded, fervently. "That's really neat, Tomoyo!" Sakura was excited for her friend.

"And," Tomoyo continued, "guess where you're going!" Sakura tilted her head in the sweetest way Tomoyo had ever seen. She wished Li could've seen her; she was sure it would drive him mad!

"Oh, no, Tomoyo, you must be mistaken!" Sakura told her friend cheerfully as she, too, filled her backpack with schoolbooks. "Daddy's going out of town with his students at the University, and Touya," Sakura made a face, "is going to Yukito's place for the weekend. I'll be all alone at-"

"Uh-uh! You're gonna spend the weekend with a very special person!" Tomoyo corrected her friend. "AND, you know who I mean!" She winked at her still very perplexed friend. "Believe me, Sakura, HE'LL come to you, begging you to spend the weekend with him."

Sakura sighed and looked, for a moment, down at her heaping pile of notebooks she yet had to stuff into her pack. She averted her gaze from her textbooks, and looked back up at her best friend with a pleading look.

"Sorry, Sakura, but I promised that I wouldn't tell you anything about him," she half-lied. Actually, it was going to be Eriol's job to convince the stubbornly shy Syaoran Li to ask Sakura on a date, but she knew that (and she began blushing as she thought about it) with Eriol's charm and cunning, he was sure to make Li see things her way.

"All right, all right," Sakura giggled at the sight of her blushing friend. "I'll just give up until my knight in shining armor comes to me as the valiant hero." Tomoyo gave a hearty guffaw at the chosen words of her friend. "Just take loads of pictures for me in Paris, okay, Tomoyo-Chan?"

"Yeah, sure thing!" Tomoyo smiled back. "Oh, and, that reminds me: I really should be going soon," Tomoyo sighed, swiveling on her heel to look at the large clock on the wall.

Turning in Eriol's direction, she found him in an obviously absorbing conversation with none other than a madly blushing Li, who was hurriedly filling his backpack to its limits. Wanting to give them a little more time, Tomoyo spun herself back around to look at Sakura, who was now throwing her sweater around her shoulders, preparing to leave. Tomoyo squealed, madly, "Wait! You never told me what you wanted to tell me when we were in line! Tell me now...please?"

Sakura sat back down again, not wanting to strain her back any more than she needed to with the enormous weight of her overflowing backpack, and looked, sweetly, up at Tomoyo. "Well," she began, slowly, "I'm kind of scared...." Her voice trailed off so that it was barely audible.

"Sakura, when you have Li willing to do any-" She, too, trailed off, this time, though, because she was afraid of her own words. "Oops."

When it came to keeping secrets, Tomoyo always fizzled out in the long run. Nevertheless, when telling them came into play, the girl aced the stage.

Sakura, however, still looked perplexed by her friend's remark.

'Good thing she's so dense,' Tomoyo thought. Still, she sighed. 'Just like the good old days,' she recalled, a bemused expression on her face as she recollected thoughts of the past....

"Anyway," she leaned to her friend's ear, continuing as though there had been no interruption, "I'm a bit worried...because I haven't been able o sense a Clow card lately. What if," she shuddered, "what if one of the cards I haven't caught yet appears while you're gone, and-"

"Dearest Tomoyo, I greatly wish not to interrupt your conversation with Ms. Li-" Eriol quickly stifled his laughter, "pardon me: Ms. Kinomoto, but we really must be going if we expect to make our flight on time."

Tomoyo blushed, and whispered to Sakura, "He's such a gentleman!" Sakura nodded, earnestly.

Turning back to her boyfriend, Tomoyo told him, "I think I'm all packed. I should really call Mother to tell her to pick us up at your place." Eriol nodded, and took her hand to lead her out the door, although he stole a last glance at Syaoran Li, who was nervously hunting for the cap of his school uniform on the floor, saying, "Good luck!" in an eerily taunting voice.

Tomoyo, too, twisted around before exiting the scene, waving at Sakura, who waved back, smiling, and said, "Call me if you need any...advice!" There was a taunt to her tone, too, but Sakura missed the sarcasm and shot her friend one of her glorious smiles, calling, "Enjoy yourself!"

A very excited Eriol and a skipping Tomoyo pushed open the solid, heavy metal doors to the entrance of the building, setting off for Eriol's home...and leaving a stunned, blushing Syaoran Li alone with an exhausted and very confused Sakura Kinomoto.

'Oh, God,' Li thought, still frantically searching for his cap on the dusty classroom floor. 'Just what I need: to be alone with the one girl I absolutely love and cherish with all my heart after all the times I embarrassed myself today because of her! This is just my luck; I can't find my damn hat, either!'

"Li-kun?" came an absolutely spellbinding voice from the silence of the room, other than the grunts of Li as he snaked around the floor searching for his long lost cap; now, though, out of nervousness did he remain of the grimy floor.

"OW!" he wailed in pain. Li was crawling under his desk, just at the moment when his flower of desire called his name.

"Oh, my gosh!" squealed an anxious Sakura, rushing over to the other side of the classroom, abandoning her school bag in the process. It fell with a heavy thud onto the tiled floor, but she paid no heed, as she was at Li's side faster than a speeding bullet.

"Are...are you all right?" she asked, nervously, giving him one of her small hands to pull himself up. He took it; however it was with a very sweaty hand did he grasp it with. His face was rapidly rising in color; Sakura's was, too.

"I-I'm glad you're all right," she told him, shyly. He was still holding her hand very tightly. "I...I thought you really got hurt. Can I see where you hit your head? Maybe I can...do something to make it...better."

Both were very aware that the other was still clasped to each other's hand. Li, unfortunately, realized this just a second too late, and held hers for simply a second too long before he let go, very reluctantly. He reddened, if possible, even more, when he saw his sweat glistening back on Sakura's palm. She smiled so radiantly, the nervous boy was about to bet he would faint any millisecond.

"Can I see the bump?" Sakura asked in a candy-sweet, motherly voice. Li, of course couldn't refuse the offer made by this angel of a sweetheart. He could've sworn right then that she was an angel sent to him from Heaven. 'That,' he thought, 'proves how much I love her.'

Slowly, he pushed his bangs back off his forehead with one sticky hand. There was a blue bruise forming over the otherwise smooth, soft skin. Sakura trailed one slender index finger over the affliction; he flinched ever so slightly. She had a look of great concern on her usually cheerful profile. Li, however, was horribly aware of how close she was to his face: he could feel her breath tickling his lips.

The next moment lingered painfully slow in time: Sakura lifted herself up on the balls of her feet, closed her eyes, and brought her lips down on his forehead, landing a swift, yet zealous kiss on him.

Words could not describe the feelings of emotion rushing through the body of Syaoran Li at the moment when her lips daintily caressed his forehead. Only his deep, crimson face gave any sign that he was amazed. Other than that, he was speechless, and he had a feeling that it would be a good, long while until his decided to return.

Sakura lowered herself back to the ground again, but she still felt as though she were floating on the huge, fluffy clouds in the spring afternoon sky outside their very classroom. She had kissed Syaoran Li! Never mind that it was only his forehead, she had kissed a part of his beautiful, gorgeous body...with passion, though it was a little vague.

When she opened her eyes from savoring every moment of the couple seconds where her lips had caressed his forehead, the first thing she saw was the very, very red profile of Syaoran Li, and the first thing he saw was the sparkle of her attractive emerald eyes in the sunlight, eliminating her smooth complexion.

Both felt.... There was no way to describe it. Neither student of Tomoeda High School wanted to try, either. It was simply a moment they would always remember.

"So," Sakura started. If she was shy before, it was nothing compared to how she felt now.

Sakura smoothed her short skirt, and turned her back on Li, a smirk formulating on her young, charming face, although her back was to him.

Li was sure he would never unfreeze from the state of shock that that one girl, moreover, that one beautiful, funny, sweet, sensational, girl, put him in. He hadn't moved yet.

Suddenly, Sakura turned around, winking at him, her hands daintily set to her sides, her palms turned out, saying, "I'd brush that dust off your pants, Li-kun."

His eyes swiveled to look at her, though he simply stood there, as though petrified. "I...I...I...."

He couldn't speak properly yet. She emitted a small giggle, and took cute, delectable steps back to her abandoned schoolbag, obviously pleased with herself and Li's reaction.

And, indeed, her heart was considerably light as she struggled to lift her pack onto her back, stumbling under its immense weight. She jauntily positioned her cap on her short, chestnut bobby-cut hair with her two little stubs of pigtails, and trudged near the classroom door, thinking about what Tomoyo had told her about her secret lover. 'Believe me, Sakura, HE'LL come to you, begging you to spend the weekend with him,' she had said before she had sauntered off to Paris, the city of love, with Eriol.

Sakura sighed. The city of love; that's where Tomoyo WOULD go, moreover, with that flashy Eriol. 'How nice it must be to really find true love,' she thought, dreamily.

"Sakura," called a distant voice.

'Yes,' she thought. 'Someone to call my name...lovingly...only for me...kiss me...only for me....'

"Sakura," called the nameless voice again.

'Someone like-'


"W-What?!" she exclaimed, startled out of her trance as though she had just been snapped out of a state of deep hypnosis. Sakura was totally oblivious to the fact that she had stopped dead in her tracks on her way to the door of the classroom. Her face was labeled with a day dreamy expression, and her eyes were glossed over with a look of ecstasy; an expression the owner of the voice knew oh, too well. She spun on her heel to look at none other than an abashed-looking Li-kun. He had his cap, though slightly squashed, and now his uniform was complete. He was so close to her face, he could have sworn that naught but a piece of paper could slip between them.

"Um...Sakura...I...um... Could I have the honor of walking you home?" he stammered, shyly. His face was only a slight pink; he thought that came out better than he had expected. He was quite pleased with himself, but...he was anxiously awaiting this delicate flower's answer...very anxiously.

"Oh, Li-kun," she started sadly. Li face-faltered. "I'd love to have you walk me home, but," Sakura continued, solemnly.

Li's lip quivered. 'I won't break down...I won't break down,' he repeated in his mind. His heart hurt; 'What will she say next to shatter me?' he thought, sadly. Can't she see my heart, bursting with fiery love...only for her?'

"...But I have my blades and I wouldn't want you to fall behind!" she finished, cheerfully.

'That's just like my Sakura,' he thought. 'I knew she wasn't like that; she would never reject someone like that.'

His spirits considerably lighter knowing that Sakura was allowing him to have the honor of walking her home on a beautiful spring day, knowing that he was facing a four-day weekend with no school, and knowing that he might possibly be spending the whole thing with Sakura at his side working on their math project together, he smiled widely at her, shoving his hands in his pockets.

'Only for me,' Sakura thought when she saw his smile. 'He rarely ever smiles...but this time, it's only for me...' She eyed Li, absentmindedly, taking in every glorious aspect of the boy.

'...And I'm not gonna put it to waste!' she concluded, grabbing her skates from outside the door faster than a bolt of lightning. She sprinted down the hall to stop in front of the large doors to the entrance of Tomoeda High School. Sakura Kinomoto truly was the star of the physical education class!

"You gotta' catch me, first!" she called playfully to him from down the hall.

" You bet I will!" he called back, running after her. She giggled. Sakura was enjoying herself, greatly, in the presence of Syaoran Li.

If only Tomoyo were there, she would be proud to see her two best friends finally getting together. Li, too, was quite hearty at the prospect of finally being on great speaking terms with such a wonderful girl: Sakura. His Sakura.

Unbeknownst to the little wolf and the cherry blossom, however, one unearthly being was greatly antagonistic towards the couple. Possibly even...deadly....


Author's Note: Do you like my fic so far? I hope for the next part, "An Unexpected Encounter," to be even better! Also, some loose ends will be tied up in the second piece. Requests? Comments? Suggestions? Mail me at pikachu336@excite.com. Thanks for the encouragement!

-Pikachu 336

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