FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author's note: Hi all!!!I'm back!! And best of all, with my 2nd chapter of "Painful Moments" Hope u like it! And Thanks for your comments and ideas that you S+S fans out there gave me, and especially "THE SPHINX" thank you! I would try writing the E+T if I got the time...i promise...but I don't think that I caught the whole characther of Eriol and Tomoyo yet, I mean the DEEP characther, so ppl out there, pls help me by sending me informations... I hope that this fic is long enough though... Don't be mad if it's short... school started and I'm a new tranfered student to a new school, the ppl there are not as friendly as Sakura's school though... so I have pressure... don't sue me! The next chapter will be coming in about three to four weeks... I hope... if it doesn't please stay patient cuz I have to sit for an exam this year, it's important.. If I don't score good, I would be working in the garbage center.. So don't flame me, and have a heart... Anyways, please enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimers: I don't own ccs, Sakura or even Syaoran, eventhough I hope I do... Sakura is sooo kawaii...her eyes are the most beautiful sets of eyes I've ever seen... and plus, Syaoran is sooo cute, wonder what he looks like when he grows up... ah... ... those amber eyes...^///^... those soft and messy cinnamon brown hair... ^~^ ////...ok ok, I'll won't brag too far!! So ppl don't sue me..

Keys I'm using:
~Scenes~ *thoughts* "talking" (author's notes)

Painful Moments
Chapter 2
Done by: Aquarius

"WHAT 'D YA MEAN VISITING HOUR'S CLOSED!?" Syaoran asked the nurse too loudly. " WE'RE HER FRIENDS, SO WHY CAN'T WE SEE HER???"
"Sorry, but visiting hours are over, you can see her tomorrow, according to the hospital rules, only family members are allowed to see her now. And no BOYFRIENDS allowed either..." Syaoran blush at that. " And PLUS, she needs some rest in her condition..."
Blah blah blah... you had been saying that a lot, I know, but I just can't keep myself from worrying...* Syaoran was frustrated, he and Eriol arrived half an hour ago and saw Tomoyo sitting on the bench in the hall, crying softly with a nurse comforting her.
"Syaoran, calm down. We must FOLLOW the rules, and we'll be seeing her tomorrow..." Eriol said calmly.
*Easy for you to say...you've got your LOVE right in front of you...but I DON'T!!! Oh God I hope she's all right...*thought Syaoran frusted and worried. *This is not FAIR!!*
Eriol seemed to have noticed the "lover-in-front-of-you" thing and he blushed a little. "Syaoran, I care for Sakura too, I wanted to see her too, but the nurse is right she needed her rest..."
" I know, I know, you don't have to say THAT again..." Syaoran said, feeling like wanted to beat himself up for thinking like that.
" Okay, so you ready to head home?" Eriol said to Syaoran, then he turned to Tomoyo. "Tomoyo, you'd better get home before your mom gets VERY worried."
"But......but I wanna stay here , because it's still my fault she's here..." Tomoyo sounded guilty.
"No, it's not your fault Tomoyo, she did that cause she don't wanna see you get hurt, and if you can't be strong now, she'll feel guilty instead, because she made you worry." Eriol said to his beloved patiently.
" Okay, so now, me and Syaoran will walk you home, " Eriol said, eyeing the flustred Syaoran, who is glaring at Eriol for not standing at his side.
"Yeah, you kids better head home now, Miss Daidouji needed her rest too after all the shock she got from the accident..." the nurse said to the "Kids".
*What?! How dare she call me a kid?!?* Thought Syaoran furious.
Eriol knows what he's thinking and sweat dropped *but you still are a kid, well, make that half-kid*
"Anyway, come on, we'd better get home, okay?" Eriol said to the two softly and patiently.
Tomyo and Syaoran finally gave up, knowing that they can't win this so-called "debate".

Touya and Fujitaka (plus Kero hiding somewhere) was shocked to see that Sakura was so weak, Yukito had to go home cause of the only-family-allowed rule thingy.
Ohmigosh, Sakura...* thought Touya when he saw he precious imouto who is now lying on the patient bed. She was very pale, her lips were dry, her right arm was in a cast and her forehead was bandaged, there's also some plasters on her left cheek, and there's some bruises there too, they can't see her other arm and her body or legs because of the covers. But they knew there's some cuts and bruises there too. Dr. Masako, the doctor who called Touya earlier said so. She also said that Sakura lost a lot of blood in the accident too.
*It hurts to see her like this...* Thought Touya as he eyed his father worriedly.
The only thing that comforted them was seeing Sakura sleeping peacefully, her long, soft auburn hair was arranged neatly on her bed and she changed into a clean hospital gown.
Dr. Masako also told them to let her rest and inform them when she's awake. They had to check whether she had any damages in her head, cause her head was being banged quite badly.
They moved to her bed quietly and sat beside her, waiting for her to wake up.

*Hmm...? Where am I?* Sakura started to stir in her sleep.
"Sakura? Are you okay? How do you feel honey?" She heard a voice said. The voice was gentle and soft and caring not like the one in her dreams. *Dad? *
"So the little kaiju's up ain't she?" That voice belonged to her oniichan. She tried to protest about the kaiju thing, but she felt too weak and plus, her body ached everywhere, she felt that her arm was being plastered. So she just layed on her bed. She still didn't open her eyelids though...
Touya frowned, *Why isn't she going to protest about me calling her kaiju? And what happened to her eyes? Why isn't she opening them? * He is VERY worried, it's not the normal Sakura he knew. *Sure, she's weak, I know. But at least she can give me some signal that she's trying to protest or maybe just open her eyes...*
"Sakura, are you okay?" asked her father again, worried, cause his daugther never gave any responce that she's awake or not. "Try opening your eyes and let me take a good look at you, okay?"
"Un..." she finally managed to say.
*Good, at least that's a start..* Touya thought, feeling a little relieved, at least she gave ONE responce.
When Sakura finally opened her eyes, (guess what she saw?) NOTHING!
All she could see was darkness everywhere, it's even darker than "THE DARK" at least last time, she still can see herself.
*Oh my, what's happening? * Sakura thought to herself.


Author's last note: Hi again! So how's my fic? Ya like it? Hope you do, I sorta made it a cliffhanger...so sorry. Anyway, The next chapter is coming soon enough, so pls, be patient.
Any comments??? Send 'em to: aquarius_ha@hotmail.com or jessicca_321@yahoo.com. I promise, I will reply your message ASAP. (If you want to) and umm...when you're sending me comments, pls write a subject like, "comments" or even a "hi" so that I know it's about comments of my fic.. Okey! Thnx everybody for reading this fic. Hope you guys would wait patiently for my next chapter! And many many, kisses to every Homepages that put on my fic. THANK YOU!!! @~@...

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