FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Author's note: Hi all! I'm back with my 3rd Chapter!!! Aren't ya happy? Well, hope you are. And umm... SPHINX, pls continue on writing your fic, I'm looking forward to read it, it's interesting! And, today, I actually read a fic, and the author said that she/he (I dunno) had enough with the S+S mushy stuffs, well, to me personally, I looove to read those sappy, sad, mushy stuffs, it's really heart warming, well, except for the sad thing, that is. Well, I won't blabble too much, just wanted o thank everyone who read my fic, and those who sent feedback, THANKS!!! Like always, any comments, pls. Send 'em to my e-mail: aquarius_ha@hotmail.com or jessicca_321@yahoo.com. I promise, I will reply and I even hope we can be friends! And people, pls. Don't flame me, cuz I have A LOT of pressure this year, I have to sit for an Exam, it's not international exam, but it's the country's exam, if I fail, I think I'm gonna have to feed the pigs as my job. So, pls understand and have a heart..Ouch...my back hurts like hell...anyway, enjoy! ^~^

Disclaimer(s): Well, as always, CCS does NOT belong to me, so don't sue me...okay, get on with the story.

Keys in using:
*thoughts* ~scenes~ (author's note) "talking"

Painful Moments
Chapter 3
Done By: Aquarius


"Umm......What time is it now? Why is it so dark? Dad? Oniichan?" Sakura asked. She can't see ANYTHING, *Did they turned off the lights or the city's having an electric problem? * She asked herself. A little scared, and confused.
*What is she talking about? Ain't it 9 in the morning? And the sun's shining directly into her room, the curtain's not blocking anything too... * Touya thought suspiciously as he looked directly at his imouto.
*Unless... * He started to worry. Instinctly he waved his hand in front of Sakura'a pale face a few times, hoping that his precious imouto would give some responce.
Instead, she gave no responce, only that she kept saying: "Dad? Oniichan? Are you guys here?"
Touya's face paled.
GOD, PLEASE NO!! YOU TOOK MY MOM ONCE...PLEASE DON"T DO THIS TO ME. PLEASE LET THIS BE A MISTAKE... PLEASE LET HER BE OKAY... * He thought, hoping this really is a mistake. He's so shocked, scared and his heart ached even more, he just can't believe that this is happening to his precious imouto. He stared at his father and saw that he gave the same he's.
"Dad? Oniichan?" Sakura's getting more and more scared because of the silence and the darkness, Fujitaka and Touya knew that. They should do something fast.
"Huh? Sorry Honey, we just went out for a while to... to get a vase for the flowers..." Fujitaka said as he faked a door open and close sound.
"Oh......" Sakura still didn't get the real idea yet though.
"Umm...so kaiju, close your eyes and get some sleep first, maybe it's dark for you cause...cause..."
"Cause you're too tired!" said Fujitaka right away. Eyeing his son. "You need to rest your eyes a little." Fujitaka covered precious daughther with a blanket.
Touya and Fujitaka knew that Sakura suspected something but shrugged it off. They felt relieved as Sakura dozed off almost immediately.
*Maybe it's because she's too tired...* Touya and Fujitaka hoped, but their instincts told them that they're wrong.

Fujitaka shot Touya a Let's-go-outside look. Touya nodded and closed the door softly behind him.
"Doctor, we need to ask you something," Fujitaka said as he went and get Dr. Masako. She's the doctor that's treating Sakura.
"Yes, Mr. Kinomoto?" asked the doctor, smiling a little.
"Umm...my daughter woked up just now, but why can't she see? Is it because of the bang on her head? (Hey, I know it's crappy, but I can't think of something else to say.)
"What? Well, Mr. Kinomoto, can I check on her now?" Dr Masako asked politely, a little shocked though.
"Sure, please do." Fujitaka replyed.
"Thanks. Nurse Aino, please come with me to Kinomoto's room."
When the doctor finished checking on Sakura, she came out with a frown expression on her face.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Kinomoto, I've bad news."
"What bad news? Is...Is she blind?" Fujitaka asked softly, heart pounding fast.
Touya winced when he heard the word 'blind'.
"Well, from the results of our x-ray. It seemed that there's nothing blocking her from seeing. There's nothing wrong with her brain's functions. We've never met with this case before...she may be...sightless...for awhile or even forever... we're sorry, we tried our best, and we'll continue on checking the cause of this simpton, we hope you would understand..."
* GOD, WHY??* Touya's face paled and dropped to the bench behind him.
"All we can do now is to keep her from pressuring to much. Let her rest often and keep
her happy, she may be cured before school starts..." (Note: It's school hols. Remember?)
"We'll try our best doctor..." Fujitaka answered as he tried to hold his tears from rolling
down his cheeks.

"Don't worry Tomoyo, she won't blame you." Eriol said the tenth time this morning.
"How can you be so sure?" Tomoyo asked, still feeling guilty.
"I'm the reincarnation of Clow, remember?" he joked, not that he felt like it. "And besides, we all know her. She won't blame yu. PLUS, you're her BEST FRIEND." Eriol reminded Tomoyo. Then he took a peek at Syaoran.
"Syaoran, don't worry, she'll be okay." Eriol stated. Syaoran opened his mouth to say something, but shut it again.
*Hope the nurse won't say visit hour's over like last night * He's still upset about last night. He wanted to be next to Sakura when she woke up, but that wouldn't be granted, *just because the stupid nurse won't let us in... *
"Eh? Isn't that Yukito-san?" Tomoyo informed her friends.
"Yukito-san! Over here!" Eriol called to Yukito.
" Good morning everybody! So are you guys heading to the hospital?" he asked, smiling, like always.
"Yes, I thought you're in the hospital with Touya-san?" Eriol asked.
"Well, the nurse said that visiting hour's over. So I had to head back home. Cause Touya and Mr. Kinomoto had to stay in the hospital." Yukito answered.
*So, he's not allowed too, eh? * Wondered Syaoran.
"Well, we're here." Said Eriol as they walked near the hospital entrance.

*Sakura, hope you'll recover as soon as possible... * Kero thought while looking at his mistress outside the window. *She sure is in a bad shape.. * He can't come in because Touya would suspect something fishy.
Guess I'll have to stay a few days at Tomoyo's* he thought as he headed for Tomoyo's house.

" The bandage on her eyes are to prevent her from hurting it." Dr. Masako explained to Touya and Fujitaka.
They just nodded, hoping this is just a nightmare.
"And it would be easier for you to explain to her than letting her find out herself..." added Dr. Masako.
"Thank you doctor..." That's all Fujitaka can say right now.

"Hi again, Sakura Card Mistress..."
*It's that voice again!*
"Who are you??!" Sakura asked. Scared.
" So, how does it feel when darkness is around you?" the voice asked. Ignoring her question.
"Didn't you noticed just now? I'm taking your sight away. So that you won't be able to see your world again!! Including your dearest Li Syaoran, your two lovebird friends, your Oniichan and your dad...hahahahaha!!!" laughed the voice coldly.
"What? Why? Why are you doing this?"
"You'll know when it's time..." the voice said, fading away.

"Hah...hah..." breathed Sakura heavily.
"Sakura, are you alright?" asked Touya, concerned. He's in no mood to call his imouto kaiju right now. Fujitaka had a very important meeting and had to go to the University right away, not that he wanted to. Touya had to stay to take care of his little sister.
He hated it when he saw the bandage bounded around her beautiful emerald green eyes.
"Do you need a doctor?" he asked, worried. * Why is she breathing so heavily? *
"Oniichan?" She managed to say, while trying to stop herself from breathing hard. Immediately, she felt something around her eyes, so she touched it.
Touya looked away while she touched it with her left hand. (The right one's plastered.)
"H...hoe?" she asked silently.
"The doctor said that it's for protecting your eyes," "it's just for a few weeks..." Touya answered sulkily while he helped his sister sit up. His heart leaped while waiting for her answer. He just hated it when he had to explain to his sister. And it's too painful to see her like this...
"Oh..." was her response.
*Huh? That's it? * Touya was concerned.
Is she okay? God, the stupid cloth's blocking me from knowing her feelings, * her eyes was the only thing that can tell him her real feelings. Eyes can't tell lies, but that cloth's blocking him from knowing how Sakura's feeling right now. He felt like ripping it off right away. *Man, I hate this, I hate to see her like this. *
"I'm blind am I?" She cutted Touya off before he could finish.
"It...It's just temporary, the doctor said that you'll have to rest a lot..." he tried to explain, shakily.
"It's not going to heal, the person told me that. She said that I wn't be able to see mmy world ever again..." she started to sob, she's scared and sad. She can't see her family, friends and most of all, Syaoran's loving, emotional amber eyes, his handsome face, his cinnamon brown hair...
"Sakura..." Touya couldn't beat it anymore, he hugged her tight, careful of her wounds. He felt like crying himself. *No, I must be strong, I must be strong, I'm the only one here now, if I broke down, Sakura won't have any confidence anymore... *
"Sakura...It's not true, it's just a dream and the doctor said that I would heal, just give it some time..."
"Oniichan... I...can never...get...get to see...... again ..." Sakura cried even harder.
"Shhh... Don't say like that, come on, you need your rest." Touya tried to comfort her while laying her back into a sleeping position.
"But...but... I'm...scared, oniichan, what if I really can't see forever?" she sobbed.
"Don't give up hope so easily, Sakura. We'll find proffesionals to heal you, okay? Hold my hand if you're scared, I'll be next to you Sakura. Shhhh... Now, get some sleep."
"Oniichan, promise me...don't go away, okay?" Sakura pleaded Touya.
"I promise." He let Sakura hold his hand tightly as she doze off.
She must be really tired too..And scared too. What am I going to do? What am I going to say to her if she said that she'll be blind forever? * Touya thought as tears started to streak down his cheek.
*God, please help me... *


Author's last note: So? What do you guys think? Sorry, it's a cliffhanger again...my next chapter's coming soon, I hope. Sorry, if it's too short, my back hurted A LOT after sitting for about a few hours straight, and I think I getting a fever or a flu...so please understand.
Again, any comments send them to aquarius_ha@hotmail.com or jessicca_321@yahoo.com well, gtg go now, hope u enjoyed my fic.

Japanese words:
Imouto: younger sister

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