FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 6: Secrets

from now on, I'll have little songs I made up for the important
(Fil, Rosa, Terry, Josh, Rei, Bryan, Chang, Fula, Corey, Sakura, Syaoran,
Lily, Madison, Meilin)
but, instead of telling you who the song is 'written' by,
you'll have to email me and guess! hehe
remember, my email address (at least for now) is smileymon810@juno.com
i kno, i kno, i change my mind too much.


"Key of Clow, power of magic, power of light, release the wand, the
force ignite, release!" (i think its like that) "Okay, these two are
positively pure evil," Sakura said as Madison's video camera was running.
"We have to use the power of light and good to defeat them." Corey said.
The two glanced and smiled at each other. "Light card, defeat this evil
force, Light card, release and dispel!" Sakura said, one hand releasing
the light card while the other formed a little ball of light. The others
were doing the same (i mean, without the clow cards). "GO!" Lily flew out
of the way as Sakura's light card wrapped around Cherry and Matt, keeping
them contained. "Okay, everyone, throw your little blast things!" Corey
shouted. All of them tossed them at Matt and Cherry, who were surrounded
by a white sphere and unable to move it or get out. The little spheres of
colors joined to form a humongous white eagle, who made Cherry and Matt
vanish and the light card go back to Sakura. "Blast things?" Sakura asked
Corey. "Hey, it's the best thing I could come up with on short notice."
he protested. "What-ever!" she said, waving him away. That's when the
person appeared.
"Who are you?" Sakura asked. "Why, don't you remember me? I am your
faithful good magician." The young girl smiled. "What? How can you be the
magician?" Corey asked, folding his arms. "Oh, whatever. But why are you
here?" Sakura asked. Corey kicked her in the leg and she smacked him
right back on the head. The young magician smiled. "Why? I am here to
thank you for freeing my soul from those evil people." The magician shook
her head. "You have all grown so. It seems just like yesterday I created
you from little doves." Then the young girl smiled again. "You children
no longer possess the magical powers of the doves. They will be free with
me in my world." She pointed at the stars. "We will travel all over the
universe. However, I am leaving the cherry blossom here with the ability
to dance and play the flute." The young girl took out an intricate flute,
painted with doves over each hole. "This was my special flute. Now it
will become your faithful dove leader's." Sakura protested. "But it's
beautiful, and it's yours. You shouldn't give it to me. I didn't do
anything." "Did not do anything? Your honesty and kindness is more enough
thanks! Don't underestimate yourself, cherry blossom! You deserve
anything! Besides, your faithful loyalty to your fellow doves is true!
Please take the flute." The little magician created a box, with red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and white spheres in it.
"Wait. I want a picture of me with all of you." Madison took out her
camera, and snapped two photos. She handed one to the young magician.
"Keep the costumes. They look absolutely gorgeous, er, good on all of
you. Oh, yes, here, each of you must have these." The young girl took out
eight tiny dove charms from a secret compartment in her box. "These
charms help you guys to locate each other when you say a special word.
Take the color that belongs to you. Oh yes, Sakura Avalon, these belong
to you." The little magician handed two cards to Sakura. One showed a
blue sillouette (this is Cherry). It was called 'The Sillhouette' (or
however you spell that word). The other was a black sillhouette in a
midnight blue background (this is Matt). It was called, 'The Unknown'.
"Oh, look at the time.I must fly. Take care! Life is precious, so
treasure it dearly!" The magican took the little box and flew away.
Everyone watched as she disappeared.

Syaoran couldn't believe it. "That's some amazing history you guys
have." Syaoran shook his head. Lily came back down. She looked at all of
them. "ALL of you were doves? I'm amazed! I couldn't sense a thing!" "Me
neither." Syaoran said, still amazed. "Come on, let's go home. Stay at
Syaoran's place, Sakura, with us girls! We don't have any school anytime
soon anyway." Meilin said. So Sakura called her father, got yelled at by
her brother (why in the world are you staying at that brat's house, oh
yeah make sure you don't go anywhere near him, Tori had said), and that
was that.

That night, after Sakura was asleep, everyone else woke up again. "Let's
start making that scrapbook!" Madison whispered. Kero hovered above
everybody. "Sakura is a pretty light sleeper, so hurry!" Madison grabbed
her stack of photos, and everyone else grabbed some pencils. Syaoran hung
back. "Come on, Syaoran! I need your help on a lot of these." Everyone
started scribbling and whispering frantically.

The next morning, the boys woke up early to a loud thump. "Sounds like
London bridge fell down." Corey said, yawning. "Bridge?." Josh said.
"That's what he said, a bridge." Fula said, stretching. Bryan sat up from
his sleeping bag, eyes still closed. "You must be crazy. There aren't any
bridges around here. Who turned up the heat? It's burning in here!" Rei
and Chang yawned. "You're not even wearing a shirt, and you say hot?"
Chang said, falling onto his sleeping bag. Syaoran choked. "What are you
all mumbling about? I can hear you all the way up here." Corey sighed.
"You're only two feet away from the rest of us, Syaoran." Bryan groaned.
"Let's eat. I'll bet you there's some good food out there." All of the
boys trooped into the living room quietly. Sakura had fallen asleep on
Madison's shoulder, and Madison was leaning against the wall, and both
girls had fallen asleep sitting up. Meilin, however, looked like she had
fallen off the couch. Corey moved Madison down into an empty sleeping bag
and Bryan moved Meilin into her sleeping bag, while Syaoran carried
Sakura into a sleeping position on the couch. "Hm..." Sakura said in her
sleep, smiling. She rolled in Syaoran's arms, her face slightly buried in
Syaoran's arm. Syaoran blushed madly while the boys laughed quietly.

earlier that morning...

"I wonder what being a teenager was like." Sakura said softly to Madison
as she leaned her head on Madison's shoulders. "I'm sure you'll figure it
out sometime." Madison whispered. "Why do I always feel so attached to
Syaoran?" Sakura asked. "It's cause you like him, silly." Meilin
whispered from her sleeping bag. She looked up at Sakura. "I'm sure he
likes you too." "But what if he doesn't?" Sakura asked. Meilin got up and
sat next to Sakura, leaning her head on the wall. "Sakura, you can tell
just by the way he looks at you that he likes you as more than friends.
Face it. He's in love with you." Meilin smiled at Sakura and leaned on
her side. "Sakura, why don't you just tell Syaoran how you feel?"
Sakura's cheeks turned slightly pink and she looked sadly at the door. "I
can't." "Why not?" both Meilin and Madison asked. "I can't tell you." She
closed her eyes, falling asleep again. 'What I would give for a real kiss
from Syaoran Li...' she thought sadly. When they were sure Sakura was
asleep, Meilin looked at Madison. "Something is keeping her from telling
Syaoran about her feelings." "I know." "I wonder what?" They both fell
asleep again, and Meilin was sleeping at the edge, so you can guess what


Sakura woke up, her bright emerald eyes shining. She looked at the
kitchen and heard the boys moving around. "Aww, why can't we have
food???" she heard Josh whine. "OW!" Josh said again. "What'd you do that
for, Bryan?" "If you want food, WHY DON'T YOU MAKE SOME!!!!" "Oh, just
can it." Syaoran said, sighing. "Key of Clow, power of magic, power of
light, surrender the wand, the force ignite, release!" Sakura whispered.
"Illusion card, look like a whole table of food! Release and dispel!" The
illusion card turned into a table with shining plates of food. Sakura
crawled under it, hiding behind the tablecloths. She sat down, and
whistled softly.

"Hey, did you hear a whistle?" "Yeah, let's go outside." The boys
stepped from the kitchen and looked at the table of food. "FOOD!" "Hey,
how did it get here?" "Awesome!" Syaoran raised his eyes, but joined the
others. Corey "grabbed" some chicken, but nothing was in his hand. "Say
what?" he said, astonished. "What the...?" Bryan said when the same
happened to him. All the guys did that with some remark. "Something
strange is going on..." Syaoran said, looking around the room. "Illusion
card, return to your powers confined! Illusion!" suddenly, whole table
and the "food" was gone and there sat Sakura, where it had been. She
smiled and started laughing hysterically. All the girls woke up. "What
are you guys doing here?" "What in the world is Sakura laughing about?"
Meilin asked, rubbing her eyes. Rosa and Terry's eyes sparkled. "She did
it! You did it Sakura! You tricked them!" All three bounced around the
room, laughing. "Oh my gosh..." Corey groaned and fell down sideways.
"How could three girls have tricked us?" Bryan said, looking at the
ceiling. Everyone else groaned and laughed. "Nice one, guys!" Sakura's
face showed no trace of worry. "You guys..." she laughed and choked.
"You--I can't believe you FELL for that!" All the girls started laughing
again. Sakura almost fell down, but Syaoran caught her, smiling just a
tiny smile. Lily was the only one who didn't enjoy it much. 'There she
goes again... flirting with every single one of them! Especially MY

at the beach...

Sakura sat down on the towel, exhausted. Madison came with her.
"Swimming is hard work!" Sakura said, and stretched out on the towel.
Madison took out her camera and took a picture. "Madison!" Sakura yelped,
and leapt up. "Sakura, can I take some pictures of you? It's for one of
my projects." "Sure, Madison. But next time, tell me BEFORE you snap a
picture!" Sakura posed several times in her bathing suit for Madison.
"Okay, now put on these!" Madison took out a bag of clothes. "Why a tank
top?" Sakura asked Madison, looking inside the bag. "Because you look
so... so cute in them!" Madison said. "Besides, it really shows of your
good body! You have the slimmest, most attractive of anybody!" Madison
said, eyes sparkling. "That's not true though!" Sakura said, blushing.
"Well, who else do you know that is confident, pretty, and attractive?"
Madison asked. "Uh... well, lots!" Sakura said, blushing even harder.
"Just go put it on, Sakura! Please?" "Oh all right." Sakura ran into the
restrooms, soon coming out in a loose white tank top and a light cherry
pink skirt with a black band. "Okay, now pose! And smile!" Madison
clicked away. Madison looked at her role of film. "Only one left."
Madison adjusted Sakura's necklace. "Okay, Sakura, now just pose a good,
natural one!" Just as Madison was about snap one more time, a sudden wind
blew a few strands of Sakura's hair up. Her tank top and skirt billowed
slightly. The light flashed. "Oh, wow! This was the best one yet."
Madison showed Sakura the picture. "You look so great in this one!"
Sakura smiled and blushed again. "Thanks, Madison."
"Ohhh! It's true it's true! You really do look cute, Sakura!" The
forever card appeared right over Madison's shoulder. Madison and Sakura
shrieked, and Madison tossed the photo in the air. It flew right into
Syaoran's hands. "Oh my gosh..." Sakura moaned, rubbing her forehead. All
the boys crowded in beside Syaoran and looked at the picture. The forever
card giggled. "Seeya guys later!" she said in a light singsong voice and
disappeared. "Sorry Sakura! But now everyone will admire the picture!"
Madison said. "I think the forever card did that on purpose." Sakura
said, blushing.

Syaoran looked at the photo of Sakura. He had seen Sakura posing for
Madison earlier, but he hadn't seen the photos yet. "Wow, what a good
picture!" said Bryan. "You know, Syaoran, you have one chic girlfriend!"
Corey said, nudging Syaoran in the ribs. "But she's.... not..." Syaoran
started to say. "Oh, you like her so much and you know it." Syaoran
blushed, looking at the photo. "Come on! Ask her on a date when you give
her back the photo." Corey said. "Yeah!" all the guys agreed. "Oh all
right." Syaoran grumbled, and got up. He saw Sakura and Madison sitting
on the blanket. 'Oh, she is so cute...' Syaoran thought, and walked up
to them. "Hey Sakura. Hey Madison. Your photo must have flown towards us.
Here." Syaoran handed Madison the photo, and then turned to Sakura.
"Would you like to go out for lunch sometime?" Syaoran asked, his cheeks
turning red. Madison's eyes opened wide, and so did Sakura's. "Uh, sure
Syaoran. When?" Syaoran thought a moment. "How about... tomorrow
afternoon?" he asked. "S-sure! See you later!" Syaoran rushed back to his
friends, and Sakura waved. "Sakura! You got a date!" Terry leaped out
from behind a tree. Rosa walked calmly after her. "So you're going out
with Syaoran? Do you have any plans?" Rosa asked, her eyebrows raised.
"Guys! It's just lunch!" Sakura said. "A lunch... with your big crush,
Sakura!" Meilin said. "What will you wear?" Madison asked. "Let's choose
an outfit for her!" Meilin said. "We're all going to Sakura's house!"
Terry yelled across the beach. Then the girls all trooped to Sakura's
house. Lily followed, angry and jealous.

right before the lunch date...

"Okay, you're going to wear my skirt..." Meilin said, tossing Sakura her
black miniskirt with the little stars. "And you're going to wear this
t-shirt..." Madison picked up a t-shirt with blue flowers across the
front and tossed it to Sakura. "And my sporty jacket..." Rosa said,
opening her canvas bag and handing Sakura an electric blue sports jacket
with pink bands around the end. Terry peeked in. "Can I come in?" "Sure
come on in. What's wrong, Terry?" Sakura asked. "Nothing. You can use my
bracelet on your date." Terry took out a charm bracelet with stars
hanging from it. "Oh, it's so pretty!" Sakura said. "Thanks, Terry."
"You're welcome. I'll let you get ready now." Terry slipped out. "Now,
the outfit should go with your new athletic shoes we bought a week
ago..." meilin said, reaching into Sakura's closet and pulling out a pair
of white tennis shoes with electric blue stripes running around it. There
were thin lines of hot pink around the edges. "Okay, now put everything
on!" Rosa, Meilin, and Madison ran out and shut the door.
Sakura sat on the bed. 'I wonder if Lily's going to do anything to me?'
she thought intently as she pulled on a pair of short socks. Sakura
changed into her new outfit and opened the door. "Oh, you look sooo cute!
Such a sporty and attractive look for you!" Madison cried. "Wow! You look
great! Syaoran's definitely going to like it." Meilin said, nodding in
approval. "Yeah, now we go downstairs to wait for Syaoran." Suddenly Kero
appeared. "Dont' tell me! You are going out with that brat kid!" Sakura
glared at him. "As a matter of fact, I am!" "No! Stay awaaay from him! I
hate that guy!" Kero yelled. Sakura sighed. "If I give you a cookie, will
you shut up until I leave?" "Nope." "How about two cookies and a slice of
chocolate cake?" "Ummmm...." Kero was torn. "YEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!
CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!" He flew into her room. "Okay, that's taken care
of..." Sakura put two cookies and a slice of cake inside her room for
Kero. DING DONG went the doorbell. "Ohh... Syaoran's here!" Madison said
and smiled reassuringly at Sakura. "Don't worry, you won't disappoint
him, Sakura!"

Syaoran stood outside the door with jeans and a t-shirt on and rang the
bell. Tori opened the door. "Oh no, not you again! Please get away from
here." Tori started to close the door. "TORI!!" Sakura screeched, and
pulled him away from the door. Sakura grabbed her house key and closed
the door. 'She looks great.' Syaoran thought. Sakura looked cute in a
sporty kind of way, with tennis shoes, a black miniskirt, a regular
t-shirt, and a jacket. "You look awesome, Sakura." Syaoran said. Sakura
blushed. 'She even looks cute when she blushes!' he thought again. "Come
on. Let's go have lunch or whatever." Syaoran grabbed her hand and walked
quickly in the direction of downtown. Neither of them realized that they
were being cleverly caught on tape... by Rosa, Terry, Meilin, and

an ice cream shop...

"Want any dessert?" Syaoran asked. "Oh, you don't have to, Syaoran." "No
really it's okay." "Why don't we share one? What do you like?" "Ummm,
strawberry milkshake?" "Sure!" They paid for it and sat down at a booth.
They stuck two straws and sipped quietly, both blushing. "Oh my gosh!"
Meilin whispered. "Look! Blushing!" Madison said, taping everything. "Oh,
they look so cute together!!" Rosa and Terry said. Then the two stood up
after finishing the milkshake. "Okay, I think they're going to the secret
beach." Sakura and Syaoran stood up. "How about I help you turn some of
the Clow Cards into Sakura cards?" Syaoran asked. "Sure! Where to go?"
"The secret beach, here I'll show you." The two walked towards the secret
beach. "Okay, let's move it!" Madison said, and they snuck after the
couple. That day, Sakura was only able to change a couple Clow Cards into
Sakura cards because she was getting tired.


Right after changing her third Clow Card into a Sakura card, Sakura
almost fainted. "Sakura!" Syaoran said. "No, I'm all right." Sakura said,
trying to stand up. "I'll just do one more..." she said. "No way. You're
way too tired. Tomorrow, okay?" "Okay..." Sakura said, her eyes starting
to close. "Sakura! Don't go to sleep!" Syaoran said. "But I'm so
tired..." Sakura groaned and shook her head. "Okay, I won't go to sleep."
She stood up a little wobbly, and started to fall backwards. "Whoa!" And
Sakura fell into Syaoran's arms. "Oh, thanks Syaoran." Sakura said,
trying to stand up again. Sakura blushed. So did Syaoran. "Here, I'll
help you to my house. You can just call your dad and tell him you'll be
staying at my place for the week." "Sure. Thanks a million." "Anytime,


Sakura was sleeping peacefully in Syaoran's bed when everyone else came
back from shopping and stuff. "Hey, where's Sakura?" Coreys said, looking
around the living room. "Syaoran?" Bryan asked, looking around the
kitchen. Syaoran was slumped over a cup of milk and a cookie that was
half in his mouth, sleeping. Terry walked right up to him and hit him on
the head with her shopping bag. "Yow!! What's that for?" Syaoran yelled,
spitting the cookie out of his mouth. "You're cleaning that up, Syaoran."
Meilin said, and she went inside one of the spare rooms. "Oh, what'd you
do that for, Terry?" Syaoran asked, rubbing his head and ruffling Terry's
hair. "Just cause you were sleeping. Where's Sakura?" "In my room,
sleeping. She's tired from doing with the Clow & Sakura cards." "Oh,
okay!" Terry and Rosa hopped off in the direction which Meilin headed.
Madison followed them, dragging a dozen shopping bags with her easily.
All the guys sat down at the table with Syaoran. "So how's the Clow
business doing with you?" Josh asked. "Oh, I guess pretty good." Syaoran
said. "Okay, what about you and Sakura?" Fula asked. "The date was pretty
good." "Come on, Syaoran! Have some enthusiasm for yourself." Corey said,
shaking Syaoran. "It was cool, actually. I always knew that Sakura was
pretty and cool, but she has more to her life than just Clow Cards. I was
so rude to her when we started capturing the cards, I almost wish I
didn't say all those mean things."
"Well, everyone has things they'd like to take back." Fil said wisely.
"Anyway, you should clean up your cookie. We'll check on Sakura for you,
okay?" "Sure." The guys walked quietly to Syaoran's room and opened the
door. Sakura was sleeping sideways, her hair covering part of her face.
Then her eyes fluttered. "What are you guys...?" Sakura said, sitting up.
She was wearing a loose white t-shirt and jeans. She stood up. "What are
you guys doing here?" Sakura asked again. She tried to walk, but then she
almost fell down again, leaning against the wall, smiling sheepishly. "Do
you think you guys can help me out to the living room?" Sakura asked.
"Sure!" Corey and Josh helped Sakura outside, where Meilin, Madison,
Rosa, and Terry were talking with Lily. "Hey you guys." Sakura sat down
on the couch, and all the girls crowded around her. "So how was turning
the Clow Cards into Sakura cards?" Rosa asked Sakura gently. "Good,
actually, but I feel so tired afterward." "Changing them takes a lot of
energy, so don't worry, Sakura." Meilin said. "You'll have em all soon."
"Look! We bought a whole bunch of stuff for you, Sakura!" Terry said.
Sakura handed Terry's bracelet back to her. "Thanks you guys." "No
problem! Now, here's a new swimsuit, even thought you already have two,
we also got you these new flares, they'll look absolutely great on you
cause of your good body form, and some hair stuff for your costumes if
you ever need them." Madison said, pulling out all the stuff. "Wow! How
much did it cost?" Sakura asked, worried. "Don't worry, just pretend it's
a late Christmas present from us!" Terry and Rosa said. "Oh, you guys are
great...." Sakura said, smiling. "Thanks."
That night, while everyone was sleeping, Lily got up. She snuck quietly
over to Sakura and wrenched off her necklace. Then, she flew to the park
and threw it into the lake. After flying back to Syaoran's apartment, she
walked back to her sleeping bag, a smile of satisfaction on her face, and
made herself forget about what had just happened.

"Syaoran!" Sakura opened the door. "Syaoran! Wake up! My necklace is
gone!" All the guys were instantly awake. "WHAT?!!!!" "It's gone! I'm
sure I had it on last night, but when I woke up, it was... wasn't
there...." Sakura's eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry. It's all my
fault." A tear slipped silently down her cheek. Everyone was quiet.
Sakura looked at Syaoran. "I... please don't hate me... Li...." Sakura
started to cry. "Sakura! What's wrong!" Madison ran up to Sakura. "Oh,
don't cry! Whatever is wrong, we'll help you out!" "Yeah!" Terry said.
"What's wrong, anyway?" Rosa and Meilin asked. "Someone stole her
necklace." Fula whispered quietly to Rosa. Madison wrapped her arms
around Sakura's shoulders, but Sakura shook them off and walked up to
Syaoran's bed, looking into his amber eyes. "Please don't be mad,
Syaoran." Sakura whispered again, and she fell to her knees, crying into
her hands.

'I can't believe it...' Syaoran thought, stricken. He got up from bed,
climbing off and kneeling next to Sakura. "How could I be mad at you? It
wasn't even your fault." Syaoran said quietly, hugging Sakura so close to
him that her hair brushed against his cheek. Sakura sobbed into his
shoulder. "I'm sorry I wasn't more responsible. I lost it. I'm sorry."
Sakura said, leaning her head against Syaoran's shoulder. "Don't worry.
We'll find it again. Come on, we can't stay in here. We should go outside
and look for it." Syaoran said, pulling Sakura up gently by her
shoulders. "Tha-thanks, Syaoran." Sakura whispered, wiping away her
tears. Everyone got out and started looking. Then Meilin thought of
something. "Sakura!" Meilin said, running up to Sakura and Syaoran.
"What?" Syaoran asked. "Remember that flute the little magician gave you?
Play that, and see if you can find your necklace." "I guess." Sakura
played a soft and quiet tune, and suddenly, a beam of light shot up from
some trees. "That way! Everyone go to the park!" Lily gasped lightly, but
nobody noticed. 'How could she have found it!' she thought.
At the park, the group followed the light to the lake. "How do we get
it? It's coming from the deepest part!" Bryan complained. "If only I had
my dove powers!" Corey said. "I know how to get it!" Sakura said
determinedly. she took off all of her clothes to reveal a swimsuit.
"Forever Card! Release your powers within me!" Around Sakura, a white
aura appeared. "Swim Card!" Sakura's bathing suit changed into a slim
bikini, and the bottom half of her body turned into a mermaid tail. She
leaped into the water and the ripples disappeared. "Is she okay?" Rosa
asked after Sakura had been gone for a full minute. Sakura splashed out
of the water, breathing heavily. She had on the necklace. "Forever
Card... return to your home in the clouds..." Sakura said, and her
swimsuit changed back to normal. Meilin and Madison helped her out of the
water. "Are you okay, Sakura?" Syaoran immediately asked, rushing to her.
He took Madison's place and put his arm around Sakura's waist and pulled
her arm around his shoulder. Meilin did the same. "Let's take you home.
You're so cold!" Syaoran said worriedly. Madison gathered up Sakura's
clothes and everyone went back to Syaoran's apartment.
After they got back to the apartment, Syaoran ran into the bathroom for
some fluffy towels. He came back out. "Here, dry yourself off first," he
said, handing Sakura a towel from the stack. "Th-th-thanks." Sakura said,
teeth chattering. She took her clothes and walked into the bathroom.
Syaoran sat down on the couch. Meilin sat next to him. "You care about
her a lot, huh?" she said softly. Syaoran looked down, blushing red.
"Yeah." he whispered back. Sakura came back out in a tight pink skirt
that the girls had bought her. It was a tank top kind and ended at her
knees, but the apartment was really warm anyway. She collapsed next to
Meilin on the couch. "Sakura! Your leg, it's bleeding again! Go get some
bandages, Corey!" Madison cried. She knelt down next to Sakura's leg.
"Does it hurt?" she asked, holding it gently. "Yes... but not that much.
You don't have to help me." "Of course I do! Thanks, Corey." Madison
quickly bandaged up Sakura's leg. "Now you have to tell us who hurt you!
Come on, Sakura!" Meilin said. Sakura looked at the ground. "I can't...
tell you." "Tell us who is threatening you, Sakura, or you might get hurt
again." Syaoran said insistently, pulling her face up to look at his. "I
can't tell you." she said, tears filling her eyes and spilling over
again. "I'm sorry." Sakura pushed Syaoran's hand away and left. "Why
won't she tell us?" Syaoran asked everyone. "Maybe she's hiding something
that she can't tell you." Lily said. "Maybe she's working for someone
bad." "No, Sakura is definitely not like that." Madison said, shaking her
head. "But it's the only explanation!" Lily persisted.

Sakura ran to the top of the apartment building, crying. "Fly Card." she
managed to choke out. She jumped and flew in the sky. It started to rain.
"Just the weather to match my mood." Sakura said, glad that the raindrops
disguised her tears. "Why couldn't I tell him? Why couldn't I tell them
that Lily was the one who was threatening to hurt me?" Sakura said
quietly to herself. She started to get cold. "It's... freezing up here. I
should go back down." she muttered, and started to fly back. But it was
too late. She fainted in the sky and started to fall.

"AHH! Sakura!" the forever card screamed, and without warning plunged
through the clouds towards the falling girl. "Why fly when it's
raining??" she yelled as she caught the unconscious girl. "Oh, Sakura..."
the forever card knew what was wrong, but she didn't have any right
telling anyone. "She's unconscious and cold. And no wonder! In a skirt
that's a tank top. Brr! Vanish Card!" Both girls kind of disappeared,
still visible, but only to those with special powers. The forever card
flew to the door of Syaoran's apartment building and reappeared again,
stepping into shelter. "It's been so long. Oh, poor thing." the forever
card said, wiping away some wet hair from Sakura's face. She carried her
all the way Syaoran's apartment and kicked open the door.

"It's starting to rain! And Sakura's out there somewhere! In a tank top
skirt!" Madison said. "We can't go out to find her! Look! It's
practically pouring cats and dogs out there! We wouldn't be able to see
anything!" Meilin said. "Cats and dogs? I don't see any!" Bryan said,
peering out the window between the two girls. Meilin hit him on the head.
"Sorry, kung fu lady." She hit him again, but harder. "Ow! Geez, i'm
sorry already." Syaoran stared down at the ground, thinking. Suddenly the
door opened, and there stood the older Sakura holding an uncoscious
younger one! "Sakura!" Madison exclaimed, walking up to the two. The put
her face down on the couch, leaning her head to face them.
"-And i screamed and flew quickly down to Sakura and caught her! She was
flying, out in the pouring rain, in a tank top skirt, for crying out
loud! She could have died of cold, if not when she fell. Lucky I was
watching her." The forever card explained. "Thanks." Madison said, wiping
away some of Sakura's wet locks of hair. "I should go now. Make sure you
dry her off and get her out of those wet clothes. Put her in warm dry
clothes and make sure you keep her warm. Here." The forever card made a
big fluffy blanket with shooting stars through the midnight blue sky.
Sakura's charm necklace thing was in the middle. The blanket was the same
on both sides. "Give this to her and tell Sakura it's from me."
"Bye!"Meilin said, waving.
"First we have to undress her and dry her off." Madison said, getting
Sakura's warm, rainproof clothes. "I'll help with that!" Corey said,
dancing over to Sakura and starting to unzip the back of the dress. "YOU!
GO AWAY!!!" Terry screamed, and kicked them all into Syaoran's room. They
undressed Sakura and put her in warm clothes, then pulled the blanket
over her. "Look at the stitching on this blanket! It's perfect." Madison
marveled. "Oh, come on, it's made of magic! Of course it's perfect." Rosa
said, laughing. "If Sakura were conscious, healthy, and awake, I wouldn't
be so sad right now." All the girls sat in silence, wishing that Sakura
would wake up. "You guys can come out now!" Meilin called to the guys.
They all came out, Syaoran first. "How is she?" he asked breathlessly.
"Okay. Just sorta cold." Syaoran kneeled next to Sakura and pulled out
her cold hand, rubbing his over hers. Meilin and Madison motioned
everyone over to Syaoran's room, and soon he was the only one with
"Oh Sakura..." Syaoran said softly, rubbing her soft hand. "Why can't
you tell us who threatens you?" He slid her hand back under the blanket
where it was warm and placed his hand over her cheek. It was still cold.
Syaoran sighed and brushed away some of Sakura's wet hair. 'Please open
your emerald eyes and look at me, Sakura,' Syaoran pleaded in his mind.
'Please, for me.' he thought, tears coming to his eyes. He quickly wiped
them away, even though no one was watching. Syaoran took her hand from
under the blanket and started rubbing it between both of his hands.
"Sakura..." Syaoran whispered softly to her.

'Oh, I feel so awfully cold. Oh, but my hand feels so warm...' Sakura
thought, and she opened her eyes slowly, only to find herself looking
into Syaoran's amber eyes! 'Oh, now is the chance to tell him my
feelings...' Sakura smiled. "Li-kun." she saw Syaoran break into a wide
smile, something he has NEVER done before. "Sakura! You're okay!" "Of
course I am... why wouldn't I be?" Sakura said, trying to get up. She
feel back down onto the couch, exhausted. "You have to rest!" Syaoran
said worriedly, tucking in the blanket around her. "Please can you help
me sit up on the couch? I have something important to tell you." "Oh,
sure!" Syaoran said, and he helped her lean against the couch, again
tucking the blanket around her shoulders. Sakura pulled her hand out and
grasped Syaoran's. He looked up in surprise. "Thanks for helping me. And
believing in me." she said softly.

'Oh gosh, I have to tell her now! Now, is the perfect time.' Syaoran
thought. "No thanks is needed. You deserve everything that you have
gotten in life." He cleared his throat. "Sakura... I.... I---" Syaoran
said, stuttering through his words. "Syaoran?" Sakura asked, puzzled.
"I.... I love you, Sakura." Sakura was quiet, blushing pink. Syaoran
turned slightly red after he told her. 'What have I done?!' he thought
crazily. Sakura looked across the room, then back at him. "I love you
too, Syaoran." she pulled him close and hugged him, very happy.


in our past life,
we were more than friends
fighting our battles together
blue and white, the two of us
leading all of them to fight for our land
but now thats changed
i know that you love someone else
who also loves you back
you two belong together, til the end
together forever

=) this will be explained more in the next chapter (=
Good Luck with your guessing!!!!!

please remember to send guesses to smileymon810@juno.com
cause im not allowed to go on the internet that much sorriez pplz

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