FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 1: Again and Again

Okay, the gist of this new story: Li is now called Syaoran, Sakura
forgets everything about Li, she forgets about being a cardcaptor, which
means that anything associated with Clow, like the Clow Book, her sealing
wand, the earrings, EVERYTHING, is sealed into her star-in-a-circle
charm, and won't come out until she remembers her identity as a
Cardcaptor. Someone is like the mean Meilin, but Meilin doesn't come into
this new story until probably the next chapter. Don't sue me; CLAMP owns
all the Cardcaptors characters. Enjoy this new story! *PS: The '{}'
quotes are for the Forever Card only!* Remember, flashbacks are
*~*~*~*~*~ and so on...


Syaoran picked up the Forever Card and looked at the details. The
picture was of Sakura. 'Oh, Sakura...' He could still remember her last
words: "Look at the shooting star, Syaoran. I'll never forget you." He
could still remember her sad smile, the sad eyes, the sparkling tears...
her faded image as she disappeared away, their memories together, only a
mere dream. {don't fret, Syaoran} said a voice. Syaoran looked around.
"Who's there?" he called into the darkness. {it is I, the forever card}
Syaoran looked at the card. ".... but cards can't speak, can they?"
{well, i guess not... but I was made in a truly different way. the Card
Mistress made me from her love for you, and made me in hopes that I would
be of comfort during the hard times to come} Syaoran walked home, knowing
that as soon as his eyes closed, the time change would take place and he
would be in the new world.


The next morning, Syaoran got up from bed. "What am I supposed to do
today?" he said out loud. {good thinking. bring me along to the school
and i shall tell you} Syaoran rolled out of bed and put on a pair of
jeans and a white t-shirt. (It's March.) He grabbed a slice of toast and
walked out of the apartment building with his backpack slung over his
shoulder and the Forever Card safe inside one of the backpack's pockets
in a binder. 'So, what are we doing?' Syaoran wondered. {don't worry, you
don't have to speak to me. I can hear your thoughts. today isn't a school
day for you, you're just touring the place with someone. tomorrow is your
first day of school} Syaoran nodded slightly, then picked up speed as he
neared the school grounds. Everyone was pouring into the school in the
school uniform. His amber eyes searched for Sakura, but he didn't see her
before entering the school office. He sat down in one of the waiting
chairs. He thought for a few moments, but then he smacked his head. 'Of
course! I'm such an idiot. She'd be in the classroom by now, nowhere
else.' The bell rang. "Your tour guide will be here soon, Syaoran." the
principal said.

Sakura was in class, and Mr. Terada was taking roll. There was one empty
seat behind her. Madison sat next to her. "I wonder what we're doing
today?" Madison asked Sakura. "Don't know. The school year is kind of
fizzling from excited to bor-ing. At least we can talk with Chelsea,
Nikki, and Rita." Madison turned her head slightly to look Sakura from
the corner of her eye. "Do you like Shawna Riverson?" "No way. She's so
conceited and snobby. I know there must be nicer American girls." Shawna
was new when school started, but her social status was quickly becoming
POPULAR. Her cool accessories clashed against the school uniform, so
everyone noticed her. On field trips, she had the hippest clothes that
were 'only the coolest and most expensive stuff from America', as Shawna
put it. She slumped slightly in the seat and looked out the window for
inspiration. "Sakura?" "What? Huh?" Sakura shot up out of her seat. Mr.
Terada smiled. "Next time, pay attention. Anyway, there's a new student
who needs to tour the school grounds. You were assigned to help him."
"When do I go, Mr. Terada?" "After the first class. Now, spelling test,
everyone!" All the students groaned and took out their pencils and binder
When the bell ran, Sakura picked up her stuff and went to the office.
She opened the door. "Hello, principal. I was supposed to tour the school
grounds with a new student?" The principal smiled. "Yes. Here he is. His
name is Syaoran Li, and he just flew in a few days ago from Hong Kong.
Have fun." Then the principal smiled and talked to the new student,
Syaoran. "The girl with brown hair will take you around. Have fun,
Syaoran." A flash went through Sakura. 'He seems so familiar, yet I
haven't even met him before.' she thought. She walked up to him. Syaoran
was looking away, but then he turned to look at her. 'Those amber eyes...
I've seen them before!' Sakura flashed him a smile. "Hi, I'm Sakura
Avalon. Welcome to Japan."

Syaoran looked away after glancing at Sakura. She came over to him, so
he turned around and stood up. "Hi, I'm Sakura Avalon. Welcome to Japan."
she said, smiling brightly. Syaoran kept staring at her. 'Again and
again, I get reminded of those times we were together! That happy smile,
those beautiful emerald eyes... I just can't seem to get away from it.'
"Hi. I'm Syaoran Li. I just moved here from Hong Kong. Let's tour the
school. Lead the way." Sakura led him around that whole period. Then
break started and they moved to the soccer field. "This is the soccer
field." Sakura said. Just as the sentence popped out of her mouth,
someone accidentally kicked the ball in their direction. "Move away!" a
whole bunch of the players cried. Syaoran already knew it was coming.
"Watch out, Sakura!" Syaoran shouted, and he pushed her out away from the
direction of the ball and he kicked the ball back to the field. Everyone
watched the whizzing soccer ball as it shot straight into the goal. No
one moved. "Whoa, cool move!" "Hey, are you new?" "You're awesome!"
Everyone crowded around Sakura, who had stood up, and Syaoran. The
captain of the team told everyone to shut up, but they didn't. "I SAID,
SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!" Everyone was quiet. "Thank you. Hi. I'm the captain of
the soccer team. I haven't seen you around before. Are you new?" "Yeah.
My name is Syaoran Li. I'm touring the school right now. With Sakura." "I
guess you better get going. See you tomorrow." The players went back to
the field and played some more until the bell stopped their game.
The two continued touring the now quiet school. "So you play soccer? You
must be good." "Yeah. I play a lot." The rest of the day was like that:
Sakura would comment on something, and then Syaoran would make small talk
or reply to her comment.
That night, Syaoran looked out at the moon. "Forever Card, I wonder if
Sakura will ever believe me if I tell her the truth of her identity?"
Syaoran asked the Forever Card sadly. {Syaoran, she will believe you one
day. it's fate} "Oh well. Guess you're right." Syaoran went to bed and
looked at the only picture he had of Sakura and him together when they
were teenagers. Kero, wanting to make Sakura happy, had snapped a picture
of Sakura and Syaoran after their first dance outside in the park. Sakura
had made sure that Tori was inside first, and then she and Syaoran walked
to the park. Sakura had her head resting lightly on Syaoran's shoulder,
smiling, and Syaoran had wrapped his hand around her waist, pulling her
close. Syaoran had a dreamy smile in his eyes. The real Syaoran slept
with this solitary image in his mind.

Sakura was chatting with Rita, Chelsea, Nikki, and Madison the next
morning, all in their school uniforms. Shawna wasn't at school yet. "What
was the new kid like?" Madison asked. "Umm... he had brown hair,
amber-colored intense eyes, an intelligent expression. That's pretty much
all I could see." "What Madison meant was, how is his PERSONALITY?"
Chelsea said, laughing. "Oh! That. Uh, he's from Hong Kong, he likes
playing soccer, he has a pretty big family with lots of sisters, he's
transferring here without them, and that's all I know." "Wow." Rita said.
"What a personality. I wonder if he has a girlfriend?" "Nope." Sakura
sighed just a bit dreamily to trigger Madison's little sixth sense of
knowing a person's real feelings inside. "Is he dreamy? I bet he's cute."
Madison said pointedly to Sakura. Madison caught Sakura off-guard. "Oh,
he is so cute! Those intense amber eyes... those strong arms..." Sakura
trailed her sentence off, staring out the window dreamily, until she
noticed that Madison, Rita, Chelsea, and Nikki were staring at her, on
the verge of giggles. "WHAT?" she asked, surprised and guilty. "Oh, you
like him, Sakura!" Nikki said, giggling. "No, of course not!" Sakura
said, blushing. "Oh, you're blushing, too!" Rita and Chelsea said with
sparkling eyes. "Be quiet! He might be listening to our very
conversation!" Sakura hissed, looking nervously towards the door, her
cheeks becoming bright pink. "Admit it, Sakura. You have a crush on him!"
Madison said in a singsong voice. "Oh, alright. I admit, I do have kind
of a crush on him. But DON'T tell anyone, you guys!" she said, just as
Shawna came in. (But Shawna didn't hear her.) A lot of kids poured in
after Shawna, including the teacher. "Okay kids, take your seats!" said
Mr. Terada just as the bell rang. He took roll. Sakura's cheeks returned
to their normal color.
"Okay, everyone, today we have a new transfer student from Hong Kong.
Everyone please welcome Syaoran Li." Syaoran walked through the door in
his new uniform. "Hi, Mr. Terada. Hi, everyone." he said. "You may take
your seat behind Sakura." Mr. Terada told him. "Okay, class, we'll begin
with our math lesson..." he said. The students who weren't so good at
math groaned.

At recess, Shawna stared longingly at Syaoran. 'Oh, I just have to have
him!' she thought to herself. 'He is so much cuter than those American
boys.' Shawna thought. She sauntered up to Syaoran, who was watching the
soccer game. "Hey Syaoran. I'm Shawna Riverson." Shawna said in her
cutest voice. Syaoran didn't even turn his head. "Hello." 'Oh, look at
me, Syaoran!' she thought desperately. "So, do you like soccer? I do! In
fact, I love watching the games!" Shawna grabbed his elbow and pulled him
close. She didn't want to take any chances; if Sakura got to Syaoran
first, he'd never be interested, because he'd be looking and Sakura all
the time! And Sakura already had the advantage, because she had taken
Syaoran on the tour of the school. So being blunt, she flirtingly
whispered in his ear, "Say, let's go have lunch and a movie sometimes.
I'm so REALLY attracted to you." Shawna thought that maybe her American
side might impress Syaoran.
Syaoran instantly thought of (who else?) Meilin. But then he remembered
that she had changed, and that she was gone until Sakura broke the
forgetfulness seal over her memories of the cardcaptoring adventures.
Syaoran kind of missed Meilin (AS A FRIEND), now that she was nicer and
kind to everybody. "Sure, why not?" Syaoran told Shawna. "I'm new here,
so I'll need someone to show me around anyway." 'Yeah right. I was here
for years and years!' Li thought in boredom. 'I'll just have to act like
I've never seen anything here in my life.' "How about today, after
school, then?" Shawna said, pretty possessively. "Okay." Syaoran said. He
didn't smile once. Shawna kept talking, but Syaoran thought about Sakura,
and how he would approach her when he would tell her about her old life.

Sakura walked around the corner of the building with Madison, and she
saw Shawna hanging on to Syaoran. A tiny flare of jealousy crept into her
heart. 'I WON'T LET THIS GET TO ME...' Sakura told herself. "Hey, isn't
that Shawna and Syaoran?" Madison asked uncertainly, watching Sakura's
face. "Yeah." A flash went through Sakura. *In her mind, she saw an older
boy holding an older girl close and kissing her. Then, another girl, this
one with brown hair down to the bottom of her neck, was running through
the halls with tears in her eyes. She passed another girl with black hair
to her waist with a concerned expression when she saw the girl crying. In
the background, a voice called "Wait! I can explain!"* (If you read
Chapter 11 of the last story, Together Forever, then you know that the
boy is Syaoran, who is also the one shouting Wait, the girl is Melanie,
the one crying is Sakura, and the one with black hair is obviously
Madison.) The flash went through her mind in a couple of seconds. 'What
was that all about?' Sakura wondered. She walked towards them. "Hey
Syaoran, hey Shawna." Shawna smiled triumphantly. "I'm going out with
Syaoran after school today." she said with an air of royalty. Syaoran
sputtered, trying to explain it wasn't a date, all the while watching
Sakura's expression. Again, he saw a flash of hurt, but it only lasted a
hundredth of a second, and then Sakura was smiling. "That's cool,

That night, Sakura got into bed. 'Again and again, I see these flashes.
I don't even know from which life they're from!'


As Sakura sees Syaoran leave with Shawna, a flash goes through her head.
*Sakura sees a card-type thing, with a symbol on the back. The one that
stands out most is the star in the circle, which is glowing brightly. On
the bottom of the card, says 'The Forever'.* The image lasted for a few
moments. The card started to flip, but then the image vanished before she
could see the other side.


Sakura opened her eyes. 'The forever... I wonder if I'll meet it.'

Syaoran was in bed, thinking about Sakura again, when suddenly, the
forever card starts glowing on his desk. "WHAT! Hey, come back here!" It
floats off his desk. {card mistress has called to me, syaoran} The card
glows more brightly, and suddenly, Sakura from the future appears, like
the other Clow Cards. She kind of has a ghostly appearance, but she looks
pretty real. "Hello, Syaoran. I've missed you so much." Sakura says (the
card). "Hey, are you really Sakura?" Syaoran asks, on his guard. "Yes.
Don't be afraid. I am Sakura Avalon of the future. Although the time in
the future has stopped, I still exist through the forever card. I must
speak to the real Sakura Avalon, the real card mistress, now. She has
called to me." Sakura floats onto the windowsill. She touches a necklace
on her neck, and angelic wings appear on her back. "I will see you soon
again, Li-kun." Then she flies away towards Sakura's home.

Sakura is sitting up in her bed. 'I feel as if something is around, but
I'm not magical, but I've felt this before!' she is thinking very hard,
when she hears someone say, in a soft, kind voice, "Hello Sakura."
Sakura looks up, in unbelief. She doesn't scream, because this person
isn't really a person. Besides, this "person" looks like a ghost, but a
really nice and friendly ghost who is looking at Sakura softly and
kindly. Sakura speaks up, shaking. "Who--who a-are you?" (okay, this is
getting real confusing, so the forever card Sakura will look like this:
*Sakura* and the regular one will be regular.) *Sakura* bowed slightly,
then touched her necklace charm, and the angel wings folded and were
gone. Sakura got up and looked at the necklace closely. 'The star in the
circle! Like the forever card!' Sakura looked at the older girl's face.
'Oh migosh, she's just like that girl who was running in my vision.'
*Sakura* spoke. "You are right. I am the girl in your vision, and I am
the forever card." Sakura looked at the girl. "Wait a minute. You're a
card... and a human?" *Sakura* looked down. "You will understand
someday." "Why am I having these visions? Is it because of you?" Sakura
asked. "Let me explain." She sat them both down, and Sakura glanced at
the mirror. "... You look... like an older version of me." Sakura said.
*Sakura* nodded. "I am. My name is Sakura Avalon, and you and I, we are
the Card Mistress. Would you like to perhaps understand a little more?"
Sakura nodded. "Yes."
*Sakura* touched her forehead, and the white dove appeared and glowed.
Then she touched her charm, which then turned into a charm with extra
dove wings on the sides. Then *Sakura* touched Sakura's forehead, and
that is when Sakura noticed that her necklace had the same exact charm as
the older Sakura. Flashes went through her mind, but this time, they had
meaning. *A young Sakura had on a costume, and Madison was holding a
video camera. Syaoran was standing beside her, along with Meilin. She was
shouting an incantation, and soon following that was when Sakura was
older, and she was about to create Clow Cards: "Star of Clow, power of
magic, power of light, surrender the wand, the force ignite! Release!"
The older Sakura appeared with a wand in hand, and then made magic under
it. Then, she saw both Sakura in the same position, capturing a card:
"Fly Card, return to your powers confined! Fly!" Then some magic went
from the young Sakura's wand into the card, and the magic went from the
older Sakura's back into the card. (end of flashes)
"Is that who I really am, Sakura? So, when I'm a teenager, I'll be like
you?" *Sakura smiled lovingly at the younger girl. "If you want to be,
card mistress. Now, follow me. I need to show you something."

Back at Syaoran's apartment, Syaoran is still in a daze. "That was
weird." he said out loud, when he heard the older Sakura's sweet voice.
"Li! Come to the secret beach." And Li got up, put on his Chinese robe,
grabbed his sword and lasin board and everything he used to have, and
went to the place where *Sakura* had gone back in time, forgotten him,
and left the forever card for the hope that she would remember her old

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