FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 2: Forever


Finally, I got my first chapter finished. Now I have to do Chapter 2...


Sakura is sitting at the secret beach, near the water. The forever card
is looking sadly at the spot where she had left Syaoran when she went
back in time. "Sakura, take care of that necklace. It's a gift...
from-from the guardian, Syaoran Li." Then, *Sakura* looked up. "Goodbye
card mistress. Take care." Then, *Sakura* vanished, and Syaoran appeared.
Sakura stood up. "Hi Syaoran." Syaoran remembers the past for a moment,
but then he replies, "Hey Sakura." It was silent. The only thing you
could hear was the water. "I suppose the Forever Card told you about us."
Sakura looked at him in surprise. "Us? I only understand a part of it.
But the other Sakura never told me about people... just me and about
Syaoran was thinking about how he would tell Sakura that they were once
a couple. 'How do I tell her that we used to go on dates and dances and
we kissed and hugged??' Then he thought of the perfect oppurtunity. "I'll
tell you a little about the adventures we used to have."
So Syaoran and Sakura stayed up for an hour, talking. Syaoran didn't say
a word about Sakura being a Cardcaptor, just what the future was like.
Then Sakura and Syaoran to go home. "I'll look like a zombie tomorrow if
I don't get any sleep." Sakura said. "At least you'll have another zombie
to keep you company. " Syaoran said, and they smiled, and went their
separate ways.

The next day, Sakura woke up, bouncing off the walls. 'I'll bet
yesterday night was just a dream. I have so much energy, I couldn't have
been up for ours yesterday.' She ate breakfast and then bladed to school,
eager to see Syaoran and Madison. She wanted to talk to Madison about the
weird dream.

Syaoran wondered if Sakura would accept the fact that her past was real,
not just some phony story. {i hope card mistress believes our story} the
forever "said". Syaoran sighed, put on his uniform, and went to school.

"So then, like, the older Sakura goes I have something to show you, and
I see Syaoran there! Then, the girl tells me that my necklace is from
Syaoran! Syaoran looks even cuter in the moonlight, and in the dream, we
talked at the beach all night." Sakura said with shining eyes. Shawna,
unfortunately, heard a snatch of the conversation. "--necklace is from
Syaoran!--" 'WHAT?!' Shawna thought.
'She really does like him.' Madison thought. 'There's a dance on
Friday... the beach party....' "Hey Sakura, why don't you ask Syaoran to
the beach party, if you have such a crush on him?" Madison asked. Sakura
blushed pink. Shawna heard the part about Sakura's crush, too.
"Of course not! I... I would mess it up." "Oh, Sakura! Have more faith
in yourself. I know this saying, once is forever... If you ask him out,
this once, he might be your guy forever!" Madison said emphathatically.
"Well..." Sakura said, hesitating. Then she saw Syaoran come in. "Oh,
I'll talk to you later, kay?" Sakura looked slightly out the window,
blushing, and her heart was pounding quickly. She looked at Syaoran out
of the corner of her eye. 'He looks SO cute...' she thought, blushing
even more then pretending to look through her backpack for something.
Syaoran looked at Sakura as he came in. {she thinks it was a dream} the
forever card said sadly. 'Then I'll convince her that it wasn't.' Syaoran
thought back as he walked towards the last row. {don't rush it. she'll
never believe you if you do that} the forever card said. 'Yeah, you're
right.' Syaoran thought, and he sat down to prepare for another day of

at recess break...

Syaoran walked quickly out the door, passing a note to Sakura on the way
out to recess. Sakura unfolded it. "Meet me under the cherry tree" the
note said. 'I wonder what's up.' Sakura thought as she and Madison went

the forever card shouted at Syaoran. 'No, geez. I only wanted to ask her
to the beach party. {oh, that's a close one} 'Don't worry, you can trust
me.' Syaoran rolled his eyes, then looked eagerly for Sakura. He saw
Sakura and Madison, but Madison saw him and waved, then ran to Sakura's
other friends.

"Hey, wait, Madison!" Sakura yelled, and she saw Syaoran looking at her.
'Oh darn. Madison left me here on purpose when she saw Syaoran.' She
walked over to Syaoran. "Hi Syaoran. W-what's up?" she asked, a little
shakily. "Nothing much... except... would you like to go to the beach
party with me?" 'Oh my gosh! My dream has come true!' Sakura thought in
excitement. "Oh wow, thanks!" Without thinking Sakura jumped onto
Syaoraon instinctively, and when she realized what she did, she blushed
very pink. 'What did I just do?' she asked herself.

Syaoran was surprised when Sakura jumped on him. It felt just like old
times, and he smiled. 'Once is forever, and Sakura will always be the one
I love forever. One relationship has convinced me that she's the only
one.' Shawna, however, didn't agree. She saw Sakura on Syaoran, and
rushed over. 'I'm going to make her so embarrassed! She thinks I haven't
heard that she has a crush on Syaoran! Well, I'll show her!!' "WHAT ARE
YOU DOING, SAKURA AVALON?!" she shrieked, and pulled Sakura off, then
pushed her down. "Syaoran is MY boyfriend, and you of all people should
know that! You tell Madison all about you crush on Syaoran and about how
cute he is!" Sakura's cheeks flushed as she tried to get up. Shawna
pushed her back down, then kneeled on Sakura's wrists and pulled off the
Clow necklace. 'No!' Sakura thought, but she couldn't move her arms, and
Shawna's shoes held Sakura's knees down.
'No!' Li thought wildly in his mind. 'Sakura's only link to Clow!'
"Shawna, gi-" Syaoran started to put his hand on her arm, but she pulled
free and pushed him down. "Don't get into this, Syaoran!" Shawna turned
back to Sakura. "This necklace rightfully belongs to me, Avalon!" She
puts it into her pocket, then slaps Sakura with her hand. Shawna started
to hit Sakura, but then Syaoran interferes and pulls her away. "Syaoran!"
Shawna yelled. "You belong with me!" Syaoran glared at her. Madison comes
running, along with Chelsea and Rita. Syaoran starts to speak, but
Chelsea interrupts him as he starts. "Don't hit Sakura! She is the nicest
person I know, and I think it's you who deserves a hit!" Chelsea didn't
usually hit people. 'Shawna deserves it!' she thought angrily. "No, don't
hit her, Chelsea!" Sakura says quietly. Chelsea stops her hand. "But,
Sakura..." "No. Just don't. You guys go in first. I need to be alone."
Sakura whispers, tears in her eyes. "Sakura..." Madison tries to say.
"No." The three leave, a little uncertainly.
Syaoran grasps her hand, but Sakura pulled it away and looked at
Syaoran. "You heard what Shawna said." Sakura manages to say before she
starts crying. "You belong to her." Sakura looks at Syaoran, her hand
where Shawna slapped her, and ran in the direction where her friends
went, tears falling.
'How can such a perfect day turn into the most horrible one of my life?'
Sakura thought, running. The flash came back. Sakura saw the older
*Sakura* running when she saw Syaoran kissing the other girl.


Syaoran was standing at the Avalon's front door, about to ring the bell.
He was dressed in a T-shirt and shorts, and he carried a bag with his
swim trunks, warmer clothes, and a towel. Syaoran rang the bell.
DING-DONG... it goes. This tall guy with black hair opens the door. "Hi,
I'm Syaoran. I'm here to see Sakura." The guy looks at him strangely,
then goes into the hall. "SAKURA!"

Sakura hears Tori call her. "SAKURA!" She dries her tears, and runs down
the stairs. "Who's there, Tori?" then she looks up and sees Syaoran.
"It's this weird guy, Sakura. His name is Syaoran." "I need to talk to
you Sakura. ALONE." Syaoran says, looking at Tori. Tori walks away, then
says, "If something happens to her, I swear, I'll..." "Tori, shut up."
Sakura says. Tori looks at the ceiling and walks upstairs.
"What is it?" Sakura asks, after she shuts the door. "I was wondering if
you want to go to the beach with me." Syaoran said. "Uh, sure. What
should I bring?" "Your toothbrush, two towels, your pajamas and warmer
clothes, and your swimsuit. I'll wait for you out here." Sakura goes
inside and packs her stuff in a duffel bag. Then she starts to leave.
"Hey monster, where are you going?" "I'm going to the beach then
Syaoran's place for the night!" "WHAT! NO! HEY, COME BACK HERE!" They
start to leave. "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER, YOU BRAT!" Tori calls, but the two
are already gone. "Man, I hate that guy!" Tori says to himself, muttering
something about sisters and their boyfriends.


later that night, at Syaoran's apartment...

"That was fun. Thanks for taking me, Syaoran." Sakura said, blushing as
they go up the stairs. "That's alright. I had fun too." The two had swam,
Syaoran in his swimming trunks, and Sakura in the swimsuit that the
forever card *Sakura* had given her at Sakura's house. The swimsuit was a
two piece, but with only about three inches between the two when worn.
The top was red with white trimming, and in the middle was a yellow star
inside a pink circle with white wings on the sides. The bottom was white,
with red trimming only. They swam for two hours, and then they were at
Syaoran's apartment (where they are now). Syaoran takes out the premade
dinner and cooks it in the oven for ten minutes. "You should sleep in my
room cause it's a lot nicer than out here." Sakura commented that the
living room was a bit cold when Syaoran took her on a tour of the
apartment, and sighed happily when they were in his room. "It's so warm
in here!" she had said.
"Yeah, I guess." Sakura said agreeable. Then time passes as they eat
dinner, then go to bed for the night. Syaoran leaves the room light on
and goes into the bathroom to change for bed. Sakura puts on her pajamas
in his room, and then sits on his chair. She has on a stretchy,
comfortable tank top that Madison had bought her for her birthday months
ago, and now it fit perfectly. It had a scene of the starry night, with a
single shooting star near the top. She was wearing long, white silky
pants. Syaoran comes out of the bathroom and walks into the room,
topless, except for his boxer trunks. Sakura blushes when she realized
she was staring at his chest, then looks away quickly. Syaoran blushed
when he saw that HER top was stretchy and he could see her body form
perfectly, and he looked away too. "Um, where should I sleep?" Sakura
asked shyly, looking out the window. 'Oh my gosh, I forgot I don't have a
sleeping bag.' He turned off the lights.
"Well, I don't have a sleeping bag... I totally forgot." Syaoran says
sheepishly. "That's alright, I'll sleep on the couch." "No way, Sakura. I
know you don't like it out there." "Well..." "Well..." Silence. Then
Syaoran speaks first. "I guess we'll have to sleep in one bed." "Yeah, I
guess so." They both climbed in, as far away from each other without
falling off the bed. Both of their hearts are beating a mile a minute. It
was quiet, then Syaoran speaks up. "I have something to tell you." He
sits up. Sakura does too. "It's about us. Yesterday night, you spoke to
the older you. And me. It wasn't a dream, Sakura. It was real. You were
the cardcaptor, I protected you, and Kero helped us out. You captured all
the Clow Cards... then when we were older you were almost killed..."
Syaoran told her the whole story except for their relationship. "That
necklace is our key to freeing everything." Sakura stares at him,
stunned. Then the white dove symbol glows on her forehead. 'The white
dove!' Syaoran thinks, also surprised, but Sakura doesn't notice. "That
necklace... I don't have it anymore. That means we can't free
everything." "Wrong."
The two look at the door, surprised, and find the forever card there.
She is holding the real necklace in her hand. "When Sakura started
believing, she freed me and I took the necklace from the America girl.
This really belongs to you, card mistress." *Sakura* puts it on for
Sakura. Then she stands back. "It's perfect, Card Mistress. Take care of
her, Syaoran." *Sakura* turns around and starts to leave. "Wait! Forever
Card, where are you going?" Syaoran asks. "My purpose has ended, as the
other new created cards have... swim, vanish, fast, they are all
disappearing. Kero will come tomorrow, and Meilin arrives on the plane
tomorrow morning. I must go now." *Sakura* turns around, tears in her
eyes. "There's one more thing..." *Sakura* does some magic on Syaoran,
and suddenly he is standing up in next in front of the past Sakura, when
they were teenagers. He has on jeans and a t-shirt. *Sakura* has the
light summer dress that she wore that fateful day when she left. "I'll
miss you, Li-kun, but your destiny awaits you." The older Sakura, for the
last time, kisses Syaoran on the lips. Syaoran wraps one arm around her
slim waist, and his other hand holds the older girl's head gently, and
she rests her hands on his shoulders. They kiss for a few moments, and
when the kiss ends, they both hug each other tightly, tears in *Sakura*'s
eyes. The future Sakura idly watches this amazing scene. "I'll miss you.
Take care of Sakura, Li-kun. Love & goodbye, forever..." The past Sakura
vanishes, then the new cards come out of the necklace. The turn into
their power forms, and vanish. Syaoran is back in his bed, like he was
before all of the stuff happened.
"What was the Forever Card talking about?" Sakura asks Syaoran, puzzled
and confused. Syaoran looks out the window, tears in his eyes. "I'll
explain another time." And the two go to sleep.


The next morning, Sakura and Syaoran wake up to laughter. "Who could it
be?" Syaoran asked her. "Don't ask ME. I don't live here." So they walk
out of the room, and into the dining room, and they see Meilin and Kero
at the table. "Meilin! Kero! How are you guys?" Syaoran exclaims.
"Great!" Meilin smiles and gets up. "I have to make our lunches. It'll be
ready soon." Kero glares at Syaoran. "You didn't... do anything...
right?" Kero asks suspiciously. "Shut up, Kero." Syaoran says sourly.
"You have a really sick mind, Kero." Sakura says, and starts giggling.
Kero sighed and started putting sugar cubes that Meilin gave him in his
mouth. After breakfast, they three walk to school together.

At school, Mr. Terada is introducing the class to Meilin. "Everyone,
this is Meilin Reye, from Hong Kong, where Syaoran was from. You can sit
next to Syaoran there."
During lunch, Syaoran and Meilin talk, while Sakura and her friends are
all the way across the playground. "No new Clow Cards?" Meilin asks.
"No." Syaoran keeps looking across the playground. "Hey, a whole bunch of
our friends from Hong Kong are coming to visit. Fil, Roseilan, Terry,
Josh, Rei, Bryan, Chang, and Fula. They'll be here tomorrow." Syaoran
just nods absently. "You still really like her, don't you?" Meilin asks,
getting right to the point. "Hey, look at the trees!" "Don't try to
change the subject, Syaoran. Do you still LOVE her?" she asks
persistently. Syaoran sighs. "I - yes, I still do. But every time I try
to tell her about my feelings, something inside me won't let me. I don't
know what the problem is." Meilin shifts her position on the bench. "I
know what it is. You won't let the past Sakura go. You still remember the
great relationship you two had." Syaoran thinks about this. "You're
right. I don't want to let the past Sakura go. I still remember her,
clear in my mind. I remember her every night, every time I think about
the future Sakura." Syaoran says, downhearted. "But you have to let go,
Syaoran, even if you don't want to. And you have a girl, who, I think,
very much likes you! The future Sakura and your future destiny! You like
her so much, but you have to tell her your true feelings about her."
Meilin told him quietly. The bell rang for class. "I'll think about it,
Meilin. Thanks for helping me out." "I'll always be here if you need me.
Don't worry."

"Come on, Sakura! Go tell him you like him!" Nikki pleaded. "Yeah!"
Chelsea said. "Please, Sakura?" Rita asks. Sakura looks at Madison.
Madison just smiles and shrugs her shoulders. "Don't make me. I'll tell
him when I'm ready." Sakura said stubbornly, blushing. "Hey, I have a
great idea! Why don't I have a sleepover for us and some other people,
and we'll invite Syaoran and his friends too!" "Great idea!" "Yeah!"
"You're the best, Madison!" "Are you sure?" Sakura asks, biting her lip.
"A sleepover?" "Sure, why not? The perfect chance for you to tell Syaoran
your feelings about him!" Sakura sighs, defeated. "All right. A
sleepover, tomorrow night, at your house."

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