FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 3: The Sleepover


Meilin and Syaoran go back to their apartment after school, talking. "So
Fil, Roseilan, Terry, Josh, Rei, Bryan, Chang, and Fula will be here
tomorrow to visit, right?" Syaoran asked. "Yeah. I'm so excited! Coming
to Japan means seeing our friends from Hong Kong less." "I'll be glad to
talk to Rei and Fula. It seems like I haven't spoken to them in ages."
"Too bad only Roseilan and Terry are the only girls who could come." "Oh
well. Maybe next time. Oh! I forgot to tell you. Remember Corey, that guy
who went to America for schooling? He's coming too!" "Cool! How long is
everyone staying?" Syaoran asked curiously. "About a month. They're going
to go to school here in Japan for a month, then move back to wherever
they came from. Which means you'll have to lend them your apartment."
Syaoran groaned. "We should have just invited the whole posse of people
from Hong Kong! It's going to be so crowded in here." Meilin smacked
Syaoran lightly on the head. "Ow! What?" "Be nice. They're our friends,
you dork." They both laughed. "Hey, I need to go buy some stuff. You go
on ahead home. I'll be there soon." Meilin said, smiling.

Madison was at her house that night, preparing everything for the
sleepover that was going to be held the next night. She found two rooms
that were connected by a door, and picked one side for the girls and one
side for the boys. She made sure there were extra sleeping bags. Then she
counted the guests. "Let's see, there's me, Sakura, Nikki, Rita, Chelsea,
and Meilin, which makes six girls. Syaoran and his friends... I don't
know. I'll ask him tomorrow. There can be twenty people at least..."
Later that night, she went to bed, exhausted. "Who knew planning a
sleepover for twenty could be so exciting and -yawn- so exhausting?" Then
Madison fell asleep.

Sakura was in bed, too. But she wasn't asleep. In fact, she was asleep
until a dream woke her up.


In the dream, Sakura was sitting peacefully by the waterfall, singing
with a white dove that was perched on her finger. Then, a little girl,
about ten, with a lily flower in her black hair came up to her. "I need
help..." she said. "I need the white dove..." the little girl said, and
she reached for the white dove.
Then, another girl, dressed in pink with blue hair, came over and pushed
the little one away. "The white dove's powers belong to me." she said,
taking the small, peaceful bird away. "And, you belong to me." Another
voice spoke up. A guy all in black with blue hair appeared, and walked up
to Sakura. He looked up, showing his face. A very familiar face...


'I wonder what it means.' Sakura thought. She thought so much, she
finally fell asleep.

Meilin knocked on the door. "Finally! I was wondering if you'd been
kidnapped or something." "No way! But I had to buy 10 sleeping bags for
everyone to sleep in! We can't all sleep on your bed. There's going to be
eleven people in the apartment including us! Now, we'll just leave them
in the living room, so when they get here, they can use them if they
want. We should get to sleep. I'm so tired..." Meilin pulled a sleeping
bag onto the couch and fell asleep instantly. Syaoran looked at the
humongous pile of sleeping bags on the floor and sighed. He set them all
up in a line and walked slowly to his room. Syaoran crawled into his bed
and thought about Sakura. THEN he fell asleep.

The next morning, Meilin woke up and groaned. Her muscles hurt from
dragging all the sleeping bags home from the store. She heard voices.
"Oh! Look! Meilin's awake!" Terry cried. She jumped onto Meilin. Terry
was only nine, and she was Bryan's energetic little sister. Terry had
wavy black hair all the way to her waist, and it was often in a braid or
a ponytail. "Hi Meilin!" Roseilan said. Roseilan, or Rosa, as she like to
be called, was Rei's sister. She had straight light brown hair. Her bangs
were clipped back and her hair was up to her neck. "Terry, don't JUMP on
Meilin! You're going to break her bones!" Bryan cried, and pulled Terry
off Meilin. Bryan had hair styled exactly like Syaoran's, but it was a
little lighter with streaks of blond through it. All the other guys had
black hair with or without brown streaks. "Morning Meilin!" All of them
said. She woke up. "Hey you guys. -yawn- How are you? -yawn-" Meilin
asked, very tired. "We're great! Hey, is Syaoran awake yet?" Meilin
looked at his closed door. "Probably not. Get Terry to jump on his face
and let's see his reaction. Meilin and the whole gang went into his room
quietly. Syaoran was still sleeping. Bryan gestured towards Syaoran, and
Terry jumped on him.
"Syaoran!!!!!!!" she squeled excitedly. "Ahh! What the heck?!" Syaoran
jumped up, and looked at everyone. "Gosh, you scared me like a cat
frightens a mouse." Syaoran sat down and climbed off. "Hey Terry. Is
Bryan bothering you?" he asked the little girl. "Yes! Kill him, please
please please??" "Can't do that, sorry. But, we have some edible food, I
think. Ask Meilin for food. She makes good stuff." Syaoran went into the
bathroom to change, and came out a minute later. Everyone was at the
table, laughing. "Yo, Syaoran, is Terry jumping on your face too much?"
Chang asked. "If you had to ride the plane with us, you'd probably be
bone mush by now." Everyone laughed. The doorbell rang. "Syaoran! Open
up! It's your good buddy Corey!" "Oh, neat!" Syaoran jumped over everyone
to open the door. "Hey! What's up?" Corey called. Corey had deep brown
hair that was styled like Syaoran's. He was a little taller than Syaoran,
though. "Great!" "Awesome!" "Hey, you finally arrived." "Everything's
good! You'll like the school here. Now, we HAVE to eat or me and Meilin
are going to be late!" All of them ate as fast as they could and Meilin
packed everyone a lunch, then they all left and ran to school.

Sakura was talking with Madison. Sakura was literally on the desk, and
Madison was on the chair of her desk. Sakura's hair shone from the
sunlight. "What'd you do to your hair? It's shining so much!" Madison
said. Earlier that morning, when no one was in the classroom, Sakura and
Madison had talked about Sakura's being a Cardcaptor. There was still
nobody in the classroom. Madison laughed sometimes. "It's great
videotaping you in a whole bunch of costumes!" Madison had said. "I
washed it with this new shampoo and conditioner dad gave me! It's
supposed to be really good!" "You're right! It's curling like usual, but
more... more... graceful, I guess. Also, the shampoo might have had
glitter in it. Your hair is sparkling whenever you move your head."
Madison said. "Yeah. Hey, where's Syaoran? He's usually here by now."
Just then, Syaoran and Meilin came in the door, with a whole bunch of

Right when Syaoran walked in, he noticed only Sakura and Madison were
inside. "Hey." Syaoran said, and then his friends started whispering in
the front of the room. Corey was the first to talk. "He-ey, Syaoran,
who's the chic?" Syaoran blushed red. "Oh, her hair is so pretty!" Terry
cried joyously. "I like her legs. They look so smooth." Rosa said.
Syaoran blushed even more. "Oh, you REALLY like her, huh?" Bryan said,
nudging Syaoran's ribs. "Shh! Be QUIET!" Syaoran whispered, blushing
madly now. A lot of people started coming in, including Mr. Terada. "Hi
Mr. Terada." Syaoran and Meilin said. "Well, hello. Who have you brought
to class?" "Mr. Terada, these are my friends from Hong Kong. This is Fil,
Roseilan, Terry, Josh, Rei, Bryan, Chang, Fula, and Corey. Corey is from
America, but he was born in Hong Kong with the rest of us." Syaoran said,
pointing to everyone. "They're staying here for a month, so they're going
to be here for school for a month, too. But they don't need desks. Just
chairs." Meilin piped up. "Alright. Why don't you all sit with Syaoran in
the back for now? I'll get the janitor to bring some chairs. You'll only
be going to school for about two weeks though. There's a vacation coming
up starting monday, and today's already Thursday." The bell rang. "Let me
introduce you to the class, along with the other new student, who'll be
here soon." Mr. Terada clapped to get the student's attention. "Class,
this is Fil, Roseilan, Terry, Josh, Rei, Bryan, Chang, Fula, and Corey.
They're visiting Syaoran and Meilin here for the month."
The new kids sat behind Syaoran's desk in their chairs, quiet and
listening to the lessons, when a little girl, about ten, came into the
class. She had black hair down to their middle of her back, and she had a
lily flower in her hair. She spoke to Mr. Terada. "Allright, everyone,
this is another student, Lily Kayori, from America, and she is staying
here for the rest of the year." To Lily, he said, "You can sit behind
Meilin, the girl with the black hair in the second row." "Thank you."
Lily said politely, and sat behind Meilin.

During lunch, Sakura, Nikki, Madison, Rita, Chelsea, Syaoran, Meilin,
Fil, Rosa, Terry, Josh, Rei, Bryan, Chang, Fula, and Corey sat together,
eating lunch. Madison was talking about her sleepover. "So, I'm inviting
all the girls and all you boys to my sleepover tonight! How about it?"
Madison asked. "Sounds great! We need a decent bite of healthy food."
Meilin and Syaoran said. Suddenly, Lily was standing behind Sakura. "Can
I sit here?" she asked in a small voice. "Sure, Lily! You can sit next to
me." Syaoran said. He made some space, and Lily sat down. Sakura looked
up just in time to see Syaoran looking at her, and the two shared a small
smile. Lily became jealous, because she thought Syaoran was really cute.
Lily, not wanting to be outdone, held Syaoran's hand. She put on a sad
and frightened face and looked at him. Syaoran patted Lily's hand and
smiled to her."Lily, why don't you come to my sleepover party tonight?
This is my address..." she handed Lily a card. "and you should come
around six tonight, earlier if you want to swim." They all started
talking and laughing again until lunch ended.

at the pool...

Corey, Bryan, Syaoran, Sakura, and Madison had gone to the pool, and
they had splashed each other. Sakura had blasted Corey and Syaoran with
the hose, but she didn't notice Bryan. Bryan had snuck behind her and
tickled her, until she fell into the water. Then, Sakura sprayed Bryan in
the face with hose after she came up. They all had lots of fun.


at the sleepover...

Everyone finished their pizzas. "That was good, Madison!" Corey said
approvingly. "Did you make it?" "Yeah. Me and Sakura made the dough and
pizza yesterday and the toppings and stuff today. Was it really good?"
Madison asked. "Yeah." "Of course!" "Tasty!" "Delicious." Everyone
complimented Sakura and Madison for their pizzas except for Lily.
Everyone cleaned their plates and went upstairs. "Okay, girls in this
room, and boys in the other room!" All the kids separated and went into
the right rooms.

later that night...

In the boys room, all the guys were talking. Madison had turned up the
heat, and it was a bit warm. All the guys were topless, and they only
wore their jeans. "I like this place!" Bryan said, nodding at the house.
"Japan is the coolest." "Yeah, I know the feeling." Syaoran said. "You
guys like any of the girls?" "Madison." Corey said immediately. "Rita is
nice." Chang said. "They're all nice." Fula said. "Chelsea is cute." Rei
said. "Nikki likes to read, like I do." Fil said. "I don't particularly
have a choice. Besides, I like them all the same." Josh said. Syaoran
didn't say anything. "Hey, who do YOU like, Syaoran?" Bryan and Corey
asked. "I'm not telling." he said. "Oh come on." Bryan pleaded. "No."
"Please?" Corey asked. "Oh, all right." Syaoran said, blushing madly. "I
really like Sakura. I think she's really cute, especially her
emerald-colored eyes." "We all knew that. We just asked Bryan and Corey
to ask you so you'd be blushing madly when you told us." Fula said,
starting to laugh. "Whaat? Hey!" Syaoran lept onto Corey unsuspectingly
and tackled him. Then they sat up again. "Who's next on your list? If the
girl you liked wasn't her, then who next?" Syaoran asked. Everyone looked
at each other. "Sakura Avalon."
In the girls room, all the girls were playing truth or dare. "Okay,
truth." Terry said. "Now, everyone has to tell each other who they like
the most in that-" Terry pointed to the boys' room, "-room. Madison, you
start first." Madison blushed slightly. "I like...Corey. He's so tall."
Then Rita said, "I think Chang's okay." Chelsea blushed. "Rei." Nikki
smiled. "I like how Fil is so smart." Terry and Rosa said they couldn't
like any of them; they had been lifelong friends, and they couldn't just
suddenly become a couple with any of them. "I like someone, but..." Lily
didn't say anything after that. "You don't have to tell us who it is,
Lily." Rosa said. Meilin smiled. "I used to really like Syaoran, but now
I only think of him as a friend. There's only one other person I can see
him with. Sakura." Everyone looked at Sakura. Sakura was looking at the
floor, blushing. Her cheeks flushed. Madison noticed that Sakura had a
bracelet on. "Sakura, who's the bracelet from?" Madison asked. Sakura's
cheeks turned pink. The bracelet had small gold stars inside pink circles
with even smaller wings on the side. It was connected by a silver chain.
Sakura didn't say anything. Meilin smiled. She had given the bracelet to
Syaoran and told him to give it to Sakura VERY soon. 'I guess he did
that.' she thought, satisfied. "Oh, Sakura! The bracelet's from Syaoran,
isn't it?" Madison cried. Sakura looked up and saw everyone looking at
her. She blushed harder and said. "Yeah. He gave it to me after school."
Terry smiled and held the older girl's hand. "Syaoran really likes you,
Sakura." "Oh! You guys are a perfect match! You should go tell him you
like him!" Rosa said. "NO!" Sakura said, blushing even more.
'Oh my gosh! Sakura likes Syaoran! No way!' Lily thought, very jealous
of Sakura.
"I have the perfect dare, Sakura!" Rosa cried. "You have to tell Syaoran
you like him. Right now, in front of all the guys. Then you have to
kiss." Rosa said, eyes sparkling. "No way! I would be so embarrassed."
Sakura said. "Okay, fine. If you don't want to do that, then you have to
knock on the door. Whoever comes to the door, you jump onto them and kiss
them ON THE LIPS." Rosa said. 'Either way, she'll have to kiss Syaoran.'
Rosa thought gleefully. She knew that all the boys would be way too lazy
to get up and they would make Syaoran get the door. "So, what do you want
to do? You have to do one of them..." Rosa said. Terry jumped up and
down. "Yeah! Kiss Syaoran!" Sakura blushed. "Do I HAVE to?" she pleaded.
"YES!" Madison said, eyes shining. "Oh, wouldn't that be romantic?"
Nikki, Rita, and Chelsea said. Lily didn't say anything. 'PLEASE don't
get the door, Syaoran! And don't pick the first choice, Sakura! I hate
Sakura. I bet Syaoran is only being nice to Sakura. He really likes ME!
He has to!' Lily thought. Meilin was watching Lily, unnoticed. She
noticed that Lily really like Syaoran. 'I can't let her stop this.'
Meilin thought.
They started asking Sakura to go. "So, what are you going to do?" Rosa
asked. Sakura looked at the door, then at the bracelet. "I'll knock on
the door." she said, not wanting to embarass herself in front of
everyone. Meilin and Madison groaned. "Come on, Sakura! We all know that
Syaoran really likes you and you really like him. Just tell him." Meilin
persisted. "How did I get into this mess?" Sakura groaned. All the girls
giggled. "Come on, Sakura! To the door!" Meilin exclaimed. "Wait!"
Madison yelled. All of them looked at her. "You have to wear this."
Madison held up something. "Madison!" Sakura groaned. Meilin laughed. "I
noticed that night you spent the night with Syaoran that he REALLY liked
this top on you. You can borrow my miniskirt." "Meilin!" Sakura groaned
again. But she went into the bathroom, changed, and came back out. "Oh,
you look so grown-up, Sakura!" Chelsea said. "Wait, let's put on some
make-up!" Rita said. So they brushed on some sparkly light blue
eyeshadow, and put lipstick on Sakura. "You guys didn't say anything
about make-up!" Sakura complained. "Too bad. We do now." Meilin said
cheerfully. Sakura walked up to the door, stopped blushing, and rapped on
it three times.

Syaoran was listening to Bryan compare Hong Kong girls to Japan girls
when someone knocked on the door. "I bet it's the girls. They've been
giggling and laughing all night long. I'm pretty sure they're going to
play a trick on us." Corey said. "I'm not getting the door." Corey said.
"Me neither." Bryan supplied. Then the rest of the guys said something at
the same time: "No way are we going." Only Syaoran didn't say anything.
He was looking out the window again. "What's with you, Syaoran? You've
been staring out the window all night." Corey said. "I'm just looking
forward to tomorrow, that's all." "Tomorrow?" they all asked. "Look,
maybe we don't WANT to get the door, but whoever's knocking won't want to
wait all night." Corey said. "I'll get it." Syaoran said. He got up.
"Don't you need to put on some clothes?" Bryan asked. "If they're playing
a trick, I don't want stuff all over my t-shirt." Then he swung open the
There stood Sakura, a little bit of eyeshadow over her eyes and a light
lipstick on her lips. He saw Sakura blush. She had on the same top she
wore that night when she spent the night with him, and Sakura was wearing
a black miniskirt that was low in the front on the waist with tiny stars
dotted on the bottom edge. The bottom of the tank top and the top of the
miniskirt didn't come together, so about an inch of her stomach showed.
Then Sakura jumped onto him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed
him. 'Wow. She looks really nice. Sakura has a wonderful body form. Gosh,
I miss our relationship.' Then Syaoran stopped thinking and kissed her

Sakura almost knocked again. But then she heard footsteps. All the girls
were quiet. Then someone opened the door. It was Syaoran, and he only had
his jeans on. She blushed slightly, at a loss for words. 'He looks so
cute... too bad I'm kissing him only for the dare. But I'll kiss him like
I really mean it. Because I really do like him.' she thought. Then Sakura
went up on her tip-toes, swung her arms around Syaoran's neck, and kissed
him gently on the lips.

Bryan and all the other guys watched Syaoran get up and open the door.
They saw Sakura, with a little makeup on, and she was wearing a
form-fitting tank top with a nightime scenery all over it with a shooting
star in the middle. Sakura wore a black miniskirt with tiny stars dotted
on the bottom edge. Sakura blushed, then she jumped on Syaoran and
kissed him on the lips. "Oh man!" Bryan cried. "I should've opened the
door!" he groaned and pretended to fall down. The rest of the guys
groaned. "Man, we missed a good oppurtunity to kiss a hot chic." Corey

Madison and Meilin watched as Sakura kissed Syaoran. "Our plan worked
perfectly." Meilin whispered. "Yeah. And Sakura looks so cute, too.
Syaoran won't be able to resist her." Madison whispered back.
Sakura ended the kiss, and she hopped back down. "I, uh..." she said,
looking at his eyes, then her eyes wandered to his chest, and back at his
amber eyes again. Syaoran broke the silence. "You know, that outfit looks
really good on you. You should wear it to the beach party tomorrow
afternoon." Syaoran said, his eyes probing into hers and then wandering
to her stomach, then back up. Sakura smiled a small sweet smile.
"Thanks." Then she went to where Madison was sitting and sat down next to
her. She looked at Syaoran again, a look of uncertainty. Syaoran blushed
and smiled. Then he closed the door. The boys heard cheering on the other
side. "You are so lucky." Bryan said. "Yeah, you got to kiss a hot girl."
Corey said. All the guys agreed that Syaoran was very lucky. "You got to
kiss to the girl you really like!" Corey exclaimed. "Of course you're
lucky." Bryan said. Syaoran just grumbled in agreement, but he was kind
of happy. 'Does she really like me?' he thought, 'or did whatever the
girls did to make her kiss me the reason?'

"I can't believe it!" Madison crowed. "You kissed Syaoran! Wow!
Awesome!" Meilin exclaimed. "You are so lucky you get to kiss they guy
you really like the most, Sakura." Rosa said. Everyone else said the
same. "And, since Syaoran made a point of it - " Terry took out Rosa's
make-up bag and some of her make-up, "you're getting a makeover to make
you look really good when you go to that beach party that Syaoran
mentioned." Sakura smiled then groaned. "Another makeover! Great. Just
great." They all talked and gossiped into the night until they had to go
to sleep so they wouldn't be late for school.

The next morning, Madison woke up. 'Yesterday was so fun. I hope Sakura
has a great time at the beach party.' She looked instinctively over at
Sakura's sleeping bag, but Sakura wasn't there. Only her pajamas were
neatly folded on it. "Sakura?" Madison called out, and she sat up.
Madison smoothed out her pajamas. "Sakura! Hey, everyone, wake up!
Sakura's missing!" Madison said. Everyone woke up instantly. "Where's
Sakura?" Madison looked in her sleeping bag and found a note. "I'm taking
a walk in the park this morning. See you at school!" the note said.
"Sakura might have written this, but she didn't go for a walk." Madison
confirmed. All the others looked at the note. "Looks pretty real to me,
Madison. That's what it says." Rita said. "No. Sakura would have woken me
up and told me that she was going to walk in the park. She knows I'm a
light sleeper, and I usually wake up early anyway!" Rosa and Terry looked
at each other. Lily finally woke up. "What's going on?" she asked
sleepily. Madison looked at the door, unable to say anything. Rosa ran to
the door. "I'll tell the boys." Terry nodded and said, "I'll call the
police." She ran to the phone, and was about to pick it up when it rang.
"Ahh! It's a magical phone!" Terry screamed. All the boys ran into the
room. "What are you screaming about, Terry?!" Bryan yelled, and Terry
tried to explain what had happened. "Hey look! The window's open. None of
us opened it last night." Lily said and pointed to the open window and
the flying curtains. Syaoran ran to the window. A side of the curtain was
torn, and on it hung Sakura's bracelet.
'I didn't plan this, but if Sakura's out of the way, this is my chance
to be with Syaoran!' Lily thought. She ran over to where Syaoran was and
started to sniffle. "Syaoran, what happened to Sakura?" she asked him,
lip trembling. "I-uh, um..." he looked at Madison for help. She tried to
regain her composure. "Uh, Sakura just went for a walk, that's all, and
now we don't know where to find her." Lily grabbed Syaoran's hand
possessively. "Something happened to her. You're not telling me
everything." Lily's eyes filled with tears. "You don't trust me with
information. But Sakura was kidnapped, right?" Lily asked him. Syaoran
opened his mouth but nothing came out. "I'm scared. What if someone tries
to take me away too?" Lily's eyes filled with more tears and they spilled
over, tears cascading down her cheek. Lily looked down. "I'm sorry,
Lily." Syaoran went onto his knees and wrapped her in a hug. Lily gripped
him tightly.


A girl with brown hair, wearing a black miniskirt and a form-fitting
tank-top with a nightime scenery all over it, awoke in a deep mist. She
heard water underneath her, and she noticed that her muscles were sore.
She tried to get up, but couldn't. Then fear gripped her. 'Oh no... not
this again. Don't let the nightmare come true. Don't let it be deja v?'
She tried to move her arms, but her wrists were tied securely together.
She tried to move, but pain in her wrist stopped her. The girl looked up
and saw that her hands were tied onto a rod. 'My feet... they're tied
together too.' she thought ruefully. 'Who am I?' The girl thought. She
knew, but needed some time to think.
"So, white dove, you finally awaken." the girl looked up, surprised.
Another girl, dressed in pink with short, smooth blue hair, was floating
in front of her. "White Dove, when will you learn that you can't get away
from us, no matter how hard you try." The girl became angered. "What are
you talking about? Who's White Dove, anyway? And let me go this instant!
I can hurt you real bad you know!" The girl in pink laughed. "I guess I
should introduce myself. I'm Cherry. And I control the powers of all the
doves: yellow, red, orange, green, blue, violet, and black. The only dove
I'm missing-" Cherry put a finger on the girl's cheek. "-is yours. You're
a dove, I know that for sure. You have the symbol on your forehead. Only
a human dove has the symbol. And yours glows white. Peaceful, tranquil
little dove. Well, no more running, White Dove. I need your powers now."
Cherry starts to form a little aura blast, but someone stops her. "Don't
do that, Cherry. She'll use something against. It's true. I've been hurt
by her real bad before." The guy who spoke appears. He's dressed all in
black, and he has blue hair. But the guy is looking down, so the girl
can't see his face.
Cherry's face is tight with anger. "You mean, you've battled with this
girl before?" she asked angrily. The guy laughed. "Don't get mad, Cherry.
This is no ordinary human being." The guy flipped his head up, looking
the girl in the eye. The guy laughed again. "Don't you recognize me,
Cardcaptor Sakura? It's been a while, hasn't it?"
Sakura stared at him, shocked. 'It's come true! No, it can't! NO!'
"Matt!" Sakura whispered in disbelief. "Impressive that you still
recognize me, Mistress of Clow. You've been running away from me for so
long, traveling through time, even." Matt grinned, and moved closer,
tilting Sakura's chin up. "But you belong to me now." Matt moved his
mouth closer and closer to kiss Sakura, but Sakura couldn't move her head
away. 'No, I can't! This dream has to change! I can't let Matt drain the
White Dove's powers away through me!' Sakura thought anxiously. Then she
remembered. Sakura shut her eyes tightly, thinking. 'If this is what it
takes... I'll do it!' She opened her eyes, a powerful force blazing
inside them. 'No matter the cost to save my friends!'


hehehe... I've left you with a nice cliffhanger... =) : )

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