FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 5: Together Once More



In the clear, sparkling, starry night, Meilin heard a beautiful melody.
'Oh, the white dove is out again.' Then Meilin frowned. 'No one plays
this late. I'll go check it out.' Meilin got up and opened the door,
quietly closing it.

Even though Meilin was really quiet, Fil, Rosa, Terry, Josh, Rei, Bryan,
Chang, Fula, and Corey hear her leave. "What could she be up to?" Rosa
asked Fula. Then everyone heard a beautiful melody. "Whoa, whoever is
playing is pretty cool and pretty stupid to be up this late." Corey said.
Rosa listened, intent, and she gasped. "The melody... of the white dove.
It's in the direction of the park." They all looked at each other and
nodded. "Let's go." They were all about to leave, when...

"What are you guys doing up this late???" Syaoran yawned, staring at
Terry, who was opening the door. Fil, Rosa, Terry, Josh, Rei, Bryan,
Chang, Fula, and Corey froze in place. "We were just going to the park."
Terry whispered. "Really?" Syaoran looked at them like they were crazy.
"It's midnight, and you're going... wait, and all of YOU guys? You really
are crazy." Then all of them hear the sweet music again, loud and clear.
Rosa and Terry stiffened. "Okay, you guys know somehting I don't. We'll
ALL go to the park and you guys tell me about whatever it is you're
hiding." Syaoran pulled his clothes on and they left the apartment.

Kero sat on Madison's shoulders. "So who told you about the white dove,
Madison?" Madison was racing through the trees towards the music of the
white dove at top speed. "The forever card came to me just a few minutes
ago. Then I climbed through your window, grabbed you, and here we are."
The two arrived in a clearing, and Madison hid behind a bush. "That's
her. The Forever said that a young maiden with a silken white dress would
be the source of the melody. A flute will be at her lips, and soft music
will intrigue those containing the magical powers. Is Yue here?" Yue
appeared. "So the white dove has returned." "HI! KERO!" an older Sakura
shrieked (of course, she can't be heard by the "real world", neither can
she be seen) . The forever card grabbed Kero and hugged him tightly,
squeezing him. "I miss u sooooooo much!" Kero choked and gasped. Madison
has a sweatdrop on her head, and Yue's eyes twitch. Madison pulls out her
mini video camera. "Who gave that to you?" Meilin asked, who had just

Lily's eyes narrowed at the face of the girl. The young girl was playing
a lilting melody with a flute, eyes closed. Her shining short blue hair
had a silver streak down the right side. The White Dove's hair was just
barely above her shoulders. The dress hung straight down all the way to
the girl's ankles, and white fluff outlined the edge. The slit on the
dress started at the middle of her thigh on her right side. The same went
for her sleeves, which ended at the girl's top part of her wrist, and for
the neckline, which had a heart shape in it. Where the heart was there
was a ligh, satiny, see-through fabric. On the girl's head was a black
headband with hearts in circles on it outlined in tiny sapphires and
rubies. Lily narrowed her eyes. 'Time to finish what I started.' she
thought, pulling on her long red gloves. 'Fighting costume.' Lily
thought, and then her clothes transformed into a white t-shirt, red
boots, long purple pants that ended at the top of her boots, and a
necklace. The necklace had a key with a star with wings at the top.

Syaoran and the others arrived just to the left of Madison, Yue, and
Kero. "So how did you guys know about the white dove?" Terry and Rosa
asked Madison. "The past Sakura told me. She's really the forever card."
The forever card appeared, smiling. "How do you do?" Then she disappeared
again. "Cool magic. We have magic too, but we didn't tell you guys. Just
a little bit though." Corey said. Suddenly a beam of fire shot through
the trees to their right. "Whoa! What was that?" Fula said. Corey made a
water shield to keep the fire from burning them to a crisp. "Who was it
aimed at?" Josh asked no one in particular. "Apparently not at us." The
forever card appeared. "Whoever shot that beam of fire was aiming for the
white dove." Everyone looked up. The person who was white dove had
changed costumes. It looked like a fighting costume: a white tank top,
light blue gloves a little past her elbow, a white miniskirt, light blue
boots halfway up her thighs with slightly pointed toes, and a light pink
headband with a silver star in a golden circle on it. The young girl who
was white dove used her staff (light pink with a star with white wings at
the top) and shot a stream of quick stars in the direction the fire came

Lily threw an arch of fire at the White Dove while dodging the stream of
stars. 'My mission is to seal away the white dove. But, this dove is the
best fighter of all of them. I have to be careful.' Lily ran into the
clearing. "Fly star!" she shouted. Beneath Lily's light boots appeared
two stars with wings, and when Lily jumped she flew into the air. "You
have to be sealed away, White Dove." Lily threw her key into the air, and
it turned into a long purple staff with a star with wings at the top.
"You're mine." Lily pointed the star at the White Dove. "Fire star!"
Beams of fire shot at the white dove. White Dove dodged it and shot back
a beam of ice. 'This is going to be harder than I thought.' Lily thought,
moving away from the ice pellets.

'I am not going to be sealed away.' The white dove thought. "Star
shower!" This time, stars pelted the guardian and key of the doves as she
tried to fight back. 'I have to get away now!' Just as the white dove
turned, electricity hit her left leg. "Oh! My leg!" the white dove cried.
Before she could move away from her spot, Lily threw rings of fire over
her. "Oh no!" The white dove cried again. She fell to the ground, unable
to move. Lily landed behind her. "There's no use escaping, white dove."
Lily said. The white dove knocked her necklace against the ground,
thinking, "Water," and big white wings appeared on her back, breaking the
rings of fire with a water shield. The white dove started to fly away.
"Hey! Come back here! Hey you!" Lily shot a beam of powerful water at the
white dove.

"I hit her!"Lily cried, but she felt weak and tired. Lily looked at the
star on her staff, which was blinking red. 'I don't have full power yet.
I'll capture the white dove next time.' Lily thought disappointed. She
transformed back into her regular clothes and walked on home. 'I'll catch
her next time.'

Syaoran, Fula, Josh, Bryan, Corey, Terry, Rosa, Meilin, Rei, Chang,
Madison, and Kero couldn't believe what they had just seen. "Was that
Lily?" Bryan asked. "Yeah, that was definitely her." Yue nodded. "Then
Lily is the guardian sealer of the white dove. I must go now." Yue
disappeared. The forever card flew away. "See you guys! I'll meet you
guys at Syaoran's apartment tomorrow, kay?" Then the forever card was
gone. "Those costumes were majorly cool! Awesome!" Madison cried, eyes
sparkling. "We have to go rescue the White Dove. I saw her fall over
there." Syaoran said. "Let's go, everyone." Meilin said, and they walked
towards where the White Dove had fallen.

Sakura smiled weakly and shook her head. She didn't have enough strength
to get up. 'Who knew my guardian sealer would come back to seal me away?'
she though. Sakura looked at her staff. The star was blinking blue, then
yellow, very slowly. "I don't have much energy much. Having the powers of
the white dove is certainly not a picnic." Sakura murmured, laughing a
little. Her staff returned to her necklace, but she couldn't make her
costume turn back into her regular clothes. Sakura's eyes closed, and she
faintly heard voices and running feet coming toward her.

"This is probably the white dove!" Corey shouted to everyone. They all
ran to the motionless young girl. "Let's take her to my apartment."
Syaoran said, and Bryan lift the girl onto Syaoran's shoulders. "I'll
carry her back to our apartment." Everyone walked slowly to Syaoran's
apartment. "I wonder who she is?" Madison inquired. "We'll ask her about
this tomorrow. Right now, I am very sleepy and I wish to crawl into bed."
Syaoran griped.

the next morning around 5...

The white dove woke up. 'Oh, I feel so weak. And tired. And hungry.
Fatigued. Oh, just plain exhausted.' Sakura opened her eyes. She was
laying on a couch. Then she looked around and saw that Madison, Kero,
Meilin, Terry, and Rosa were there too. "Oh great, I'm at Syaoran's
house." Sakura muttered. 'I can't let them know that I'm the white dove.
Good thing my eye and hair color change to blue. Or else Syaoran and
Madison would recognize me right away. Kero too.' Sakura got up, and was
about to run over to the window when she fell down, her left leg hurting
painfully. Sakura looked at her left leg, and saw that it was bandaged up
at her ankle. "Can't believe I didn't notice that before." she muttered.
Everyone woke up. 'Oh darn, I just had to wake them up.' "Terry, go tell
all the boys that the White Dove is awake." Rosa said, yawning. Terry ran
off, sleepy, and almost crashed into the door. She opened it and shouted,
"Wake up, lazybones! WHITE DOVE IS AWAKE!!!!!!" All the boys were out in
the living room in seconds. 'Now I'm in for it.' Sakura thought.

Syaoran carried the white dove back onto the couch. "Who are you?" he
asked the white dove. The white dove didn't say anything. She looked
away. "Look, you were battling with our friend Lily last night, and we
need to know who you are. We're not letting you leave till you give us
some answers." Corey said. The white dove still didn't say anything. They
all waited. "Alright." The white dove said. Her had curled into a fist.
"I'll tell you about myself." A flute appeared in her hand.
"A long time ago, a good magician made doves with different powers. They
have different colors: red, orange, green, yellow, blue, violet, black,
and white. It was thought that each dove had a different power, but
they're grouped together: red and oranged have powers of fire, yellow has
powers of the sun and light, green had earth powers, blue controlled wind
and water, black and violet controlled powers of the night and dark, and
I have powers of the snow, water, and ice. Us doves guarded the kingdom
of the good magician. However, several years after we were made, an evil
magician hurt this good magician. Fortunately, the dying magician called
us to him and gave us all powers of fighting and defending ourselves if
we turned human, and the power to turn into an eagle to fight easily in
our animal form. I was also given the power to heal, dance, and play
music. When this magician died, us 8 doves turned into humans, posing as
a family. I often played music for all of us, so we could stay happy.
Unfortunately, a young girl rounded us up unsuspectingly and sealed us
away into her Key so we couldn't hurt others. However, that same evil
magician was confined to human form forever and he fought the guardian
sealer for the key so he could capture us and use our powers. I am the
one who is white dove, and I'm the only one left of all of us."
The white dove took out her flute and played a high tune, and her leg
immediately felt better. "You know, that is an amazing story. But whose
body are you inhabiting?" Rosa asked. "I recall from my study of the
legend of the doves that the doves can only transform into human once and
live forever. But you were sealed." The white dove smiled. "We go into
people's dreams, asking if they accept our powers and us. This girl was
familiar with the art of magic and fighting, one reason I chose her.
Another is because she has an extrememly trusting and kind heart."
The part about the art of magic surprised everyone. Syaoran thought and
thought, until he stumbled on something that was really weird. 'Omigosh,
could this girl actually be Sakura?' he thought. Syaoran didn't say
anything though. "You should go now back home, white dove." The white
dove opened the window and flew away quickly. Syaoran turned to everyone.
"The white dove... it's Sakura. Sakura holds the powers of the white
Everyone turned to Syaoran. "How did you know?" Terry asked. "I dont'
know yet. It's just a feeling. But her voice sounds so much like
Sakura's, and I just have a strong feeling. I don't know. I'm probably
wrong anyway." Madison interrupted. "No, I think you're right. The white
dove probably is Sakura. We know her best, and what you just said makes a
lot of sense to me. Dont' doubt yourself. I'm sure you're right."

Sakura sat down in the park. She was tired from battling the dove
guardian. And her leg still hurt. "Hm. I think Madison already knows who
I am. Who is the dove guardian? She looked so young. But she's so
powerful." Sakura lifted the flute to her lips and played a sad song
about forbidden love and friendship.

"Um, Syaoran?" Terry whispered, looking nervously at the others. "Wait,
you're hiding something else?" Syaoran sensed strong power coming in all
directions. "Wait. Why do I feel all this magic around me?" Terry looked
at Syaoran again, tears in her eyes. "We lied." she started sobbing
loudly. "Huh? What in the world are you talking about?" Terry sniffled.
"We... we lied.... we don't... don.... have just.... a little bi..... bit
of magic... we have a lot.... acause... cause..." Terry started wailing
and couldn't say anything right. "Werdaeimaicodoevzz!" Syaoran looked at
Corey questioningly. "What is this about?" Corey looked at the others and
cleared his throat. "Terry said, 'we're the magical doves'. We're the
other doves that Sakura told us about. The evil magician was after us
with his accomplice, and we pretended to be captured by him. Then, Fil
freed us without his knowing so that the evil dude wouldn't come after
us. Fil gives us energy when we're low on it because she has a lot of
magic and recovers energy quickly. Fula does that too. Terry is the
yellow dove. Rosa is the orange dove. Josh is the green dove. Rei is the
red dove. Bryan is the black dove. Chang is the purple dove. I'm the blue
dove." Corey took in a shaky breath. "We can't tell Lily because she'll
try to capture us. We also made that stupid act about not knowing the
stuff about the doves so Sakura wouldn't catch on. We're sorry we didn't
tell you before." Syaoran, Meilin, Madison, and Kero were nodding. "That
explains your magic." Kero said. "Yeah. That's alright. I understand why
you did what you did."
KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. Rosa walked up to the door and opened it. "Oh, hey
Lily." "Hi Rosa. Hi everyone." Lily was tired from battling the white
dove. 'I can't even seem to get my energy back.' she thought, sleepy and
exhausted. "Hey what's wrong?" Syaoran asked Lily, concerned. "Nothing...
I'm just tired, that's all." "Are you by any chance the guardian sealer
of the doves?" Syaoran inquired. "Yeah, how did you know." Lily collapsed
onto the floor, and Syaoran sat her down gently next to him. "We saw you
yesterday fighting the white dove." "Do you know who she is? I have to
capture her. I can't let the evil magician get to her first." Lily
murmured, leaning on Syaoran. "We can help you. We have some magic."
Terry said. "We don't know who she is." Rosa said. Lily closed her eyes
and leaned her head on Syaoran's shoulder. Lily smiled a little and fell
asleep in Syaoran's arms.

On Saturday night (the night after white dove battled Lily) Lily woke up
around nine. She woke up everyone in the apartment. "Guys! We have to
find the white dove." Everyone jumped up from their sleeping bags or beds
or whatever. Madison laughed. "Into your costumes!" Madison had insisted
making costumes for everyone, which she managed to do. All the doves had
on their color costumes. Rosa had on something that resembled the white
dove's fighting costume, except it was orange. Terry had on a yellow
costume like Rosa's, and both girls had white boots and gloves. All the
boys had on their color T-shirts and same color jeans. The boys had no
gloves and wore white tennis shoes with colored stripes. Madison's eyes
were shining. "Oh, you all look so cool!" "Lucky. Madison, Syaoran, and
Meilin get to wear their regular clothes." Corey muttered. "Alright,
everyone, let's go!" They all left, Lily leading the way.
"I've set some traps around the area. If she escapes, she can't escape
my traps. They're magic proof." Lily said, panting. They all ran around
the corner to see Sakura (in her white dove costume) sitting by herself.
"I'm going to get her!" Lily said fiercely. The doves, Fil, and Fula ran
to a spot behind the trees, and Lily was about to run to Sakura when
Sakura stood up. "Don't come any closer, you guys." Sakura said, and she
fell to her knees, eyes shut tightly. Her costume changed back to her
regular clothes, but instead of going back to her costume, her clothes
changed into tight, black clothes. "Why? Sakura what's wrong?" Madison
was about to run up to Sakura but Syaoran held her back. "Something evil
has taken over me. If you come any closer, I'll hurt you!" Meilin looked
at Sakura intently. "Sakura tell us what's wrong!" Meilin pleaded. "I'm
sorry. I can't." Sakura managed to croak out. Then she fainted and fell.
"Sakura!" Syaoran cried, and was about to run up to her. Madison and
Meilin held him back. "Look! Something's happening." Meilin said.
Sakura's body was surrounded by black aura and suddenly Cherry and Matt
appeared (no one else knows that, of course, but you readers do, so
there). "I see this serene white dove has succeeded in warning you."
Cherry said. Matt laughed. "And to think we managed to lure this fools
here anyway." Sakura woke up, the aura still around her. She looked up
into Cherry and Matt's face. "No! Get away from me." she tried to move
away, but Sakura found that she couldn't move. "Of course. My good friend
Cardcaptor Sakura is trying to get away from me. How nice." Then Cherry
looked at Lily. "Give us the key." Lily looked defiantly at Cherry and
Matt. "Give back the doves that you have." Lily said darkly. "Nah. I'd
like to engage in battle." Cherry brought out a black staff with a black
sphere at the top. "Okay, guardian sealer, you asked for it!" Cherry and
Lily started in a fierce battle with many elements (water, fire, earth,
wood, water, ice, you know, etc, etc, etc). Sakura relaxed, waiting until
Matt would let up his hold on her.
"Fire!" Lily shot several beams of quick flames at Cherry and managed to
hit her. "Oh! Matt, help me out!" Matt released his grip on Sakura and
shot black beams at Lily, who darted away easily. Sakura ran over to
Syaoran and collapsed in his arms. "I have to battle and seal them!!"
Sakura said. "But you don't have enough energy!" Sakura changed into her
white dove costume. "Lily! She needs help! 2 against one isn't fair."
Suddenly everone else dashed out from the trees. Fil and Fula gave energy
to Sakura by touching her mark on her forehead. "We're your fellow doves.
Dont' worry. We're going to fight this the whole way through together."
Rosa said.

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