FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 8:


Im running out of good ideas for chapters now. sigh
oh yeah, if any of you have AIM, instant message me at:
also, remember my email is: smileymon810@hotmail.com
or you could also do smileymon810@juno.com


"Syaoran! Where are you going?" Sakura asked Syaoran, who had gotten up.
"Syaoran?" she asked again when he didn't respond. Shawna appeared from
the darkness in a short attractive dress. "Syaoran, I'm ready now!" she
said, smiling triumphantly at Sakura. Sakura's eyes saddened. "Li-kun?"
she asked in a small voice. "Goodbye Sakura." he said, emotionless.
"Syaoraon!" Sakura said again. "Just ignore her. We have better things to
worry about." Shawna said, wrapping her arms around Syaoran's neck. Her
head tilted up. Syaoran, not even glancing at Sakura, accepted Shawna's
invitation for a kiss. "Syaoran! No! Come back!" Sakura shouted, hurt.
Syaoran and Shawna started to disappear, their figures getting smaller.
"SYAORAN! PLEASE COME BACK!" Hurt and confused tears slid down Sakura's

Syaoran heard something. "Wha?" he looked around and saw Sakura. Shawna
was standing right outside Sakura's cell holding a staff with a black
crystal at the top. Suddenly Sakura started to speak again. "SYAORAN!
PLEASE COME BACK!" Sakura's eyes opened, tears starting to spill from
them. "Sakura! I'm right here!" Syaoran said, scrambling to the side of
his cage as fast as he could. Sakura continued crying. 'It's like she
can't even here me.' he thought. Then he looked at Shawna. "What did you
do to Sakura?" Syaoran shouted. "Why, just gave her a bad nightmare,
that's all." Shawna said. "But it's no fun anymore. I should just collect
her energy." "What? Hey, leave Sakura alone!" Syaoran challenged, eyes
narrowed. Shawna looked over at Syaoran in disgust. "You are not ANY fun.
Oh well. I'll just take her energy..." Shawna placed her hand on Sakura's
forehead, and Sakura's whole body glowed kind of black. Then Sakura's
eyes closed. "Well, I'll let you be with your GIRLFRIEND." Shawna said
Shawna made the inner gate between Syaoran and Sakura disappear and she
left, disappearing into darkness. Syaoran quickly scrambled over next to
Sakura. "Sakura, are you okay?" he asked, cradling her head in his arms.
Sakura's eyes weakly opened. "Syaoran..." Sakura smiled faintly. "You
didn't go." "What? Go where?" Sakura looked at Syaoran's face. "You mean
it was a nightmare?" she asked him. Syaoran hugged her face into his
chest. "I would never leave you, especially not here." he murmured.
Sakura grasped her hand in his. "Thanks."

Corey sat down in frustration, looking up at the bright moon and stars.
"Come on! Can't you work any faster?" Josh glared at Corey. "Would YOU
like to try digging?" he asked. Corey backed down and sighed. "Sorry."
"Hey I hit something!" Terry exclaimed, excited. Everyone ran over to
her. "Where where?" Corey asked. "Right here! It looks like a roof. And
this is where Sakura's light was. It was light pink and white close up."
"The pink is probably the cardcaptor side of her." Rosa mused. "Well,
let's keep digging." Josh said. He lightly chipped away at the dirt with
a little spray of rocks, because all of the doves had figured out how to
use their powers again. Rosa used her tiny fire beam, like Rei, and Terry
shined light on the patch of dirt because it was night time. Bryan and
Chang shot little waves of stars at the same place. Whenever the group
got tired, Fil and Fula supplied them with energy. Madison and Meilin
watched, worried sick about Sakura and Syaoran.
Finally, the roof opened up just a bit. "Let's go in!" Corey said, about
to smash the rock roof. "Hey wait a sec! If you do that, we'll alert
whoever kidnapped Sakura and Syaoran!" Terry argued. "We have to get
small." Rosa said. "I know how to do THAT!" Terry giggled. She flashed a
beam of sunlight on all of them and everyone turned into a tiny sun charm
except for Bryan. She strung every single one onto a silver chain in
their little place. "Like it? Roomy, huh?" Terry said. Madison and Meilin
smiled from inside their charms. "Okay, Bryan, you're gonna have to make
me unseeable. THEN I'll make you small." "Sure thing." Bryan shined black
light on his little sister, and she disappeared. Then she made him small
and strung him on the chain. "Okay, I'm going now." Terry put a whole
bunch of dirt on the hole, then dropped down throught the roof. Right
before falling on the ground, she spread her yellow wings and steadied
herself. Walking behind a pillar, she threw the chain in the air, and
tossed a yellow sun charm at it. Everyone turned back to normal. "Let's
hurry up!" Meilin whispered. They crept noislessly through the castle.

"They're coming! I know it," Sakura said. 'Oh, I sure hope so. I feel so
weak, like I don't have any energy left. Then she remembered her charm on
her bracelet. Focusing on her powers, she felt her energy coming back
when she touched the tiny white dove. "Syaoran? We should figure out a
way to get out of here." Sakura whispered. "Yeah, okay." Both of them got
up, and looked around the whole cage. "Looks unbreakable to me." Sakura
commented. Syaoran looked on. "Yeah... hey, comere!" Syaoran told Sakura.
She ran over. "What?" "Here's a spot, where we can go through." Syaoran
said, pointing to a large crack in the ground. "Once we're sure Shawna is
gone, we can blast through and run." Sakura looked and sighed. "Doesn't
she have people watching us all the time?" Syaoran sighed too. "Yeah. Oh
well. If the others are looking for us and they're already inside, then
we can make a sign telling them we're here." Sakura's emerald eyes
brightened up. "Yeah! Which element should we use?" Syaoran thought a
moment. "Fire. It'll brighten up this weird ol dark place and we might
scald some people while we're at it."
"Oh Key of Clow, power of magic, power of light, release the wand, the
force ignite, release! Firey Card, make a bright fan of fire, Firey Card,
release and dispell!" Sakura shouted loudly, hoping the castle guards and
maybe Shawna would hear her. Syaoran took out his sword determinedly.
"Element!" he shouted, and took out a little yellow paper. "FIRE!" Both
fans of fire spread out around them, increasing the temperature. "Hey,
what do you think you guys are doing?" Shawna cried, flying over quickly.
"We're trying to find our way out of here!" Syaoran said, putting all his
energy into the wave of fire. Of course, Shawna couldn't do anything
because if she walked any closer, she'd get burned by the intense fire.
There was nothing that could stop the pair.

Rei and Rosa stopped. "What is it?" Terry whispered. Suddenly all of
them saw light towards where they were walking. "That's probably them
two!" Corey shouted, starting to run. "NO! COREY!" Rosa shrieked. She
darted through everyone and ran in front of Corey, knocking him down. "I
summon thy power of fire, protect us!" she shouted hurriedly. Just in
time, the shield of fire was created, and the swift wave of fire passed,
each second draining more and more of Rosa's energy away. Soon the fire
disappeared and dwindled into smoke. Everyone was stunned, surprised, and
shocked. Rosa fell to her hands and knees. "Rosa!" Terry moaned, and ran
to her idol. Corey stood there like an idiot. Then he looked down at the
ground in shame. "Sorry, Rosa. It's my fault you almost got killed." Rosa
smiled weakly from where she was leaning on Bryan and Terry. "It's not
your fault. You couldn't have known. Only us with special fire power can
sense it coming before anyone else. Anyway, a water shield would not have
been as good. Steaming smoke would come rushing at us. Let's keep looking
for Sakura and Syaoran. That was definitely the Firey Card and Syaoran's
element." Fil replenished Rosa's energy, and the group walked on.

Ten minutes later, Bryan crept up behind the cage, his invisibility mode
on. Everyone else was a sun charm in his pocket, including Terry. Bryan
took out a VERY sharp, star-shaped invisible cutter. He chipped away at
the crack in the cage, looking at Syaoran and Sakura every now and then.
Sakura's legs and hands were tied to the rungs of the cage, her mouth
gagged, and Syaoran was what looked like knocked unconscious, hands and
feet bound. Chang was also invisible, trying to cut Sakura's ropes
without alerting the guards around them. Whenever one of the guards came
too near, Chang or Bryan would shoot a star at them, making them go to
sleep instantly. Finally, Bryan was able to open the cage and Sakura was
free. Everyone returned back to normal, some rushing to Sakura, the
others to Syaoran. "Let's get them out of here!" hissed Madison. They all
started to creep out of the crack in the cage. "Hold it right there!" A
voice shouted. Everyone froze. "What do you think you're doing, freeing
my prisoners?" Shawna said, appearing all in black. "We're getting them
back home!" Terry said boldly, standing up.
Shawna laughed. 'A little girl, fighting me? We'll just see who wins
this game!' "All right, little girl, you think you can beat evil?" she
raised her eyebrows. "Of course, you'll never last, poor thing. To die at
such a young age. Oh well. Your choice!" She flew into the air, her
humongous black wings flapping. Terry flew up too, her small brown eyes
determined. Up near the ceiling a whole bunch of beams of black light and
white light flashed around. "Come on, we have to wake them up!" Meilin
said, shaking Sakura. "What's happening?" Sakura said, eyes opening. When
she saw the fighting near the top, her eyes widened. "No! I've put Terry
in danger!" Quickly, before anyone could protest, she was out and flying.
Even though Terry was skilled in fighting with magic, she knew she
couldn't win. 'I'm so young and my magic isn't even up to its fullest
yet!' she thought. 'After what happened when I was little, I'll never be
able to fearlessly use my magic.'


"Brother! Look, I can make a small beam of light!" the little girl said
joyously, tossing it spontaneously into the sky. The little beam of
yellow light exploded, showering her with light. "That's great Terry!
Soon, you'll be as good as me!" Bryan, Terry's older brother, winked, and
she laughed laughed. The shadow in the background disappeared. Later that
night, someone with a powerful black aura attacked their home. "Mom! Dad!
Someone's attacking us!" Terry screamed, running into the hall as their
house shook and quivered. Terry and Bryan's parents flew out of their
bedrooms (i mean, not with wings). "Whoever you are, show yourself!"
Terry's mom shouted into the night. Somebody in black clothes and blue
hair appeared. "It's your children we want, miss. Not you. Give them to
us and no one will be hurt." he said. "Never! Leave us alone, you have no
right to be here." "Right." the guy laughed and threw black magic at
them. "Jump, kids!" Bryan's father shouted. Everyone jumped high into the
air, the evil guy following them.
A big battle began. Terry and Bryan's parents fought with the powerful
person with lots of powerful magic, while Bryan and Terry watched on,
floating, afraid and scared. Suddenly, Terry had an idea. "Bryan! Let's
help them! We've developed our powers already, remember?" Bryan nodded,
and started shooting stars at the enemy, while Terry built up a yellow
ball of energy that slightly resembled the sun. Bryan got knocked down,
his mouth bleeding. Wiping it away, he prepared to jump up, but when he
tried to move his leg, he grimaced. "Bryan!" Terry cried, landing beside
him on the roof. "Bryan..." she whimpered again. "Go ahead! You've done
great, just keep on going!" he said, smiling a little and patting her on
the back. Terry flew back, floating up more slowly. The yellow beam of
light glowed, and she tossed it at the enemy quickly, thinking he
wouldn't have time to react. But something reflected it back, like a
white ball starting from the middle and expanding outward in her vision.
She heard her mom and dad and Bryan yelling. "Terry!" they called out to
her, but it was too late. "Ahh!" she screamed, and everything went white.

"Terry..." the little girl with her head bandaged and her arm in a cast
felt a lot of pain shoot up her arm, back and forth, back and forth. She
kept her eyes closed in exhaustion. "Oh, Terry, it's all my fault..." she
heard an older voice say in sadness, guilt, anger, and who knows what
else. A sob sounded hollowly in the room. The little girl opened her eyes
and saw her brother sitting in a chair next to her bed, his head buried
in his arms. She saw his friends... Rosa, Chang, Rei, Fula, and Fil. Rosa
was wiping tears from her eyes on the other side of Terry's bed. Everyone
else was on the couch, their faces full of anguish, anxiety, sadness, so
on, so on... Terry tried to smile. "Bryan..." she whispered. She reached
out her good hand and placed it over his. "You're okay." she whispered
again happily. Bryan sat up, and almost fell over. Everyone else quickly
stood, up, and Rosa, knelt down. "Terry!" she cried, happily. "Hey Terry.
You okay there?" the other guys asked. Bryan was speechless, and then he
hugged her tightly. "Terry, you're okay!" he said, relief in his voice.
Terry looked around. "Where's mom? Whadabout dad?" she asked, confused.
Everyone fell silent, and Bryan cleared his throat, tears glimmering in
his eyes. "They're... they're gone, Terry. They died a few minutes ago."
Uncontrollable, sad tears slipped freely down Terry's face. Disbelief in
her voice, she asked him what had happened. Bryan shook his head, and
gasped. "Maybe when you're older... maybe when you're older..."


Everyday after that, the reflected magic, her OWN magic of the sun,
coming at her haunted her dreams, nightmares, and herself. She saw
visions everywhere she went. 'It got better, sure, but something like
that never completely goes away', Terry thought in fright as she saw it
again... the white light, blinding her, the last voice she heard before
she fell to the ground, hard, pounding loudly in her mind over and over
again. She felt her whole body freeze; not a muscle could move, her body
was cold with fear, like being trapped in ice. "Terry!" she heard a voice
call to her. The light blinded her again, and she heard her mom and dad's
voices calling to her.



The pain of my past still haunts me
It will never fully disappear
Yeah, yeah, even tho I try to think
About something cool, different
It's always in there in my mind
You can't do anything about it!
No matter what you try,
You can't change anything
But without you I would never have lived
To see this day, with you,
My friend, but closer, together
In that photo of my family
Those days are past, but now, you're
the best guy a little girl could have

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