FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Part 1

"Coming Back"


It was late at night...Sakura was laying on her bed staring at the ceiling. She then turns her head to see Kero asleep. She stands up and pulls out a box from her dresser. She pulls out a soft white feather and runs her fingers on it.

She blushes and whispers to herself. "Syaoran-kun....I miss you so much..."

She then puts it away and changes her shirt into one with whole in the back. She looks back a Kero and he's still asleep. She smiles and touchs her pendant gently. It glows a soft pink and White Wings come out of her back. She heads over to the window and was just about to jump out...

"WOW! Sakura when did you have wings?"

Sakura falls back into the room. She looks over at Kero.


Kero flys over to her and pokes her wings. "Where did you get these?"

Sakura slowly stands up. "I umm...well...it was a...uhhh...Gift..."

Kero nods and flys back over to the bed. "So the brat kid gave you them?"

Sakura frowns. "He's not a brat and it's been 5 years he's not a kid."

Kero curls up on the bed. "Yeah yeah Sakura..."

Sakura heads back to her bed. She makes her wings go back into her back. *It's a school night anyway...I should be asleep and not flying around.*

She lays down and closes her eyes...


"AHHHH!!!!!!! I'll be late!!"

Sakura bolts out of bed and quickly gets dressed. Kero was now very annoyed by this. Being up when he wanted to sleep.

"Bye!" Sakura quickly says to Kero and runs down the stairs. She quickly eats and runs out of the house. She meets up with Tomoyo inside the school.

"Hello Sakura-chan."

Sakura smiles at her and sits down in a chair. "Umm. Tomoyo-chan...Mizu told me in a letter that you sent the Card Captor tapes to him. He said he'ed send them back in a week...Why did you send him the tapes?"

Tomoyo's eyes light up. "Everyone should be able to get to see the wonderful Card Captor Sakura. Your to kawaii to be seen only here in Japan."

Sakura falls over anime style. She gets back up and sighs. Tomoyo giggles and sits down next to Sakura. Everyone sits in there seats ready for school.

"Class." said there Sensei.

Sakura stared off out of the window in dream land.


"We have 6 new students here from Hong Kong."

Tomoyo smiles softly and looks over at Sakura who was'nt listening. Tomoyo sighs and turns back to the Sensei. The door opens and everyone gasps at the students walking in. They all start whispering to one other.

"Li Syaoran, Li Meiling, Li Enkou, Li Mizu, Li Yochi, and Li Fuu."

Sakura's eyes widen. She was arfaid to turn around and see that it was just a dream. She slowly turns her head and blushes a soft pink. Syaoran was standing there with Meiling and the Guardians. She was awed on how the Guardians looked Syaoran's age.

"Alright take a seat."

Sakura blushed a bit redder as Syaoran sits right next to her. She smiles wide.


At Lunch Syaoran met up with the Guardians and Meiling at a tree. They sit down and start eatting.

"So Master Syaoran when are we going to look for this girl?" asked Mizu who was stuffing his face.

Syaoran leans his back against the tree. "Not sure."

Meiling moves closer to Syaoran. "I wonder what this kid wants from you..."

Sakura and Tomoyo slowly walks up to them. "Hi."

Syaoran looks at Sakura and blushes a bit. The Guardians snicker a bit behind his back and he turns giving them a death glare. They grin and shut up. Meiling frowns a bit.

"Come and join us ladys." said Enkou.

Sakura and Tomoyo smile and sit down with them. Tomoyo looks at Syaoran.

"So Li-kun why are you back here in Japan?"

Syaoran looks at Tomoyo. "Well...I'm not quite sure myself."

Sakura looked confused. "Eh?"

Syaoran tells them about his dream that he was having for the past week
"So that's why I'm here. To find out what that's about."

Sakura and Tomoyo nod. Tomoyo looks at the Guardians.

"So how do you look all the same age?"

Mizu smiles brightly. "Well we use magic for that. We can look any age we want."

Yochi nods. "Yeah. To be with Master Syaoran we had to be the same age."

Syaoran having an anime style annoyed look, looks at the Guardians.

"Will you stop calling me Master?"

They all shake there head. "Nope."

Syaoran sighs.

Sakura smiles. "Well it's good to have you guys back. I missed you all so much. Is Malus-san here too?"

Enkou nods. "Yeah he's here."

Yochi pops some food into her mouth. "So you going to help us?"

Mizu pokes Yochi. "Be nice. They don't have to-OW!"

Yochi had grabed Mizu's finger and almost broke it off. Mizu growls at Yochi. Everyone else sweat drops.


After school Sakura cought up with Syaoran, The Guardians, and Meiling. The Guardians pushed Meiling off so Sakura and Syaoran could talk.

"We'll just go on ahead." said Mizu with a grin.

Syaoran and Sakura watch them leave and then look back at each other. They both blush pink not knowing what to say.

"Well ummm...Sakura I'll walk you home..."

Sakura slowly nods. "Ok."

They start off down the street. They were silent for a while.



"How long will you be here?"

Syaoran did'nt answer that for a while..."I don't know."

Sakura nods. "Ok..."

They were quiet for most of the time. They soon reached Sakura's House.

"I'll see you tomorrow Syaoran-kun..."

Syaoran nods. "Hai..."

Sakura then walks into her house. Syaoran stared at it for a while then left kicking himself.

*Stupid stupid stupid...Can't get any of those stupid words out.*


Inside Sakura was kicing herself as she walked into her room.

*Stupid stupid! Why can't you just tell him!*

Kero looked up at Sakura. "Hello"

Sakura nods to him and then flops onto the bed. *I should be happy though that he's here..*

Sakura smiles dreamly and is off to La la land.

Kero looked at her confused. "Hey you look Happy about something. What is it?"


"AHHHH!! He's back!?"

Sakura slowly nods and falls back into La la land leaving Kero in the real world.

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