FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Part 2

"Finding The Girl"



That Night...

Mizu was running from Yochi.

"I'm sorry!"

"It's to late for that!"

Everyone else watch them run around.

Syaoran looked at Fuu. "What he do this time?'

Fuu has a sweat drop behind her head. "You don't want to know."

Syaoran chuckles and nods. "You guys help Mizu out in about 5 minutes ok?"

Enkou laughs. "Alright."

Syaoran gets up and heads to his room. He sits down on his bed and looks out the window.

*I wonder how I will be able to find her...*

He lays down and stares off...


Off in the night...

A little girl about 10 was siting in a dark room on a bed. She had black hair about to her hip and soft blue eyes. She was wearing a white dress and had a white bow in her hair. She stared off at the stars. A smile forms on his lips and she jumps off the bed. Grabing a white staff and a white bag she heads to a window. A white bird flys over and lands on her shoulder.

"Is he here?" asked the bird.

The girl nods. "Yes. He's here..."

She spins her staff and chants something in an unknowen language. Her body glows a soft white and she jumps out of the window. She floats over some buildings looking around. The White bird flys by her side. Soon the girl lands on a building and the bird lands on her shoulder.

"He should be around here somewhere." said the girl.

She looks through her bag and pulls out a glowing ball with a flame in the middle. She holds it up in the air.

"Power of the ancients. Power of the Elements I summon...Earth, Fire, Water, Wind...The Elements of life...Dark and White...I call the Power of the six Phoenix magicians...Bring to me The Element Phoenix!"

She watched as the ball glows bright. She shields her eyes as it sends off a beam of light. She then looks to where it was going.

"You sure this will work?"

The bird nods. "Yes I'm sure. It's worked before."

The girl stares off waiting...


Syaoran opens his eyes and sits up.

*A Strange powerful energy is heading this way...*

Standing up he looks out of the window. The Guardians and Malus were up as well looking out a window.

Meiling wakes up wondering what everyone was doing up. "Hey...come on guys it's one in the morning..."

Mizu frowns. "That energy is all to familiar..."

Enkou narrows his eyes. "Yeah..."

Malus looks at the Guardians. "What do you mean?"

They all look nervous.

"Oh nothing Malus." said Fuu.

Enkou shakes his head and leans his back against the wall.

Malus glares at them. "What are you talking about."

They then all shield there eyes as the beam of light flys into the room.

"Oh crud!" yelled Yochi.

The Guardians head into Syaoran's room to find him gone.

Malus grabs Mizu. "Alright tell me what you know about this now!"


Syaoran rubs his eyes and find himself on the roof of a building. He was dressed in his old red outfit from the past. He looks around to find The Little girl not to far from him. She smiles at him and blushes. She looks at the bird.

"You told me he was a bird."

The White bird sweat drops. "Yes the Phoenix is a bird, but he has a human form."

The girl smiles brightly and whispers so Syaoran could'nt hear. "You could have told me he was cute."

She giggles and turns back to Syaoran.

The Bird's sweat drop grows bigger. "Oh brother..."

Syaoran walks up to them. "Who are you?"

The girl's eyes light up. "I'm Lily. This is my little Guardian pet."


Lily giggles.

Syaoran kneels down to her level. "So your the one who has been calling me. Why?"

Lily frowns a bit. "Someone is after me. Saying She wants the power of the Six Phoenix Magicians."

Syaoran looked confused. "The what?"

Lily hugs Syaoran and starts to cry. "Please please help me! I was told that if I was in real danger to call for the Element Phoenix...Please help me."

Syaoran picks her up and slowly stands. *Ok Guardains...what have you ketp from me now?*

Syaoran changes his cloak to wings. "I've got to ask some friends a few questions..Want to come with me?"

Lily smiles and nods. "Hai!"

Syaoran then flys off the roof and heads back to the apartment. Lily blushes a soft pink and the bird flys next to them. Syaoran flys by the window to his room and cilmbs in. He set Lily on his bed and changes his wings back to normal.

"Stay here."

Lily nods with a smile. Syaoran walks out of the room. Malus and the Guardians look at Syaoran. Syaoran folds his arms across his chest.

"What else have you hidden from me?"

The Guardians lower there heads.


They all ended up in Syaoran's room.

Enkou looks at Syaoran. "We were told to keep quit by our Old Master Clow Reed. We wanted to wait till the right time to tell you everything about what you are."

Syaoran narrows his eyes. "I'm listening..."

Enkou sighs. "Well...See the reason your the only Element Phoenix...Is because you were made."

Syaoran lowers his head so his eyes were covered by his hair.

Mizu runs his fingers through his hair. "Made by the Six Phoenix Magicians. They wanted to make a Creature with great power. So much power that it could hold dark beings in the Dark Realm..."

Lily looks at Syaoran and trys to see what he's feeling at that moment, but sees nothing.

Yochi bites her lower lip for a moment. "They made your soul...and locked it up in a crystal for years. Then the war of the Demon went on and then came the Dark Servents to free him..."

Fuu nods. "And so Cara thought it was best to free The Element Phoenix soul so...She went to the Guardians of the White City. The place where the Dark Temple was. She and Clow Reed got them to free The soul and Cara was to be the mother...Because you were only a soul at the time and had no body...So you had to be born like any other person."

Syaoran slowly nods. "So this person wants the power of the Six Phoenix Magicians...And Lily is a descendanted of one of them..."

Enkou looks at Lily. "I pretty sure it's light."

Syaoran picks up Lily and changes his cloak into wings. "I'll be back later..."

He flys out with Lily and the Bird follows them. The Guardians watch him go and sigh.

"You think he's mad at us?" asked Yochi.

Enkou frowns. "Yeah...and I would be to if I were him..."


Lily looked at Syaoran. "You did'nt know?"

Syaoran shakes his head. "It would be just like them to keep stuff like this from me. They always do. I'm left in the Dark."

Lily frowns and hangs onto Syaoran. "They just care about you. Your name is Syaoran right? Is that Chinese?"

Syaoran nods. "Yeah."

Lily smiles. "I like it. Oh you can let me down here."

Syaoran lands on a roof and sets Lily down. She smiles up at Syaoran.

"I'll see you tomorrow afternoon alright? At the Park?"

Syaoran nods. "Alright. I'll be there."

The bird lands on Lily's shoulder and looks at Syaoran.

Syaoran lays a hand on Lily's shoulder. "I'll watch over you ok? I can't let anyone have the Power to make something like me again..."

Lily smiles and blushes. "Thank you..."

Syaoran then spreads his wings and flys off. Lily watched till he was gone and then used her magic to float off back to her house...


sorry thing is'nt that long..and I think it was kinda boring, but it gets some things out of the way. hopefully more will happen in the next one...*sighs* -_-()

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