FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Part 3

"Feelings still Unknowen"





11 year old Kasumi walked through the forest. Half a year she wished to see that boy in red with brown hair and deep amber eyes who had pure white angel wings.....She then heared this beautiful music being played on a flute and follows it's sound. She finds herself by the cliff where she fell when she first met him...He was there..Reiko. She smiles softly and stays quit so he would'nt stop playing the flute. She moved a bit closer to Reiko and listens to the sound of the flute. He then stops and turns his head looking at Kasumi.

"I thought I would never see you again." He said in almost a whisper.

Kasumi smiles at him. "Hello. Sorry I did'nt mean to sneak up like that."

Reiko shakes his head. "I heard you a mile away. But I felt the same softness in your magic so I knew it was you."

Kasumi sighs. "Oh...So how have you been? I thought you moved around a lot."

Reiko nods. "We do. Just...We have been alright so we did'nt have much of a reason to move."

Kasumi nods. "Oh."

Kasumi moves over to Reiko and sits down next to him. "I've missed you."

Reiko looked at Kasumi. "You missed me?"

Kasumi nods. "Yeah." She blushes "I've been thinking about you for sometime..."

Reiko blushes a soft pink. "I've been thinking of you too..."

Kasumi looks at Reiko. They both blush.


Sakura slowly opens her eyes.

"Hey Sakura are you sick? Your face is red."

Sakura looked at Kero who looked worried. Sakura stood up and looked in the mirror. She was blushing a little red. She closes her eyes and remembers that song on the flute....

"The boy with pure white angel wings..." she whispered to herself.

"HEY! You'll be late Sakura!"

Sakura snaps her eyes open. "OH NO!"

She quickly gets dressed and runs down the stairs. She eats fast and then runs outside.


Lily walks through the park that Afternoon.

"I can't wait to see him again. Syaoran..."

She had little hearts in her eyes. The White bird on her shoulder rolls his eyes.

"Oh please..."

The Guardians then show up there.

"Hey little girly!" yelled Mizu.

Lily glares at Mizu. "Don't call me that."

Mizu chuckles. "Fine fine."

Lily looks around. "Hey wheres Syaoran?"

Enkou shrugs. "I don't know. I'm sure he'll be here soon."

Yochi then spots Sakura and Tomoyo. "HEY! Sakura! Tomoyo!"

Mizu looks over at Tomoyo and smiles brightly. Sakura and Tomoyo walk over to them. Kero pops his head out of Sakura's bag.


Reiko walked around the forest. He missed Kasumi very much at that moment. A blush creeps up to his cheeks.

"Kasumi...Why can't I get you out of my head? Your soft green eyes and shiny brown hair and...UGH!"

Reiko punches a tree next to him and sighs. He then hears crying not to far from him. He runs over to find Kasumi on the ground beaten up and bleeding. Reiko runs over to her and kneels down.

"What happened?"

Kasumi hugs Reiko and crys on his shoulder. "They..They came and kill my father and mother...they..they were after me Reiko..."

Reiko hugs Kasumi and strokes her head. "It's alright Kasumi....It's alright..."

He helps her stand up and has her lean on him. They walk down the forest and to a cottage. He opens the door and helps Kasumi in. Kasumi looked around seeing a few poeple in there asleep. Reiko helped Kasumi over to a bed and lays her down. She holds back the tears and winces a bit.

Reiko strokes her head. "It will be alright..."

Kasumi blushes a soft pink feeling the warmth of his fingers run through her hair. She closes her eyes and her pendant glows a bit. Reiko's symbol glows softly and he feels a warm energy fill inside him. Kasumi feels a strange energy run through her. The pain she had was slowly disappearing. Kasumi then slowly falls asleep. Reiko yawns and rubs his eyes. He lays his head on the bed and falls asleep...


Sakura blinks. "Oh?"

The Guardians had finished telling Sakura about the Six magicians. Kero thought about this.

"Well these Magicians sound powerful. But Clow Reed is the best."

The Bird smirks. "Oh yeah? My old Master was way better then Clow Leed."

Kero flys up to the bird making a fist at him. The Guardians join in with Kero and growl. "That's Clow Reed!"

Sakura and Tomoyo sweat drop. Lily smiles seeing Syaoran slowly walk up to them.

She hugs Syaoran. "Hello!"

Syaoran hugs back a bit. "Hi...Hello All."

Sakura smiles at Syaoran. He smiles back. Lily looks at both of them and growls a little. Syaoran leans his back against a tree.

Tomoyo taps Sakura on the shoulder and whispers. "Lily has that same look you did when you liked Yukito."

Sakura looks at Lily. Lily looks at Sakura and then grabs Syaoran's hand. She leans against Syaoran and sticks her toung out at Sakura. Syaoran looked down at Lily and she puts her toung back in her mouth smiling at Syaoran.

Tomoyo giggles and whispers to Sakura. "Looks like you have a new rival."

Sakura looks at Tomoyo. "What do you mean?"

Tomoyo giggles and shakes her head.

Mizu moves over to Tomoyo. "Here are some of the tapes. I'll bring more of them over later."

Tomoyo takes the tapes. "Thank you."

Mizu blushes a bit and hides his face so Yochi can't comment on it.

Syaoran looks around. "I guess Malus will be here later..."

Enkou frowns. "Where is he?"

Syaoran's eyes flash red. "Malus.."

Sayoran rans off. Everybody looks confused, but follows him.


Malus was sent flying into a wall. He growls and looks up at his attacker...Dargon.

Dargon readys his sword. "Your not so bad Malus."

Malus jumps back to his feet and holds his sword ready. Dargon grins and jumps up coming down at Malus. Swords clash. Malus pushes Dargon back and builds up black energy. Dargon jumps to the right as Malus sends the beam at him. Dargon growls as he gets hit a bit in the shoulder. He then feels a huges blast of fire knocking him over. Syaoran runs up to Malus.

Malus smiles at Syaoran. "Took you long enough."

Syaoran looks at Malus. "I guess our connection is'nt as strong as it use to-"

Syaoran was sent flying into a wall by a blast from Dargon. Malus growls and runs up to Dargon slashing at his arm. Dargon growls in pain and back away. Syaoran picks himself up and narrows his eyes at Dargon. The Guardians, Sakura, Tomoyo, and Lily run up. Kero and the bird fly up.

Enkou glares at Dargon. "There are to many of us Dargon."

Mizu nods. "I think you should leave before your killed and have to spend the rest of your after life in the Dark Realm."

Dargon smirks. "Fine then. Next time I'll bring more of my friends..."

He tosses a Black Clow Card. Everyone gets ready. A black shield covers everybody.

"What card is this?" asked Kero. "And how dose this person have them?"

Dargon runs off right through the shield. Syaoran trys to go after him, but is traped inside the dark shielding.

"Just great." Mutters Enkou.

Lily looks around. "How do we get out of here?"

Enkou fires off a flame at the shield. It moves a bit and opens a little, but closes back up. Enkou looks at Syaoran.

Syaoran nods and turns to Sakura. "Want to try attacking in one spot?"

Sakura nods and takes out The Sword card. Syaoran forms a sword in his hands and he and Malus walk up to Sakura. The Guardians get there attacks ready. Lily builds up white enrrgy in her staff. They all strike at the same spot. IT opens up for a moment and everyone runs as fast as they could out of it. Kero's tail gets stuck as the hole closes.


Syaoran could'nt help, but grin. He walks over to Kero and pulls him out leaving a bit of fur behind.

"You Baka Kid! May fur!"

Syaoran shrugs. "Not my falut stuffed animal. I just tryed to help."

Kero growls and flys up in Syaoran's face.

"Fine fine..."

He then flys over to Sakura and hides in her bag. Syaoran and Malus put there swords up. Sakura changes the card back to normal and uses her staff to seal the Card.

"The Black Shield..." said Sakura looking at the Card. "Never knew a card with more then two words were around."

Mizu looks at the Card. "Oh yeah...I Remember when Clow Reed made a few cards they 'disappeared' for some reason...He had to make new ones. I guess Zella must have stolen them."

Lily runs up to Syaoran and hugs him.

"Way to go Syaoran! You should have the card for coming up with that!"

Syaoran looks at Lily. "Nah. Sakura should hang onto them. She is the Card Captor. Also it was more of Enkou's idea anyway."

Sakura looks at Syaoran. He looks at her and smiles. Sakura blushes a bit and smiles back. Lily growls at Sakura and grips onto Syaoran's hand.


Everyone headed back home after that fight thinking they had enough for one day. Kero looks at Sakura as she flops down on her bed. She curls up into a ball and holds onto the the Dark Shield card.

*Lily likes Syaoran-kun? Is she trying to steal him away from me?...Wait he was never mine to begin with..*

Kero knew for a long time Sakura was in love with Syaoran and he did'nt like it that much...He also had seen Lily liking Syaoran a lot...He was'nt stupid. He knew what Sakura was thinking at the moment. He flys over to Sakura and lays down next to her. He curls up close.

*I can't think of anything else to do, but to watch her and be there for her...I think the kid has no clue Lily likes him just like Yukito had no clue when you liked him...Don't worry Sakura he loves you. I can see it...*


16 year old Reiko was in a feild looking nervous. He smiles a bit as Kasumi walks up to him.

"Hi Reiko. Why did you want to tell me?"

Reiko moves a bit closer to Kasumi. "Well Kasumi...I...well..."

Kasumi stared at him waiting for whatever it was.

Reiko looks into Kasumi's eyes and blushes. "I..."

Reiko slowly wraps his arms around Kasumi and pulls her closer. Kasumi blushed as Reiko lowers his head close to her face.

"I love you Kasumi...." He whispers before kisses her gentle on the lips. Kasumi blushes redder and closes her eyes. Reiko pulls back and looks at Kasumi waiting to see what she dose. Kasumi wraps her arms around Reiko and lays her head on Reiko's chest.

"I love you too..."

The pendant around her neck glows bright with Reiko's symbol...



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