FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Phoenix Light

Part 4
"The SoulMates"

The women in black was standing on a building looking over the area.


"Can't find him?"

The women jumps a bit and truns around. Behind her was a man dressed in black. He had long black hair that's down to his kness and deep Red eyes. He has long black pants and a black shirt. He has a long black cloak and black gloves. He has a long sword. The women pulls her hood back letting her long black hair down. Her eyes were red and she had a symbol of a black phoenix on her forehead.

"I'll get him."

The man nods. "Sure...Why are we after this boy? Is'nt it the Phoenix we're after?"

The women laughs. "Ahh...You have'nt been at this as long as me...You don't know the real target Dargon."

Dargon smirks "If I knew I would do better then you Zella. And try not to kill him. If theres one thing I know about this it's that we need our 'target' alive."

Dargon then disappears.


Syaoran was walking down the shreet at night. He needed to think and be alone for a while so he left late while everyone was asleep. He stoped at the park and sighed. He cilmbs up the tree and sits down on a branch. He leans against the tree and closes his eyes.

*So what should I do? What is going on? Who is the knew enemy? Nothing makes sense..This weird women uses black Clow Cards and has very powerful magic. How can we beat her? What dose she want? Why am I in the middle of this? I have many other problems to slove I don't need this..*

He let himself relax a bit on the branch and went half asleep. He was resting, but was ready to jump up and attack if anything came by.

====================================================== Sakura walked down the shreet. She could'nt get any sleep and for some reason felt like taking a walk. She was'nt paying attention to where she was going. She was thinking about what Kero said.


"Yes Kero-chan?"

"Be careful around the kid. I think something more then a Phoenix bonding with him and making him a guard is happening. Theres something inside him...I've always felt it, but I did'nt think much of it at the time. Some power is awaking inside him Sakura and it's power is...well it dose'nt have a evil force or a good one yet. Maybe when it's fully awaken."

Sakura sighed. She then looked around and sees that she walked right into the park. She walked around...


Syaoran snaps his eyes open hearing something. He jumps down from the tree and looks around.

*A strong evil energy in near by...*

He gets his sword out and walks around. He then looks over at a lake. He slowly walks over to it and looks in. Zella appears behind him.Water jumps out at Syaoran and wraps around him. He tryed to break lose, but could'nt and was pulled under water. Zella walks up to the lake and puts a magic shield over it. She grins and pulls her hood back.

"This time little Phoenix your not getting away."

She laughs.


Zella truns just as the Watery card attacks her. Sakura runs up to the lake and pulls out the Sword card. She hits the shield with her sword, but nothing happens.

"Oh no! Li-kun!"

Zella shoots a dark beam of energy at Sakura. Sakura uses the jump card and jumps out of the way. Zella was then hit by a flame. She growls and looks to see Enkou, Mizu, Fuu, and Yochi run up. Mizu says something in a unknown language and shoots off water at Zella.

Fuu looks over at Sakura. "Get him out of there Card Mistress!"

Sakura was a bit confused about who they were and how they knew about the cards, but went back to trying to get Syaoran out. She tryed a few cards, Firey, Watery, Windy, but nothing seemed to work. Tears roll down her cheeks.


Zella fell back from a attack by Enkou and then disappears.

Mizu growls. "Coward!"

They then run over to Sakura and try to break the shield. Sakura falls to her kness crying.

"Li-kun! NO!"

The pendant around her neck starts to glow red. Enkou, Mizu, Yochi, and Fuu back away a bit. Sakura hits the shield.



Syaoran opens his eyes a little. He wondered how he was able to live without having to breath. The thing that had him stuck under water wraped around his whole body(It looked like watery dose when in water). He then heared Sakura calling his name. He looked up.


His body glows red/gold color. The thing that was holding him down in the water disappears.


Sakura looks and sees a red/gold glow in the water. Just then a red/gold Flame hits through the shield making a hole. Water comes flying out as dose Syaoran. He hits the ground hard and starts coughing up water. Sakura runs over to him.


Syaoran slowly stands up and looks at Sakura.

"You said my name."

Sakura blinks and looks confused. "What?"

Syaoran shakes his head. "Never mind."

The pendant around Sakura's neck glows and They both disappear in a red light


Syaoran opens his eyes. He was floating and all around him was a bright white light. Sakura was'nt to far from him. Sakura looked over at Syaoran. Kero appears next to them.

"How did I get here?"

Sakura looks over at Kero "Kero-chan!"

"Now is time.."

All three look around for the owner of the voice.

"Who was that?" asked Sakura.

Syaoran, Sakura, and Kero look up and see a boy about 11 floating just a bit above them. He floats down to them. He was wearing all black and had his face covered by a hood. He grabs onto Syaoran's hand.

"Hey!" yelled Syaoran as the boy changes into a white light and goes inside the symbol on Syaoran's forehead. Syaoran grabs his head and closes his eyes. His clothes changed into red pants and a red shirt and red boots. Also he had a long red cloak on with gold around the ends. It was split in the middle so it looked almost like two cloaks.

Sakura looks at Syaoran. "Li-kun! Are you ok?"

Syaoran opens his eyes. They were blank. He looked over at Sakura.

"It's time to know the past." His voice was not normal. It was a bit deeper then normal.

Sakura gasped.

Kero growled. "Who are you!?"

'Syaoran' waves his hand and the white light around them changes to a huge white house with a barn next to it.

Sakura looks around. "This..."

Syaoran truns to them. "I am the reincarnation of the son of the Light Pheonix. You know her as Cara. My name is Reiko. That pendant you wear is a key. I put this message in it to tell myself about the past when I was reincarnaed at the right time. The pendant would appear on someone I knew from the past that would be reincarnaed as well."

Reiko/Syaoran truns around as a girl that looked like Sakura runs out of the White House.

Sakura's eyes widen. "That's...me?"

Syaoran nods. "Her name was Kasumi. Now watch. When this is over you'll understand what's going on."

Kasumi ran over to two boys talking. She sneaks up to them and listens to what there talking about.

"Yeah the forest over there." A boy pointed over to the forest. "Looks like spring. It's winter all around the forest, but inside it, it's warm and things are growing."

"Wow. What do you think of it?"

"I don't know.."

Kasumi smiled. *I've got to see this. I'll head there tonight.*


Kasumi walked through the forest. As the boy said it was winter on the outside and it was warm inside. She smiled as she walked through the forest. It was very beautiful with all kinds of flowers growing. She started walking up a bit of a hill and then stoped. She looked through some bushes and saw a boy spining a sword in his hand.

*Who is that?*

She looked at him. He was dressed up in red pants and a red shirt and red boots. He had a strange bird made of fire symbol on his forehead. He had a long red cloak on with gold around the ends. It was split in the middle so it looked almost like two cloaks. He looked a lot like Syaoran. Kasumi leaned in closer, but trips and falls over. The boy stops spining his blade and truns to the girl. He puts his sword up and runs off. Kasumi got up and ran after him.


The boy ignored her and ketp running. He jumped through a bush and Kasumi followed. Yet she did'nt know that on the other side was the end of a cliff. Boy she was after had his cloak change into white wings and was flying above it. She screamed and fell down. The boy flys down and wraps his arms around her. She screams again and grips onto The Boy. He lands on the ground and tosses Kasumi off him. Pulling out his sword and puts it up to her throat.

"I should kill you...I should have let you fall because you have seen me."

Kasumi shoke with fear. "Why did'nt you let me fall?"

The boy puts his sword away. "I don't know. Something tells me to let you live. So if I find you telling anyone about me I'll hunt you down got that?"

Kasumi stands up. "Who are you?"

The boy's eyes narrow a bit and his wings trun back into his cloak.

"I am Reiko."

Kasumi walks a bit closer to him. "I'm Kasumi."

Reiko then hears something and pulls Kasumi down with him. She yelps, but Reiko covers her mouth.


Reiko points up and a huge bird flys over them. He uncovers Kasumi's mouth.

"That thing has been looking for me and my mother."

Kasumi looks at Reiko "What are you? What's all this? What's with the bird on your forehead."

Reiko sits up on his kness. "I may as well tell you. If you can see the symbol you must have magic. I am an Element Phoenix."

Kasumi's eyes widen "An...Element Phoenix?...Is your mother one too?"

Reiko shakes his head. "No she's a Light Phoenix. My father was a black... I'm the first and maybe the last one...and Why am I telling you this!?"

Reiko stands up and starts to walk off. "I don't know why I'm telling you anything! I'm out of here."

Kasumi stands up "Wait! Please help me. I'm lost...I don't know how to get back..."

Reiko stops and truns around. He was about to yell again when Kasumi's chest glowed a bit. A red pendant appears on her. Reiko runs back up to her.

"That's why...."

Kasumi looks at Reiko. "Hm?"

Reiko folds his arms across his chest "I saved you because of this pendant. You’re the key keeper of the dark realms. You are related to the old one. That's why I saved you."

Kasumi looked confused.

Reiko sighed. "Come on...I'll take you home and tell you what's going on, on the way."

Reiko graps Kasumi and truns his cloak into wings. He flys up to the top of the cliff and lands on it. He truns them back into a cloak. Reiko talked as they walked. "You see a long time ago there were more Phoenixs around. Light, Black, Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind. You know. Everything. But a Evil black Phoenix started killing off other Phoenixs for there power. You kill off a Phoenix and take there soul you have there power. So the last two, a black and a white, after a great war of this traped the Evil Black Phoenix in the dark Realms. They gave the key to it to a powerful magician to hold onto. It went inside the magician and said that the descendant and the key would appear when she meets up with an Element Phoenix. I am the last of them. Because of my Father and Mother. The others are traped inside the Evil Black Phoenix. The legend is coming true. The dark servents will come after you and me. You could say I'm the lock and the pendant is the key. That's what my mother told me anyway. I'm not sure if it's all true, but it seems it is because of that black bird that's been after me and now you you show up."

Kasumi blinked a few times. This was all to much for her. Reiko stops just outside the forest.

"There you are. Your out of the forest."

Reiko was about the walk off when Kasumi grabs his arm.

"Will I see you again?"

Reiko stood there for a moment. He looked over his shoulder at Kasumi.


He then slips his arm from hers and runs off. Kasumi stood there for a moment staring off where Reiko just ran off...


Sakura blinked a few times.

"So what happened?"

Reiko/Syaoran truns to her. "Clow Leed was a friend of Cara's and helped us by giving us Guardians. Enkou, Mizu, Yochi, and Fuu. But as the time past on...about....15 years or so...the enemy found us and distroyed everything."

Sakura gasped and griped onto Syaoran/Reiko as the whole place filled with fire.

"Everything..." whispered Syaoran/Reiko. "They attacked you...Kasumi...I tired to save Kasumi and I did, but ended up dead doing so.... I was to be reincarnaed so I could beat them the next time. We are to stop them."

Kero hmmed at this. He was'nt sure what to make of it.

"And now..." Syaoran/Reiko wraps his cloak around Sakura. Sakura looked up at him.

"We will beat them this time."

Syaoran wraps his arms around Sakura and pulls her closer. He then leans down and kisses her genly on the lips. Sakura's eyes widen and she blushed. Kero's jaw droped and he tryed to move over to them, but something held him back. Syaoran opens his eyes a bit. They were back to normal. He gasped and pulls back from Sakura. Sakura and Syaoran trun away from each other.

"Umm..." Syaoran blushes a deep red. "Err...Sakura...That was'nt...me doing that. I hope you...ummm...Know that."

Sakura nods and also truns red. "Yeah..I umm...Yeah I know..."

The pandent on Sakura glows brightly and they disappear...



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