FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Part 5 "The Memorys"

note: ~~~~~~ lines and not ======== lines means the past or someone seeing the past.

Sakura slowly opened her eyes. She was laying on a bed. Sitting up she found out it was Syaoran's apartment. Mizu peeks into the room.

"Oh your awake. That's good."

He walks in and over to Sakura.

Sakura stands up. "Wheres Li-kun?"

Mizu smiles. "Safe. Come on."

Sakura follows Mizu out of the room. Enkou, Fuu, and Yochi were there and were standing next to a tall blond haired women. Syaoran was standing next to them as well. He looked over at Sakura and blushed a bit as she walked up to them.

Sakura looked at the women. "Your ummm..."

The women smiled. "Cara. This is my real form. I remember everything now."

Sakura nods. She looked at the time. "HOE! I must be going!"

Syaoran watched her leave and then headed to his room. "I'm going to get some sleep..."


Mizu smiles after Sakura and Syaoran left the room.

Enkou nods. "So now what?"

Cara sighs a bit. "There’s nothing much we can do now. When the dark servants show up we have to beat them. We must not let them get Syaoran or Sakura."

Fuu frowns. "This won't be easy."

Yochi smiles. "Sure it will. We just beat the crud out of them when they show up."

Mizu pokes Yochi. "Like last time when those servents came and kicked your a- OW!"

Yochi had grabed Mizu's finger and almost broke it. Mizu grabs his hand and growls at Yochi. Enkou, Fuu, and Cara sweat drop.

"Ummm..." said Cara. "Maybe someone should go and watch Sakura. She could get attacked."

Mizu smiles. "Leave it to me!"

Yochi smirks. "Well we're doomed now."

Mizu growled. "HEY!"

Cara steped in between the two. "Ok Mizu you can go. Fuu go with you just in case."

Mizu frowns. "You don't think I can handle it?"

Cara smiles at Mizu. "That's not it. You never know what could happen. Go now before it's to late ok?"

Fuu and Mizu run out. Enkou flops onto a chair. "Thank the gods...man Yochi you should be nicer to Mizu."

Yochi rolls her eyes and walks out of the room.


Sakura sneaks into the house. It was 4:00 in the morning. She was about to head up stairs when her brother steps in front of her.

"Alright where were you?"

Sakura smiled nervously. "No where."

Touya frowns. "I'm sure..."

Sakura runs past him and up the stairs to her room. She flopped down on her bed.


Sakura got up and saw she landed on Kero.


Kero floats in front of Sakura. She lies back down.

"So Sakura what the heck just happened?"

Sakura sighs. "I don't know...this is all to weird..."

She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Her pendant started to glow....


Sakura opens her eyes looks around. She was on top of a roof looking over a white city.

*Where am I?*

"Master Reiko!"

Sakura looks over at a small boy and a little girl that looked around the age of 5. The girl looked worried about something and was sitting. The boy was right near at the end of the roof. He had a white shirt and brown shorts. He also hand a band tied around his forehead. "Please Lord Reiko Please! Don't do it!" yelled the little girl. She looked a lot like Fuu. Sakura blinks and wondered what was going on. She looked down and saw some poeple looking up at them gasping.

Reiko looked over at the girl. "But Fuu you said you wanted to see. You said you couldn’t do it yet so you wish you could see it."

Fuu slowly stands up. "But it's dangerous!"

Reiko smiles. "It's alright. Just watch."

Reiko takes the band from his forehead and the Phoenix symbol glow brightly. He takes off his white shirt and puts it down. He then looks as if he's in deep thought and then White Wings pop out of his back. People below them gasp. Reiko jumps off the roof and starts to fly.

"Master Reiko!" yelled Fuu as she ran to the end off the roof after him, but stopped at the end.

Enkou, Mizu, and Yochi run up and look up at Reiko. Reiko then can't seem to control his flying and starts to fall. Cara and this boy about 15 run up and look up at Reiko. The boy had white hair to his shoulders and blue eyes. He was wearing a white outfit that looked like Reiko's red one(when he's older). He a band tied around his forehead. The boy pulls off the band and a symbol of the Phoenix glows. This symbol though was half black and half white. His cape changes into wings and he flys up catching Reiko.

"Reiko! What did you think you were doing!?"

Reiko lowers his head. "I'm sorry Brother..."

Sakura's eyes widen. *Li-kun...Reiko has a brother?...But why do they both look..different? His brothers symbol is not the same. Now that I think about it..Cara has a white symbol. And if Reiko's father was a black Phoenix. Then that's why his brother has both. But why is Reiko different? Why is he an Element Phoenix and not his brother?*

Everyone stared up at Reiko and his brother. Cara frowns a bit.

Reiko hugs his brother. "I'm very very sorry Malus."

Malus slowly flys down and puts Reiko down. Cara runs up and picks Reiko up.

"Please don't show your wings to anyone..."

Reiko looked at Cara. "Why Mother?"

Cara looked at him with sad eyes. "Please...Just promise me not to use them unless you have too. Don't make me feel sad alright?..."

Reiko frowns and slowly nods. "I'm sorry Mother. I promise..."


Syaoran slowly opens his eyes. "Mother...Malus...I'm sorry..."

Mizu peeks into the room. "Hm? You say something Master Syaoran?"

Syaoran did'nt look up. "No Mizu...nothing at all..."


Reiko walked down a path. He was'nt paying attention to where he was going.

*Mother and Brother must be angry with me. I did'nt know we are'nt to show our wings and symbols to everyone.*

He then stoped and looked where he was. He was standing outside of a temple. He walks up to it.

"The Dark Temple?" he read on a sign outside.

He slowly walks inside and looks around. Inside the temple was all dark except for a few candles and trouchs. There was an altar in the middle of the room and four small pillars around it. The ceiling had a panting of a black symbol of the Clow. At the other side of the door to a wall was a statue of a huge bird made of fire. A Phoenix. Right under it was a stone tablet with some writing on it. Reiko walks up to the tablet and wipes the dust off it.

"What's this?"

He looked at the writing and started to read it.

"The Dark Seal. The Element Phoenix controls it with it's soul and it's heart. Must evil become to great for my poeple they must awake the Element Phoenix from it's sleep."

Reiko looked confused. "What's an 'Element Phoenix'? What is this talking about?"

He then goes back to reading. "The Dark power to steal the souls of Phoenixs will rise to this world."

Reiko's eyes trun blank. "Awake the full power of the Phoenix with the 'key'...."

Malus walks into the temple. "Reiko? What are you doing here?"

Malus walks up to Reiko. "Hey little brother. Are you alright?"

Reiko snaps out of the trance and looks at Malus. "Yes, I'm fine."

Malus looked a bit worried. "Reiko go home ok? I'll be there in a moment."

Reiko nods and runs out.

Malus looks at the tablet and covers it with a shield. "You can't know what you are yet Reiko..."


Syaoran hugs his kness and looked out his window. *Element Phoenix..I did'nt understand what they were talking about then. But I understand now. Why me? Malus would have been better at it.*

Syaoran symbol glows a bit and his eyes trun blank...

*They try to hide things from me...I know more then they think. I see them later on. My powers show me these things.*


Cara and Malus ran into the dark temple.

"You can't do this!" screamed Cara.

They glare at a person carrying Reiko over to the altar. Malus draws his sword adn puts it up to the persons neck.

"Let him go now."

The person lays Reiko down on the altar. Reiko's eyes were blank as he was in a deep trance. He had the Red pendant around his neck...the Key. The person that had carried him here pulls the hood back. It was Zella.

"You can't stop me. If I die another will come and then another. The Dark Lord will be free once again."

Malus growls. "Don't you know what will happen if you do that?! Not only will this dark being kill so many poeple, but Reiko's magic will be opened all at once. You could end up destroying this world if you do this!"

Zella grins. "I'll take that chance."

Cara walks a little closer to them. "Your insane Zella..."

Zella laughs. Malus was just about to cut her throat when he heared Cara scream. He truns around and sees someone grabing her and putting a sword up to her. Zella shoots a dark beam at Malus knocking him over. He slowly stands up.

Zella truns back to the Altar. "Take care of them. I'll get the gate open."

Malus stood there not knowing what to do. If he tryed to stop Zella they would kill Cara. If he did'nt the gate would open.

*I knew she should'nt have been the new keeper of the key...*

Zella starts to chant and the Pendant glows brightly. Just then the person holding Cara gets pulled to the ground. Yochi was right behind him casting a spell on the ground making it into quick sand. Enkou, Mizu, and Fuu run over to Malus. Zella stops and truns to them. Mizu casts a spell sending water at her knocking her over. Enkou runs over to Reiko and picks him up. He then starts to run out of the temple. Mizu and Fuu follow. Malus glared at Zella and then ran over to Cara.

"Lets go!"

Cara nods and follows out.

Zella stands up and growls. "I had the chance...I almost had him free."

She looked over where her help was and saw he was now gone. "What away to go...I'll find more help. Real help..."


Reiko slowly comes out of the trance and looks around. He was in his room and everybody was there.

"What happened?"

Malus smiles a bit at Reiko. "Nothing. Nothing happened Reiko. You just fell asleep outside. You still look tired get some rest alright?"

Reiko slowly nods and closes his eyes.

Cara looks at Malus. "We need a knew Key keeper. Is there anyone related to Zella that is good?"

Malus nods and looks at the pendant. "I think so. Zella's sister. Kasumi..."


Syaoran snaps out of the trance.


He then falls off the bed passed out. The Guardians run into the room.

"Master Syaoran!"


Zella growled and opens the doors to a room. She walked into a room that looked like a temple. Dargon was setting up a few things inside. It looked just like the dark Temple. Dargon truned to Zella and grined, but before he could say anything...

"Just shut up Dargon. If you think you can do better then show me." Dargon smiles. "Alright. I'll go and get the Phoenix."

Zella nods. "And don't forget the key."

Dargon glows a dark purple.

"Don't worry Zella. I'll get them."

Dargon then disappears.

Zella looks at the ceiling. "It won't be long now My Lord..."


Sakura stared out her window. Kero was asleep on the bed. It was late at night. Sakura wondered what to do now. She could see dark clouds starting to move in pretty fast. She shivered and wraped a blanket around herself. She felt very cold and...felt something dark moving in...



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