FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Power of Two
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter two
Feeling Loose

The tape that Madison gave to Sakura is perfect, Sakura is feeling better and she began to talk.
"Hey, Madison, I felt better but it would be great if Li is still alive." Then tear came to Sakura's eyes again. "Sakura, I think you should stay home and watch the tapes. It's okay you can watch it all over it again if it will let you feel better. If you felt better, call me and I have to take you some place special."
Sakura turned the TV again, she put tape one in the VCR and she began to watch it again. The time when she was capturing the first Clow Card, The Storm Card. Then she remembered how she released the Clow Cards. One day she was in her father's library, looking for a book. She saw a strange kind looking book then she opened it. There's no explanation about that book so she took the first card. By someway, the first card is The Windy and then a strange looking monster appeared, Keroberos. But then all the cards had released. Kero told her that she had power to release the Clow Cards so she has power to sense them and get all of them back.
It's a raining day but the weather is still bad till long time, Kero told her that it might be a Clow Card so she tried and captured The Storm Card. Then she met Li, the first card Li tried to capture is The Thunder. Sakura has no idea why Li was keeping telling her to quit capturing Clow Cards but Kero just told her expect unexpected. Then Meilin came, she's really jealous at Sakura but later she became better. Then she captured her last card, The Earthy Card. Things getting better but she had to complete the Test Card mission. She fell in love with Li because the Love Card and she thought it's pretty ridiculous.
She's really in love with Li then things got tougher, Sunlin and Moonlin came to get help. Li and Sakura helped them capture all the Source Cards and defeat The Dark Shadow. They it's the first time that Li kissed her on the lips for a long time. "This brings me great memories," Sakura murmured, "I hope I can stay like this forever." Tear came into Sakura's eyes and she went into her bedroom.
"Hey, Madison, I was wondering if you have time so we can disuses that thing that you want to talk to me about." "Oh yeah Sakura, I remembered, I'll grab the stuff and I'll come over to your house." Madison grabbed whole bunch of stuff and went to Sakura's house.
"I got this on Wednesday night so I guess I need you to see this." It's a letter and it's from Sunlin. "Dear Madison, I guess that Sakura is pretty upset so I decided to mail you. This situation is really serious. Sakura can't hold longer so her cards will release so you have to use your power to stop it. When Sakura's attitude gets worse, during nighttime, use your wand to come to Magic World and I need you to finish a mission for me." "What is this?" Asked Sakura. "Sakura, I think we better get Meilin and go to Magic World and find out what's going on." "Okay, I guess." Sakura and Madison got Meilin who's been crying 24 hours a day for Li to come back. "Meilin, I know what you're going through. I felt the same way, but I think there's something more important than just waiting here for Li to come back. You know, you can't bring people back to life and it is impossible that one person is dead for a month to come back." "Sakura, this is the first time that I cried so much. If he haven't gone here, I think that he might be so happy living in his house with me." Then Sakura and Meilin began to cry again.
Madison went to Magic World alone. "What's up Sunlin? You sounded so serious on the letter but I think I shouldn't bring Sakura to Meilin so she wouldn't be crying all over again." "It's okay Madison. This is all up to you. Now, a year from now, on the day that Li died, the exactly same moment, all Sakura's Clow Cards will be released. So you have to find all of them and find all the stuff they used to capturing cards. Bring all of them here including Shadow Gold and your wand. I'm going to keep it in a place that no one could find so my dark brother wouldn't find them. And you have to do me one more favor. Use the Sleep Card to put Sakura and Meilin asleep and use Erase Card to erase all their memory about Li Showron and all about Clow. Then you erase all the people's memory about Li except you. Sakura and Meilin wouldn't be sad and you have to send Meilin back to Hongkong and let her start her life again." "But I couldn't do that! That is so hard on Sakura." "You have to do it because you're the only one who can do it." "I won't do it and I won't give you all her cards. I'm going to keep them and if they all released, I'll tell Sakura that she has to capture it all over again." "Whatever you want."
Madison is a little mad at Sunlin and then she went back home and found that Sakura is home watching TV alone. "Sakura, where's Meilin?" "Who is Meilin anyways? And why there's a stuffed animal who can talk and why he is talking about something called Clow?" "What! I can't believe Sunlin and Moonlin did that! It's so cruel." "Who? Whose Sunlin and Moonlin?" "Sakura, concentrate! Remember who's Li?" "Not really!" "Oh, man." "Time Card! Release and dispel! Return to yesterday and I never went to see Sunlin and Moonlin!" Madison and all the others came back to yesterday and Sakura is still crying with Meilin. Sakura is saying that how wonderful is Li and so did Meilin. Then Madison left, she thinks that they better have some space.
"Li? Is that you? Where you come from and why you're here?" Sakura said. "Sakura, I'm dead but my spirit is still alive. Low World needs our help so we have to go with them. They kept my body and make sure that it don't go away and they made me another one that I can walk in Magic World." Li answered. "What should I do?" "It's really simple, I've dead for a week but you have to wait until I've dead for 10 days. On the exact same moment that I died, you jump down the cliff and you'll be with me now." Sakura woke up and it's a dream. But the next day she had the same dream so she believed it because she's running out of time.
"Sakura? Where you going? Why you're getting your favorite backpack?" Tori asked. "Tori, I need to do something. It's really serious. Listen, I won't be here for a little while but I'll come back. I'm going to Magic World and when I come back, Li will be back too. It's too complicated to say so I need you to find my Clow and Source Cards." Tori understood Sakura so he found Sakura's Cards. Sakura put all the Clow Scott's wand and all the Clow and Source Cards in her backpack. She grabbed some of her capture card suits in the backpack and the test cards with the gold of Shadow. "Tori, this is a letter for Madison and Meilin, give it to Madison and tell her to read with Meilin.
Sakura came to the cliff and she yelled, "Li! Here I come!" Then she jumped down and she hit the ground and she died. But her spirit came out of her body and her spirit brought her body and the backpack into a cave and there he is, Li is standing there for her. "Sakura, I'm glad you came, here, this is your body copied form." Sakura put on the body form and when became alive again but only in Magic World. She's happy.
Madison and Meilin got their letter and they began to read it. "Dear Madison and Meilin, I can't be around anymore, I have to find out the secrets that why Li died so soon. He came in my dream and gave me directions. I think I'll be gone for a little while but the good news is that I'm going to come back with Li holding my hands. Your friend, Sakura." "Why does she do such a thing?" Meilin doesn't understand. "Meilin, I just hope that they'll pass this. The silence came into the room and no one knows what might happen next.

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