FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Power of Two
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter three
Waiting By The Side

"It can't be! Sakura can't leave us like this! I knew she couldn't!" Tori yelled out and headed for the cliff. "Wait Tori! You have to be patient!" Julian told him but nothing stopped him so she told Meilin and Madison told Julian that they better take a card and find what's going on. Ding-ding! Tori heard car ring and he saw Julian waving hand. "Tori, let's go together." All of them headed to the cliff and they are trying to find Sakura.
Tori yelled Sakura from the top of the cliff and he heard nothing. "I think Sakura is already dead." Said Meilin. "That's not nice Meilin!" Said Madison. "If you want my sister to die, I really want your ex-fiancee die!" Said Tori. "Hey you two snap out of it!" Said Julian. "Yuki, you don't understand, this is between my sister and that kid. He killed her in the inside!" "I think you began hate that kid again." "Whatever!" "I don't care about anything now! Julian, I don't think you're 100% human in the first place. Madison, I don't like your mother and how she insults my father. And Meilin, you're fiancee killed my sister!" "How could you say such a thing?" Asked Meilin.
All their friendships are breaking apart. "We should snap out of this you guys, I know that Sakura will come back someday, I have this feeling. She's my master and she's the Clow Mistress and she have enough power to become alive again." Said Kero. "I don't care what a stuffed animal would say and how did you get here so fast?" "Oh I sneaked into the car when Julian was waving to you." "Smart." Said Meilin. "Oh, Kero, I think you if you know about Sakura, you'll know about Li also." Said Meilin. "I don't like him in the first time that is the only thing that I agree with Tori. That brat stole Sakura's card but later on he became better but I don't like accept him as Clow Master."
Everyone was talking at once, and they lost all their balance. "I know you guys are worried about Li and Sakura, but they're fine. They are just dead but they will come back when they finished what they should do to Clow." Said Miss Mackenzie from behind. "What do you mean by dead?"
"Now I can explain everything. In earlier of all our lives, Tori is a powerful guard and I was his girlfriend. Julian was Yue who helped Sakura. This is a secret no one had discovered. I think Kero knows the rest. After Sakura died, she became the chosen one of Clow Reed's new Card Captor. Li died and still he is the descendant of Clow Reed. Julian is still Yue but he couldn't find himself being Yue and because Tori did something wrong so in this life he doesn't have any magical powers. I am just a helper that Clow sent to help you guys knowing the truth."
"Thanks Layta." "You're welcome Kero." "Let me get this straight, Kero and Miss Mackenzie knows all of this before everyone else knows?" "Not exactly, you guys know in your early life." "Oh I get it." "What about me? I am Li's fiancee but what I suppose to do?" "Oh Meilin, you have a good sense of humor for Li but you're not too nice to the others and if you get better, maybe Li will like you." "I don't think so what-so-ever-math-teacher." "Okay guys, listen up, we have to do something without Li and Sakura. Come to Sakura's dad's library and there's the place we can know more about our history."
Kero lead all of them into that place and they knelt around like a circle. "The Magic of Clow, given power to know about our past!" Suddenly in everyone's head, there's a picture where they first started. About an hour later, it became how Li and Sakura capture Clow Cards and the Magic of Source. And when the time they all fell down the cliff. Two house later, the show stopped.
"Does everyone know what your past are?" Asked Kero. Meilin and Madison were crying. "What's wrong sweetie?" Asked Miss Mackenzie. "I miss Li and Sakura so much." Said both of them. "Okay, listen up, you guys have to find a Sakura Cherry Blossom and a cup of water and Sakura and Li's hair." "What you need those for?" "I also needed a pan for this mission. If I was right, Li and Sakura's spirit will come back and talk to you guys and maybe you guys will understand how important is their mission."
"But Sakura Cherry Blossom only grow on the edge of Tokyo, it's 100 miles from here." "Oh don't worry, we have to get all the stuff ready in three days. So Julian and Tori, you guys drive the car to get 10 Sakura Cherry Blossom. Meilin, you go find Li's hair and Kero is going to find Sakura's hair and I'll get a cup of water. When you got all of stuff, go down the Tokyo Tower and we'll meet there on the third day 12:00 AM. Then everybody went to work.
"Julian, do you believe Miss Mackenzie?" "I think I do because I had this feeling that sometimes I faint so suddenly and then appear in somewhere else." "But I have a question, there are 10 colors of Sakura Cherry Blossom, exactly which one do we have to bring?" "I think we bring every kind of them so we won't get lost or something like that." "Okay there're Sakura Cherry Blossoms."
Julian and Tori got to the edge of Tokyo and found all those Sakura Cherry Blossoms. They each gathered two of each kind so if they lost one of them, they have extras.
On their way home, there's a big storm and a tree blocked Julian and Tori's way. "Julian, what we do?" Tori was asking Julian but he fainted and Tori know that he's going to end up somewhere else so he remembered that his mom told him that Red Sakura Cherry Blossom can help people wake up in their dreams. So he got a red blossom and gets some powders and put on Julian's forehead. It worked but Julian's face changed. "Julian! Wake up!" Yelled Tori. Julian woke up and he said something really strange. "Hi Touya, long time no see." "What? Who's Touya and what's wrong with you?" "I'm Yue and you're my guardian remember?" "Oh I get it, all the thing Layta said was true!" "We're kind in a situation here, can you help?" "Sure, get some Purple blossom powder and put on the tree and it will get out of the way." "Thanks." Tori did what Yue did and it worked so well. When they got home, Julian fainted again and he came back to normal.
"Where would Li kept his hair? I think it's really ridiculous question." Murmured Meilin. Then she found a box that says "Sakura's Hair" on the cover so she knew that it's Sakura's hair so she hurried to Sakura's house and found Kero. "Kero! I found Sakura's hair!" "Oh Meilin! I did find Li's hair too!" "Thank god that they kept their hair. Then Tori and Julian got home and all those things were ready. The phone ringed and Julian got it. "Hi, it's Madison, I found a pan for the mission so can we call Layta now?" "Hold on a second Madison, we have another call. Hello? Oh hi Layta, all of us were ready for the marathon so you ready?" "Oh yeah, it's seven now and get some sleep and we'll meet down the Tokyo Tower." "Okay. Madison? You there?" "Yes, I think that was Miss Mackenzie, so are we going to meet down the Tokyo Tower tonight by 12:00?" "Yes we are but you have to get some sleep. Why don't you come over so we will go there together so no one will get lost. Everyone's here." "Okay." They hang up the phone.
Madison came and they put all the stuff in a bag and they set the alarm until 11:30 so they won't be late. They got some sleep until the alarm ringed. They freshen up and Julian drove the car and they got everything in the bag. Kero is still asleep so they just put him in the bag like a stuffed animal. In the same time, Miss Mackenzie walked to the Tokyo Tower.

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