FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Power of Two
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Five
Secret Attack

"What…" Sakura fainted and Li caught her. "Who are you and why are you doing this?" "Li, don't you understand, Meilin wants her dead because you are her true love." "I don't get it! Meilin told me that she understood that I don't love her!" "That ain't true, her true form is inside me. Whatever she wants to do affects me and that is what this is about!" "Meilin, I mean Erina, you aren't Meilin, and you're Erina, our enemy. If you are really Meilin, I can't attack you. You just have to tell me who you are." "I am Erina but you can attack me. I have to go now, be with your Sakura." "What's wrong now Mero?" "Now in this World, everything is backwards and no one could ever handle it well. You can get Sakura inside my palace and we'll see what to do." "Erina, just wait and I'll back and revenge." Li told Erina as she began to vanish.
The doctor at Source World used a lot of medicine but Sakura couldn't wake up. "I think she will be gone forever." "What do you mean by that?" "If her spirit dies, she will be gone forever." "I won't let that happen." "I think the best thing you can do is waiting by the side and talk to her. Maybe it'll work."
"No! That can't happen! Sakura can't die! What about Li? He is going to be hurt! No, I'm not the murderer. I'm just Li's ex-fiancée!" Meilin cried in her dream. There's a shadow always come and tell her "Yes Meilin. You want Sakura to die and this is what you expected. It's payback time! Me, Erina is part of you and the part of you wants Sakura to die." "NO!" Then Meilin woke up. Why am I having the same dream over and over again? Meilin thought.
The phone ringed, it's 2 in the morning. "Hi this is Madison." "Madison, you got to come over, I have something to tell you." "What is it Meilin?" "It's really important and it has something to do with Sakura. She is going to die but we have to help her." "Oh, I'll come over right now." "We will meet down the Tokyo Tower." "Okay."
"Meilin, what's wrong? You sounded terrible on the phone." "It's a dream. A girl called Erina is telling me that I'm her true form and I wants to kill Sakura." "Do you want to kill Sakura?" "At first when Li likes her but now I just thinks that she could be my cousin-in-law." "You made that decision! But I don't think it's your fault though." "I sense something, do you Madison?" "Yes I did. It's something strong. I can't say what was it but it is pure evil." "That is so right my little Clow assistant." Said Erina. "I am Erina and I'm Meilin's true form. I think it's time that I go back to your body now." "What do you mean you go back to my body?" "Well, it's a long story." Meilin pushed Madison a little bit while Erina was telling the story and she gave her an eye to get Tori and Julian and Kero. Madison ran towards Sakura's house and hope it is not too late. "When all of us are still in Magic World, we were happy and everything is fine until Dark Shadow came. Then all of us have to given birth again to stop Dark Shadow and because of that, Dark Shadow locked up all our spirits. Clow Reed took over Sakura, Li and Kero's spirits home but he was going to take Yue's but Dark Shadow stopped him so he just got have of it. Then you guys are given birth again. Only Sakura, Li and Kero has their own magic and Julian only have half. Then when the Ultimate test came, Clow Reed took all the spirits away but Dark Shadow took a copy of it before he died. Now the dark spirits became bad but the people are still good people so now it's time for real spirits come back where they belonged." Erina said with a smile and all the others arrived. All of them saw Erina going to Meilin's body when she opened her mouth and then Meilin's eyes turned back and it turn back to normal. Meilin turned into a whole different person and she looks like Erina. "Oh, no, we're too late. I hope we can fix them but we don't have The Time Card to go back time," Said Yue. "Now you guys are too late. If one of you gets belonged by the dark magic, all of you will. Sakura and Li are in deep danger right now and no one could fix it." "Well Meilin is our friend and so are Li and Sakura. We won't let anything to define our friendship." "Okay then try to kill me and Meilin will turn back to normal." "The Arrow of Clow, the power of magic, the power of night. Surround the wand, the source ignite! Release!" Madison had her arrow and she began to call out Magic. "My Arrow, please send out lighting to bring Meilin back." The Light came from the arrow but nothing happened. "What? How come this didn't work?" "I don't know. Maybe because Erina is so powerful." "Hi Owego, your own form is there. His name is Yue but his human name is Julian. You wanna take him now or you want me finish him off?" " I think I should leave him here. After all, he was my leader." "Okay, all I have to do is call the others and see if they want any hunts."
"Agenda, darling, do you want to get the rich girl now?" "Sure, I like rich girls after all." "How about we just take them to Dark World and see what we could do with them?" "Yeah, I like it but what we say to their parents?" "Easy, now I'm going to write a note to their parents. They're Julian's parents, Madison's parents, Tori's parents and Meilin's parents. The note will be like: 'Dear Mom, Dad. We're taking a trip to help us remember more about Sakura and Li. I think we'll be back in a month before school starts.' Nice huh?" "Perfect." The note was sent to all their parents.
Erina and Agenda was going to take all of them away but they saw that they were missing Kero so Agenda went to find Kero and Erina forced everyone to Magic World. "What are you going to do to us?" "Madison, dear, I'm your dark side spirit and you have to have me or you're not satisfied to the heaven when you died." "I don't want to be you! I'm a normal kid and I want to be with Sakura." "Can't do that now Madison, when I take over you, you're mine. You belong to Darken then and you will want to kill Sakura also! It's what we do! That's a like our religion." "I don't believe you!" Madison ran as fast as she could and she reached to Sakura's house. She heard a voice inside so she thought that maybe Kero or Aiden is in danger so she entered. Nothing is wrong and in fact, Aiden and Kero are sitting in the dining room and they were eating cookies while watching TV. "That isn't true! I'm not dreaming! I couldn't be! What? Where am I? Stop that! Meilin! You can't be! You can't kill Sakura…" Then Madison woke up and she got dressed and hurried to Meilin's house. "Madison? What are you doing here?" "I'm having a nightmare! You're Meilin, you haven't been taken control by Erina!" "Madison! I'm having the same dream but it's about you and you gotten control by Agenda." "I don't think it's true so we have to have a meeting." "Right. I'll get Julian and you hurry to Sakura's house and get the rest. Don't forget Kero!" "All right!"
"Tori, Julian, Meilin and Kero, we're having a situation here. Someone is trying to risk Sakura and we are not going to let that happen!" "Madison, are you talking about what I think you are?" "What do you mean? What do you think?" "I'm having a dram that Julian became Yue after Agenda and Erina took all of us to Magic World and then Owego became Yue and that means Owego is Julian." "I get it, we had the same dream but Meilin had the first part, I had the second and Julian had the third and you had the last. Then who involved Kero?"
"I know what this is. Long time ago, there's a rule in Magic World that if four people having the same dream but they are taking turns, that's what going to happen." "What? It can't be! Then we're going to risk Sakura and Li!" "You can't cancel it, only if we go back time and don't sleep that night but we can't do that because we don't have the Time Card." "What do we do now?" "Get in a secret place and don't let anyone risk you."
"Too late Kero! You're smart but you're not smart as I! Meilin, you're the first one!" Erina said and she quickly going to Meilin's body just like Madison dreamed and they don't know what to do next. Then Agenda came and took all of to Magic World when they were still wondering about Meilin. Sakura is still fainting and Li is taking care of her. Darkness is taking over.

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