FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Power of Two
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Six
The Other Side Of Madison

Agenda came to Madison and took her to a place in Magic World. "Madison, you'll be living here for the rest of your lives as I suppose. No one is ever going to help you now. And when you're reaching the end of your life, you can tell me and so I can kill you. Or you have the second choice, you can accept me being part of your body so I'll kill Sakura." "I'll never do such a thing." "Oh, okay, if you touched something that you shouldn't be, you'll be automatically entered to my body." "Whatever."
Madison began to thinking. "What should I do? What's the thing that I can't touch? Well, now I have to do is find a way to get out here and I have to follow the way that Lero told me when she's here. She told me there's a way to reach Source World so then maybe I can get Sakura or Li. That's right! But how can I do it? I think there's something in my pocket. Oh, thank god! A paper clip and a sub-video camera and it's extra small so I could tape everything."
Madison quickly opened the door and she sneak out of the jail while the guard was asleep. "Let see, which way is to Source World? Lero told me that if I see rainbow elevators, I suppose to take the green one to Source World." She took the green rainbow elevator and end up in Source World. It's a disaster there and all she saw was blood and dead body lying down on the ground. She tried not to step on the blood but she couldn't. Madison saw a sign called 'To The World of Mero' and she took that steps and she gotten the place. "Sakura!" Madison calls out as soon as she saw Sakura and Li. "What happened? What's wrong with Sakura?" "Madison? How did you?" "I've been kidnapped but Agenda sent all of our parents a note lying that we were trying to find you guys." "Agenda? What do you mean by all of our parents?"
"Oh, Li, don't panic, it's a long story, I'll tell you right now. Meilin is gotten control by Erina and Tori, Julian and Kero were locked up in Magic World Jail. I locked alone because I might be the next controller and then I sneak out when no one is noticing and took the Rainbow Elevator here." "I know that you're a smart girl so I'm counting on you. Something wrong with Sakura, really bad so you can try to wake up." "How?" "When the agents left, Erina used her power to make Sakura faint then she left. Now Sakura couldn't wake up and no one could help her I guess." "I'll try. Sakura, concentrate, thinking about how you first released the cards." "No! I can't!" "It's working!" "I knew I could count on you." "I wonder what Sakura is thinking about." "Try it." "Sakura, what were you thinking?" "Oh Madison. There's a strange night, I saw a boy on the tower. Then on the next day I saw him and he is trying to get my Clow Cards. I don't know why but a girl called Meilin came and she told me that she is Li's fiancée. Then after we captured all the Clow Cards, we had an ultimate test then it came to the Source problem. Then I'm stuck here beaten by the true form of Meilin, Erina." Said Sakura still closing her eyes.
Madison touched Sakura's forehead then there's a symbol on her head, Beta. "What?" "I think you just made Sakura woke up!" "I don't think so, I have a bad feeling." "So do I but we have to think about the good things. "Madison! You have a symbol on your head too, I think it's Gamma." "What's happening to me?"
"Madison, this is what you shouldn't be touching, it's Sakura's forehead. I set you up to touch it so I can be part of you. See the symbol on my head? It's the same on your head too." "You ain't doing nothing to Madison and now I have to protect her because I don't want to lose another best friend." "Li, you think I'm afraid of you? I'm not the true form of Meilin so I will not care losing you. I just needed a little payments on my account." "What does that mean. I don't care what you say, I'm just a friend and I don't want to lose another one." "Well, you just to have to see it by yourself." "Release Blizzard!" A big blizzard is coming up and Sakura almost froze. "Element fire!" A huge fire came out and they survived. In the meantime, Agenda grabbed Madison's arm and she gotten into Madison's body. Suddenly blizzard came again and suddenly Sakura woke up. "No! It's only a dream, it's not true!" "Sakura!" Li came to her and hug her. "You finally woke up. "What is it?" "What do you mean?" "Erina made you faint and I hit her on the head and she's gone." "What? I think you must have been knocked down Meilin!" "Sakura? What's wrong with you? Meilin isn't here, she's on earth and Magic World is far away from earth." "But I have this dream that, that…" "Don't worry Sakura, things will be all right."
Sakura woke up thinking if that dream is true but she definitely knew that it's going to happen then a shadow came up, it's Darken.
"Yes Clow Mistress, all your dreams are true." "What do you mean?" "All your friends are kidnapped but my agents haven't taken control them yet because I want to see what you'll like when you see that. And that's why I made you wake up. Eventually when I have this kind of situation, I'll let you sleep forever but I'll like to see your reflection." "Oh yeah, you're not messing up with Li Showron." "I don't think so twerp. That's what your friends always call you. There they are, come and enjoy the show."
"Sakura! Li! I thought you guys were dead but you are all right!" Said Madison as she crossed the yellow line. Then the symbol on her head appeared and then she and Agenda turned into one person. "Are you enjoying the show?" "Totally not. Madison! You have to remember that Li and I were your friends and they aren't." "Clow Mistress, save it for yourself. I'm Agenda now and nothing is going to stop me cause I'm not Madison anymore. "What about Meilin? Is she been controlled yet?" "Don't care about Meilin now, Clow Mistress. I challenge you and Li a match, if one of you is beaten, Erina could take Meilin. If you win me, you will get my symbol talisman and then Meilin is back and I'll disappear forever." "Deal."
"What kind of match is this?" "Three little matches. First one is knowledge test. Sakura has to answer 3 little questions. The second one is Skill test. Li needs to complete the text incase to continue. And the last one is Fighting test. All two of you have to beat me. You only can use 5 cards." "Okay, I'm sure that Li and I could beat you."
"What is the symbol for Source?" "I think its Omicron." "Yes! That's right. Who was the first one who charged Source?" "The God and Goddess of Source, Sun and Moon." "Correct, but the last one is hard. What's the first one who's in the Lasin World that's disqualified because he is a betrayer?" "I don't know." "Okay, you gotten 2 out of 3 so you win the first match."
"Li, imagine it's a blizzard, which element would you use?" "Fire?" "Yes. What you'll use to take someone down?" "Windy." "Correct, and what you should do to put out a fire?" "Water?" "You gotten all right so you passed but the last match is the hardest. Both of you only can use 5 cards to beat me and I'll only use 5 cards." "Fine with me."
"Release Blizzard!" "Li! What do we do? I can't use The Firey Card because it's an element!" "I'll use my fire element." "Okay." "The Power of Death, the power of Dark, brings the card back!" "The Source Card Death is now returned. And so I can kill you all! Release Death! Kill the Clow Mistress!" Li saw the dark light came so he jumped and pushed Sakura out of the way and the Dark Light hit him. "Li!" "I think I'm clear now, one of you is beaten so Meilin is Erina's. And well, Madison could return now. But I'll be back in the stadium, beware." Madison is back and she fainted when Agenda left her body. In her hand, there's a stone that has the symbol Gamma on it. "Erina is here! Clow Mistress, they are all in sleep so I guess you like to see some magic. Here's Meilin who fainted for a long time and she had the symbol Delta on her head. The spirit gone into Meilin's body and they disappeared.

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