FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Power of Two
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Eight

"Sakurauchi, I'm here to challenge your match, are you ready?" "Yes, sister, I'm always ready." "What kind of match of this, clear up for me and I'll try my best to beat you so I can go home. "Release Death!" Said Sakurauchi. "What? You're using Death first? Where you get that card?" "It released and now you're going to be dead." "No way, release Shield!" "That ain't going to protect you from anything you know." "I have to do this for all the living people on Earth."
"Where's Sakura?" "I don't know Li, I haven't seen her, and this morning she told me she's going to get some breakfast but she didn't come back." "I don't have a good feeling Madison." "Me either but all we can do is wait." "Hold it, did Sakura get all her cards?" "I think so, she dressed up in the 'cat suit' and she brought her wand and she said that flying is faster than walking." "I think she's going to a battle." "Li! Sakura fainted!" "What? Why?" "She's at the stadium in Lasin World. She battled her twin sister Sakurauchi and she lost the match and she is going to die." "How far is it?" "I'll use transport to trans you there." "Okay."
"Sakura!" "Li? Madison? Lero? I…" "Sakura you have to wake up! You can't die! Lero, think something fast!" "The only solution is you going to her body and in her dream and figure out where's the bad thing and kill it and then she'll wake up." "I'll do it no matter what." "But it's too dangerous!" "I don't care." "Okay, I'll help you. Release Dream! Bring Li to Sakura's dream and cure her." "Li? Is that you? What are you doing in my dream?" "Sakura, I'm here to help you and you have to wake up."
"What happened?" "My sister used Death Card that's been missing and she killed me inside and now I'm stuck in this jar and I can't get out." "What? That doesn't make any sense." "That is true, Sakurauchi used The Spirit Card and kept my spirit in this jar and I can't get out and so I will be dead forever if I'm stuck forever." "I don't think so, I'll help you." "How? You're in the jar too." "Huh? How did this happen?" "I think The Dream transport you in the same place I did so you can solve this puzzle yourself."
A light came and Miss Mackenzie is here. "Layla? What you doing here?" "Think about it, I'm in your spirits and whenever you have a problem, I'll be here. I'll use my bell to help you." Miss Mackenzie used her bell and the jar is open."
Meanwhile, Erina came and challenge Sakura a match. "Madison, I don't want to challenge you because you'll be dead and I really need Clow Mistress to challenge me a match." "Sakura is not here and I said and Li isn't here either. They are in a whole other place and if you have to challenge one person right now, you can challenge me and if I died, you just have to tell Li and Sakura that I died after they come back." "You're a really tough one so I'm going to challenge you. Did Sakura and Li leave you any cards?" "I'll use only Clow Cards." "Fine with me."
"Release Ice!" "Release Firey!" The Firey card flew over to Erina's hand and Erina began to laugh, "I knew you're going to choose that card and now it's mine, it's an element didn't Sakura tell you? That's why I want to challenge her because you will lose all the cards and you'll be dead." "That was a mistake and I won't let that happen again. Release Watery! Melt this place!" Madison was trying to melt the ice but The Watery card flew over to Erina's hand and she got the second element. "Return Ice! Release Tree!" "Release Earth!" The Earth flew over to Erina's hand and Madison got extremely mad, "Release Windy!" The wind blow up the place and the card end up in Erina's hand. "Madison, I don't think you're that easy to get over with," laughed Erina and she began to use a powerful card. "Release Silver!" "Release Wood!" Wood covered Silver but the card flew over to Erina's hand and she got five cards already. "Smell ya later!" Erina vanished.
Madison was crying when Sakura and Li returned. "Madison, what's wrong?" "Erina came and challenge you a match but you weren't here so I used The Clow cards to challenge her and all the Clow Card elements are in her hands right now." "Don't worry Madison, we'll get it someday."
"Boss, the greatest Darken, I brought you five Clow Card Elements." "Good job Erina, I really appreciated and you got promoted to my assistant manager but Urentor is still the manager. So it's Urentor, you, Owego, and me. And now you have to make Madison give the rest of the cards to you." "Yes boss."
Li went to Dark world to find Erina without anyone follow him even Sakura. "Erina, I think you should give the elements back or I'll challenge you a match." "You think I'm afraid of you Clow Master? You didn't win Sakura in the first final judgment so you're not strong as her and so you're easy to defeat." "I can't believe Meilin really think so inside." "Meilin does think so but she can't disagree with me because she's part of me now." "I think this might be tough but I'll challenge you with The Test Cards which are the elements and also The Source Cards. If you win the battle, I'll give you The Golden Shadow." "Okay, let's go."
"Release Hate!" Said Erina and Li called out The Bad to fight badly with bad. "Release Blizzard!" "Release Freeze!" "Ha, you think you can play tough with me, release Firey!" "Element, fire!" The fire is in the Lasin Stadium and Li can't hold much longer and then he felt a fire inside his body and then the Golden Shadow came out of him. "Release Grab! I'll grab that Golden Shadow like I never did." "Release Shield! Protect me! Time! Freeze the moment." Li knelt down and he doesn't have much power to end this match so he decided to finish himself off too. "Release Cold! Unfreeze the moment!" Li used The Test Card The Cold and he felt cold but Erina is melting down and Meilin is standing in the front of him. "Meilin, I'm happy you're back." "Li!" Yelled Meilin and then Sakura came and they brought Li back to the Source world.
"I shouldn't let Li go!" "Avalon, I knew you did this to Li and now I'm not going to forgive you!" "Meilin!" Yelled out Madison, "let's do this together. We make a plan and get the cards back and we try to wake up Li." "Good idea, and I'm sorry Sakura." "It's okay Meilin, I'm kind said too."
Sakura, Meilin, and Madison sneak in The Dark World and into Darken's palace. "Time, freeze the moment." They tried every room but they couldn't find the cards until they go to Darken's room. "Shield, protect us. Move, move Darken away." The cards are under Darken's body and they grabbed the cards and went quickly back to Source world. "Unfreeze the moment, Time!" They did it! And they got back to heal Li. They pour some Sakura Cherry Blossom water on Li's face and he woke up.
"Li, we are so happy to see you!" "So am I, so what happened? And why Meilin is okay? What about Erina?" "You beat Erina and you fainted and some elements are missing but we went inside Darken's palace and stole all the stuff when we froze the time." "Nice idea." "That's why we are a team!" They were together at last.
In Darken's palace, Darken is very upset and he's very angry. "How could those twerp do such a thing to me without me noticing!" "Sir," answered Ian, "I think they froze the time and now I could revenge and get those elements back." "Yes Ian, you're very nice and you're Sakura's brother. I have an idea, you transform into Tori and trick Sakura and try to get her elements." "Yes sir."

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