FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The Power of Two
By Margaret Chen Li
Chapter Nine
Beaten by Ian

Ian had a very long talk with Tori and when Tori finally leaves, Ian cheated and Tori was part of Ian. Then Sakura had this feeling that Tori is far away and when she woke up, all the feelings were gone and she is pretty sad. "Li, you have to help me." "What's wrong Sakura?" "I had this kind of feeling that Tori is long gone." "Maybe he is just took a trip somewhere far or for the bad news I had this dream that Ian took control of Tori." "That isn't true!" Sakura then running really hard and she is crying. Then there's a big storm, the only thing Sakura could hear is that there's a voice inside the forest that is calling out her name. "Sakura, I know this is tough but you have to get use to it. Someday that Julian will be that way too." "Then all my family and friends were gone." "Sakura, face it, I know you are strong and you're that weak. Think about all the things are happening on Earth. I don't know where we are now but I know that is far from Earth."
Sakura just hugged Li for a very long time then she fell asleep on Li's shoulder. Li carried her back to Source World where they rest and eat. Li knew that Sakura is pretty upset so he didn't bother her and he went to Dark World and had a little talk with Darken. "How could you do such a cruel thing to the Clow Mistress of all? Sakura is very upset right now and I think you should apologize to her." "I didn't do nothing to her." "The matter fact is you did and Ian is part of it." "Don't worry, she'll get over it someday." "I hope you'll apologize to her soon." When Li got back, he saw Tori standing in the front of their tent waiting for someone." "Tori? What are you doing here? I thought you ought to be in The Dark Jail." "I got out. By the way kid, where is my sister and what you did to her?" "I don't think you use to sound like that." "I do now." "You are not Tori, you're the dark spirit of Tori! You're Ian!" "Just kidding Li, I was just trying to be funny. Kero and Julian helped me get out and now I need to find Sakura and get those two out there." "You scared me." "I sure did squirt." "Don't call me squirt." "Please, I always call that to my sister and I thought you'd like it." "Fine whatever, I'll wake Sakura up."
"Sakura, your brother is here." "How? Are you sure it's Tori?" "Looks fine to me." "Whew, thanks." "Sakura will be coming out just in a minute." "Tori!" Sakura said happily and she went to hug him. "I miss you so much!" "Me too sis." "I think it'll be much better if you called me squirt because it made me feel like home." "Sure squirt." "My brother's back!" Sakura and Tori hugged for a very long time until Madison and Meilin comes back. "Tori's back?" Wondered Meilin. "Madison, Meilin, come to see my brother Tori!" Li and Madison and Meilin knew that Sakura and Tori want sometime alone so they went to visit Lero that night when Sakura and Tori were talking.
"Sakura, tell me why are those people are after you?" "Well, they wanted 10 elements from me but if I give them to those people they will kill all the people on Earth and we'll be doomed also." "What ten elements?" "You know Clow Cards right? They wanted The Windy, The Watery, The Firey, The Earthy, and The Wood. Then they wanted the five test cards that we captured after we're done with Clow Cards. Those are The Love, The Perfect, The Cold, and The Bad. The one in Charge of the test is Shadow and Shadow turned into a piece of Gold after we finished that mission and they wanted the gold also." "Where you keep those things that they can't find?" "Are you gossiping or something like that?" "No, not at all. I'm trying to help you to guard those things." "Oh that is good. Don't tell anybody but Li and Meilin and Madison knows where it is. It's in the basement in Dark Shadow's palace because it's the only place that he doesn't look." "Wow, smart. I have another thing for you, Julian and Kero is still stuck in the jail and we have to get them out. Do you want to go with me or you want to go with Li and those people?" "I think I better stay with Li." "That's what I hope because I don't want to catch up by Ian so can Madison and Meilin stay here and chat with me and well, protect me when you're gone?" "Sure. I'd love to."
Sakura and Li headed the jail and Madison and Meilin were chatting. "Tori, how did you get out?" "Kero had a little power back so he puts everyone in the jail in sleep except the three of us and Julian became Yue and he had the power to break the jail and I escaped but then Darken came but I escaped anyways." "Wow, pretty smart." "I know that! We worked so hard and I finally escaped! Anyone wanna go and have a walk?" "Sure." Madison and Meilin and Tori walked around Source World and that's the only place they walked in because the other places were dangerous. "Tori, there's something wrong with your face! You don't look the same anymore."
"That's right you Clow twerps! I'm not Tori, I'm Ian and I'm going to put you in sleep. Release Sleepy! Put them in deep sleep!" Madison and Meilin are in very deep sleep and Ian puts them back to their tents because he doesn't need them. Tori got to the basement of Darken's palace and found all those elements. "Ancient power within Dark Shadow, turn all those elements into Dark Darken and release!" All those elements suddenly flew around and the wind blew up so hard and all they can see is Dark. "What happened Li?" "I'm not sure but Julian and Kero isn't here but I think Tori is Ian." "I don't believe you! I know I loved you but you can't insult my brother!" "No! It is true! You told him where the elements are and now he took it. Get there fast!" "Fly, take us to the basement in Darken's palace!" "Sakura, Clow Mistress, you're too late! Dark is taken over! You can't do anything about it!" "Maybe I can't but I'll try." "The power of Clow, bring my true powers back! In the center of Orea, the symbol of Magic Clow! Return to my power! Release!" Sakura suddenly turned into someone else with a very pretty wand in her hand. She dressed in a very cool costume and she began to use some cards to help her.
"I don't know which card to use but I'm going to use Magic over Magic. Clow Magic, the power of light, the force ignite, give Fire, Wind, Water, and Wood power to my wand! The power of elements four, release and dispel!" Four bright lights came out of Sakura's wand and pointed to Tori. "Dark Magic Shield! Protect me!" All those power didn't work out on Ian. "I can't believe that! But we can't give up!" "My turn! The judgmentally power of Clow, give your descent an Orea power within my sword. Helps from Clow, release the magic within!" Li suddenly became someone else also and he had a cool sword that matches Sakura's wand. "Sakura. Let's do it together."
"The ancient light with ancient spin, send my power within, given four elementally power to our wands, the force ignite, release!" Li and Sakura said together and all those power came to Ian and he fainted. "We did it Sakura!" "Not what you expected, I'm not dead yet, you just killed your brother Tori's power." "No it's not true!" "Face it Sakura, if you can't deny, you just have to believe." "Li! It's too much pain!" "I'll help you!" "Force know my plight, release the light! Fire!" "It's not going to hold much longer Li. You didn't make it to the final Clow Judgment that means you're not good as Sakura and now I'm going to kill you too! The magic of Dark! Send Death back to Dark! It didn't belong to Source! Release Death! Kill all the people on Earth and kill all the people on this world except the dark!"
The Dark covered the sky; people are no longer on Earth. Li is not totally died and he is their only hope. He is in a situation and he had to complete that to save the world.

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