FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Purple Aura

Episode 6

Sakura stared at Tokyo Tower again. She saw the women in white standing on it this time.


Sakura looks over to see Syaoran next to her.


Syaoran looks over at Sakura. ~Sakura...~

Sakura and Syaoran both look back at the women, but find that she is gone. They then both turn to look at each other again.

~What dose this mean?...~ asked Sakura.

~I don't know...Are we in the same dream at the same time?...~

~When Pure Hearts meet...~

Sakura and Syaoran look around for the women...


Sakura and Syaoran slowly open there eyes. They had fallen asleep in the middle of class.

"Who are you..." They both mutter.

"Kinomoto! Li!"

Syaoran and Sakura bolt up out of there seats and look up at the Sensei. The Sensei was very unhappy with them.

Title: "Sakura and Syaoran battle Watery"

Syaoran walked out of class. He blushes a bit thinking about the dream. He and Sakura were in the same dream. He could'nt figure out how that happened. Sakura walks out of school and smiles finding Syaoran.

"Syaoran-kun! Wait up!"

Syaoran stops and blushes a bit more seeing Sakura run up to him giggling.

"We have to go to Tomoyo-chan's house. Remember?"

Syaoran just then remembered. "Oh yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking..."

Sakura blushes a little. "About the dream?"

Syaoran nods. He and Sakura start down the shreet to Tomoyo's house.


At Tomoyo's...

"Oh that looks sooooo kawaii Sakura-chan!"

Sakura blushes a bit in the kittie outfit. "I don't know Tomoyo-chan..."

Tomoyo smiles. "Don't worry I have others. Try these."

Tomoyo hands Sakura some more costumes and pushes her in the next room. Tomoyo then walks over to Syaoran.

"As soon as I find Sakura-chan's costume I'll get yours. This will be so much fun!"

Syaoran sighs.



Avan, Zoe, and Hebe were outside by a lake.

Hebe giggles at Avan's costume. "You look so kawaii!"

Avan blushes a deep red. "This was'nt what I was going for Hebe..."

He giggles at Avan who was dressed in a black outfit. On his head were cat ears and he had a long tail. Hebe pulls out her camera and recodes him. Avan blushes even more.


Hebe giggles. "Don't worry Avan-sama. You don't have to go in this. I just want to recode you!"

Avan sighs. Just then water jumps out of the lake and heads for Avan. Zoe's eyes widen and she pushes Avan out of the way. Zoe screams as the water pulls her into the lake. Avan pulls out his key. He cuts his plam and grabs his key with the bloody hand.

"I...Son of Delana...Half Dragon Demon...Ask for the power of the black key. O, key open your powers to me."

Avan jumps into the water after Zoe. Hebe runs up and looks down at the lake.

"Avan-sama!! Zoe!!"

Hebe waits and had tears form in her eyes.

She starts to panic. "Avan-sama!?! Zoe!?"

Avan comes up holding Zoe with one arm. She was unconscious. Avan swims over to Hebe and gets out of the water. He lays Zoe down.

"Zoe. Wake up. Zoe!"

Avan shakes Zoe a bit. Zoe coughs up water and opens her eyes. Avan smiles.

"Oh thank the gods. Your ok..."

Zoe sits up. "What was that?"

Avan looks over at the water. He looks over to where the lake heads too.

"Watery...We have a Clow Card to catch tonight. At a aquarium."


That night....

Avan groans. Hebe just giggles and fixes Avan's costume up a bit more. Avan was dressed in the cat outfit.

"There you go. You look wonderful Avan-sama!"

Hebe blushes and her eyes light up. "Oh Avan-sama going to capture a Element Card...The Watery... In a wonderful costume...It's just to much!"

Avan and Zoe sweat drop at Hebe. Hebe grabs Avan and smiles at him.

"You need a pose!"

Avan shakes his head. "No I -Ack!"

Hebe pulls Avan over to some light. "Yes you do. Your a fighter! A man with his eyes covered in the night. All magical poeple need a pose. To really get Kinomoto and Li to take you seriously."

Avan looks at Hebe. "Really?"

Zoe giggles as Avan falls for one of Hebe's tricks to get him to do what she wants. The little black dragon flys onto Zoe's shoulder.

"Are we going to get moving soon? I'm hungry."

Zoe pats the dragons head. "Soon."


Syaoran looks over at the aquarium with his Lasin Bored. "It's here..."

Sakura slowly nods. "You sure that we should'nt get Kero?"

Syaoran nods. "We'll be alright. Besides the stuffed animal can't change into his full form untill we have the Firey and Earthy."

Sakura and Syaoran walk into the aquarium.

"This is where it was last time..." whispered Sakura.(I'm not sure WHAT the heck that place was called in the anime.)

Syaoran looked around. "It's got a lot of places to hide."

Just then Watery jumps past them quickly. Avan, Hebe, and Zoe run after it. Syaoran and Sakura follow. Avan stops and starts up a spell.


The Lighting strikes The Watery Card stoping it. It turns looking over at Avan and growls. Avan smirks and makes some more hand signs.


Syaoran and Sakura run up to see Avan frezze Watery in place. Syaoran turns to Avan.

"Your not getting this one!"

Avan smirks at Syaoran. "Watch me."

The large dragon lands infront of Sakura and Syaoran. Syaoran stands infront of Sakura.

"Raiden Shourai!"

The Dragon growls in pain. Avan pulls out his staff.

"To thy turn form Clow Card!"

Syaoran uses his lighting again on the Dragon and jump onto it then over it. He runs up to Avan. Avan just finished turning Watery into one of his cards. He blocks Syaoran sword with his staff.

"This card is mine!"

Syaoran narrows his eyes. "None of them are!"

Avan laughs. "They noon will be."

Avan pushes Syaoran back. Avan moans a bit and his eyes flash white for a moment.

*What?...The crystal..It's...It's near here? But where!?*

Syaoran slashes at Avan. Avan black Syaoran's attack again. The Dragon shakes it's head and glares down at Sakura. Sakura glups and backs away a bit. Zoe flys up onto the dragons back and glares down at Sakura as well. Sakura runs as the dragon takes flight and goes after Sakura. Avan falls back and wipes the blood from his mouth. He glares at Syaoran....But then smirks.

"Your not so bad of a fighter...You can get me at the moment or save your little girlfriend."

Syaoran looks over at Sakura who was crying and trying to get away from the Dragon. Sakura looks behind her to see the Dragon ready to shoot a fire ball at her. Syaoran runs over to Sakura and grabs her. They both roll out of the way of the Dragon's attack. Avan leans his back against the wall to low on energy to even stand. Hebe looks over at Avan and frowns. She runs over to him and helps him up.

"Lets go now Avan-sama..."

Avan slowly nods. "Yeah..."

Zoe flys down and lands on her feet. She sends two fire balls at Sakura and Syaoran. They both jump out of the way. Hebe and Avan slowly walk over to the Dragon.

"Lets go!" yelled Hebe.

The Dragon lays down and Hebe and Avan get on. The Dragon gets back up. Syaoran growls.

"Your not getting away!"

Zoe flys back onto the Dragon's back and sends a few more fire balls at the ceiling. Syaoran's eyes widen as the ceiling starts to fall apart. Sakura runs over to Syaoran and pushes him out of the way of the rubble that was heading for him.

"SAKURA!!!" yelled Syaoran.

The Dragon flys out of the hole in the ceiling. Sayaoran runs over to Sakura. Her leg was under the rubble.

"Sakura! Why you baka!? Why did you do that!?"

Sakura winces and trys to pull her leg out from under the rubble. Syaoran kneels down and they both push the rock off. Syaoran slowly gets Sakura onto his back and carrys her out.


Syaoran had Gotten Sakura to where he was staying and had layed her down on his bed. He left the room for a moment. He comes back with a bandage and cloth in a bowl of water. He sits down next to Sakura and starts to wipe the blood from her leg. Sakura winces and shuts her eyes.

"Sorry Sakura...."

Sakura opens her eyes and looks at Syaoran. "Sorry?"

Syaoran nods. "Sorry that you got hurt because of me."

Sakura shakes her head. "Iie Syaoran-kun. It's my own fault."

Syaoran looks at Sakura and blushes as she smiles brightly at him. Syaoran then wraps the bandage around Sakura's leg.


Sakura hugs Syaoran. "Arigatou Syaoran-kun."


Hebe lays Avan down inside his room. "Avan-sama? You alright?"

Avan nods. "Yeah I'm fine."

He looks at the Watery Card and frowns. "The crystal...It was so close, but I could'nt figure out where it was."

Zoe's eyes widen. "It was?"

Hebe frowns.


Sakura frowned. She wondered how she would get home. She could'nt go home like this. Her leg was still sore. Syaoran sits down next to her. Sakura blushes a bit.


Syaoran looks at Sakura. "Yes?"

Sakura plays with her hair a bit not sure how to ask this. "Well umm...My brother and Father think I'm still....eeto...at Tomoyo's...I just don't know how to get home without explaining how I got hurt."

Syaoran blushed. "Oh...That's a problem...Hmm..."

Sakura bites her lower lip. Syaoran turns his head away from Sakura because his face became redder.

"Well...You could phone them and say that...You'll be staying at her house for the night because it's to late to be walking the street so late..."

Sakura blushes red and pulls out her phone. "But...Umm..."

Syaoran breaths heavily trying to control his blushing. "You could stay here for the night."

Sakura smiles brightly and her blush goes away. "Thank you Syaoran-kun!"

She hugs him. You can't really tell, but Syaoran blushes even more. Sakura lets go and calls up her father. She soon hangs up.

"He said it was ok as long as Tomoyo's mother dose'nt mind and I'm ready for school tomorrow."

Syaoran blushing went down a bit. "Ok. Meiling forgot some clothes so you can change into them. Your still in your school clothes anyway so this may work out."

Sakura smiles. "Thank you very much Syaoran-kun."

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