FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A one-shot CCS Fanfic
by SyaoranSword

Summary: Syaoran was ordered to reclaim the Clow Cards for the Li clan when he was 10 years old. It has been 12 years since then, and Sakura and Syaoran are getting married. So why is the Li clan calling Syaoran back?

Disclaimer: I am only going to say this once. I do NOT own anything related to Card Captor Sakura. CLAMP and other companies I may not know of own it all. This is a fanfic and not part of the "official" storyline. Any similarities between this fanfic and any other creative work are merely coincidental.

Notes: Yes, I am also the author of "The Magitech War", but the idea for this fic just came to me. I was actually shocked by the idea, hence the name "Realizations". I warn you now that this fic is actually somewhat dark. When you reach the end, you may be shocked as well.

~~~ Syaoran's Apartment ~~~
Syaoran took one last look around the place he called home for 12 years. He had finished packing an hour ago, but he couldn't help to think about how much this place meant to him. It was hard to imagine that 12 years ago, he had hated being sent to Japan and away from his family, but he had a mission to fulfill.
Syaoran knelt on the red carpeting with his head bowed. Three figures hidden in shadow were seated eyeing the boy.
"Do you understand the importance of this mission, young Syaoran?"
"Yes, Elder."
"Repeat the instructions you have been given."
"The Clow Cards have been released. As the future leader of the Li clan, I am to retrieve the Cards as they rightfully belong to the Li. Once accomplished, I will assume leadership of the Li."
"What will happen to those who interfere with your task?"
"I am to let no one stand in the way of my mission."
"What is the punishment for failure?"
"If I fail, I will be outcasted from the Li, and I will never be allowed to return."
"Very well. Bring honor to your family, then. You leave for Japan in three days."
(end flashback)
Syaoran never would have guessed what would actually happen. He didn't care that he was no longer part of the Li. His mother and his sisters still love him. Most importantly, she loved him. The girl with auburn hair, emerald-green eyes, and an almost always joyful personality. She was the one that had melted his heart. When he realized that she was destined to be the mistress of the Cards, he could not bear the thought of hurting her. They had gone through a lot together. Now they were finally going to be together forever. In two weeks, Sakura will become his wife. He picked up the last box of his possessions and walked out the door. With his car stuffed with boxes, Syaoran decided to check his mailbox.
"Junk… bill… junk… what?" One letter had caught Syaoran off guard. "This is… the Li family crest!"
He tore the envelope open, and read over the letter inside.

My dear Syaoran,

The Li clan requests your return immediately. Enclosed are your plane tickets back to Hong Kong. This is an urgent matter that requires the presence of both you and your fiancée. I will see you soon, my little wolf.

Your loving mother,
Yelan Li

"What do they want with me and Sakura?"

~~~ Sakura's House ~~~
Sakura was exhausted. She and Tomoyo had made sure everything was perfect for her wedding. That included making sure the house was ready for Syaoran to move in. Touya had already moved out, and to her surprise, her dad had settled into Touya's old room. Sakura's room would belong to Kero, and that left the master bedroom to Syaoran and her. Sakura plopped herself down on the couch to take a quick nap, when she heard Syaoran's car pull up. She opened the door and noticed the look on Syaoran's face.
"Syaoran, what's wrong?"
He handed Sakura the letter he received earlier today. "My family wants to see us for some reason."
"That's great!" Sakura looked at his face again. "Isn't it?"
"The letters I usually get from my mom are not like this. The envelope I received it in had the Li family crest on it. That means that this is Li clan business."
"I thought you told me that since you failed to collect the Clow Cards you're no longer part of the Li clan."
"That's right, which is why I got a bad feeling after reading this letter. I don't know what they want with us."
"Well, we should go!"
"What? Are you serious?"
"Syaoran, you haven't seen your family for a long time now. You should at least see them before we get married."
Syaoran paused for a few seconds. Then he said, "I do miss my mom… and I guess I miss my sisters too."
"Then it's settled. When do we leave?"

~~~ Hong Kong Airport ~~~
Sakura and Syaoran left the gate that their plane arrived in. Four women immediately surrounded them.
"Our little brother has returned!"
"Look at how handsome he has become!"
"And this must be his fiancée."
"Our new sister is so pretty!"
Syaoran sweatdropped and sighed, "They haven't changed."
"Girls! Please!" an elderly woman said.
Syaoran's four sisters dispersed and let the woman walk up to Syaoran.
"It is good to have you back, Little Wolf. Now let us hurry. The Elders are waiting."

~~~ Li mansion ~~~
Syaoran recognized this place all too well. He was in the same spot 12 years ago. Three figures in shadow were seated in front of him. Syaoran kneeled down on the red carpeting with his head bowed.
"We see you have responded to the letter that your mother had written to you."
"Yes, Elder."
"Do you know why you have been called back?"
"No, Elder."
"Think back to when we sent you off to Japan 12 years ago. Do you remember that day, Syaoran?"
"Yes, Elder."
"What was the purpose of you going to Japan?"
"I was to retrieve the Clow Cards for the Li clan."
"What was your reward for success?"
"The mantle of leadership of the Li clan."
"What was your punishment for failure?"
"Outcast from the Li."
"Now do you know why you have been called back?"
Syaoran felt the hairs on his neck stand on end. [So this is why I am here. I am going to be humiliated and formally kicked out of the clan.] "I will accept my fate."
"Very well. Bring in the Card Mistress."
Syaoran did not move from his position as Sakura walked up beside him.
"Kneel, Card Mistress."
"Yes, Elder." Syaoran was shocked as Sakura kneeled.
"This matter is clear." The three figures stood. "We, the Li clan elders, give you our blessing. May you both live a long and happy life together."
"Thank you, Elder." Sakura said. Syaoran was still in shock, but he managed to say, "Thank you, Elder."
"Your wedding is in two weeks, correct?"
"Yes, Elder." Syaoran said.
"Then you will return here in three weeks. At that time, you will be initiated as the leader of the Li clan. We have no further business to discuss. You may rise."
Sakura and Syaoran stood up. Sakura bowed to them and said, "Thank you, Elder."
The three bowed to Sakura and said, "The honor is ours, Card Mistress."

~~~ On the plane back to Japan ~~~
Syaoran was still really confused at what happened. He looked at Sakura, who was staring out the window, looking at the clouds. [What was she doing? I have to know.] He nudged Sakura on the shoulder. She turned to him with her bright green eyes.
"What is it, Syaoran?"
"This might sound crazy, but I want to know why you acted the way you did back there."
"Oh, you mean in front of the Elders?"
"Did I get it right? Your mother didn't have much time to teach me."
"Get what right? What did my mom tell you?"
"How a Li should act in front of the Elders."
"Wait a minute. You're not part of the Li clan."
Sakura kissed Syaoran on the ear, which made him shiver. She whispered, "I will be… in two weeks."
"What do you mean?"
"In two weeks, my name will be Sakura Kinomoto Li."
Syaoran's eyes widened. [So that's why…]

~~~ Memorial chapel, two weeks later ~~~
"I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Syaoran lifted the veil and pulled Sakura into a deep kiss. They finally separated and faced the crowd.
"May I be the first to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Syaoran Li."
On the front row of the right side of the aisle, five women were crying. The eldest had a cell phone in her hand. After the ceremony was over, she dialed a number.

~~~ Li mansion ~~~
A phone rang and a shadowy figure picked it up. "Report."
<The marriage is complete.>
"Good. Thank you for your service to the clan, Yelan."
<The honor is mine, Elder.>
The figure hung up. "The Cards once again belong to the Li, where they will forever stay."
"This has been completed even better than what we originally had planned."
"We foresaw that young Syaoran would not be able to take the Cards by force."
"That is why we left him in Japan with her."
"So that their feelings for each other would blossom."
"And after 12 years, he has succeeded in his mission."
"She is one of us now."
"Yes. Our clan's influence has extended into Japan."
"All that remains is for Syaoran to assume leadership of the clan."
"And the Li family bloodline will continue."
"With their magic combined, their children will have incredible potential."
"More potential than even Clow Reed himself!"
The three shadows stood and raised their right fists into the air. Altogether they said, "It has come to pass! The Card Mistress now serves the Li clan!!!"


Are you shocked? Or did you see it coming a mile away? Send comments and questions to sniper42g@yahoo.com

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