FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Return of the Love


Disclaimer: I do not own CCS in any way, shape or form. They all belong
to those really rich people in Japan called CLAMP. I wouldn't do any
good to sue many anyway. I'm poor.

Disclaimer 2: Devyn Merlin is my character. Any CLAMP authorities that
want to use her must pay a small fine to me. Owning Sakura would do.

Chapter 1

A young girl of around 13 roller bladed down the street casually. She
seemed to be enjoying the scenery. Suddenly, something caught her eye.
As she turned down the street towards the scene, she noticed it to be
two girls about her own age. One had long dark hair and was wearing an
outfit that looked pretty expensive. The other had shorter auburn hair
that was arranged into two pigtails and was also wearing roller blades.
For some strange reason our subject felt something very strange about
this girl. But she didn't know what. The dark haired one seemed to be
showing the other a picture. The one with auburn hair was protesting
against something. Being curious as she was, our subject skated over to
the two girls.
"What is the matter?" asked the girl that we are following. "Who are
you?" asked the auburn haired one skeptically. Our girl answers
casually, that seeming to be her favorite expression, "My name is Devyn
Merlin. I just moved here. What is yours?" The dark haired one answers,
"I am Tomoyo. This is here is Sakura. I want her to wear this outfit and
she won't!" Devyn suggests, "Well anyway, I just moved here. Do you want
to go somewhere? Maybe you can show me around." The two girls agreed and
walked off.
"I'm home!" called Devyn as she slammed the door behind her. It had been
about two or three hours since she had met. In that time, Devyn had
learned a lot about the two girls and about the neighborhood. She had so
much to share with her family that night at dinner. With all that she
had heard, she was so excited about going to school tomorrow. She hoped
she made a lot of friends, but that she knew she would. It seemed so
easy to make friends with Sakura and Tomoyo. She prayed that it would be
the same tomorrow. After a delicious dinner full of conversation about
the afternoon, Devyn fell into a peaceful sleep full of dreams that she
had for the on-coming day.
Devyn woke to find a beautiful morning folding over the blooming cherry
blossom trees. After getting breakfast, Devyn strapped on her roller
blades and headed off to her new school.
After skating for a couple of minutes, Devyn ran into her friends on
their way to school. "Hi Sakura, Tomoyo!" Devyn greeted warmly. They
said hello in return. Once the group arrived at the school, they walked
over a slightly darker spot on the sidewalk. Sakura stiffened as they
approached it. Devyn, sounding concerned, asked, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing" she replied, sounding choked up. Tomoyo and Devyn exchanged
hurt glances. After they moved a yard or two away, Sakura seemed fine.
They arrived at school with no problem.

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