FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 5

Devyn expected Syaoran to guide her body, but he wasn't there. For the
first time, she faltered. Naoko's sister almost stabbed Devyn but she
moved just in time to deflect it. She tried many of the moves that
Syaoran had shown her. Then the one came in mind. She turned, swung,
faked, and then struck the sword from the attackers hand. The girl fell
and went unconscious as the sword rose into the air. A low moan echoed
behind her. Devyn snapped around to see Sakura raise her wand slowly.
She used what seemed the last of her strength to say, "Sword card,
return to your power, CONFINED!" Sakura brought down the wand and the
sword was sucked into a card, which formed at the end of the wand.
Finally realizing that the action was over, Devyn slumped down to the
ground. Sakura lied down too. The two stared out at the stars above
them. Sakura's voice broke the silence. "Where did you learn
Sakurasong?" She asked. Devyn didn't think Sakura would believe her. But
she decided to tell anyway. She began, "Earlier, I woke from my bed to a
strange presence. I followed it here. Then, when that girl turned to me
to challenge me, I pulled out my sword. Syaoran spoke to me and moved my
body so I could fight. The last move he showed me was the Sakurasong. He
told me to tell you that he still loved you..."
Sakura broke down into sobs. Devyn bent down to comfort her but Sakura
turned away. Giving up, Devyn grabbed her stick and started to hobble
back down the long, dark street towards home.

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