FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chapter 6

All day the following day, Devyn could not dare look at anybody. It
sickened her to see the way that people looked at her with sympathy. She
could not stand it! Sakura was the only one she dare look at or pay any
attention to. But that was rare. Already rumors were being spread about
the sudden transformation of these two lively young spirits. After
school, Devyn headed to Sakura's house to talk. Sakura opened the door
looking worse than she had all day. Her wounds were sore and raw.
Devyn's heart clenched with sadness as she saw the weariness on her
face. Sakura welcomed her in the house. They sat down on the couch in
silence. Before Sakura could ask the question that she wanted to, Sakura
said, "We had better talk about this upstairs." Awe could be seen
through Devyn's pain streaked expression.
Devyn found Sakura's room most comfortable. She sighed and said what had
been haunting her since she saw Sakura the night before. "Sakura, what
are you?" Sakura saw fear and curiosity in Devyn's face. * I can't hide
it much longer. I must tell her. * Sakura thought as she took the breath
that began her story. As the day unfolded, so did Sakura's story. It led
from the fourth grade all the way to the night before. Devyn thought to
herself again the portion of the story where Syaoran's innocent life had
been brought to a sudden end. The Arrow Card had shot him through the
back and Sakura had never caught it. That meant that the Card was still
out there. * I must help. Now that I know, I must help. * Her thoughtful
mood turned hard, determined. "No matter what you say, I will not let
you be killed too. I will help you. What must I do?" Devyn announced.
Sakura explained how Syaoran had used his different items to fight the
card. Devyn practiced a bit on the roof of Sakura's house until sunset.
She then bade farewell to her friend and headed home.

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