FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sakura at 18
A Card Captor Sakura fanfic
By Michael Hopcroft

Part 6: it’s My Party


The day was here. March 1, 2007. Sakura Kinomoto was now 18 years old.

The day had started normally enough. Sakura had gotten up at her normal time, which was about five minutes later than she wanted to. She’d
dressed in her school uniform and gone downstairs. It was a bit strange not having her brother around to argue with; he’d only been gone a few
days and she already missed him. Breakfast was not the same, but she got through it with no trouble.

Since it was her birthday, her father had decided to give her a ride to school. Normally she walked to school, although by now she had an
instruction permit and her father was teaching her to drive. During the ride they had talked about the day and that party she was going to;
Fujitaka had been a little concerned about Tomoyo’s plans, but he had decided it was OK if she was going to stay late.

At school the day went normally enough for a day when she was so nervous. Those classmates who knew it was her birthday greeted her
cheerfully. Her Japanese teacher brought her a book as a gift, as did her English teacher. “You have a lot of potential,” he homeroom teacher
said. “Don’t waste it.”

At lunch Tomoyo gushed over plans for the party. Sakura had gotten Syaoran to promise to come, and he said he would have a present for her.

After school, Tomoyo told sakura that her bodyguards would come by the Kinomoto house and take her to the party, and bring the dress. Sakura
had sweatdropped at the thought, but reluctantly agreed.

It would be an – INTERESTING night….


Li Syaoran rang the buzzer at the Daidouji residence with a lump in his throat. He expected to hear Tomoyo’s voice, but instead it was a
stranger. “Daidouji residence. Please state your business.”

“I’m Li …. Li Syaoran. I’m here for the party.”

“You’re on the guest list. I’ll open the gate for you. Please wait on the inside. Your escort will be with you shortly.

Escort? He knew the house was big, but he didn’t think he;d get lost. Then he remembered how wealthy Tomoyo’s family was and how much
care they took with their security. It was a good thing he didn’t carry his sword around in its enlarged form, although he did still carry the amulet.
Syaoran felt uneasy in his suit and fingered the small box in his pocket nervously.

Soon a woman with shades in a black suit appeared. “She took out a picture, looked at the very nervous Syaoran, and replaced the picture in
her pocket. “Li-san. You pass. Come with me, please.”

Syaoran walked quietly behind her, trying not to attract attention to himself. He wondered just what he was going to do once he got there. Did he
have the nerve to….

Finally he was let into a room where he found that several others were already waiting. Chiharu and Yamazaki were sitting together. Naoko and
a boy from the B class were sitting together in another corner of the room. And then, he was surprised to see….


Their former elementary-school teacher bowed slightly to Syaoran. “Welcome, Syaoran-kun. I hope it’s not too strange that I’m here, but I’m here
with Rika-chan.” Sure enough, rika was sitting beside him, beaming.

“I felt well enough to come, and Tomoyo-chan welcomed me.” She said. “I couldn’t help but bring my husband along.”

Syaoran stood stunned and clutched the box in his pocket. “Husband… husband….”

Naoko beamed at him. “Don’t tell me you never noticed, Li-kun.”

“But she was a child when they met!”

“So?” asked Chiharu. “Takashi and I met in kindergarten. I think it’s great they’re happy together.”

Syaoran sighed. This was no time to disapprove of anything. He had to manage something important. “Is this the party room?” he asked.

“No, this is the waiting room. The big room is on the other side of that door. I’ll go let Tomoyo know you’re here so she can let us in.’ Naoko
opened the door a crack. “Tomoyo! Li-kun is here! Are you ready?”

“Hai! Everybody come on it!”

The doors opened from the inside and there, in the middle of the room stood Sakura. She was wearing a red, flor-length dress with a surprisingly
low cut covered with lace. Long red gloves covered her forearms and red bows were in her hair. Theer was a look of embarrassment on her
face, but to Syaoran it was a glorious sight.

“Beautiful.” He said, ust enough over his breath for Sakura to hear. The look of embarrassment changed to a deep red blush as she cast her
eyes down. Syaoran walked up to her and gently cupped her chin in his hand. “I mean it.” He said. “You look beautiful.”



Sakura closed her eyes almost involuntarily, only to stop as that sixth sense kicked in. she looked out of the corner of her eye and, sure enough,
Tomoyo was taping them.

“Do you mind?” said Syaoran.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong?” asked a bewildered Tomoyo.

Soon afterwards the caterers came and wheeled in the food. It was an extremely impressive spread. Some of the dishes were Western, some
Chinese, some traditional. Sakura wondered when she had seen so much sushi before outside a restaurant. “I hope you’re all hungry.”
Tomoyo said.

“You went to so much trouble,” Sakura said.

“NO trouble at all.”

‘WE’RE EATING!” said the group, and everyone dug in. Thefre was enough variety in the buffet that everyone could find something they liked,
and the food was all prepared very well. Syaoran was very happy to get some delicacies from home, at one point she looked up and was
surprised to see a piece of sushi hanging over his face, attached to a pair of chopsticks which was in turn attached to Sakura’s hand.

“Here.” She said. “I don’t think you’ve had this kind before.”

Syaoran nodded and took the piece of sushi from her chopsticks into his mouth. It was indeed tasty. Syaroan picked up a dumpling In his
chopsticks and offered it to Sakura. She giggled and took it. Tomoyo watched them beaming.

After dinner, the whole group sat and talked. “Ne, Tomoyo-chan. “ asked Sakura. “When you called me to host the party, you said you had a date.
But I don’t see anyone. Just what did you mean.”

“Sakura-chan, I’m so happy to see you happy together that it’s all the satisfaction I need.”

Sakura smiled. “I suppose you’re right. Just don’t wait forever, OK? There;s someone out there for you, I just know it.”

Yamazaki spoke up. “It used to be in anicnent times that all girls had to be married by the time they turned eighteen.”

“Really?” asked “Syaoran?”

“Oh, yes. Back then all marriages were arranged, and women never chose who they married. If their parents couldn’t find a husband for them
one was chosen at random on their eighteenth birthday. They had the birthday party, the wedding and the honeymoon on the same night.”

Chiharu had heard enough, she grabbed Yamazaki by the face and did something that
surprised him immensely. She kissed him, deeply and forcefully.

“You’re rewarding him?” asked Terada-sensei, a bit surprised.

She looked up at her former teacher. “How else was I going to shut him up? Tomoyo-chan, where are those rooms?”

“I’ll show you. Sakura-chan, you too.”


“If I’m not much mistajken, Li-kun wants to talk to you. In private.”

“I never said…” said a stunned Syaoran.

“I know you do. Just thought I’d play Cupid one last time.”

Sakura and Syaoran both sweatdropped. But when Tomoyo led, they followed.


“I just hope there are no cameras.” Sakura said as she looked over the room,. This was a spare bedroom that she had never seen in Tomoyo’s
house before, presumably used for guests.

“I wonder what she expects from us.” Said Syaoran. “I know she has some reason for wanting us here.”

“Syanran-kun, I didn’t tell you this before. Oniichan left the house this week, for good.”

“He did?”

“He went to live with Yukito-san.”
Syaoran smiled. “I see. So that chapter is behind us for good. We were both attracted to Yukito’s hidden power, but now we know where our
hearts really lie.”


“Sakura, I have come so close to losing you so many times. Never again. I’ll never forgive myself if I were to drive yiou away. But I’m worried.”

‘The future? When we won’t be in school anymore?”

“Yes, We graduate this year.”

“We’ll go to college together. I have an in at father;s university and your grades are good enough hat you’ll pass the entrance exam. I don’t
want to lose you either, Syaoran. I couldn’t bear it. If something were to happent o you, and I couldn’t see you anymore, I’d be lost forever.”

Syaoran tenderly touched her face. “Sakura. Leaving you the first time was the hardest thing I ever did – and the stupidest. I never should have
done it. And I’ll never do it again. As long as we live, I want us to be together, Always, Forever.”

“I want that too. Why is your hand in your pocket?”

Syaoran backed away for a moment, not having realized his other hand has\d lingered into his jacket pocket. He puklled it out and was surprised
to find that cradled inside it was the small box he had brought in. “I was sort of – afraid to give you this. Afraid you wouldn’t take it.”

“let me see it.” Said Sakura. She took the box out of his hand and opened it. Inside was a gold ring, just her size, with a perfect little diamond
mounted on the top. Sakura looked at it and started to cry.

‘Gomen!” said Syaoran. “I didn’t mean to…”

“Syaoran, it’s beautiful! I can’t believe you’re giving this to me. This must mean….”

“Sakura…. I know we can’t do it right away. Your father would object, and I need to learn the skills it wil take to support you. But when that’s
done and the time comes, wil – you – ma –“

“Syaoran! You’re proposing!”

“Will you be my bride, Sakura?”

“YES! Yes I will!” Sakura carefully removed the glove from her hand and offered the ring to Syaroan. He silently lipped it on her finger.

“It fits perfectly.” She said. “I can’t wait to tell Tomoyo! Syaoran, I love you so much!” Sakura stepped forward into his embrace and they
exchanged a long, deep kiss. When they finally broke it, Sakura looked up into the face of her one love and smiled. “Let’s go tell the others.”
She said. “If you’re not too embarrassed.”

“Not any more. The worst is over. I was terrified you’d refuse me. If you had, I’d have died.”

“Someday, Syaoran, we will be married. I swear it.”

“I love you, Sakura. I can’t imagine living without you.”

“Don’t imagine bad things.”


By the time they got back to the main room most of the rest of the party were watching a DVD that Tomoyo had provided. It was X-Men 3,
released that very day, in English with subtitles. Tomoyo looked up from the screen and saw a very nervous-looking Sakura and Syaoran.

“That was quick>’ she said. “Chihraru and Takashi must have had a lot to discuss. They may never come out.” Naoko and hr boyfriend, and Rika
and terada-sensei, eyes each other knowingly.

“Tomoyo-chan,”said Sakura haltingly, there’s something we’ve got to tell you.

Tomoyo paused the disk for the announcement. Even before Sakura could speak, she saw the ring on he finger and knew what she was going to
say. Great walls of happiness and sadness rose up in her spirit when she saw it. What she had always wanted for her friend, what would always
be denied to herself, all came together in that moment. Then came the words themselves and Tomoyo’s heart rose and sank simultaneously.

Naoko was astonished. Rika smiled knowingly. Tomoyo ran over to Sakura and clasped her hands.

“Sakura-chan!” she said. “You’ll be so happy together! I just know it. Any my happiness has been achieved!”

Sakura didn’t ask what that meant, It had been a big night, and she had determined to accept whatever came for the rest of the night.