FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

The fight card was punching rapidly at Sakura, and with every swing she
almost didn't escape. It was unstoppable. "How did it get out of it's
seal?" She pulled out the shot card and said, "Release!" The shot card
was shooting its way at the fight card, but it was no use, it just
dodged the shoots and knocked the shot card back. Then the fight card
looked at Sakura and gave her the death glare. She backed up a little,
but just then fight card kicked her in the left arm and it started to
bleed. Just then Syaoran jumped and sliced it in the head. When he did
that the card went back to Sakura.
He walked over to her and said, "Are you okay?" She snuggled between
his arms and said" I'm okay when you are around," and her head made its
way to his ear and whispered," Syaoran." He backed away a little while
blushing all different shades of red. "What's the matter Syaoran, don't
you love me?" she said in a sweet ginger voice. He raised his sword and
said some words. Sakura's arm was healed in an instant. "You do love
me!" Then she went up to him and gave him a big smack on the lips. She
tried to make it long but Syaoran pulled her away and said," Stop doing
that!" In a single moment, before Syaoran could think, she backed up,
made her lips into a pout, her eyes swelled up, filled with slight
water, and said with utmost cuteness," Will you come over and have
dinner with me?" Sakura had made the most sad, disturbing, and cute face
ever possibly imagined. Syaoran, stunned and terrified, turned his face
away from utter cuteness. Syaoran could feel fire on the back of his
head, as if Sakura
was burning a hole into his soul with eyes of puppy dog. The pain was
unbearable. Cute was all over him, as was Sakura. He could she it in her
eyes she wanted an answer. He knew what to say, .....no, it was so
simple. He could end the pain and torture with a simple, two letter
word, no. He opened up his mouth ready to say the all powerful word no,
but as if a demon possessed his vocal cords, the only word he could
breathe "yes."
Sakura screamed with joy and jumped at least 30 feet in the air. At
that point Syaoran, although completely stunned by his actions came to
his senses and at his very best tried to run away, but Sakura came down
as fast as she went up..... and caught him before he could get away. A
slight tear rolled down Syaoran's cheek as Sakura exclaimed," We're
going to have lots of fun!"

***Later That Day***


"Guess who I got over!" Sakura said proudly. Each of the girls said on
their own separate lines," IS IT SYAORAN, PLEASE LET IT BE SYAORAN!"
Sakura screamed," YAH!" Then everyone screams," HOEEE!"" Tomoyo asked,"
Can we have a tea party with him?" Meilin exclaimed in a dastardly
voice," We'll play dressup!" Rika said," Lets play spin the bottle!"
Naoko vibrantly said," Dressup!" Chiharu prays," Dressup please!" Sakura
calms the group of dogs," All right girls, we will do all of those
things but first you have to get over here!" The girls scream a happy
"All right!" Then hang up. Sakura hangs up and lets out a squeal of
Sakura skipped happily into the room where Syaoran was waiting,
ironically the same place where chocolate cake was waiting. Syaoran
asked with a stuffed mouth," Voo did vou vall?" Syaoran makes a large
gulp and a nasty smelling belch. Sakura sarcastically remarked," Very
attractive." Then answered his question," just a few friends, that's
all." Before Syaoran could ask any more questions she asked," What are
you watching?"
"Tenchi in Tokyo."
"What's that?"
"It is about this boy who is loved by six different girls who are
constantly trying to win his affection either in their home or in his
apartment in Tokyo."
"Hey, what if you were Tenchi?"
"That's impossible, we two are totally different, nothing alike."
"Oh, I don't know, you guys are very alike, very, very alike indeed."


Next chapter for Simply Irresistible "Tea Party."


By Noble and Justin Gibbins

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