FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

A worried look streaks across Syaoran's face, "Do we really need to
watch Kimba? Can't we watch Armitage III or.... Bubblegum Crisis?"
Sakura stares at Syaoran for a few moments. "We're going to watch Kimba
because of its educational value." Sakura said forcefully. Syaoran,
worried for his life, spoke, "This cartoon is so fluffy and nice. How
could this be educational?" Sakura gave him a death glare and calmly
answered, "The man who made this was Osamu Tezuka the man who invented
"Oh, so this would be-"
"The first anime series, right."
"Oh, collectible."
"No, educational."
"Oh, right, educational."
(Kimba, Kimba) Ding dong (Kimba, Kimba) "I'll get it!" Sakura said,
leaving Syaoran wide eyed with a tear rolling down his cheek." Sakura
walked to the door with an evil smirk. She opened up the door. Multiple
Screams could be heard. Surprised Syaoran yelled, "Who is it!?" Sakura
hesitated for a moment and then she answered, "Um..... it's......
the....... pizza guy with pizza!" Syaoran was baffled for a moment and
then realized that it's possible, "Good I was getting hungry!" She
couldn't believe he bought it, how could he be so dense. It's not like
Sakura was the master of trickery, but you got to take what is given to
you. She led the five extremely happy girls into the house. They all
listened and smirked at the music being played in the other room. (Who
lives down in deepest, darkest Africa, Africa. Who brought the entire
jungle fame. Who is the greatest lion down in Africa, Africa. Kimba the
white lion is his name!) Most of the girls broke into laughter after
hearing the happy little tune. Sakura was, of course, angry with her
friends for laughing and her cartoon. It was Kimba, come on! She let it
go this time, however. She had Syaoran in the house so every thing was a
beam of sunshine.
She told the girls to hush so they could surprise Syaoran. Each of them
counted to three and jumped into the room screaming, "Kawaii,
Syaoran!!!" They were surprised to find that Syaoran was not in the
room. For he had already heard the girls laughing in the other room and
had escaped out the window.


It has been a long chase. Lasting for days without food. I'm not sure
if I can keep this up. They hunt me down as if I am a dog. I cannot keep
running on an empty stomach, I fear the worst. Though sometimes I wonder
what would happen to me if they caught me. Grueling hours of torture?
Possibly being whipped and stretched on a rack. Maybe feeding me to the
hounds. They would throw me to them as if I were a slab of meat, no
wait, a cake. They would throw me to them as if I were a cake. A
chocolate cake. With green sprinkles, and a cherry on top. Yes, Whipped
cream and hot fudge..... man, I could use a chocolate cake or pizza or
something. I wish it really were a pizza guy that came. Mmmmm....
pepperoni. Wait, they are just little girls, what could they possibly
do? I'm a big strong..... strong..... strong type person. I have a
sword. I could slash them, and cut them. I could get away. Yes, I will
stand and fight..... little girls! little girls? little girls. Yes,
little, evil girls! Hahahahahahahah!!!! Touche! Engaude!



*****Later That Evening*****



"Syaoran, have some more tea?" Syaoron sits in a tiny pink chair tied
and gagged, "Dnoo." Sakura replies with, "Okay, here you go!" Sakura
pours nothing into a cup. Meilin admires Syaoran and says gently, "I
love it when you speak French, Syaoran." The girls converse amongst
"He was pretty bad back there now that you mention it."
"Yeah, you would think he could beat a few little girls."
(Syaoran to himself, "A few evil little girls.")
"I don't know, I think it was kind of cute the way he struggled."
"When you were hugging or lip locking him?"
"Yeah, well, try to lay off of him girls, remember he is mine."
"What do mean, Meilin?"
"I'm his fiance."
"Self-appointed fiance."
"What did you say, girl!?"
(The rest of the girls laugh.)
"Oh, forget it. Try to have fun."
"Yeah, you're right. What'll we do next?"
"Hmm, good question. What do you think Syaoran, Syaoran?."
The girls find Syaoran trying to open the door with his teeth.
Surprised, he kindly gives a slight bow and hops back to place. Sakura
acknowledges and says, "All right, now what do you think." Syaoran,
surprised and confused answers as best he can, "Hi tik weh shoo pla-"
Sakura interrupts for she realizes, "Oh, You still have the gag on......
there now what should we play." Syaoran boldly answers, "Hide and seek,
I'll be it!" Sakura replies, "I think that games a little to freeing."
Syaoran comes back with, "How about duck, duck, goose or tag or-"
"I think we should put your gag back on."
"So what should we play?"
"I don't know, but one game does come to mind......"



Next Chapter, Simply Irresistible: Spin the Bottle


Directed by Noble Gibbins
Written by Justin Gibbins

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Written by Justin Gibbins

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