FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sleep Don't Come Easy

Pinch me I must be dreaming, Am I actually typing chapter 7?

"Talking "
~~~ 3rd person (narrator's pov, if u will)
~*~*~ change of scene
(My own thoughts)

Disclaimers: blah blah blah I don't own ccs..yadda yadda

Chapter 7-
Tomoyo, Naoko, Rika, and the newly arrived Chiharu and Takashi cornered
Sakura and Syaoran." Come on! Kiss her, unless you want to kiss Eriol?"
Tomoyo asked. *Achoo!* Eriol sneezed. "Huh?" (hehe isn't it summer?)
"Alright.." Syaoran signaled to Sakura. "1...2...3...GO!" They ran all the
way into the living room."Just kiss her Syaoran." "Or do you want to kiss
your prince charming over there?" Chiharu points to Eriol.

"Wha?" *Blink blink. * "If I do this." Syaoran as red as a tomato. "Will you
leave us..er me alone?" "Yes!" "Okay." As their faces inched forward, both
blushing like crazy, each thought that..."This is it.."The woman gritted her
teeth, "This wasn't supposed to happen." "Oh well, I'll just make it go my

As their lips got dangerously close..the storm grew harsher and the power
went out. (Hehehe! Kero: your evil! Bunni: I know! Hohohoho! Kero: Sounds
like Tomoyo.. Tomoyo: What?!?) "Shoot!" "What happened Tomoyo?" "My camera
went out of batteries." *Sweatdrop* "Uhm..do you have any flashlights or
candles Tomoyo?"

"Yea, there's a whole box downstairs." She points to where she thinks is the
basement. "Ow! Hey Watch it!" Someone grumbled. "I'll get it Tomoyo."
Sakura's voice replied. "It might be dangerous, Syaoran go with her." "Uh
sure..." Syaoran reddened so much you could see it glow in the dark. The
storm grew louder and stronger. "I'm scared!" Chiharu and Rika wailed. Eriol
concentrated on the storm. "The storm may be fierce but the storm's intention
isn't to hurt us but rather scare or frighten us really, so you don't have
anything to worry about."

*Blink blink* "Err.. how did you know all that Eriol?" "Well, I.." Eriol,
Tomoyo, and Meiling all had big sweatdrops on their heads. "Uh...you
see..Eriol's dad is a meteorologist!" Tomoyo covered up. "Yup he taught Eriol
everything he knows about the weather." Meiling added. They all gave cheesy
grins. "Right.." Everyone else sweatdropped. Even Takashi didn't believe
them. The silence broke by a large crash and a "HOEE!" Tomoyo rushed to the
basement door. 'Sakura? Sakura! Are you okay?" "The..box...fell..." She
replied. Everyone sweatdropped this time.
Tomoyo lighted up candles all around the living room. "Hey now can we tell
ghost stories?" Naoko asked. "Hoe?" "Yea, sure Naoko!" Rika sounded excited.
"Ahem... Once upon a time....
A: There was this old high school, built upon an old cemetery and ... They
had algebra tests everyday! " "AHHHHH!"
B: There was this old high school, built upon an old cemetery and every
midnight you could hear sounds of pain and crying, and on certain full moons,
you can see the ghost of a poor school teacher who died in her sleep." Sakura
stifled a scream but with no avail screamed. Syaoran, who was next to her,
put a hand over her mouth and blushed because he was so close to her.Tomoyo
giggled. She had millions of batteries in her pockets alone.
"Well it's about time to sleep. lets put out the candles." "Hey sleepy so
soon? Come on! Lets play some more games or something!" Said a very hyper
Sakura."Sakura it's12:00! We're tired!" Takashi looked at his watch.
"Oh...okay..." Everyone snuggled into their blankets and fell into a peaceful
sleep....most of them.
"Come back so soon?" "How much longer will this go on?" "Not much longer."
Sakura looked up at her with questionable eyes. "This is the final showdown!"
The woman gathered up a ball of dark energy...

Bunni: Ha! a cliff hanger!
Kero: Yea I didn't see that coming~
Bunni: Oh shuttup you stuffed animal!
Kero: NANI?!?
*Starts beating eachother up.*
Tomoyo: When will they ever learn?

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