FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sleep Don't Come Easy



I lost my writing copies of it so its late..

"Talking "
~~~ 3rd person (narrator's pov, if u will)
~*~*~ change of scene
(My own thoughts)

Disclaimers: Uhm ccs is owned by clamp and nelvana thing so there~



Chapter 9-
"We're missing one more ingredient…" "What's that?" Eriol sweatdropped. "A
hair of the person's loved one..?" "You don't mean…" Eriol looked at her. "Oh
no… no no no no no!" I can't believe he talked me into this… Tomoyo sighed.
She sneaked around the living room and slowly crept up to Syaoran. Okay…here
goes nothing….pluck a hair and run like the dickens.. She swiftly plucked a
hair and ran as fast as her night gown would let her. Then she presented it
to Eriol. "Ouch!!" Syaoran rubbed his head.

"Perfect!" Eriol commented holding a blue powder in his hand. "Yea, no thanks
to you.." Tomoyo replied. "Hey!" "Come on, let's save Sakura!" Tomoyo said,
literally dragging Eriol up with her. "Sakura..please wake up! For your
family..Tomoyo..your friends..for me…" "Syaoran…here.." Tomoyo hands him the
powder. "Just remember this Syaoran.." Eriol started. "If you are not totally
and 100% devoted to saving her..you will never return and Sakura will die."
Syaoran nodded. "Good Luck Syaoran!" Tomoyo shouted. He gave her a sad smile,
and swallowed the potion. He fell unconscious, right next to Sakura.

Tomoyo held her hands close to her heart. Please be safe Sakura..Syaoran..
Eriol, apparently able to read her mind, put a comforting hand on her
shoulder. "They'll be fine Tomoyo. After all, Sakura is the card mistress
right? And Syaoran is to pesky to get rid of." Tomoyo smiled and squeezed his
hand. "I know but still…" (Can you tell I like E+T?)
Syaoran's pov-
What the..? Where am I? Everywhere he saw different size doors. (Yes, I stole
this from the first movie!) Then he heard a voice, an unusually high voice.
"You've come for the girl." It hissed. "Why waste your time? Wouldn't you
rather meet the father you never knew?" *Syaoran's eyes widened. * My father?

Million's of questions flooded his mind, ones only his father could answer.
But then a picture of a girl with golden hair and emerald eyes flashed before
him. The thought of never seeing her again made him more determined than
ever. * "I will never give up on Sakura until I die! Do you hear me?!" "Very
Well.." *Syaoran entered a pale pink door. * Here goes nothing..

Sakura's pov-
"Kyah!" *Sakura dodged another blow from the witch. * I can't keep this up,
it's too tiring! How much longer? * With her mind, she concentrated on a
fireball to strike at the witch. * (Her powers have grown ne?) *Of course it
was not strong enough to touch the witch, but instead she easily deflected it
back to Sakura. This caused her to fly back 10 feet. *

"Noo! Sakura!!" Why didn't I crash? *She gently opened her eyes to face a
worried looking boy with amber eyes and messy brown hair. * "Are you okay?"
"Syaoran? What..how..?" "No time to talk..jump!" "Wha?" *In an instant,
Syaoran pulled her up, dodging a barrage of energy balls. * "Stay here.."
"But.." *It was too late. Syaoran had already gone. *

Syaoran's pov-
*Syaoran and the witch came on strong, but they seemed pretty matched at
skill. * "Hm..you're strong boy..but everyone has a weakness. We'll just have
to find it out." *The witch's lips turned into a cruel smile. * "Hehehehe…"
*She takes out a knife with a small sturdy ruby in the middle of it. With a
flick of her wrist, she sent it flying towards Sakura. * "Sakura Watch out!!"
*he yelled desperately.*

Sakura..who had been thinking of sweet memories finally looked up, she saw
the knife flying towards her. Instantly she tried to get up on her feet but
the witch froze her feet in place. Without second thought, Syaoran dashed in
front of her. The rest was like slow motion. The knife pierced through his
skin, penetrating his heart. "Syaoran!!!" Sakura screamed. He fell to the
ground, and she lay his head in her lap. (Kero: Can we say ff8? Bunni:
Shuttup Kero! This is sad!) "Why'd you do it Syaoran?

Why did you save me?" Sakura asked. Syaoran smiled slightly. "Because…I love
you Sakura…" "Syaoran don't leave me, please, I need you. I have so much more
to tell you (Kero: ff7 *COUGH!* Bunni: no more snack privileges for you!")
Syaoran don't leave me because…I love you, I love you too Syaoran so please
just hold on a little longer…just for me…please…" Sakura's tears streamed
down her face. An erie pink glow emitted from within her, and she found her
legs movable. Then a blinding light…..
Sakura stood up silently, her tear streaked face shone with determination.
Steadily she picked up Syaoran's sword (I did mention he had it right? If I
didn't I am doing so now..) and faced her opponent. "So the little girl has
decided to take matters into her own hands.. Very well then." The witch
smiled evilly. "What can a pathetic girl like you do without a hero?" That
was the last straw.

Sakura charged at her with all her might. The witch was fast, but Sakura was
faster. Sakura swung at her but she missed, she used the time to kick her in
the stomach. (Heh..I suck at fight scenes all right?) Soon enough, the witch
had the upper hand. She struck a blow to Sakura's temple, and knocked her
back into Syaoran's arms. The witch gathered dark energy into her palm.

"This is the end little girl." Sakura held Syaoran close. I never thought
this would be how we spent our last moments together, but at least we're
together. Sakura closed her eyes, fearing the worst. Silence.. Sakura looked
up and saw a pinkish aura with green swirls protecting them. "What the..?"
"Sakura use your will..." "Mom?" Sakura's eyes burned with fire.

Sakura picked up the sword. "Elements of life! Earth, Water, Fire, Wind,
Thunder! I summon you! Lend your powers to me!" (Boy that sounded cheesy..)
Sakura raised the sword up high. The witch called upon her last powers and
sent it hurling straight to Sakura. She winced, the power was to much to
bear. She was tired, oh how she longed to just curl up in her bed and sleep.

Her whole body was freezing, she closed her eyes. Suddenly she felt great
warmth, her eyes lit up. "Sakura, you can't do this alone." Sakura smiled a
thanks to him and he grinned in response. The witch disintegrated into
nothingness, as Sakura collapsed onto Syaoran. "Syaoran we won!" "Uh huh.."
"Sakura?" "Hm?" 'I love you.." "I love you too.." Sakura said as she kissed

"Sakura?" Silence... He looked down and saw her fast asleep. Syaoran smiled.
Good night Sakura.. He thought as he fell fast asleep. Somebody from the
heavens looked down at them and smiled. "Fujitaka...we raised a beautiful
daughter.." Somewhere in the university, Sakura's dad smiled. "Yes,
Nadeshico..yes we did.


Bunni: Love it? Hate it? Too much magic? (If you don't know me I am totally
obsessed with magic and ff) r+r! See ya later at the epilogue!
Kero: Just one cookie?!?
Bunni: Bye!!!

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