FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sailor Moon CardCaptor Sakura crossover

(The very first)

(Opening song Rashiku Ikimasho) Diffrent cenes from each series.

This takes place during Super S when the Amazon Qaurtet has come.

One day in Tomoeda Li was watching the news when he heard about the strange happenings going on at Juban.{I wonder if it's a Clow Card?}

So the next day at school he talked to Sakura about it."Do you really think it's a Clow Card Li?" "I don't know but we could check it out during break" "Syraon will be the one to captur the cad of course!" Meiling had butted into thier conversation.*sweatdrop*"Yeah sure hehe" "But how will we get there Li-kun?"asked Sakura."I can get us there no problame"said Tomoyo with a wink.

"That Serena's not a Sailor Scout she's a failur Scout." "Were here!"shouted Mina."Your LATE!" "Well I got here before Serena did'nt I?" "Yeah but she's always late." "Oh*sniff* hold her to a diffrent standered than me." "Stop winning!"yelled Himeko."Were here!" yelled ChibiUsa skipping up the steps."Ah ChibiUsa!"she ran a gave her bestfriend a hug.

"So our new enemy's are the Amazon Qaurtet." "There even stronger then the trio." "But they should be esear to find if they attack groups like they did before." "Yeah and we have 2 wekks off for the Cherry Blossom festival to" "Yeah sooo we better keep our eyes out lots of people come here for the festival." "Yeah."they all nodded."Hey so why did we come here anyway?"*sweatdrop*"We came so we could pick Kimono's for the festival! Seena!" "Yeah so lets get going!" shouted Lita."Yeah!"And with that they left.

"So this is Juuben."said Sakura.Li stopped as they were walking down Juuben street."What's wrong Li?" "I sense something,Sakura try to sense it yourself." She closed her eyes for a second."I sense it to it's this wat come on!"so they all started to run.But when they got there......

"So how exactly are we going to pay for all of this?" asked Serena."Dimwit!"Rini smaced the back of her head."Ow!hey what was tat for?!" "Because if you had a memory loss we all volontered to work at the festival,and for our pay we get free kimono's duh!" "Yeah Serena we can't believe thet you forgot."hehe,sorry guess I did"*sweatdrop*

"Is that what we sensed Li? eight girls?"as all eight walked into the kimono shop."Yeah....I think so?"scraching his head in confusine."We should follow them." So all four walked into the store.

"Hey Mina!How does this one look!"shouted Himeko.She walked out in a butiful kimono in shades of purple with butterfly's all over it."Wow great!You should get that one!" "OKay!"she said with a big smile.Soon everybody had there's.Rini got a pink one with hearts.Amye got a light blue one with bubbles on it.Mina got a yellow and orange one with flower.Lita got a green one with red roses.Raye got a red one withwith music notes.And Serena fot a pink one with cresent moons.

"They don't seem out of the ordinary to me Li."said Sakura outside"Yeah your right." "Maybe you two were wrong maybe it was something else."said Tomoyo."Maybe......hey sense it again."just then four cats came walking up to the store.......

"Ruby!" "Artimas! "Luna!" "Diana!" all four cats came and jumped into Serena Rini Mina and Tori's arms.

"I sense very strong powers from all of them."said Li."Maybe we should go to the festival and check it out." "Great so I can make kimono's for all of us!" *sweatdrop." Madison...."

end of chapter 1!I know I know boring!But the good stuff will be coming soon!And in the preview it leaves you thinking huh?I'll have the next chapter up in a week or so but I promise no longer than a week and a half.I hate when you have to wait a month for the next chapter!

Well Sayanora


Preview of next episode:

I sense something strange coming from the Cherry Hill Temple.

Who are these mysterius eight girls?And who are the Sailor Scouts?

And who are the Amazon Qartet?

There are some wierd people follow us around.Amye

And what in the world are Clow Cards?Serena

I think I remember hearing about them in the future.Himeko

Next Time On The Sailor Moon Card Captor Sakura Crossover

"Friend's Or Foes"



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