FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Pretty Sailor Soldiers Of The Future

"Loves Past"

"Wow!this so cool."siad Rini.They were all in her room looking at the book of clow."An you can release these at anttime?"asked Himeko."No I have to realese my staff first see."she realesed it and called out the twin card."Wow neat!"squeled Rini."That card should come in handy with this new enemy and-"but she stopped.The were not in Rini's room anymore."Li what's going on."said Sakura getting closer to him."I don't know." "Listen now Chosen Ones,the time has begun and your doom will soon come." "Who are you!And what do you mean "Chosen Ones?!" yelled Himeko into black."You'll fin out little from your own kind........."and the voice faded away.

"What was that."said Rini."Yeah and what,or who are the chosen ones?" "Don't Li but it seems we;'ve got a new evil,and your mom may have been right two world have colided.

"Himeko?"yelled a vooice.Wich made Hime's eyes widend with glee."Daddy!!"she yelled and ran out of thew room to a very tall mad with two others and gave him a huge hug."I missed you so much.......hold on......what are you doing here? And where's Kagyu-hime?"she asked."Well we actually need to talk to you about something."said Yaten."Uncle Yaten.....what's ....going on?......" "Go get Rini."said Taiki."What is itTaiki?"asked Rini.Her and Sakura and Libhad followed ehr."Oh!daddy this Sakura and her boyfriend Li there here with Misses Showron.Like moomy said." "Ah yes I have met your mother before Li,very nice." he said."Th....thankyou."he saidhe was blushing and he was amazed at Taiki's hieght."Uncle Seiya what do you guys mean?And I have a quetion who are the chosen ones?"a=she aked.Taiki sighed."lETS GO SIT down her said.The walked back into Rini's room

The Starlights sat on the floor why everyone else sat on ther bed."The chosens ones are a legend through-out the galaxy,five people with specail powers,they are the only ones who can Defeat Nagi and her minnions.Sakurea gasped."Than that mus've been her earler and the who sent thos monster!" "Yes sheI guessed it that you were Rini and Himeko,that was one of the reasons I sent that letter to your mom,you see Li you mom knew also,but we could'nt seem to find the fourth but I guess you fund her hih Li?"said Seiya."Nagi lives on a forbided planet yet to be found Amye is working on it as we speak." "But there are only five who could the fifth be?"asked Rini."We think it's Hot-"they all heard a scream."Not again!" "Daddy Uncle Yaten Seiya you all stay her come on Ruby Diana." "You two Kero."siad Sakura."

"Earth Crystal Power!" "Moon Crisis Power!"

"Stop right there!We don't know what your up to but it will not be permitted!On behalf of the royal family and the moon we shall punish yoiu!"

"Earth Hurricane Destrution!" "Okay! Li Sakura ! We have to work togther okay?" "Okay!" WATER!"SHE YELLED."tHAT RAKKY GOTNIT GOOD." "tWINKLE YELL!!!.........HUH?"it did'nt work.Both Rini and Himeko's eyes widened.Then Himeko remebered the monster,"Earth Tiara Flash."and it was gone.But right after it disntergratted Himeko colapsed on the knees and started to cry."No.....no......it can't be......it just can't be,Kakeru.........." "Elois.....no.....you can't be....you just can't.........."They began to cry even more.Li and Sakura walked up to them slowly,Li put him hand onher shoulder."What's....wrong?"he asked,kneeling down."Oh Li!"Himeko buried her face inhis chest still crying."Li.....Kakeru,and Elios......"Then the Sailor Scouts came and the queen and Taiki."Daddy Mommy!"himeko yelled tuning from Li to them."Mommy our powers did'nt work,could that mean....." "Shhh it's gonna be okay,do youwanna go to eloison and find out."Can you really mama?"she said throw tears."Yes,but we need your help,all of yours."she looked at S,S."oKAY." "Oh thankypu sooo much guys." "Okay now Rini Tori all you have to do is think of elysion,okay.Sakura Li you will have to follow them."But how?"asked ;Li."With my help."sailor pluto had appearded."Now fococe on their houghts and stare into the gem....."and in a second all four were gone.

"Wow.....were are we.....?"asked Li."Kakeru! "Elois" they yelled unning.Sakura and Li tried really hard to keep up.Soonthey reached a big tree.Soon Rini and Tori began to chant."Gaurians of dreams we command you as your keeper by the golden crystal we Princess ChibiUsa and Himeko of the royal family come forth!"in a swirlof light soronding them they tranformed int their princess out fit,and two other swirl of feathers apeared and all the gaurdians appeared.Tiger Eye,Fish Eye, Hawk Eye the amaozons and even Pereru appered.Li was shocked."Li it's oka they are pure now." "Were's Kakeru and Elos they qeustoned."We thought they were with you."they said."No1thats why we cane here!""No no no!!!!! it just can't be I know theya re still alive I just know It!"yelled Himeko." will find them said Sakra."Now lets go bacl" "Goodbye!"the said.

They were all asleep.They woke up. "Sooo how did it go?"asked Mars."Oh great never better..."and her and Rini walked out of the roomhold back tears.Li and Sakura knew they were lying.

Later that night Sakura and Li heard music.They walked into a room with a piano with Himeko and Rini playing a very sad tune on it.They could'nt see but they were crying.Li and Sakura walked up to them.

"It probaly the new enmy."said Li.They both nodded thier heads in agreement."I did'nt know you could play."Sakura changinbg they subject."I get it from my parents."said Himeko."My mom is singer and my dad play key-board,I'am teaching Rini how to play now."she said."Really wow!could you maybe teach me."asked Sakura.She nodded."Sure."she began to play "Wanting To Be Together." "Love brings a Lonely Lonely heart,I'am just all alone now Lonely Lonely heart,all the joy and pain I feel I'am always dreaming it by myself.She was beging to cry, Love brings Lonely lonely heart but I know that someday someday it will come,wille I'am beingt held in your strong arms wanting to be together with you."she sang bursting into sobs."It's okay."Li soothed.(He's so nice;)) She sniffed."Yeah it will."she smiled alittle."Well we better get to bed.Seeya tomarrow Li."said Sakura.She kissed goodnight and her and Rini left.

As they were walking to thier room.(Himeko has a bunk-bed.)"You sure are lucky to have such a nice girlfriend Li."said Himeko.L blushed."Y...yeah." she sighed."I'am still worried about Kakeru though."she put her hans behind her head."Don't worry so much it'll be just fine,and anyway who is he?"he asked.She sighed."My Love..." "Your love?" she nodded."Yes you see itr all started to unravel with the dead moon as soon as you left........


Nehelria:finally I have the golden crystal!Hahahahaha!!What?!it's only half were's the rest?!

Sailor Earth:We have to find Rini we just have to Mercury!

Mercury:Hold I'am getting some readings.

Zirconia:I've come back for moreHhahahahah!

Mars:No way slim-bag!


Earth:Now give Rini back right now!

Zirconia:aaaahhh so it's you.

Earth:Me??Me what????

Zirconia:You have the other half of the golden crystal.you are the keeper of Kakeru the other gaurdain.You have the silver mirror!


Earth:Hey lets me outta here!!!Mama help!!!!*pop!*

Venus:No Himeko!!!


Hime:Do you really have to,leave?

Kak:yes I am sorry

hime:no I understand,but will you come back.

Kak:I will try as hard as I can

hime:I will wait then.


Mina:you'll see them again!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Of FlashBack~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I've waited ever since that day for when I will see him again."they were inbed.Himeko was starring at the celling."Ypou'll be normall tomarrow roght?"Li asked.Himeko giggled."Yeah sure." she threw a pillow down at him."Hey watch it!"she giggled again."Thankyou Li for everything,now I see why Sakura fell for you,well g'night.you to Ruby."she said to the cat beside her pillow."Good night Hime-chan."she yawned."G'night Himeko."said Li.

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