FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chosen Ones

"True Love?"

"Were are we?"sked Rini."I don't know but it looks like a maze Rin."said Himeko."This is like like the maze card."said Sakura."Yeah and bet you that we can't cut through it either."

"Earth Tiara Flash!"the tiara went right through but....."Ugh it did'nt work."groaned Himeko.

Just then the the ground started to shake."Li what's going on?"yelled Sakura.Then big walls came imbetwine Sakura Mini Moon,and Himeko and Li.

"Oh great just great."said Himeko."Sakura!Sakura can you hear me!?" "Li!help!" "Sakura just try and find the exit me and Himeko will find a way out."

"Oh great he's with Himeko.You know I'am beging to think he likes her more then me,I mean he practises fighting with her,they sleep inthe same room,and they live together,I wonder what goes on when I'a not around eah?"she mumbled.Her arms were crossed.Rini turned to her."did you say something?" "Me oh no no nothing at all!"Just then Rini saw a light.She sqiunted to see,she gasped."Elois?!Come onSakura this way!"Rini grabed her hand a puled her."Himeko wee found the exit see ya soon!"she yelled.

"What?!Rini no wait!"but she was to late they had both reached the x=exit."Oh just great now we're stuck."she moaned."Don't worry we'll get out."said Li."How wre sopesed to get out Li?We can't use force."

"I don't this at all Hime-chan and Li stuck in the ALONE!I don't like it all."her and Mini Moon were waiting outside for them."Come you guys can do it!!"yelled Rini.

Li had tried Lighting but it still did not work."Ugh I'am tired of this!"she yelled.{It's this way My Lady.}Hime's eyes widened."Kakaeru...."she wipereed to erself."Li it's this way."she poited to the right orner."What?but we tried that way." "Come on."she grabed his hand and they ran to the right.

"Made it!"they ran out."Li!"Sakura hugged Li."I told you would get out." he kissed her forehead.

"HAHAH!SO YOU GOT OUT!"the figure emerged."You again!" "Now this is uor last show -down for now I shall destrao you." "That's what yopu think!" "Ready guys?" "Yeah!" "Hmph,try me."

"Earth Tornado Cyclone"that got tyied up."Sakura!" "Right."

"Maze Card!Release!" "Now how does it feel?" Sakura traped her in her own maze.Li had set it on Fire.Amethest flew out."HE!-"

"Earth Tsunami Crash!"she was dusted.

"Yay!we're home!"yelled Rini.They werw in the court yard now.

"Li?"wispered Sakura."Yeah?" "Can I....talk to you?" "Ummmm......okay."they walked over to a tree while Hime and Rini went to get everybogdy.

"Do you love me?"she asked.Li laighed."Of coure silly." "Then why are always spendings much time with Himeko?then?" "We're just friends." "Well your with her more thanyour with me."she stated."Well.....I....." "So you do have feelings for her then?!I knew it!" "What!Sakura that's not what I said,yes I do like her but as friend." "Yeah sure.You two are always talking and laughing with eachother,that should be me not her!"she yelled.She ran of."Sakura wait!that's now what I ment." "I don't wqnna hear it,we're OVER!"those words made Li stop dead in his tracks.{Over?}"Sakura just listen to me!" "No!you love her and not me!that it!" "Sakura!"he grabbed her arm."Sakura where i the worl did you get that crzy idea?" "Well it's obvious how you hang around her so much."she said."So?If hung out Rini alot would you think that to." "ummm?" he laughed."Jelousey is an ulgle thinh Sakura."she laughed to."Yaeh I guess it is."then kissed when they broke it everyone was there.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to Saby Reyes,who gave me the idea for this chapter.Agaitao Bree.;)

Princess Himeko Aino Mou

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