FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chosen Ones

"Future Li"

It was the middle of the night and Himeko was tossin and turning in bed.

"Help me Lady please...." "Kakeru?is that you?"she was in very foggy place,there was a figure about 10 50 feet away."They want you and the Golden Crystal..." "Kakeru!that is you!Kakeru!" "HAHAHA!!" "Kakaeru?No come back!" "no....no....NO!"she woke up.Li was watching her,hje could sleep she was shaking the bed with her movements.He climbed up."What happened?" "Li it was Kakeru but...but there was someone else...." "anolther one I bet I knew we wer'nt done." "But Li you're leaving soon are'nt you?Me and Rini have to start school to." "Well I guess me and Sakura are staying for the school year."

It was breakfast time now.Everyone was eating."Mom,can me and Sakura stay for the school year,or atleast...till this evil is gone?"asked Li."yes you may.But you will have to ask your father Sakura."she said."Ok I will after breakfast." "Come on Li we gotta practice."said Himeko getting up."Hey wait for me!"he got up to and ran after Himeko.

"So we don't have to go to some private school do we?"asked Li.Himeko was practicing kicks."No." "Good."

Just then Ruby and Dian ran up to them./Himeko nelt dowm"What's wrong?"she asked."Sakura......and Rini....." "Gotcha,Earth Crystal Power!"she tranformed."Let's go!"and they ran to the other side of the courtyard.

Chibi Moon and Sakura were trapped.Just then a shining lavendr light came a slashed the vines away."Earth Tiara Flash!"it vaneshed."That was to easy."said Li."Your right it was."just then a swirl of pinks and greens appeared in the sky,and a little girl about 6 or 7 dropped on Li.

"Li are you ok?"said Sakura running up to him"Daddy!"the little girl hugged Li.Sakura stopped dead in hertrack s at hearing that word.Then thelittle girl turned to Sakura."Mommy!"she got off of Li and hugged Sakura.Rini and Hime gasped."MAMA!Ami!!get here NOW!!" Venus and everyone came running what is homey"she asked.She pionted to the litte girl."Hi my names Bunny Li I'am Syraon Li and Sakura Li's daughter."she intriduced herself.Everyone gasped.Li's mom giggled.,and Sakura and Li turned brigt red."We have a kid?!"they said in unisoin.

"Well....ummmm....;et's go inside"said Jupiter.So Syraon caried Bunny int Himeko's room,he placed her on the bottom bunk.

"Hehe sooo your name is Bunny and....." "I'am born in Hong Kong.My mom and my dad's mom thought up my name.My uncle in kinda mean to my daddy though." Sakura and Syraon sweat dropped.

"How did you get here?"asked Amye."I don't know I was playing then poofI was here."she said."Maybe she's here to help us."said Himeko."Maybe..."said Sakura.

"Ummm...." "Are you hungry?"asked Himeko.She smiled at the little girl."Yeah!" "OKay come with me."she extened her arm.Bunny jumped of the bed took her hand and they walked out of the room.


"How can I have a kid I'am only 12!?"yelled Sakura."She's fromthe future Sakura."said Li."Well it's just kinda a shock you know."she said."Well I don't think we will get much outta her." "Yeah your right,we should worry about school."

"Well we're gonna have to get used to her calling us mom a d dad Sakura."said Li.Sakura just sighed.{I have a kid....}

"Soooooo what do ya want?"asked Himeko."Chocalte!"Bunny exclaimed."Youwant choclate pudding?" "Yeah!" Himeko laughed."Okay."she handed her some pudding and a spoon.


I know I know incomplete.But I could'nt think of anything.Sorry


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