FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chosen Ones

"School,kids,homework,monsters?Where's the sleep?"

"Ugh school yuck."said Rini they were all walking to school.

"yeah I wish it was still break."sighed Himeko."So what school do we go to anyway?" "Planet Academy.It's the best school we get to pick our classes and everything!"said Himeko."Wow!cool!" "It should be aroug the courner actually...." "Hey wait up!"yelled someone from behind.From behind them ran little Bunny.Rini stopped and crouched down."What are you doinh here you soposed to at school."she sighed."I am!okay?!I just wanted to wish you a good first day!"she brimmed."aww how sweet thankyou Bunny."said Sakura."Your welcome mommy,well bye!"hearing the word"Mommy"from Bunny still made her cringe."Come on Sakura wer're gonna be late!"

"Welcome all Planet Academy students to a brand new school year!"yelled the anouncer.Sakura and Li gawked at their new school."Come on we gotta get inside,beforeall the good classes are taken."they grabbed their arms and ran inside.


"Okay....so what classes did you have on mind?" "Umm?"they had no idea.Himeko sighed."Well just look around you'll find some classes."and her and Rini ran off."Hey wait!"yelled Li bjut it no use they were gone."Well lets go."said Sakura.So they looked around.Later.....

"So what classes did you get?"asked Rini."Well I got Drama,Art,Geography,arstoramny,and free writing." "Wow cool!Well I got,Art,free writing,science,chourus,and french."

"Neat well I got,free writing,science,sewing,german,and geography."said Sakura."I got,astronomy,japenese,free writing,geography,and Drama." "Drama?" "What?I thought it would be onterestisng,and anyway I could'nt think of any other class to ntake."he said.they were all walking home now,it was only orintation the only one with real school was Bunny. "Come on we're soposed to pick up Bunny remember?"said Li.

"Hello?"Sakura peeked into a classroom."Mommy!"Bunny jumped up and gave her a huge hug."H.......Hi......" "So what did you learn make any friends?" "Oh yes there's this girl named Marion she's really nice."said Bunny.They were appracin the gates now.

"Mom!we're home!!!"yelled Rini."Oh your back!so pow was first day?" "Nothing mom remember we picked our classes today." "Okay.....?" "Well dinner will be done in a coupla hours soooo?" "We gotcha ya." "Hey Bunny?" Himeko crouche down."how would like it if you got to go help Lita with dinner?" "Great!" "Kay now go!"she pushed her off kaughing.


Himeko walked int Rini's room."School...."she sighed."We have'nt heard from anynew enemy latley."said Rini."Yeah...well they'll show up." "Dinner!!"yelled Lita."Yay!I'am starved!"they all ran to the dinning hall.

"Himeko?" "Yah?"they were in bed."About Kakeru...." "About your dad?...." "Ummmmm"she laughed lightly."That's my answer,now good night Li."she said.Li sighed."Okay g'night."in the middle of the nighthe heard crying.He knew it was Himeko but he did'nt want to bother her.{maybe I do care for her?.......}]

"Here!"Himeko and Li rased into Drama class they had over slept.

The teacher turned to them."Just in time.As I was saying our first play we shall be doing is Sleeping Buety."

Li cringed he has hated that play ever since that day.....

"Here are the lines for every carector.We will have a practice rehersal taday and tomarrow,tryouts will be next week,any questions?Good."

"Wow Li your good."they were walkimg outta class."Uhh thamks well...whjay class do ytou have next?" "Ummm astronomy I think." "Okay I have that to and I thin Sakura does also.Come on lets go!"he grabed her hand and they ran to class.

"This is a picture of the constolation Sagitaruis in a red Nebula,now can ayone tell me what a Nebula is?Umm?you."the teacher pointed to Himeko."A Nebula is the remains of a blon up star."she said."Yes that is a correct very ruff but correct,thankyou."class contuined.

"Finally it's over."sighed Rini."I know.."graoned Sakura."Totally.."agreed Himeko.They were walking home now.Then they heard a scream."Not again!"they ran to where the scream had come from.

"Oh no Mellisa!"said Rini."Moon Crisis Power!" "Earth Crystal Power!" "You two stay here ok?" "What?!why?" "Because.just do this please."


"Stop right there!We are the Soilders for Love and Justice Sailor Earth!and Sailor Chibi Moon.So in the name of the moon we shall punish you!"they did thier speech

They monseter blasetes them.It hit them both two.

Himeko started to stand up."Earth Tiara Flash!"she yelled.But in mid-air it stopped."What?!what the heck is going on why won't it work?!"

"HAHAH!So yor liitle toy does'nt work eah?well take this!"it blasted them agoin."Earth Wind Blow!"it counter its attack.

But the monster attackl her again.Thois time it hoit her."AAAAAHHH!" "HIMEKO!!!" struggeled to get up.{why won't tiara work} she closed her eyes tightly.{none of my other power can destroy it will take up to much of my energy}she thought.{Princess Himeko..." "Huh?" {Princess youse the gigt I gave you.} {Serena?How?......} {Hurry!} "Gotcha!" she held up her hand and the Moon Spriral Heat Rod appeared."Moon Spiral Heart..........attack!"she yelled and that destrayed it."Sailor Earth!"yelled Rini running up to her."Great job Hime-chan!"yelled Sakura.Himeko held the rod in her hands starring at it."Wow....." "Hey!"rini waved a hand in front of her."OH!" "Come on detrasform already!" "Huh?Poh yeah hehehe."she changed back.

"Mellisa are you okay?"askefd Rini."Rini?Wh...what happened." "a monster attacked you but the Sailor SCOUTS CAME."SHE said.

Himeko flopped on her bed.She sighed."What a day huh Li?"she asked."Yep....." "Hey what's wrong?"she asked sitting up and looking down."Huh?oh nothing!"he said."Okay............"

"Daddy???"Bunny poked her head throught the door."Yes?" "Dinners done."she said."Ok were coming Bunny."Himeko hopped the bed."Areure your okay?"she asked."Nothing."he replied."Okay......"she walked outta the room.

"That was great Lita!"said Rini."Yeah it was!"agreed Sakura."Yeah esepiolyt desert huh rini?"said Himeko slyly."Hey!"sheyelled.They all started agueing.But Li,li was off in deep in deep thought."What's wrong?Daddy?"asked Bunny."Huh?oh nothing Bunny.Hey you wanna go playv a game?" "Really yah!"she yelled.He grabed her hand and they left.

"Li are you okay?"asked Himeko.They were i bed."Nothing for the last time okay?!"he said."Okay ok do'nt get so mad okay?"she closed her eyes then they shot open."Do we have homework.Ohj my god we do!Li li wake we have Astronomy homework!or was is Drama?oh Li wake up!"she shook hime awake then they started to do homewor reallty fast.

"Being a super hero and a student is hard work!When will we evr get sleep!"

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