FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chosen Ones

"Love?and Jelousy don't mix."


"Okay class settle down,I have the resules of last weeks auditions.The role of the king and queen are Micheal and Catrina....."she went on with the castings."And finally the star roles of Princess Aurora and the prince are......Himeko and Li!congradulations." Li sighed in relief.{I did'nt get the princess thank goodness.}"Okay practice will begin...today!"


*RING!!!*class had ended.{good we did't get to the kissing scene,Sakura would kill me if she found out....} "Come Li!"shouted Sakura from outside.SH=he waited for him after class so the would walk to Astronomy class together.Himeko just sighed watching the walk hand-in-hand.

Li watched Himeko in Astronomy.She was like in another dimension just starrimg off not listening to the proffesor.Sakura sow this,first she thought Li was just into the subject,but then she found out that the subject was actuall HIMEKO!{grrrrr I knew it!he does like her!wha am I going to do?}

*RING*"Finally it's over..."groaned Rini.They were leaving campus fromtheir last class.

"himeko?"wispered Li."Hm?"she tearned to him.Sakura moved her eyes to see them wispering.{ggggggggrrrrrrrr}.

Sakura was walking into Drama class.She had got owtta German class becuase the teacher wanted to do something,Sakura did'nt understand,but since that each student had to stay in a diffrent class for the period,and she chose Drama class.But what she saw was enexpected......

"Okay now class we leave off from yesteday Princess Aurira is asleep and the prince comes to save her....."

"*sigh*okay......Oh what a buetiful princess!"

[what the heck is he doing?!]

"By this kiss she shall awaken...."

[if you do I will never forgive you!why did'nt you tell-]

"ahh"she had tripped of some costumes.She was hurt but kinda happy she had stopped them from kissing.

"Sakura?"said Li.

"Li?"she tried to get up but fell back down."OWW!"


"come on I'll take you to the nurse."he slipped his hads under her legs and lifted her up into his arms.As they walked out Sakura gave Himeko a death glare.Himeko just sighed"Oh gret I knew we shoulda told her..."


"So is she okay?"asked Hime."Yeah.....Lita came and took her home..now I'am gonna have calls everyday from Sakura over protected brother!" "and some nice clips to!"she added.Li was confused."Well then lets see what's behind door nimber one!come on out!"

"HiHi!" "aaaaaaahhhhhhh!Tomoyo!!!!"

"Oh Tomoyo I'am so glad yor here!"said Sakura."actually I need something else....do you have any mini video camera's?"she asked."Why?are you planing to spy?" "Ummm sorta....." "Okay as long as it'snot for Hentai resones!" ////blush///"what???"

"Okay caera one and two are plnted Madison vision?" "ummmmm now!yes I do!" "Great!" Sakura and Madison were putting mini video cameras on Himeko and Li's school uniforms and other shirts.

"Sakura?" "Li!Oh Hi!" "what are you doing here?" "Me?Oh!I was....I just came to see you but you wer'nt here so I decideed to wait hehehe." [hope he bought that]

"Atuall y I wanted to talk to you." "Hm?about what?" "about the play......" "Ohthat I don't really care.Yousee I'am not an over protective girlfriend like Meiling." "Ummm Sakura I don't think anybody is." "Kero?how did you get here?" "Hey!you thought you were gonna leave me at home?No way!I wanna see the action!"

"Li???Ah!"Ruby had came in looking for Li and saw Kero."Hey!a talking cat!I could get used to this!"kero flew down."My name is Kero."he stuck out his paw."Uhhhh Ruby Moon." "Ruby Moon??" Hehe but I prefer just Ruby."she said.(no Ruby Moon did not come from CCS,I made up Ruby before I even lnew what CCS was!)

The next day Sakura faked sick so she could astay home,Maison stayed becuase she had'nt goten full transfernd yet either.

"Now lets see what they do in that Drama class..." "Madison turned a nob on two tv's.

"Okay Himeko....Li.....action!"

"Oh what a buetiful princess!"

"The princess can only be owoken...."

"By a kiss by her love...."

"What?!I can't believe this I thought they were gonna scip this part!" "Sakura com down it's just a play." "But they're gonna kiss!"

[come on Li just do it it's not gonna kill you..]

[oh man!it's a good thing Sakura's not here she woulda killed me!]

Li knelt down.He lowered his head.Closer.Closer.Closer.Their lips locked.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Raye came rushing in."What's wrong?!" "Oh nothing Sakura just stubbed her toe that's all." "Oh okay....."and she shut thedoor.

"I can't believe this they're kissing!I'am gonna get her so bad when they come home...."

They broke the kiss.

"Oh!thank you ny prince!You saved me fromthat wicked witch!"Himeko kissed hime on the cheek.

"That's it!I'am gonna march right down to that school and......" "Sakjura!hold on!It's fake it's not real theyre just acting!now calm down...." "Your right they're is nothing to worry about............"


"Okay nice rehearsal class!see you all tomarrow!!"

"Himeko about that kiss......"

"It was nothing we were just acting Li so don't worry.Abd if your sooo worried don't tell DSakura okay?"

"Well.....she already knows......"

"Then what are you so worried about?"

"I don't know......." he glanced at Himeko.

"Grrrr now he's starring at her!Mdison whatta I going to do????!!!"

"Nothing Sakura you know Li loves you.And now that you guya thatm= much time with eachiher he thinks he likes Himekio.But don't worry everything wil be okay,I promise..." "Really?" "Really."

"Himeko?" "Hm?" ""Can I talk to you?Later??"

"Ummm" "Hime-chan!" "Hey were gonna be late!" "Bye Li!"

"Hey waut!Oh never mind."

"Okay class!"said the teacher.The Free Writing class was going on a feild trip to the woods to get some ideas for stories.

"Wow!it's buetiful!aaaahhhhh!"Himeko did'nt quite makeit of the last step."Oh are you ok?" "yeah Ia'm fine Rin."Himeko brushed herself off.

She wa kinda used to being a klutz taking after her mother and all.

"Himeko?"li wispered."hm?" "can I talk to you?" "umm yah sure." they walked alittle away from everybody else but Sakura followed them.


Himeko leaned against a tree."So?what is it Li?"she asked.She closed her eyes taking in the serenity of the forest.

"I.....I....I think I like you."he said.Himeko's eyes poened,she laughed."Of course you do silly."she said."No I mean like you like you."her eyes widened."Sakura......" "I know I love her but...." "Li......"

just bthen they heard crying.


Sakura came from behind a tree crying."I.....I knew!"and she ran into the woods."Sakura wait!" "No!NO MORE SECOND CHANCES!"she ran till you could'nt sse her anymore."Sakura.........."

"Li..."Himeko put her hand on his shoulder."Leave her alone she needs some time."

"Li?" "Hm?"they were walking back."I...I don't know what to say to you..." he sighed."Yoy know what never mind."he said."Li you know I don't....feel that way....Kakeru...." "I said lets just put it behind,I mean maybe it's just that we've been with eachother so much that I think I do,ya now?" "Yah your probly right."[I hope so Li for yours Sakura and Bunny's sake.]

Li sat down and sighed,back at camp."It's ok Li justgivbe her some time."said Himeko.He sighed and nodded.

"Hey Li come on!"yelled some boys for Li to c=go play soccer..He sighed and got up to play.Himeko just starred at him as he ran off.[oh mon.....what am I gonna do......]

Sakura sitting under a tree crying."Stupid...stupi!Oh my god why did I even believe him!Stupid Stupid!"she cryed more....

"Sakura!"yelled Madisom.Everyone was now looking for Sakura it was getting late and she still had not com,e back yet.

"Come on kids lets go eat them we'll come back."said the teahcher.Madison was about to argue but Rini stopped her.

"Hmmmmm?it seems the Cherry Blossom is drifting away from the others....it's a perfect time to attack!Yukaogo!"and fish like cretiure appered."Yes madame?"it asked."I want you turn

the Cherry Blossom to our side.But first a descise?" "Yes."it changed into a women in a kimono.

Sakura was at the sky."Do you want to qiut?" "Huh?"she turned around.."Ummmmm?" "Is that a yes?" "n....ye....nnn." "Yes?" "N...yes...no...y...." "Yes it is."she blasted Sakura,she screamed and when she woke up.......

"Whe...where am I?"she asked."Your in my world."said a voice."Ow!"her head hurt."Wh...who are you?"

"Let's just say a helper okay?So you seem to be fustrated am I right Love is it?" "y...yeah how did you know?" "So you must want to quit huh?I mean you caem did'nt you?" "who are you and-OWW!"he head was really hurting now."I can make it stop.I can make everthing stop." "You...you can?" "Mm hm.You just have to let me." "O..okay.."she was being control almost.

Sakura stood up.Then a bl;ast of light hit her."HAHAHAHA!now my cherry blossom your first asinment!To destroy the one you love!now go!"and Sakura vansished.

"HAHA!2 down2 too go.HAHAHA!"

Cliffhanger yah!Well Saby Rayeyes helped me again.Thank you!so much!If you want voices.Nagi sounds like Queen Beryl.Himeko sounds like,well Himeko from the dubbed S movie.Even her gigle.Kakeru sound like....hmm?Van from Esclaflowne.Or Kakeru from S watever yo prefer.But I like Van.hehe.

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