FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chosen Ones

"Returned Love"

"Himeko?" "hm?" her teacher walked in."I got an ergant call from your family." "umm ok?"she walked with her to the phone."Hello?" "Himeko?Oh thank goodness!" "Mom?what's the matter?" "Bunny's dissapeared." "What?!Oh no it can't be!" "yes it is,has anythimng happened latley?" "Well you see I think something is wrong with Sakura.Yesturday Li told me that he might have feelings for me and Sakura heard and got lost in the woods well ever since she got back she's been outta wack." "But that would mean....." "Yes either Sakura does'nt love Li anymore or she's been possesed...."


"Li?can I talk to you?" "Hm?oh yeah." they walked to a tree."Sakura about Himeko...." "Shhhh nothing to worry about,but there is something you should be though." she took out her key and realed it.z"Sakura wha...what are you doing?"he asked stepping back.Sakura eyes seemed diffrent not the emerald green anymore,they were black and pale."Sakura???" she pulled out a card."I must do my mission.."she chanted."Wha..what mission." "To destroy you." "WHAT?!" "FIREY CARD!"even the "Fireys" spirit looked diffrent it was black almost."Li!Li get away from her she's possed!"yelled Himeko and Rini running up.

It was to late Li got hit."Li!NO!" "Earth Crystal Power!!"she transormed.Li was dodging attacks as best he could.{what can I do?] "Earth Tsunami Blast!"she yelled that returen the Firey.Himeko fell on one knee she had used alot of strenght for that attack.But she still had Sakura left.[what can I do?}she thought."Moon Princess Halitation!"Himeko turned around."Another gist from my mom.haha."laughed Rini.

Sakura stood up."You cannot defeat me!Not until my mission is complete!" "Sakura come on snap out of it!"said Li."Silence!the Sakura you knew is know dead!"Li eyes widened."No......" "Rainbow-" "Sop!"yelled Li."What?!;Li we can help." "No!I won't let you hurt her." "Li you delisional she's not Sakura we have to find her!" "Raibow Moon-" "Li takled Sailor Earth."Himeko!"yelled Rini."Li what do you think your doing?!"yelled Rini.nt let you hurt her!"he yelled."Well if we can't hurt HER she'll KILL YOU!"yelled Himeko back."I don't care I just don't want her to..." "To what?Die be lost forever?Well well Li?!Maybe I should leave her like this and make you feel what it's like to loose the one you love.To have them taken away huh?!Well I don't want you to have to go throught anything have to!Ok!?So let me do my job."she was holding back tears.She got up walkedover and grbbed her Rod."I'am sorry Sakura..."she wispered."Rainbow Moon HeartAche Perform!"she yelled.Sakura screamed as it hit her.Everyones eyes widened.Li began to cry."NOO!"HE YELLED.Sakura was still there."Huh?" "Yah!Sakura's ok!"yelled Rini.

"Li?"she wipered."Sakura....."he hugged her."Li?wha...what's going on?why are you crying." "Sakura I'am sorry I do love you and I'am sorry for all that I've caused you."she said still hugging her.

Sailor Earth and Chibi Moon looked at the sky."The Golden Crystal...."and two pegasuses flew across the sky.......

sooo short huh.I wanted longe but.....WRITERS BLOCK!!!UGH SCHOOL!!!!!

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