FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chosen Ones

"Bunny's Secret"


"DANG IT I THOUGHT WE HAD HER!"yelled Nagi."She escaped my qeeun but don't worry it seems that the little girl they call Bunny has something a serecreat I might say that might give us time to start over." "Awww yes lets wait awhile then we will go after the Child Princess and Little Rabbit.HAHAHA!"

"Ok class evryone get back here in Drama class tonight at six for our play ok?" "Yes!" "Ok now you can leave!"

"I can't believe it tonight!"said Rini."Why are you ancouse your not even on it!Rini!"said Himeko."Maybe she just wants rto see you make a fool otta you=r self."said Ruby."Sjut up UBY MOON!" she yelled."Can we get ice cream?"said a voice ahead.It was Bunny with Sakura and Li holding her hands."Sure." ""I'am so glad that everything worked out between them."said Rini."Yeah and to believe that I almost destroyed it to..."sighed Himeko."Oh don't be so glum Hime-chan!cheer up!I now for sure this is NOT your useul self!now act normal!"said Rini."Okay......you wanna go shopping?"she asked."sure lets just ask first ok?" "Ok." "Hety you the happy family you wanna go shopping?!"yelled Himeko teasing them.///blush///"Ummmmm.......sure!"yelld Sakura.Rini and Himeko giggled."Come on this way!"Rini grabbed Sakura while Himeko picked up Bunny.They left Li all by himeself.

"Hey!need a ride?!"yelled someone in a cool deep blue car."""*gasp*Andrew!Sure!We would love one we're going to the mall." "Ok.....Hey I just remembered I was soposed to sse your Dad Rini.So after I drop you off I'll go there ok?" "Sure!"everyone hoped into the car and Andrew drove off."Andrew this is Sakura and her cousin Bunny.""said Himeko."Aaahh well nice to meet you I'am a family friend my name is Andrew." "Hello." "Andrew we're's Rita?"asked Rini."Hm?Oh she' probably shopping herself I bet haha!"

"Yahh!we're here!"lay yelled."haha!well see ya later guys!" "Bye Andrew!"rin and hime yelled waving their hands.

They walked around for about an hour or so until...."Oh no!I gotta get back!"said Himeko."Why?" "For the play I was soposed to go with Li." "Come on we got time!" they ran al the was back to school.

"Sorry.....I'am.....late....Mrs.Adams...."gasped Himeko."Finally your here now get into your costume and hurry!"she shoowed her into a dresing room.She came out in a Tomoyo dress."where's Li?"she asked."right here.."said Li he was taliking with some other kids."Luckly Himeko,we got a tape so we played it until you got here."said Mrs.Adams."What?!"she closed her eyes and listened."Moonlight Destiny?!how did you......Li!"she glared at him."Hehe it was on the floor.." "Li...."she was walking closer to him."hehe..." "Come on we are gonna start soon." said Catrina."Hmph."Himeko flicked her hair back and walkied on stage.

The play was going really good until something happened in scene 5...


A huge flash of light hit the whole room and everyone was frozen exept Sakura,Himeko,Rini,Li,Madison,and Bunny.

"What's going on Li?"said Sakura."I don't know could it be a monster?"he said."Oh no!why did you do it now!stupid bird!"said Bunny.Everyone turned to Bunny who was argueing with a sumwhat small bird."It's not my fault your the one who wanted to time travel remember?" "That did'nt mean you had to alow me to!"she yelled."Oh....but if I qoute you said...'If you don't I will send Keroberous and Yue on you'"it said."Kokoro!why do always listen to me now how are we going to fix this?!" "Use the...uh o." "Hm?"Bunny turned around to see 5 people lookinhg at her."Hehe this is Kokoro my guardian guys.." "Bunny we have a feeling your not telling us everything." "Oh!daddy please don't get mad!"she leaped into his arms."It was all Kokoros fault!"she glared at the bird."My fualt?!" "Yes it is...right mommy?"she turned to Sakura."ummmmm" "Use what to fix this?"said Himeko.Kokoro sighed."Use the key Sailor Pluto gave to g=her." "WHAT?!" "Luna P gave you one to?!"Rini and Hime lookedat her."haha it was a birthday present.From you two I might add."she stated."WHAT?!" Himeko sighed."Bunny can you make time unfreeze?" "Ummm maybe." everyone groaned."Hey Rini can;t yoiu and Himeko unfreeze it you both a have time keys right?" "Yes but they are diffrent,you see their sorta powered by diffrent things,mine bye the earth and venus and Rin's is by the moon.You see whatever power her might be difrent." "Yep!mine's power by my mom and my dad!"said Bunny."So that's why she could'nt come back,her parent must not be letting her.....but why....hmm?..." "Bunny ca you atleast try?"asked Himeko."Okay." "Comeon Li!"Himeko grabed Li and they went back on stage."Kokoro do you think this will work?"she askd her bird."I don't know but we ahve to try." "Ok........Star Key unfreeze time!"she yelled.Then everything was unfrozen and they got on with the play."We are going to have talk young lady."wispered Sakura.Bunny just sank in her seat.

She was lucky though,she had fallen asleep after the play so they could'nt have their talk.

She was asleep all the way home.She was straeched out and asleep on Sakura and Li.


"She is kinda cute and less anoying,said Sakura putting her to bed."When she's asleep."added Li."haha yeah."laughd Sakura.

"She reminds me of you and Rini when you can to the past."said Mina."Mommy!"said Himeko."haha just kidding." "Well G'night Li Sakura Rini,seya in the morning!"said Himeko walking ouut."Yeah good night!"said Rini."G'night."said Mina.


"She is really pretty just like her mom."said Li.Sakura blushed."Like here father to."she added.Then they starred into eachother eyes and shared a long pationet kiss.

Later that night Madison

was walking past Bunny's room to the ding rrom to get a drink and saw Sakura and Li sleepng arounf Bunny.Sakura on one side and Li on the other.She just lightly smiled and wnt to go get her drink.But of coure she came back with her video camera!HEHEhehe.

Well hehe whattya think?I wanted to give Bunny a more importent role ande this is not the first more Bunny secreats to come!It sorta like when Rini came her true purpus slowly enraveled,wich will happen with Bunny.S+S are getting a little fonder of her to.Kokoro I got from CoolFire Bird so don't sue me please!What else.....Oh the ending theme is Moonlight Destiny!the opening I still have not figured out yet it's either a Starlighs song or Rashiku Ikamisho or whatever it is well please send more ideas soon!

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