FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Choesen Ones

"Himeko the FLIRT!?"

Part One

Himeko and Rini were in the same dream.'Where are we?"asked Himeko."I don't know."said Rini."Elois?"she dsaid."Kakeru!"then the ground started ti shake."What happeneing?" "To save us......" "You must listen....." "Listen?listen to what?"


"Listen to me."said a voice one that would be ferfimler to Sakura."Who....who are you?" "I'am here to help." "Help?Help what?" "To make them come back." "Come back.....you cane make them come back?" "Yes just listen to me." "O....okay...."

They were blasted with a light."What going-"thier went blank.


"Now my pets......Princess!" "Yes!"said Himeko.(Himeko means Child Princess with Aino it's Of Love.)"Iwant you to take what means most to the Cherry Blossom,Rabbit!I want you to stay cool,let them think you don't know anything.Alright?" "Yes!"

Himeko Woke-up


Rini Woke-Up


That day.......

"I still can't get this right ho do ya do it?"said Li.He was trying to consantrate his powers so he could sense this and were they were.

"Sigh.....like this."Himeko put her arms around Li,grabed his hands put then to his chest.Le blushed."Now I can do it easaliy but you can't seem to do it that way so close your eyes and think real hard at what you want to see."Ruby and Artimas were behind a bush."Ugh!I stil can't-"when he turned around he asendently brushed lips with Himeko.

"Oops...sorry...." "It.....it's ok...." "Umm I don't need anymore help do you?" "Yes." "What is it?" "You." "Wha-"but Himeko kissed Him!When she broke it his eyes widened."Sakura......" "Pft!who cares about her!Your all that matters......Li..." "But Kakeru...." "Ha!forget him!" "What!?but I thought you loved him!?" "No way your the only one I love Li."she said.'Himeko...." "You said you liked me did'nt you?"she stated."Ummm yeah but......" "But nothing!That's what you said!"Li ran into the palace."I'll get you Li Showron!"she yelled.

While Li was running he bumped into sumbody."Ohh sorry I-SAKURA!" "hm?Oh good moring Li!"smiled Sakura."Daddy!"Bunny came from behind and made Li give her a piggy-back ride to the dinning hall.

"Hi!"said Rini."So how was training?"asked Mina."Oh!yes we want to know what you ywo have been up to!"said Raye."I would like to know to."said Sakura sitting down."Ummm...."he sat down."Oh!we've been having lottsa fun right Li!"said Himeko.She just came in with Ruby in her ars.She sat next to Rini and they started talking."Wierd........" "What's wierd Li?"asked Sakura."Hm?Oh nothing!"he began to eat.He looked up from eating to Himeko.She was till talking to Rini,she seemed normal,then she glanced at Li she winked at him.He blinkked in cinfusion[Wierd...I would have thought she woulda sat next to me......]

"What the what the matter Li?"asked Himeko."Huh?Himeko?" "Yeah....." "Your not......" "Not what?"she asked."No...nothing." "Hmmmm???"

They had all decided to go ice skating that day.

"Wow your good!"said Rini who was watching Sakura.Sakura egnored Rini and just smiked at Himeko as she glided bye,but she smiled sweetly at Li.[so that' how youwanna play huh?]

Then Himeko zoomed off after Sakura.When she cout up..

"Want a little chalenge Chery Blossom?"she asked."Sure."she replied.Himeko speeded off in a race.Sakura notced and was right at her side.Ley kept at it till the end....it was Li!They both speeded as fast asthey could but....Himeko beat Sakura!

"Hi Li!"she sweuled.She flung her arms around him."Ummmm...Hi..." Sakura just glared at her.

[I have a wierd feeling about Himeko...]

"AHEM!..."coughed Sakura."Hm?Oh....what do you want????" "I would like you to get you hands off My boyfriend."she said."oh.hhh so he's your boyfriend and all this time I thought he was mine."she said."WHAT?!" "Well he said he liked me." "Li......"sakura growled."Hehe you see ummmmm" "Li!?" "Sakura I..." "Well that's it if you want her so much have her!I'am leaving."she picked up her skates and left.

"Hey Monster!"yelled a voice when she reached the palace."Tori?" "Hey!" "Tori haha!"she hugged her brother."Hey what's the matter?"sakura's eyes were red from crying."Nothing..." "wait did that brat do something coause if he did...." "No!he did'nt do anything I...I stubed my toe that's all."she lied.

"Mommy!"someone from behind jumped on Sakura's back."Bunny?hehe Hi there."she said."Mommy?" "Yes?" "Where's daddy?"she asked."Umm oh Li stayed with the girls I just decided to leave that all-" she heard growling.[what does that kid mean mommy?!] "Hehe Tori...this is....." "Oh!Uncle it so nice to see you!" she jumped onto Tori."Hehe my future daughter...."she finished."You mean...." Sakura nodded."Meet Bunny Li mine and Li's future daughter.." "Daughter!?Oh yeah wait till dad hears this...."

"Sakura !"yelled a male voice."Li?"she wispered."Sakur-" "Brat."snorted Tori."Oh...when did you come?"he said."Just now." "Oh...."

"Oh Li your back I have some new for you!"said Lita."What is it?"we moved your room." "Really?where?" "Well Himeko and Rini have been begging to share so....." "Cool!" "now you can either have the room next to Sakura or share." "SHARE!"he said."Okay.....if you say so." "Now but it won't be forevor,we are moving all of you guys into one room so it would be more convintiont..." "OK!" "yOUR ACTUALLY GOING TO LET THEM SHARE A ROOM?!"yelled Tori.'Don't worry Tori I will be right next door."assured Madison."Good!"

"Li!"yelled Himeko."himeko???" "Li....what...was.....gthe....matter.."panted Rini."Hmph!" "Whatthe matter Sakura?"asked Himeko."You should n=know."she stated."Sakura I really don't know watever I did I'am sorry okay?" "*sigh*ok...." "Yah!haha!"everyone gave them the bed news.everyone was happy exept Tori.So to make him happy Himeko decided to make Bunny share with Sakura and Li.

That night..........

"Rini?" "Hm?" "When do you thinl we'll defeat Nagi?" "I don'y know it's already been almost 3 months now......." "I hope Kakeu and Elois are ok....." "Rini!of course they are don't worry so much!" "What!?" "Wha happened to miss Drama Queen?" "Haha very funny.I just wanna be myself,and anyway we never worried before so why start now eah?" "haha ok." "Good night." "good night...."

"Li don't you think Himeko's been acting strange lately?" "yeah I mean she's been a magor flirt,but then she goes back to normal,then again...." "Maybe she's under a trance....." "Shupp up!"Bunny grabed Kokoro."hehehe hi....." "Bunny your soposed to be asleep." "sorry.Stupid Kokoro." "What!?I'am not the stupid that 'Stuffed Animal' is!" "What?!!!"Kero came from under Sakura bed."I am NOT a stuffed animal!you...you foo foo bird!" "What!?why I uatta..." "What?come on give me your best shot!" "Kokoro!" "Kero!" "STOPIT!"

"*sigh*Sunday......"groaned Sakura slumping in her chair.The she noticed Li was not there."Hey!Lita where's Li!?"she asked."Hey!don't you remember him and Himeko practice every morning they shou;d be back soon though breakfast os almost don!"said Lita from the kitchen"Oh......I forgot....." "So the Chinese Brat dumped ya for a princess...typical."said Tori."LI!is not a brat!And he is not Himeko's boyfriend!He's mine so your gonna haffta deal with it!"she stated."Ok....but sure did'nt seem like that when I saw them...."he mumbled."WHAT?!"she got up and ran to the courtyard.


"LI!"SHE YELLED.'hm?"but Himeko was in mid kick abd wacked Li."Oh Li I'am so sorry are you ok?"Himeko nelt down.Then her eyes went blank again and she began to kiss the the unconsius Li.But Sakura came running up.Her eyes widened at what she saw."HIMEKO!!"SHE YELLED AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS.That made Li strangly wake up."AAAAAAAAAHHHH!"he jumped up from Hime-chan's kiss."What do you think your doing?!"stomped Sakura."Back off Cherry Blossom the Little Wolf is mine now."she said.Then Sakura noticed her eyes."Himeko?.........." "The Child Princess is under a trance!"yelled Kokoro flying in."Wha.....what?" "Don't asked questions heal her!" "but how?" "ummmmmmmmm" "You mean you don't have a plan!"she yelled."HEHE sorry....." "We have to sustain her!"Rini came running up."wHAT DO YOU MEAN?" "ugh!we have to hold her down or nock her unconsius!" "Ok!"Sakura realesed her staff."Sleep Card!Realese Thy!" The Sleep came out and put Himeko to sllep.She feal down asleep."Now what?"asked Li."You pick her up." "But she's to heavy."he said."Ugh fine be that way!Daina go get mommy and the others."and Daina ran off.

"Momy can you?"asked Rini hoping her mom would heal her best friend.She sighed the replied."Yes I shall Small Lady."she said."YAH!"Rini threw her hands in the air.They were in a huge whit room like the one Neo Qeun Serenity had been when she was asleep.Himeko was laying asleep on a platform covered in glass.The qeeun walked out of the room and when she returned she had the sivler crystal in her hands."Thank mama thankyou."said Rini."anything for a friend.Now......."se took a deep breath."Hopfully there is not that much evil in her.........Moon Crystal Healing.....Activation!"she yelled the whole room filled ith light when it faded Himeko was still asleep."Is she ok......"said Raye."I don't know."Amye."Oh...I hope she is."Mina.Everyone heard a clank.Serena had fallen on the floor."Your magesty,are you ok?" "Yes......I'am....fine."she said between breaths."mama...." "I'am fine realluy guys.....just alittle tirede that's all...." "Come on dear." the king helped her up and they walked out of the room."I guess......." "we ust hafe to wait......"Himeko turned uncomfortly in he sleep.Then a smile creped on her face........



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