FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Chosen Ones

"No Need For More Princesses"

*DINGDONG* "Ryoko can you get it!"yelled Sasami from the kitchen."*sigh*yeah sure...."she phased to the door and opened it to see Himeko and Rini.


"Hehe who are you...."she asked.Just then Tenchi came home."Hi Ryoko!"he said.Then he noticed the two girls.They turned around."Uncle Tenchi!"Rini gave him a big hug."haha Rini?is that you wow have you grown.Himeko?no way!" "yep we are here for winter break!"said Himeko."But......Ryoko....."she looked at her."I was'nt me I sewar it must have been that Aekya I told you she was bad Tenchi!"

"Wow!well it's nice to have you hear and......."Mihoshi and Kyone came in soakig wet."Tenchi....can we see Washu....."moaned Kyione."Ummmm...yeah she's in the lab." "Thanks Tenchi."they walkedinto her lab."So Mihoshi the knlutz strikes again!"you could hear from her lab outside.

"Tenchi dinner will be done soon can you go get Aeka!"yelled Sasami again."Sure Sasami!Aeka Dinner!" "I coming Tenchi!"Aeya walked down the steps."Oh!I see we have company."she saud when she saw Rini and Himeko."Um yeah this si my niece Rini and her best friend Himeko." "O well nice to meet you my name is-" "You can call her PRINCESS!"said Ryoko teasing."Shut Ryoko!At least I'am not the most wanted crimanal in the universe!" "Yeah well at leatst I'am not a stuck up spoiled Princess!" "gggrrrr." "gggggrrrr." "Stop it girls please!"said Tenchi."Okay!"if Tenchi said it they would do it!hehe."By the way you can cal me Aeka."she said as they sat down."Hey where's Washu and Mihoshi and Kyione I know I heard their voices." "Were here!"said Mihoshi."You don't mind us atying in oour old room for the nigh do ya Tenchi?"asked Kyione."no not at all come any time you like."

Meen while Rini and Himeko were to busy counting all the girls..1,2,3,4,5,6,7!"meow!"counting Ry-oh-oki.hehe.So many women living with just one guy!

"I'am home!Oh I see we have vistirs Rini?" [okay 2]"Hi!" "Wow!hav'nt seen you in awhile.Tenchi seems like you have more girls on your hands."his father winked."Dad we're related."

"He Tenchi where are they going to sleep?You can't make them sleep ou here in the cold."said Sasami."I thin I can wip up a dimension for them."said Washu."Wow!really Washu?"said Mihoshi."Yep!"she took on last bite of Sasaimi's great food them went back into her lab.Soon everyone began talking to Himeko and Rini about their life.

"Wow!You mean you guys are Princesses cool!Now we have 4."said Kyione."What do you mean?"asked Rini."Aeyka and Sasami are princesses of the planet Jurai."she answered."Cool!"excalimed Himeko."Yeah and Sasami is a great cook to!"said Tenchi."I can cook to!Just becuase your a princesss does'nt mean you can't do things like that!Right Sasami?" "Right!"

"DONE!"yelled Washu coming out of her lab.Just then she heard a beeping coming from inside."Hold on!"she zoomed baxk in.Then she came out with a starange look on her face."Ok everybody checking time!" "What!?" "No way Washu not that again!"refused Ryoko."What checkup?"asked Tenchi."*sigh*While yourn gone.Sometimes mis Washu does checking on how we are doing sice we arrived on earth."Aeya sighed."Right!Now sit down Aekya." "What why me first!" "Sit down!"she growled."Ok................."she sat down.She did everybody but was still confussed."What is it Washu?"asked Tenchi."There is some type of power that keeps beeping on my screen and I can't figure out what."Rini and Himeko lokked at eachother then*sweatdrop*"hehehe....well ummmm Miss Washu....are our rooms ready yet?"Himeko faked a yawn."I'am really tired."she lied.Washu just kept on tping."Ah Hah!"she yelled."EEEERRRR." "Now let's see...........OH!" "eeerrrrmmmm" "IT'S YOU!"she pointed to the two uneasy Soilders."wha....wha...what?hehe we don't know anything anest!"Himeko bonked Rini."Oh great Rin"she wispered."What's that??"she pointed to Himeko's necklace."This?Oh it was a present from one of my mom's friends!yeah that's what it is yah yah yah!!" "hmmmm?"just then another beeping came."Hold on...."she typed alittle more."it's not that it's.......THAT!"she pointed to Himeko agin."WHAT?! what did I do?" "Please take out watever is in your shirt."asked Washu."what?!no way!.....eerrm I man what makes you think.......Oh ok....."she pulled out her lacket.It looked like Sailor Moons exept it was purple.
That's what it was!and...."she looked at Rini."Fine!"she took out hers."What are those?"asked Sasami."I don't know but....."everone heard a loud thud.Himeko had colapsed on the floor."Hime-chan!" "Princess!"Ruby came in with Diana."Hiemko are you ok??"asked Rini liftingher up a bit."ye...yeah just alittle tiredthat's all......" "Come on I'll carry you to your room ok?"Tenchi gave her a piggy ride to her room.Then he laid her on her bed."Thanks Tenchi....."weakly sshe said."your welcome.".Then Ruby tried to walk in but something or someONE grabed her.


"Hey!what gives let go!"she yelled."Wow!you really can talk!"said Washu."yes I can now let go of me!" "Hey let go !"yelledDiana coming in."Wow another one!"then Ruby finally sqwermed out and ran into Himeko's room.Curled up by her sleeping owner and feal asleep."I wonder how the others are doing................."thought Ruby just beforeshe fell asleep.

"I wonder how theb others are doing?"said Sakura taking a bite out of a cookie.Tomoyo had invited everybody over for a sleep over.....well....mostley the Card Captor people.Meiling,herself,Sakura,Li,and Kero."Oh!I love this one!"squeled Meiling.They were watching a video of when S+S got stuck in the elevator,it seems that Madison had putton a micro video camera's on Sakura's clothes."Oh no not that one..."said Li covering his face."Hey Li...."said Sakura."yes..."he looked up."Do you think any of us will be attacked?Well I mean we are all seperated wich means it's easer for the enemy to get rid of us." "I don't know......maybe,maybe not........ Hey you wanna call them tomarrow?" "SURE!"

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