FF VII: Interrupted by Fireworks

Sailor Moon Card Captor Sakura Crossover Part 2

Friends Or Foes

"Hey so what exactly are we doing?"asked Himeko."Well you are all doing diffrent booths at the temple." said Raye."Serena and Rini will share a both and Mina and Himeko will share a booth.""Okay!"

"This is the Cherry Hill temple,I heard that the priestess here can pretict the future."said Madison.

"aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!"They ran to see what was going on.What it was was the girls before.

"Serena!!!"yelled Rini.She was chasing her around!"Mina!!!!"so was Tori.Then they all noticed that people were staring and stopped.

"Hehe,um...hi!"said Tori."Do you guys know how imature you are!"yelled Raye as she walked out.Li sensed something.

"I'am very sorry for my friends can we help you?"All the girls had temple outfits on they had offered to help Raye.

"Um?......yeah.We are new here and don't really know were everything is so.." "That's okay!"she interupted Sakura."Um Tori and Rini can show you around.""hey twin one and twin two come out here!"

"Yes?"they both walked out of Raye's room."Tori they need some showing around can you two do that?" "Sure!"they both yelled."Just let us put on our regular clothes first."So in a flash they came out.Tori in flares and a lavender bell sleeved shirt.And Rini in a pink dress."Lets get going!"

"Hi my names ChibiUsa and this is Himeko."they introduced themselfs."Um my names Sakura this is Li and Madison." "Hi" "Hi."

"So do you guys have anywere in proticular?"asked Himeko."Um we actually want to go to the place were all the attacks have been going on."said Li.Rini and Himeko's eyes widened thinking they might be working with the enemy."uummm......were?...I mean there are lots of places the shrine the church the park the race track....."she coould go on and on.

*sweatdrop* "um how about the most recent." "Oh thats the park!Cone on it's this way!"The three girls ran off but Li stayed behind."Is something the matter?"asked Tori."Oh!um nothing"he said."Are you sure?You look like you've got something on you mind." (how couls she tell thought Li)"Well if your sure......" "ahhhhhhhhh!!!!"they both heard and scream."Oh no that sound like Rini!You stay here."and she ran to the park.But Li still followed her.When she got there everyone in the park had coloapsed exept Rini.

"What do you want!?"she shouted."Don't worry little girl all I want is you dream."It was VesVes."Well your not getting it!"shouted Tori."Oh yeah!Lemure!It's time to proform!"

"Earth Crystal Pow....Huh?" "Li!Waht are you doing here?!" "What happened?!" (Oh no Rini we can't transform with him here.)"Mars Flame Sniper!"It hit the lemure.

"Sailor Scouts!"they turned to see the attacker."Mercury Bubbles blast!" "Now transform!" "Earth Crystal Power..Make Up!" "Moon Crisis...Make Up!"

"What in the>" but he was intureupted."So they've sended sombody new eah!Well we'll beat just as the trio.We are the pretty Sailor Soldiers who stand for love and justice Sailor Moon!,Mercury!,Mars! "Love And Buety Shock!" "Now!" "Twinkle Yell! "Star Yell!" "Moon Gorgues meditation!"And with that the lemure was gone.Everyone started to wake up."Sakura!"he ran over to her."Sakura are you okay?" "Yeah I'am fine.But..what happened?" "I don't know,but there were these girls and...huh were did they go?" "Li!Sakura!Madison!Are you guys okay!"they ran up to them."yeah were fine." "Good,well I'am hungry so you wanna get something to eat?" "Sure." "Himeko your always hungry."said Rini."Yeah and so are you.haha."And they left.

"There's something strange about those new kids."said Luna."Yeah they seem to be following us." "What?!I think there nice kids." "Serena!How clueless cane you be?!Remember when we got our kimono's?they were there and as soon as we got to the temple they were there." "oh"she was still clueless*sweatdrop*."SERENA!" "I found something.Amye was at the computer."So what did you find Amye?" "I seems that Li is from Hong Kong." "Yeah so what does that mean?"Himeko came in she had been brushing her teeth."Well he's from the Li family who havea reputation for..get this magic or fortune telling." "Yeah so I can fortune tell." "Yes but Raye we know why you can.But...." "but we don't know anything about him."Himeko finished."Yes."Amye said."So what did you and Rini find out,you did spend the whole day with them?"asked Lita."Well thier from Tomeda you know that place that has been getting attacks lately,and Li kept his eye on me and Rini alot.I asked him if anything was wrong but he said nothing,and the wierdest thing is is that I feel like I'ave met him before." "So do you guys want to go check out the park and see whas going on?" "Sure." if we can leave without grandpa noticing?" "Oh he won't notice" so thet went to the park.But when they got there.............

"Li!"shouted Sailor Earth.He turned around.He was in his battle outfit.He pulled out his sword."How do you know my name." "Know your name?....Oh!um?......" "Himeko?"he said.He had felt her presence.Her eyes widened."How did you figure that out?"she shook her head."It does'nt matter what does is why your here." "It's because theve fallen into my trap."said a voice.Then the igures amergered."We had'nt intended to get you Sailor Scouts,but if we can get rid of you now then we won't have anymore problems." "Oh yeah well show me what you've got Cere Cere!" "I will,but first I've got to get what I came here for."So she basted Sakura."SAKURA!"he ran to her.But was stopped by Jun Jun."Let go of me!" "I don't think so." "She does'nt have it!"anouced Palla Palla."Darnit!Then kill her!" "What!Sakura!No!"She was about to kill her when somthing hit her hand."Ow!What the..." "It's not very nice to kill people you know Cere Cere.Antways were the one you want!" "Your right!,Amazons!" they all turned to the Sailor Scouts."Attack!"They all jumped out of the way.

"Earth Hurricane Destruction!"Pall Palla dodged it."Darnit!" "Shine Aqua Illusion!"it hit Palla Palla from behind.

"Mars Celistial Fire Surrond!"."Aaaaah>"screamed Ves Ves as it hit her.

"Venus Love Chain incircle!"it hit Cere Cere.She was held by Venus.

"Supreme Thunder Crash!"Jun Jun screamed as she fell to the ground.

"Now,Sailor Moon!"

"Moon Gorgues Med...?" "Sorry Sailor Scouts not yet" and they all dissapeared.

"Dangit,I thought we had them!"yelled Sailor Earth.

"Sakura!Wake Up!Come on please, please wake up."Sakura had colapsed and was in Li's arms."L....Li?....Madison?" "Oh thank goodnes your okay."said Madison."What happened?"she asked."To tell the truth I really don't know."

"Huh?"he turned around to see the Sailor Scouts."Wh...what happened?,is she gonna be okay." "Yes she'll be fine."said Sailor Chibi Moon."Who....who are you?"he asked."We should be asking you the exact same thing." "We came here to find a Clow Card."he said to them."OKay and were the Sailor Scouts." "What are Clow Cards"asked Chibi Moon."Umm..."They started to run way but."Earth Tornado Cyclone!" "Venus Love Chain Encirlce!"they had captured them."Know we can do this the easy way or the hard way,and I really don't like the hard way so...ahh!" Li used lightning and they got away."oow why that little."said Tori as they ran away.

So good,bad?I'am hoping for good.And do'nt you think for a second that this is the end.Well until next time.


Previiew Of Next Episode:

They festival finally come!

But what's that lurking around the shadows?

Is Li flirting?!But with who?

Hey!Where did Tomoyo go?

I know I've seen him before or atleaset heard.

Those kids are still here but why?

And why is he always around Himeko?

Know I now!Am I engaged to Li?!

Next Time on the Sailor Moon Card Captor Sakura Crossover

"Future Findings"


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